In My Arms - PinkFrogDoppio - ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Abbacchio and Bruno 💧 Chapter Text Chapter 2: Jotaro and Kakyoin Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 3: Abbacchio, Bruno, and Giorno Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 4: Abbacchio and Bruno💧 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 5: Fugo and Giorno Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 6: Abbacchio and Bruno💧 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7: Rohan and Josuke💧(part 1) Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8: Rohan and Josuke (part 2) Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 9: Abbacchio and The Gang Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 10: Abbacchio and Risotto Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11: Fugo, Narancia, and Bruno Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 12: Risotto, Abbacchio, and Bruno Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 13: Bruno and Abbacchio💧 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 14: Abbacchio, Narancia, and Bruno💧 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15: Kakyoin Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: Bruno and Leone Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: Dio and Kakyoin Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18: Giorno and Leone💧 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: Rohan and Josuke💧 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: Giorno and Leone💧 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 21: Bruno and Leone💧 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22: Bruno and Leone💧 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 23: Bruno and Fugo Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 24: Bruno, Giorno, and Leone💧 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: Kakyoin and Hierophant Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26: Leone and Narancia (Mini) Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 27: Bruno and Leone (mini) Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 28: Bruno, Trish, Giorno, and Leone💧 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 29: Fugo and The Gang (kinda?) Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 30: Fugo and Leone💧 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 31: Risotto and Melone Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 32: Narancia, Trish and Leone (mini) Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 33: Bruno and Leone💧 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 34: Bruno and Leone Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 35: Jolyne and Ermes Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 36: Giorno, Bruno, and Leone💧 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 37: Bruno and Leone Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 38: Leone and Giorno Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 39: Leone and Giorno Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 40: Bruno, Giorno, and Leone💧 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 41: Rohan and Josuke💧 Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 42: Narancia and Bruno💧 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 43: Bruno and Sticky Fingers Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 44: Jotaro and Kakyoin Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 45: Bruno and Leone Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 46: Bruno, Leone, and Giorno💧 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 47: Leone and Giorno Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 48: Bruno and Leone💧 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 49: Bruno and Giorno💧 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 50: Bruno and Narancia Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 51: Bruno, Leone, Giorno, and Fugo💧 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 52: Fugo, Narancia, Leone, and Giorno Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 53: 100 Kudos!! Chapter Text Chapter 54: Bruno, Leone, and Giorno💧 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 55: Bruno, Giorno, Mista, and Leone Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 56: Bruno and The Gang (part 1) Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 57: Bruno and The Gang (part 2) Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 58: Giorno, Bruno, and Leone💧 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 59: Rykiel and Giorno💧 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 60: Josuke and Rohan💧 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 61: Bruno, Leone, Jotaro, and Kakyoin Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 62: Mista and Sex Pistols (1/3) Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 64: Bruno and Leone Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 65: Josuke and Rohan Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 66: Bruno and Leone💧 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 67: Bruno and Leone Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 68: Bruno and Leone Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 69: Bruno and Leone Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 70: Leone and Giorno💧 Chapter Text Chapter 71: Fugo, Narancia, and Leone💧 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 72: Risotto and Leone Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 73: Josuke and Rohan💧 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 74: Kakyoin and Jotaro Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 75: Fugo and Giorno Chapter Text Chapter 76: Giorno, Bruno, and Leone💧 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 77: Melone and Ghiaccio Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 78: Rohan and Jotaro Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 79: Leone and Mista💧 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 80: Jotaro and Holly Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 81: The Crusaders Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 82: Bruno and Leone Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 83: Giorno and Dio Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 84: Rohan and Josuke (wee snaw) Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 85: Jotaro, Josuke, and Rohan Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 87: Jolyne and Anasui💧 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 88: Josuke and Rohan💧 Chapter Text Chapter 89: Josuke and Rohan💧(2/3) Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 90: Diavolo and Doppio Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 91: Josuke and Rohan Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 93: Bruno and The Gang Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 94: Bruno and Leone Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 95: Kakyoin and Jotaro Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 96: Josuke, Rohan, and Jotaro💧 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 98: Jolyne, Jotaro and Anasui Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 99: Rohan and Josuke Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 101: Cioccolata and Secco Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 102: Leone, Giorno and Bruno💧 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 103: Josuke and Rohan💧 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 104: Josuke and Rohan Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 105: Josuke and Rohan💧 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 107: Tonio and Okuyasu Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 108: Rohan and Josuke Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 109: Kars and Esidisi Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 111: Josuke, Reimi and Rohan💧 Chapter Text Chapter 112: Leone and Fugo Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 114: Giorno, Bruno, and Leone💧 Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 116: Josuke and Rohan💧 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 117: Josuke and Rohan💧 Chapter Text Chapter 118: Abbacchio and Giorno Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 119: Risotto Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 120: Giorno and Leone Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 124: Rohan and Josuke💧 Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 126: Yukako and Koichi💧 Chapter Text Chapter 128: Giorno and Leone💧 Notes: Chapter Text References

Chapter 1: Abbacchio and Bruno 💧

Chapter Text

All the little ones were out in the living room playing. Narancia, Giorno, and Leone were all small, but Fugo and Mista were trying to stay big to help Bruno watch them. "It's fine, sweetie. I can handle one or two more little ones." Bruno said to Fugo, who nodded and gave him a hug. "Is you sure?" He asked, even though he was already little and wouldn't be big again for a while. "Yes, baby. Now go play. Momma's gotta get dinner started soon." Bruno ruffled Fugo's hair and set him down with the others.

Leone was chewing on one of his hands, looking around for a teether or something else to have in his mouth, that was meant for his mouth. He was a whole 2 years old, so he knew what things were okay to chew on and what things weren't.

Giorno was rolled on his back on the couch beside Mista, shaking and chewing on his rattle. He was only about 7 months old, so he couldn't really play with the others, but the company of his daddy was good enough.

Narancia ran around making little airplane noises, flying both of his toy planes in the air. He stopped when he saw Fugo sitting near Leone though. Narancia was the oldest little, close to being a middle, at 5 years old.

"Whatcha doin?" He asked Fugo, who was 2 just like Leone, but occasionally slipped down to 6 months. "Is tryna help Abba find sometin to eats." He looked up. "Oh. Well there food over in the kitchen!" Narancia pointed. "Nuh-uh. I don't wanna eats, just chewy." Leone had started to accidentally suck and bite a hickey on his hand.

