7 Steps To Grow Store Bought Potatoes (That Actually Work) 2024 - Rooted Revival (2024)

We’ve all done it! We’ve left those potatoes in the back of the cupboard and forgotten them. By the time that we find them, they are growing their own little colony of baby potato sprouts! If you are like me, you’ve probably looked at those potatoes and asked yourself “will store-bought potatoes grow?”.

Well, the good news is, yes, you can grow potatoes from store-bought potatoes! I have done it a couple of times… cause Idaho girls don’t waste potatoes! It actually works pretty well!

Briefly, to plant and grow store-bought potatoes, cut the potatoes into pieces, ensuring each piece has one or two sprouts. Prepare a container by adding drainage material and a layer of soil. Plant the prepared potato pieces in the container with the sprouts facing up and lightly cover them with soil. As the plants grow, gradually add more soil to keep the sprouts covered. Water the plants regularly and provide proper care until they’re ready to harvest.

Kaylee @ Rooted Revival

In the following text, you will find a detailed description of the 7 steps for growing store-bought potatoes that I personally use every six months!

Table of Contents

And I’ll also discuss:

  • Why would you want to sprout your own store bought potatoes
  • Growing ‘sprouters’ versus potatoes from seed
  • My rules for growing potatoes to get the best results!

Let’s go…

How to plant and grow store bought potatoes – 7 Steps

Step 1: Sprout your potatoes

Begin by allowing your potatoes to sprout, if they have not already done so. Potatoes generally have a dormancy period (4-8 weeks after harvest) before they sprout.

Because of this, older potatoes work best for sprouting. Keep them in a warm, bright space a few weeks prior to planting to encourage sprouting.

This process of allowing your potatoes to pre-sprout before planting is called “chitting”.

Step 2: Prepare your potatoes

If you want, you can cut your sprouted potatoes into sections to increase your yield.

Cut the potatoes into chunks that contain at least 1 “eye” or sprout per chunk. Allow them to sit in the air for 1-3 days.

This will allow them harden slightly to help prevent rot. You can also leave your potatoes whole if you are concerned about rot.

Step 3: Prepare your bucket or container

Can you grow potatoes in a 5-gallon bucket? Yes! Use it or any other container with drainage holes. Place about 5-6 inches of moistened potting soil in the bottom of the container.

I prefer to use fresh potting soil to reduce the risk of introducing any existing soil pathogens.

Potting soil also drains well which will help prevent damp conditions that can encourage blight and rot. You can also mix in some aged compost to help feed your potatoes while they are growing.

Step 4: Plant your potatoes

Place your potatoes into the pot, burying them slightly into the soil.

Try to allow about 6 inches between each potato or piece of potato that you plant. Plant them with the sprouts facing upward out of the soil.

Then, cover them with more soil as needed until they are completely buried under 1-2 inches of soil.

Step 5: Continue adding soil

Potatoes are basically vining plants. As your potato plants develop and grow, you will want to add more soil to your container so that their vines are mostly buried under the soil line.

This will allow you to have a maximum yield!

Continue mounding soil (or a compost-soil mix) around the stalks, covering about 2/3 of the new growth. This process is called “hilling”.

Once your soil level is just below the top of your container, you can stop the hilling process and allow your potatoes to continue growing until it’s time to harvest. Continue watering and fertilizing them as needed.

Step 6: Care for your plants

Place your pots in a full sun location that receives 6-8 hours of sun each day.

Avoid exposure to frost. Water your potatoes regularly to keep soil moist but not saturated. Make sure your soil and pot allows the extra water to drain to prevent waterlogging.

To fertilize your potatoes, your can add a diluted fish emulsion fertilizer when you water. Fertilizing every 2-3 weeks is ideal.

Alternatively, you can combine compost into your soil mixture during the hilling process to help feed the potatoes.

Step 7: Harvest

Depending on the type of potato, it can take anywhere from 10-20 weeks for potatoes to be ready to harvest. The plants will tell you when it’s time!

The leaves and stalks will begin to turn yellow and die back as they come to the end of their life cycle.

When you see this happen, stop watering the plants. This will allow the tubers time to cure. Let them rest for a week or more before harvesting.

Once your potatoes are harvested, you can use them fresh or cure them for longer storage.

Before we get into the meat and potatoes of this post (see what I did there?) you can also check out my full video (originally posted to myInstagram) showing 5 creative ways to grow your potatoes!

*Obligatory plug: don’t forget to follow me on Insta for more gardening tips & tricks like this one!