"There are a couple chewy things over here!" Mista called. All three littles walked over and Leone gasped as he picked up one of his favorite teethers. "I was lookin for dis!" He grinned as he looked at his momma, excited. "You might want to go wash it, just in case." Bruno smiled.

"Otays!" Leone quickly ran to the kitchen, but slipped on his socks. He fell down and tried to catch himself, but failed. His wrist hurt a little bit, along with his knees and his head a bit. Bruno immediately stood and rushed over, almost everyone watching him.

"Hey, are you okay sweetheart?" Bruno lifted him from his side. "N-nuh-uh.." Leone shook his head, immediately curling up into his momma's arms. Bruno stood with the little one in his arms. "Do we need to go to the bedroom?" He asked quietly, recieving a nod in return. "I'll be back in a second." Bruno looked to the other little ones and Mista, before walking to his bedroom with Leone.

Leone cried softly in his momma's arms, holding onto him tightly. Bruno closed the bedroom door behind them and sat on the bed. "We're safe here, baby." He whispered, watching Leone slowly lift his head and look up. "Do you need your stuffie or paci?" Bruno asked in a gentle tone. Leone nodded. "Uh-huh. But my stuffie in da livin room." He sniffled and wiped his eyes. "That's okay, baby. Do you want momma to go get it?" Bruno sat Leone down in the pillows. "Yes please."

"Can you sit here by yourself while mommy goes and gets it?" Bruno held his hand, rubbing his thumb over the red patch of skin that he'd chewed on. Little one nodded and looked up. "I'll be right back, okay?" Bruno stood and gave Leone a kiss on the forehead, before letting go of his hands and walking back out to the living room.

Leone reached over into the bedside drawer and grabbed his paci. He put it into his mouth and hummed quietly, playing with the little tiny bells that hung off of the handle. It was his favorite paci, both because of the bells, and because it was his favorite color and had little stars on it. He sniffled again and thought for a moment. His mommy hadn't come back yet... What if mommy didn't want him to be little? What if mommy just left him here because he didn't want to deal with him? His eyes welled up with tears and he curled up. Was it because he fell? Did he do something bad and momma was punishing him?

Leone thought of all the possibilities, of all the bad things he could've done. He cried softly, looking up when he heard the door open again. It was his mommy. "I'm back, baby." Bruno smiled, holding a few things. He closed the door, then realized Leone was crying. "Hey, what's wrong?" Bruno set down the things he held and sat beside Leone. "Can I has a hug?" The little one asked, looking up to his momma. "Of course, baby." Bruno picked him up and sat him in his lap, holding him close.

Leone hugged his mommy and felt his warmth, his crying eventually stopping. His momma rocked him and gave him small kisses. "What made you sad, buddy?" Bruno eventually pulled away and looked at his baby. "I was scared momma wasn't gonna come back... I thought I did somethin bad and momma didn't want me no more..." He sniffled. "Of course not sweetheart.." Bruno felt his heart crack. "Momma will always come back, and momma will always tell you if you did something wrong, okay?"

"Otay.." Leone nodded. "What took mommy so long was that he got your stuffie, washed your chewy, and got you a bottle." Bruno reached over and held the stuffed bunny. Leone grinned and took it, holding it close and putting his paci back between his lips. "Mommy wasn't sure what you wanted so he just got some milk." Bruno smiled as he watched his little one play with the bells on his paci. "Do you wanna stay and cuddle a bit longer or go back out?"

Leone quickly looked up, hugging his momma. "Stay-" He buried his face into Bruno's neck. Bruno nodded and held onto his little one. "Alright..." He got settled in the bed and rocked the other softly, smiling as he heard the small bells jingling. Leone closed his eyes and just enjoyed the moment, before looking and reaching over to the nightstand and grabbing his teether. He both liked chewing on them, and just holding them in his hands and feeling them.

Bruno soon felt Leone stop moving, and felt his breathing level out. He very gently laid him down in the bed and covered him up, giving him small kisses, then standing and leaving.

Leone snuggled into the blankets with his stuffie and paci and slept.

Chapter 2: Jotaro and Kakyoin


Let's pretend Kakyoin made it to DiU and is helping his boyfriend destress <3


I love the idea of Jotaro being 99% nonverbal when he's unmasked, I dunno why-

Chapter Text

Jotaro and Kakyoin were sitting in the apartment they had rented. Yoshikage Kira had been defeated, hu TV they chose to stay a bit longer.

"Jotaro?" Kakyoin looked over to his boyfriend, who had been staring off into space for a while. Jotaro looked over and looked at the other's clothes, letting out a small sound in response. "Are you doing alright?" He asked, holding his hand. "Yeah.." Jotaro pulled his knees up to his chest.

Kakyoin smiled and knew from his tone of voice he was either starting to regress, or was already regressed. "Are you small?" Kakyoin asked, leaning closer. Jotaro let out a longer sound, not really answering the question, but responding. "Is that a yes or a no?" He laughed. "Yeah.." Jotaro looked back over and reached up for Kakyoin's curl of hair.

Kakyoin smiled and let him play with it, happy that Jotaro had finally regressed and unmasked after a whole week. "Do you want your clothes and toys?" He asked, receiving a nod. Jotaro let go of the other's hair and buried his face in his knees, letting out a small whine when it wasn't the usual pants he wore whenever regressed.

Jotaro took his knees away from his face and looked up, seeing Kakyoin walk towards their bedroom. He rocked himself slightly and watched whatever was on the TV.

Kakyoin looked around for the hoodie Jotaro liked, but found it in the hamper. He sighed and just picked up one of his own. Kakyoin opened the small closet and picked out a few toys Jotaro liked. He looked to the few pacis he had, and picked out the cherry one, before standing with the clothes and toys and walking back out.

Jotaro looked up and saw his daddy holding his favorite toys and clothes. But the hoodie was different. He moved to sit on his knees and reached his arms up, making a soft noise. "Your hoodie was dirty. Sorry baby." Kakyoin set down the things on the coffee table. "Do you know how old you are?" He picked up the pants. Jotaro responded with a whine and still reached for the hoodie. Kakyoin moved it closer and Jotaro took it, hugging it close and burying his face in it.

Kakyoin smiled and sat beside him. "I need to know, baby." He looked to him. "Iunno.." Jotaro kept his face in the fabric, enjoying the feeling. "Are you big enough to dress yourself?" Kakyoin asked. Jotaro shook his head. "Uh-uh.." His sound was muffled from the hoodie. "Okay. Can you lay down so daddy can help?" Kakyoin turned the pants right side out and set them on his lap.

Jotaro did as the other asked ,setting down the hoodie he was holding and trying to take off his shirt, but not knowing how. "Do you need help?" Kakyoin pulled off the other's pants and replaced them with the ones he liked. Jotaro whined, and Kakyoin helped him take is shirt off and pull the hoodie over his head.

Jotaro sat up and enjoyed the feeling of his sweatpants, and Kakyoin's hoodie. He put his hands on his chest and felt the material, before bringing it to his face and snuggling into it. Jotaro wanted something to eat and drink, but he didn't know how to tell his daddy. He looked over at the other, who was changing the channel to a cartoon Jotaro liked. He whined and made grabby hands into his hoodie.

Kakyoin turned his head over and made eye contact with his little one. "You okay?" He asked, noticing Jotaro making grabby hands. Grabby hands were always a sign Jotaro wanted or needed something, but couldn't say it. Kakyoin sighed and smiled. "Could you try and tell me what you need?" He set down the remote and turned to face Jotaro.

"I dunno.." Jotaro looked away and whined again. He wanted to say what he wanted, but he was getting frustrated that he couldn't. "Iwass- I- Caget-" He stuttered, mixing a few words together. He wanted to be a big boy and say a whole sentence, but he was struggling. Kakyoin was patient and kept listening.

"I wansuh-" He got close to saying what he wanted, but couldn't finish the sentence. He huffed and whined again, mad at himself. "I wan joos.." He eventually said, looking over to his daddy. "Juice?" Kakyoin repeated back. "Uh-huh." The little one nodded. "Alright. You did a good job saying what you wanted too." The other smiled and gave him a kiss on his forehead.

Jotaro grinned and made more grabby hands, watching his daddy as he stood. "Do you want something else?" Kakyoin looked down at him. Jotaro raised his arms. "Uh- up.." He asked. Kakyoin and Hierophant Green picked the little one up and carried him to the kitchenette and setting him on the table. "Do you need a sippy or bottle?" Kakyoin pulled the orange juice out of the fridge and looked to his little one. "Sip-py.." Jotaro rocked himself, kicking his legs a bit.

Kakyoin poured the juice into the sippy cup and screwed on the lid. He gave it to his little one and watched him take a drink. "Tan-k you.." Jotaro looked up. "Ca-can-" He stuttered. "Can, I- Ca-. Can I hasuhgummies?" He asked. Kakyoin barely understood him, only clearly hearing the word gummies. "Do you want some gummies?" He turned towards a cabinet. "Mhm.." Jotaro nodded and took another drink of his orange juice.

Kakyoin reached into the cabinet and grabbed a few packs of gummies, before having Hierophant carry Jotaro back to the living room. Jotaro grinned at the stand and held onto it, feeing sad when he was set down. His daddy walked over and opened a pack of gummies for him, and he ate one. Jotaro wanted to play with his toys, but also wanted to cuddle with his daddy. He ate some more and watched his cartoon, trying to decide on what to do.

Jotaro eventually decided to play with his toys, since he would want to take a nap after and he could cuddle with his daddy then. He folded up the packaging and handed it to Kakyoin, who smiled and threw it into the trashcan. "Thank you." He gave Jotaro a kiss on the cheek, making him smile. The little one reached for the toys on the coffee table and picked up a little container of some slime he liked. It wasn't too sticky, and it stayed in one piece easily, so he could just hold it and play with it.

Jotaro got it out of the container and set the container down, sitting back and feeling the polystyrene beads. It was one of his favorite feelings, coming after the fabric of specific hoodies, and hair. He took another drink of his orange juice and set the sippy down beside him. "Do you want me to set this on the table?" Kakyoin asked, getting a nod in return.

--That Evening--

Kakyoin was putting the dishes away from their dinner, and Jotaro sat coloring with Star Platinum. "Ora-" Star looked over to Jotaro as he finished coloring the page he was working on. Jotaro smiled and looked back, making eye contact with his stand, before hugging him. "Ta-tank you!" He said. Kakyoin looked back and smiled at the scene, washing and drying his hands before walking over.

"Are you almost ready for bed?" He asked, looking at the coloring page and gasping. "Wow! Look at that!" Kakyoin picked up the book, then looked to Jotaro, who had pulled away from his stand and looked at his daddy. "You did such a good job, buddy!" Kakyoin sat beside him and peppered him with kisses, earning a giggle and a tight hug.

Kakyoin was genuinely impressed at the work. Jotaro usually paid no mind to the lines, and just filled the page with scribbles and doodles. But with the help of Star Platinum they had both colored a full picture. Kakyoin smiled as he gently rocked the little one and looked at the image, with Star fading away.

"Are you ready for bed?" Kakyoin asked gently, setting down the book and petting the other's hair. Jotaro let out a soft sound. "You're gonna have to tell me, baby." Kakyoin looked down. Jotaro let out another noise and nodded, keeping his face in the cook of the other's neck. "We'll were gonna have to get up to brush our teeth and put your things away." His daddy kissed his head.

Jotaro let out a whine and held onto the other tighter. Kakyoin sighed and smiled, figuring it was better to just let the little one take his time. He rocked him for a while, and soon felt his breathing level and his arms loosen their grip. Kakyoin carefully got himself comfortable and let Jotaro sleep half on top of him. He sighed contently and closed his eyes.

Chapter 3: Abbacchio, Bruno, and Giorno


Leone involuntarily regresses, goes semi verbal, and needs his mommy. But his mommy and him find another little one.