** I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you from purchases made through links in this article. Full Disclosure Link **

Growing Store Bought Potatoes Versus Seed Potatoes

Seed potatoes are potatoes that are grown expressly for the purpose of being planted.

Seed potatoes can be purchased at nurseries, garden centers or from online suppliers (like Amazon).

They are tested and certified to be disease resistant. They are also generally from seed stock potatoes which are known to be good producers.

As with other crops, it’s most ideal to start your potato plants using high quality seeds. Seed potatoes offer us the best chance for a healthy, productive potato crop.

And, just for the record, seed potatoes are not actually seeds. They are, in fact, just potatoes! They may even look identical to sprouted potatoes from the grocery store.

Conversely, potatoes that you buy in grocery stores are potatoes that are grown expressly for the purpose of being eaten.

That means that they are not necessarily disease resistant or from good productive genetics.

Traditionally-grown potatoes can also be treated with herbicides (most commonly chlorpropham) to help inhibit sprouting so that they can be shelf stable for longer.

Despite being treated with sprout-inhibiting herbicides, your store bought potatoes may still sprout depending on how old they are and the temperatures that they are stored at.

Why grow store bought potatoes?

If seed potatoes are generally preferable, why would we want to plant sprouted grocery store potatoes?

The primary reason is because you have them! It’s often easier and more economical to grow the potatoes that are already sprouting in your kitchen rather than ordering or finding certified seed potatoes.

However, if you are serious about growing a good crop of potatoes, it’s best to invest in good seed potatoes rather than using store bought.

My 3 “rules” for growing store bought potatoes:

As we discussed earlier, certified seed potatoes have a lot of advantages over store bought potatoes, such as disease resistance and higher production yields.

However, growing store bought potatoes can still be a fun garden experiment and a great way to grow a harvest from something that otherwise would have been a waste product!

If you plan to grow sprouted store bought potatoes, there are a few things to keep in mind. These “rules” will help you grow store bought potatoes more effectively and safely!

1. Use organic potatoes

According to thisUniversity of Idaho report: “After mid-winter, nearly all potatoes available in commercial markets have been treated with a chemical sprout inhibitor, such as chlorpropham (CIPC). CIPC is the most commonly used post-harvest sprout inhibitor in the United States… Alternatives to CIPC are needed for both organic and export markets—where CIPC is not permitted.” This means, that organic potatoes would be the most ideal option since they are not treated with an anti-sprouting agent.

2. Plant store bought potatoes in pots or containers

Potato blight is a common disease that effects potato crops.

The pathogen that causes the disease can survive in soil even through harsh conditions like freezing winters. There are a few approved herbicides to treat it, however resistance has already occurred in potato growing regions, like Idaho.

You can read more about potato blight in this report from University of Idaho.

Basically, you don’t want to mess with blight in your garden – especially your organic garden! So prevention really is your best method!

And, since your store bought potatoes are not certified to be disease free, it’s best to keep them out of your garden beds!

The safest way to grow store bought potatoes is to grow them in pots or containers. By growing them in containers, you are able to easily throw out the soil and plant material if blight occurs.

This will reduce the risk of potato blight and other diseases spreading through your garden soil.

3. Treat the process as a fun experiment

The reality of growing store bought potatoes is that they may not produce well. Or, they may end up with a disease. But they may do wonderfully!

Understand that this process is a fun experiment to see if you can generate some extra food from what would otherwise be a waste product.

If you want to grow a serious crop of potatoes, it’s best to invest in high-quality seed potatoes.

Have you ever grown potato plants using store bought potatoes? Share your tips & trick with us in the comments!

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  • 7 Steps To Grow Store Bought Potatoes (That Actually Work) 2024 - Rooted Revival (9)

    Kaylee Vaughn

    Kaylee is the Founder of Rootedrevival.com. She has set up and run two homesteads, a one-acre in Idaho, and her current two-acre dream homestead in the Pacific North West. Her qualifications include a Permaculture Design Certification from Oregon State University, and she is a Gardenary Certified Garden Coach. Kaylee currently produces at least 80% of her own food. She contributes to our site through articles, training and coaching to our clients. You can read more about her at rootedrevival.com/kaylee-vaughn

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7 Steps To Grow Store Bought Potatoes (That Actually Work) 2024 - Rooted Revival (2024)


How do you grow potatoes from store bought potatoes? ›

To grow grocery store potatoes in a container using the layering method, plant the potatoes near the bottom of the pot. As the plant grows, layer soil and straw around the plant's stem. The layer method does best with indeterminate varieties of potatoes, which continue to sprout new potatoes along the stem.