I wouldn't say that Abba is autistic in this fic, but he does do some stimming <3

There's also a tiny bit of crying at the beginning, but nothing big.

Chapter Text

Leone was awake late at night, scared of the darkness. "Mommy.." He cried softly, shaking Bruno's arm. "Mommy.." He repeated. Bruno opened his eyes and looked up to the other who was sat up on the bed. "Hm?" He rubbed his eyes to try and wake himself up. "Mommy." Leone held his hands close to him. He wanted to tell his mommy he was scared, but couldn't say anything except "mommy".

Bruno sat up and noticed his little one was crying. He turned on the lamp on the nightstand and turned back around. "Hey baby, what's wrong?" Bruno held his cheek. "M-mommy.." Leone shook his arm a bit, his main way of stimming. "Can you talk, baby?" Bruno asked, giving him a small kiss. Leone soon calmed down and shook his head. "Alright. Do you know where your cards are?" His mommy asked. Leone nodded and opened the drawer of his nightstand, pulling out a keyring with cards on it. He moved over to the light, and flipped through the words.

He soon found "Milk" and showed it to his mommy. "Okay. Do you want to go with me to get it?" Bruno asked, receiving a quick nod back. "M'kay." Bruno stood up and picked up his little one. "Mo-mommy- stu-ffy-" Leone reached an arm back to the bed. "Oh! We almost forgot him!" His mommy picked up the stuffed bunny and gave it to his little one. "That's a good job, baby!" He gave the little one a kiss on the cheek. "Tha-an-y-oo-" Leone stuttered out, holding onto his mommy's hip.

"Wow, look at you! You're doing so good!" Bruno gave him more kisses as he walked out of the way bedroom and to the kitchen. The little one giggled and shook his arm more, smiling. "Do you need a sippy or bottle?" Bruno turned the lights on to a dim setting. "Si.. si-ppy." Leone held his stuffed bunny's hands. Bruno smiled and opened a cabinet, reaching for the little one's favorite purple sippy cup.

"Momma..?" Another voice asked. Bruno looked over, and found Giorno, hugging his large ladybug stuffie and wearing his favorite frog slippers. "Hey." Bruno opened the fridge and got the milk, pouring some into the cup. "Why are you up at this time?" Bruno looked back over and screwed the lid on. "I had a nightmare, and you wasn't in your room." Giorno looked over to Leone, who sat on the counter kicking his legs and drinking out of his sippy.

"Do you want to come sleep with mommy and Abba?" Bruno asked, coming closer to hold his hand. "Yes please.." Giorno nodded. "Can I has some milks too?" He asked. "Of course." Momma stood and reached into the cabinet again. "Do you need a bottle or sippy?" He asked. "Sippy please.." Giorno walked over to Leone and set his stuffie beside him. The other little one sat down his sippy cup and pushed the stuffie back into Giorno's arms. "Does you not want Lady?" Giorno asked.

Leone shook his head and held his bunny close. "Otays.." Giorno looked up to his momma. "Here you go, baby." Bruno handed the green sippy to him, before picking up the other little one. "Do you need your paci or anything in momma's room?" Bruno held his hand and they all walked back to the bedroom. "Nuh-uh." Giorno ran into the room and set down his sippy on the nightstand.

"Do you need your paci?" Bruno looked to the little one he was carrying. "Y-y.." Leone stuttered, feeling almost intimidated by Giono's ability to speak. Bruno set him down on the bed. "Y-yea-ye-.. ye-es pw-pwease." Leone gave his mommy his sippy. "Okay. Do you want the one with bells, or your usual one?" Bruno got Leone and Giorno comfy in the bed, before opening the drawer of his nightstand and putting the cards inside, and bringing both pacifiers out.

"Why does Abba talk like dat?" Giorno rolled onto his stomach and looked up at his momma. "He's real small, so he can't really talk. He's doing really good tonight though." Bruno let Leone take the one with the little bells, and put the other away. Bruno got into bed with the them and snuggled close to Leone. "Do either of us need another drink of milk before bed?" Bruno asked, watching Leone make a grabby hand as he stimmed with his other arm.

He smiled and gave the little one his sippy, before struggling to try and fit it in his mouth with his paci. "You gots to take out your paci before you gets a drink." Giorno pulled the pacifier out of his mouth gently. Leone let out a whine and quickly snatched it back, finishing his milk and pressing his paci back into his mouth. "Do you need a diaper or anything, Gio?" Bruno looked to him. "Nuh-uh. I already gots one on." Giorno snuggled up with his ladybug stuffie.

Bruno smiled and flicked off the light. "Buonanotte." He gave Leone a small forehead kiss and got snuggled in.

--The Next Day--

Mista sighed as he looked through all the rooms. He walked back into the living room. "I checked everywhere twice. No Giorno." He sighed. "Did you check Bruno and Abbacchio's room?" Fugo asked. "What-? No. Why would he be in there?" Mista sat down.

Everyone looked to the hallway as a door opened, and Bruno, Leone, and Giorno walked out. Leone held two sippy cups, and went to the kitchen to wash them, while Giorno was dressed in his usual little atire, and Bruno seemed normal. Mista's eyes widened as he saw his boyfriend walk out of the bedroom.

Mista ran to follow Giorno into the bathroom, but Bruno stopped him. "It's fine. He said he had a nightmare and had to sleep with us." He explained. "What? Since when did Giorno need to sleep with someone after having a little nightmare?" Mista asked, almost agressively. "He was little." Bruno huffed, before pushing past him to the kitchen.
Mista nodded slowly as he understood. "Right.. gotcha.." He walked back to the couch.

"Told ya." Fugo smirked.

Chapter 4: Abbacchio and Bruno💧


This isn't really an agere thing, more of an autism vent with a tiny bit of agere <3


Okay so I've had the urge to write an autistic Leone, and I just figured why not have him have a meltdown in a restaurante-

Chapter Text

The gang sat around the table, eating and taking happily. Everyone except Leone, who was sitting with his head down rocking slightly.

Bruno looked over and nudged his arm. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked, getting a soft groan back. Bruno adjusted himself in his seat to face the other. "Can you look at me..?" Bruno held his hand, which he quickly pulled away. "Iuhwanna.." Leone strung together the words. Bruno sighed. "Do we need to go to the car?" He asked in a soft tone. "Mytumyhursandidonfeelgood.." Leone moved his arms to hold his stomach. "Baby, try and talk slow for me please." He asked.

Leone whimpered and pulled his knees up to his head, rubbing his palms on his socks and continuously moving his feet. Bruno sighed, looking to Leone's plate and noticing he'd only eaten the fish, and hadn't touched anything else.

"You okay?" Mista asked, looking to the two. "Yeah. Leone's just on the verge of a meltdown but can't tell me what he wants." Bruno took another drink of his water, seeming unusually calm. "A meltdown sounds like a bad thing, are you not worried?" Fugo asked, recieving a shrug back. "Not really. Well, yes, meltdowns are terrible, but I'm not really concerned. I know how to help him." Bruno grinned as he felt Leone play with his hand.

Leone could barely hear the conversation through all the other noises, but just having Bruno's hand to hold and play with helped a lot. He soon felt almost butterflies in his chest, and then his vision blurred with tears. He curled up more and dug his nails into Bruno's hand. Bruno winced and gently pulled away, before accepting the hug that Leone immediately offered.

Leone whined again and looked towards Bruno. "My stomach hurts.. an' I don't feel good.." He made grabby hands into Bruno's shirt, wanting to be carried. "Do we need to go to the car?" Bruno repeated, this time recieving a nod. "Ca- cand- do I ha-have to walk?" He asked between his cries. "I'm afraid you do, buddy."

Leone tried his best to mask himself, and shakily stood with Bruno. "We'll be in the van." Bruno nodded to the others, before carefully walking with Leone out to their van. He slid open the very back and crawled inside with Leone.

Bruno noticed an abrupt change in the air as he closed the door, looking over and watching Leone stimming by hitting the palms of his hands on his knees. "Sweetheart-" Bruno moved to grab a blanket. Leone let out almost a yell as he kept his head down, still really really overstimulated from having to mask, and get into the van. He moved to hit his palms on the side of his head.

Bruno scooted closer and put his hand in between the other's head and hand, pulling it away when he felt Leone wasn't actually hurting himself. "Leone." He said, holding the blanket in his hands. He got no response. "Leone." Bruno repeated, still getting nothing.

Leone eventually let out almost a scream, rocking quickly and crying. He looked up and grabbed his hair, pulling it. "Baby-" Bruno quickly grabbed his hands. "We can't pull our hair-" He explained. Leone pulled his arms away and let out another loud cry. "No!" He grabbed his hair again. Bruno repeated the process of pulling his hands away until he scratched his hand, making him bleed. Bruno looked around and grabbed a paper towel, holding it on his scratch.

Leone hit his head repeatedly on the headrest behind him. It wasn't harmful thankfully, as it was a soft surface. The repeated motion helped give him a sense of security, and a bit of control over his surroundings. He let out soft repeated hums and trwisted his hands into his shirt, which held them tightly. He still craved more stimulation, but needed less.

Bruno sat and just waited. He couldn't do anything to help Leone besides sit and keep him safe from himself. He grinned as the crying soon stopped and was reduced to sniffles and hums. Bruno's bleeding soon stopped too, and he set down the paper towel. "Sweetheart.." He scooted closer carefully. Leone let out a loud cry and looked down. "Do you want a blanket?" Bruno held the blanket to him.

"Nnn-" Leone took his hands out of his shirt and rubbed them on his socks. "Nn- Nn-" He soon looked over and to the blanket, wanting it, but not wanting to move his hand away from his socks. He looked up to Bruno and tried his best to make eye contact, but could only muster glances. "Do you want the blanket?" Bruno asked again, recieving a quick nod. He put the blanket around the other and watched him grab it.

Leone bunched it up and held it by his stomach. He just wanted the feel of the blanket, and didn't want it on him because he was hot. "Mmm- mum- mu- mumm-" Leone slowly switched his head banging to slow rocking. "Mmmu-" He repeated. Bruno smiled. "I'm here, baby." He held out a hand and Leone quickly took it, rubbing his thumb on Bruno's palm.

The rest of the gang had paid and left the restaurante. Giorno slid open the back and looked at the two. "Is it alright if Fugo drives?" He asked, before Narancia crawled in. "Sì." Bruno nodded. "We just need it to stay quiet." He smiled. Trish hopped in as well and sat beside Narancia. "Does Abbacchio want me to be back here?" Giorno asked.

Bruno looked over as Leone just looked at everyones clothes. "Leone-" Bruno tried to get his attention, but was ignored. "I don't know- I don't think he minds-" He shrugged. Giorno nodded to Mista, before sitting down and closing the door. Leone let out a soft whine as Giorno entered. He didn't like Giorno, and didn't want him to see him like this, even though he had before.

The van started and Leone let out more whines and started hitting his head on his knees. Bruno put his hand on his forehead. "Hey, we don't do that." He said gently, unsure of what exactly to do about it now that Fugo was driving; as he couldn't let Leone hit his head on the headrest. Leone let out a groan in response, just putting his head up and repeating the sound.

Everyone in the van besides Bruno was concerned, as they hadn't ever really experienced Leone fully unmasked like this. Bruno looked up to Narancia, who was kinda just staring at them. "Is he alright?" Narancia asked. Bruno nodded. "Yeah.." He looked back over to Leone. "He's just coming down from his meltdown, and we don't have any of his stimming toys. I also think he's regressed, so that could be why some things are exaggerated." Bruno explained, smiling.

"Oh, hey, I almost forgot-" Mista said, reaching down into a bag. "We were able to get your and Abba's food to go." He looked back. "Do you want it?" He asked. Bruno turned around. "I'll wait until we get home. And Leone didn’t touch half his food, so it was probably a texture thing. But he also said his stomach hurt, so that could also be it." Bruno looked back. "Aight." Mista nodded.