Why can't you grow from store bought in potatoes? ›

The Problems. The main problem with growing potatoes from tubers is the possibility of introducing diseases from those tubers, but there are also sometimes problems with sprout inhibiting chemicals, increased tuber age, and the possibility of inadvertently growing a GMO potato variety.

How to get potatoes to sprout eyes faster? ›

So you need to trick the potatoes into thinking it's in the right environment (somewhere warm and humid) and you also need to make it think it's lacking sunlight (to force as many shoots through as quickly as possible), so you put it in a dark, warm, humid place.

How many potatoes will planting one potato yield? ›

So you plant one potato in the ground it grows into a plant which makes somewhere between 5 and 20 potatoes which you dig up at the end of the season, and eat. You can save some to plant again next year, or buy in new seed potatoes.

What's the secret to growing potatoes? ›

Potatoes like slightly acidic soil (5.8-6.5 pH). Add fertilizer or composted manure for best results. If you want to make the task of weeding easier (and you have the space), plant your potatoes at least two feet apart so that you can weed around them easily.

What not to do when growing potatoes? ›

Here are all the ways I do NOT recommend you grow potatoes.
  1. Give potato buckets only a little drainage. Last year we tried growing some seed potatoes in old buckets. ...
  2. Plant potatoes near the pets. ...
  3. Harvest too early. ...
  4. Believe the potato tower myth.
Mar 3, 2011

Why can't you eat sprouted potatoes? ›

Large sprouts, growths, and roots will not only be unpleasant to eat, but, in the worst cases, can also make you really sick. Symptoms of poisoning from solanine (the specific type of natural toxin found in spoiled potatoes) include everything from a fever and headache to a severely upset stomach or abdominal pain.

Do potatoes need to sprout before planting? ›

If you sow seed potatoes directly into the ground without chitting / sprouting them, they will grow perfectly well. After a week or two the eyes will develop sprouts and these will grow towards the soil surface and appear above the soil as potato plants.

Can I plant a whole potato? ›

Potatoes are planted with pieces of tubers called seed potatoes and should be placed in the ground in the spring, around the time of the last expected frost. Small potatoes can be planted whole, but larger potatoes (anything bigger than a golf ball) should be quartered with a clean knife before planting.

What is the best container to grow potatoes in? ›

While it is possible to purchase ready-made potato towers or special growing bags, any opaque container with drainage holes will do, including barrels, garbage bins, plastic storage tubs and chimney flues. An ideal container will be about 2-3 feet tall with a 10-15 gallon capacity.

How often should you water potatoes? ›

Potatoes need 1 to 2 inches of water a week. Too much water right after planting and not enough as the potatoes begin to form can cause them to become misshapen. Stop watering when the foliage begins to turn yellow and die off.

How to grow potatoes from store-bought? ›

Planting Store-Bought Potatoes

Fill a 5-gallon bucket or other large container with adequate drainage holes at the base with potting soil and place in a location that receives full sun. Match the number of potatoes to the size of container you are growing them in. Each potato plant needs about 2.5 gallons to grow into.

Do you bury the eyes when planting potatoes? ›

Before planting your potatoes, dig a six-inch deep trench in your garden. Space your rows 12 inches apart. Place the cut seed potatoes with the eyes facing up every 12 inches. Sprinkle a small amount of bone meal in between each potato.

Do potatoes sprout quicker in dark or light? ›

Additionally, although growing in complete darkness may inhibit sprouting initially, once exposed to light again the potatoes will begin sprouting rapidly – potentially leading to decreased quality control over the crop's appearance and size uniformity.

Do you have to wait for potatoes to sprout before planting? ›

If you sow seed potatoes directly into the ground without chitting / sprouting them, they will grow perfectly well. After a week or two the eyes will develop sprouts and these will grow towards the soil surface and appear above the soil as potato plants.

Can you grow potatoes from existing potatoes? ›

Planting Potatoes from Potatoes

Cut the potatoes into 2-inch pieces with 1–2 sprouts each. Plant the pieces in 4-inch-deep holes, 12 inches apart with sprouts facing up. Cover with soil and provide 1–2 inches of water per week. Hill the soil around the plants as they grow so only a few inches show above ground.

Can I just put a potato in the ground? ›

Potatoes are planted with pieces of tubers called seed potatoes and should be placed in the ground in the spring, around the time of the last expected frost. Small potatoes can be planted whole, but larger potatoes (anything bigger than a golf ball) should be quartered with a clean knife before planting.


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