"It amazes me how well you know him." Giorno noticed the paper towel with blood. "Did one of you get hurt?" He quickly asked. "He just scratched me." Bruno showed Giorno his hand. "Why?" Trish tilted her head, genuinely interested in how Leone's mind worked. "He was pulling his hair, and I tried to get his hands away, but he kept going back, got frustrated, and scratched me." Bruno hissed softly as Leone squeezed his hand roughly. "Hey, baby-" He looked over.

Leone put his head down and moved Bruno's hand to bite it. "Leone-" Bruno bit his lip, pulling his hand away. Leone followed the hand and reached for it again. "Leone, listen to me." Bruno continued pulling his hand away. "You can't bite momma." He said sternly, but gentle enough as to not scare Leone.

The other looked up, looking at Bruno's hair. "Leone, you can't bite. It doesn't feel good." Bruno slowly let him take his hand again. Leone looked at it. He wanted to chew on something, but he couldn't chew on Bruno's hand. "Do you understand?" Bruno looked down at him. He felt like he was infantalizing Leone's condition, but shrugged it off, as he thought for sure Leone was also little. Leone nodded. "Y-.. Yes-" He muttered.

Bruno smiled at him. "Okay. Thank you." He watched Leone gently bend his fingers, occasionally glancing up to see if it was okay. Trish scooted closer and looked at him. "Hey, Abba." She said in a gentle tone. Leone looked over, just beside her. "Could you try and tell me how old you are?" She asked. Leone let out a soft hum. He knew how old he was, but saying it was diffucult. "Tw- ten- twen- o-one." He stuttered. "Twen-nty- one.." He looked up to Trish's hair as he rocked.

Trish looked to Bruno. "He's not little, just needing more stimulation." She looked back down, not meaning to sound as rude as she did. Leone turned to hit his head on his knees gently again.

Trish was right. Leone knew how old he was, where he was, the people around him, everything everyone said, and especially how Bruno was treating him. Bruno was always a wonderful caretaker, and knew him well, but often mistook Leone being completely unmasked for him being unmasked and little; ending up treating him as if he were little and frustrating Leone.

Leone looked up and nodded, then over to Bruno, who had an apologetic look. "Damn." Narancia chuckled. Giorno was paying minimal attention, but was still a little shocked when Leone told his age. "Oh f*ck, thank god he's 21, I can tell these jackasses to f*ck off-" Fugo sighed, accidentally making everyone laugh. "Why couldn't you?" Mista asked. "Bruno thought he was little, I didn't wanna swear in front of the kid." He honked the horn, rolling down his window and shoving a middle finger out.


Once they got home, Leone put on a slight mask and got out of the van with Bruno. He was about to head inside, when he was stopped. Only the two were still outside now. "Leone. I'm sorry." Bruno looked into his eyes, getting a look back this time. "For what?" Leone leaned against the car. "I treated you like you were little. I subconsciously infantalized you, and probably made you feel bad." Bruno held his hands. "It's alright." Leone sighed. "You've done it before, though.." He admitted, tapping his thumbs on the back of Bruno's hands.

Bruno looked down. "I'm genuinely sorry, Leone." He apologized again. "I said it's alright." Leone moved to give him a hug. "You've never done it intentionally, or meaning any harm. Yes, what you did was wrong. You should've asked my age or done something to make sure I was little before just assuming I was." He pulled away and held Bruno's face, feeling his mask start to peel away. "You did wrong, but you didn't know, and didn't mean to. So I forgive you."

They both stood and hugged for a while, before they both felt small drops of water on their shirts. Bruno pulled away and looked up. "We should head inside." He said, the rain quickly picking up. "When we get there can I try to regress and unmask all the way?" Leone felt a stinging in his throat. "Of course." Bruno kissed his forehead. "I've never actually regressed and unmasked fully before.." Leone played with Bruno's hair, enjoying the feeling of the rain soaking into his clothes.

"You haven't..?" Bruno looked at him sadly. "No.. I'm a needy little motherf*cker." Leone laughed. Bruno's frown turned to a smile as he brought back the tight hug.

Leone slowly felt his thoughts turn childish, and his body craving more stimulation. He whined and made grabby hands into Bruno's shirt, hoping he would get the cue to pick him up, as Leone wasn't sure how long he could keep standing. "M-mommy-" He felt his legs become shaky. Bruno pulled away and gasped as Leone fell to his knees, knocking Bruno back as well.

Leone whimpered and looked to his mommy, then down to his hands. Bruno had gotten the wind knocked out of him, so he took a second to regain his breath, before sitting up. Leone had hurt his hands, but ignored it to try and help his mommy. "Mo-m-mommy-" He crawled closer, watching him hold his chest and pant. "I'm fine-" Bruno looked over.

"Can you tell me how old you are?" He asked. "Fff- is- si- t-two." Leone sat and patted his legs. "Alright." Bruno smiled and stood, taking a deep breath before using Sticky Fingers to pick up the little one and carry him inside.

Chapter 5: Fugo and Giorno


Fugo comes to Giorno at night, sad, and Giorno cheers him up! <3


The reason this isn't marked as💧is because Fugo is coming down from a breakdown, and not having one <3

Chapter Text

Giorno sat in the dark living room and sighed, seeing his episode of Law&Order was another 40 minutes. He glanced to the clock, and thought for a moment, before shrugging it off. He heard a noise from behind the couch and looked back, jumping when he saw Fugo standing there. "Oh- hey-" He looked up. Fugo sniffled and buried his face in his small blankie, before waddling over and sitting beside Giorno. "Is had a nightmare.." He looked down at his lap.

Giorno could tell from his tone that he was little, and that he had been crying. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Giorno sat down the remote and moved to face the little one. Fugo's eyes teared up and he shook his head quickly. "Alright, you don't have to." Giorno held out his hands for Fugo to take. "Do you want something to drink?" He asked. Fugo looked up and held Giorno's hands, nodding slightly. "Yeah.." He mumbled.

Giorno smiled and kissed his forehead. "Do you know what you want?" He rubbed the backs of Fugo's hands with his thumbs. "Mm-" Fugo thought for a bit, unable to make up his mind. "I dunno.." He looked at Giorno sadly. "That's okay. Would you like some water?" Giorno looked back to him. Fugo looked down, then nodded. "Yeah." He let go of Giorno's hands and held his blankie. "Do you need a sippy or bottle?" Giorno stood up. "Bottle.." Fugo grabbed a pillow from the other side of the couch and put it by him, before laying down.

Giorno went to the kitchen and grabbed Fugo's favorite green bottle, and poured some bottled water into it. He returned to the living room and saw Fugo had unpaused the episode. Giorno wasn't concerned though, as Fugo never minded stuff like that, even when he was little; even occasionally requesting not kid-friendly shows while he was regressed.

Fugo sat up, letting Giorno get comfortable laying on the couch, before he laid on his chest. Fugo held his blankie close and sucked on the bottle, enjoying the feel of the cool water. He soon finished the five ounces and closed his eyes. Giorno smiled as he pulled the bottle away, feeling arms wrapping around him. They both watched the rest of the episode in calm, comfortable silence.

Fugo let out a sigh when the credits began, and snuggled into Giorno's chest. "I gon' go bed.." He said quietly. "Hm?" Giorno looked down, turning off the tv. "I gon' go sleep.." Fugo closed his eyes and reached one arm down to grab his blankie and nuzzle into it. "Alright.." Giorno smiled and reached down into the floor, grabbing his blanket he forgot to get earlier. Giorno covered the both of them up, before wrapping his arms around Fugo tightly and closing his eyes.

Chapter 6: Abbacchio and Bruno💧


Autistic Leone has a pretty bad meltdown <3


Based on a real experience I had

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Almost everyone was staring at Leone, who sat on the couch, head down, hood up, scratching his ears through the fabric. He had been doing it for at least 20 minutes, and hadn't made a sound. Bruno sighed and reached to put a hand on his back. "Sweetheart.." He flinched back when Leone screamed.

Leone didn't like the voice of the woman on tv. It was annoying, but the kind of annoying he couldn't stand. Her voice was painful, unbearable. He scratched at his ears because it made loud noise, and blocked out all the other sounds, but his ears were burning slightly from the hood of his hoodie. Leone didn't want touched, he didn't want spoken to, he wanted to scream until he couldn't anymore. Just thinking about the sound of the woman's voice was agonizing.

Everyone looked to Leone, then to each other, unsure of what he was doing, or how to help. Bruno knew Leone was more comfortable alone with him, but even touching Leone brought a scream from him, and he didn't want to have to kick everyone out of the living room for Leone. Bruno got onto the floor and sat in front of Leone. "Baby-" He slowly reached his hands up, taking note that his hands slowed a bit.

Leone pulled his hands away as he saw Bruno, but flinched as the woman began talking again. The sound was almost painful, like knives had been stabbed into his ears. Leone screamed again and started hitting his ears, just wanting the sound to stop. He put his head down to his knees and made soft grunts, just hoping to block the noise. Bruno quickly covered his ears, both to stop him from hitting them, and try to figure out more what his issue was.

Leone slowly pulled his hands away and put them on his lap, letting out calmer sounds as all sounds were blocked. He then felt Bruno's hands leave his head. The woman continued speaking and Leone screamed again and covered his ears. Tears were running down his face as he let out more long screams between his cries.

Bruno put his hands over Leone's and held his head tightly, pressing a kiss onto his hood. "It's okay, sweetheart.." Bruno whispered even though he knew Leone couldn't hear. Fugo stood and went to the kitchen. "Does he want something?" He asked. Bruno turned his head. "No, most likely a sensory meltdown. There's something bothering him, badly." Bruno looked to the others. "And I don't know what it is."

Giorno sat up and looked around. "Sensory meltdown.." He thought, thinking of things that could possibly trigger Leone. Everyone else did as well. "He could be too cold?" Trish suggested motioning to the ceiling fan. "Or too hot. He has a hoodie and sweatpants on." Mista grabbed his glass of water from the coffee table.

Narancia soon gasped and snatched the remote from Giorno, turning the tv on mute. "Noise!" He looked around, seeing if anyone else understood. "What?" Fugo walked back to the living room with a bowl of popcorn. "It could be the tv. He's been doing it for a while, and it started a bit after the movie started." Giorno nodded. Bruno slowly pulled his and Leone's hands away from his head.

Leone panted quickly as he didn't hear anything besides the idle sounds of the home and the others. He looked up and saw Bruno holding his hands. He looked around to everyone's shirts, and saw from his peripheral vision that they were all looking at him. He let out quiet repeated coos and his breathing soon slowed.

Giorno turned the tv off of mute and changed the channel, looking back to see if Leone cared. "It might've just been the movie.." He turned on My Little Pony and set down the remote. Leone looked at the tv and saw his favorite little show. He was already in a vulnerable headspace, so it didn't take long for him to slip.

Leone looked over to his mommy, still coming down from his meltdown, and sniffling a bit. "Are you okay now?" Bruno smiled. Leone quickly nodded. "Yy- yye-" He repeated the sound and moved to sit with his legs crossed. Bruno stood up and sighed. "Grazie, mille." He looked to all the others, petting Leone's hair a bit.

Bruno looked back down and watched Leone stim in the usual ways he did when he was little. He hummed softly and opened and closed his hands. "Sorry." Bruno sat beside Leone and combed his fingers through his hair. "Sorry?" Fugo scoffed. "What are you apologizing for?" He pushed the bowl of popcorn closer to Bruno. "Leone.." Bruno sighed.

"You shouldn't be sorry for how Leone feels." Trish said. "Yeah, if he's really bothered by something, then we'll all stop." Mista looked around to everyone else. "He can't control it." He added. Narancia nodded slowly. "Besides, it's not like Abba's your kid and just threw a tantrum." Fugo leaned back.

"Abba's your boyfriend, he's autistic, and he age regresses. Like Mista said, he can't control his emotions and feelings as well as neurotypical people. You shouldn't have to apologize for something he did, that he couldn't control." Fugo looked at Bruno seriously. "He's not your kid, and you're not responsible for him. You help him and care for him when he can't do it himself. But you also serve as his boyfriend." Fugo stated.

Bruno felt a couple tears welling up in his eyes as he nodded. Fugo was right.. Half the time, Bruno only saw Leone as the neurodivergent little he was. And he failed to still see Leone as his lover. Bruno had gotten himself into a routine where he only cared for Leone when completely unmasked or little, and took care of him like his child. Bruno sniffled and gave Leone a hug.

Everyone else smiled. "And I'm not trying to throw shade, I know Abba's.. complicated, and it can be hard to switch between bofriend and caregiver at the right time." Fugo sighed. "But me and Gio had a conversation yesterday.. You don't look at Abba the same way you used to, before he came out as a little. You two barely cuddle or be as sappy as you used to be." Fugo rambled on, hoping to find a point somewhere. "I know it's hard to.. manage- Abba, but he's still your boyfriend." He thought for a moment. "God, I'm just rambling on and on, aren't I?" He swirled the milk around in his cup.

Bruno wiped his tears and nodded, still holding Leone close and rocking him. "Yeah. But you made a point all of us have been wanting to make." Trish smiled.

Bruno sat and held Leone for a while, before they both laid down and fell asleep on the couch.


Narancia and Mista were the last two awake at almost midnight. "Should we wake them..?" Narancia looked over to Mista. "Nah, they're fine. We should get them a blanket though." Mista stood and grabbed the quilt from the back of the couch. He gently placed it on top of the two, before yawning. "Imma head to bed." He took a few of the cups from the coffee table. Narancia nodded. "Aight. Goodnight."


Has anyone else grown up with decades old quilts stored folded on the backs of couches or rocking chairs? I would 10/10 recommended couch quilts, they're SO comfy <3

I also accidentally end up teaching Bruno like- lessons with these

Chapter 7: Rohan and Josuke💧(part 1)


Rohan has some bad thoughts flood in, and he doesn't have Josuke..

Big TW for Rohan hitting himself, and having intrusive thoughts/bad anxiety (also some undertones of an ed)

I'm not meaning to encourage or say that hurting oneself is okay at all. This is just a vent.

Separated into 2 parts, the second part will have Josuke coming home and comforting Rohan if you just want that. <3


Please don't read this if you're not in a good headspace, it could make you feel bad or worse, and you don't deserve that.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Rohan stuck his paci in his mouth and waddled to the kitchen. He wanted some milk. He opened the fridge and grabbed the carton, setting it down on the counter. He reached up and opened the cabinet, looking for his sippy. He saw it and grabbed it, but noticed it didn't have it's lid.

Rohan looked around almost everywhere, and couldn't find the lid. He huffed and opened the cabinet again, immediately seeing it. "Stupid.." He snatched the lid and poured the milk into the sippy. Rohan knew that "stupid" was a word Josuke didn't like him saying when he was little, but Josuke wasn't home, so he could say whatever he wanted.

He put the milk back in the fridge and screwed the lid onto his sippy. He looked down at it for a while, almost zoned out.

Did he deserve milk? Was he being bad for getting it? Josuke wasn't there, and didn't say he could have milk. Rohan was bad, wasn't he? He didn't deserve milk, but he thought he did. Rohan put down the sippy and his paci. He didn't deserve those things. He hit his head a few times, trying to beat it into himself that he was bad.

Rohan sat down in the kitchen and whined. He wanted his stuffie and Josuke. He was cold, he wanted a blankie. No. He didn't deserve that, he shouldn't think like that. He was bad for wanting more than he deserved. He shouldn't want things, he already has enough.

He curled up and began crying. He didn't deserve somewhere soft to lay. He didn't deserve to be warm. He didn't deserve food or drinks. He had so much already. He had a big house, endless art supplies, books, a large tv, clothes. That was enough, he shouldn't want any more. He shouldn't want things when he has enough.

Rohan hugged himself and laid in the fetal position, thinking if he was small enough he would just go away. "I'm bad, I'm bad, I'm bad.." He hit his head on the floor. "Stupid, bad, ugly. I shouldn't want things, it's stupid. I'm ungrateful." He whispered to himself.

In Rohan's mind, it all made sense. If he had everything he could ever need, he shouldn't want any more. He was ungrateful for the things he had because he wanted food, right? He was being selfish by thinking he did anything to deserve food or warmth or another person to say "it's okay.", right?

Rohan repeated the same words over and over: "Stupid." "Ungrateful." "Mean." "Ugly." "Bad." "Selfish." "Wrong." All those words described him. He continued hitting his head on the floor, hoping to hit himself enough that he would understand it was bad to want things he didn't deserve.

Everything went on for hours. Rohan couldn't feel anything besides stinging in his neck, an ache in his chest, and his head on the floor. He didn't see anything besides darkness, due to his eyes being shut tightly. He didn't hear anything besides his own words and cries. He wanted his pain to end, but he was stupid for wanting that; he didn't deserve it.

Rohan deserved pain. He should feel pain, since he was crying. He didn't deserve to cry, so he should be in pain. He didn't deserve to cry because other people were in more pain. Rohan opened his eyes after what felt like an eternity, and looked at the pair of shoes standing in front of him. He slowly looked up the legs and up the torso, to the face.

It was Josuke.


Stay safe for me <3

Chapter 8: Rohan and Josuke (part 2)


This is just Josuke comforting Rohan after his breakdown, and only has Rohan crying some. <3

You don't have to read part 1 to understand this part, but where it left off:

Rohan was home alone, having intrusive thoughts and crying on the kitchen floor, when Josuke came home.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Rohan sniffled and looked up to Josuke, who kneeled down. "Hey.." Josuke said gently, brushing Rohan's wet hair out of his face. Rohan whined, feeling a rush of security wash over him. "B-baba.." He mumbled. Rohan was falling back into his little space and it helped slow his mean thoughts. "Do you wanna come here?" Josuke asked, able to slightly piece together what had happened.

Josuke held out his arms and Rohan sat up and fell into them, despite his screaming thoughts telling him not to. There was a sharp sting in Rohan's chest as he wrapped his arms around Josuke. It felt like everything else had melted away, and there was only him and his baba. Rohan felt a hand rub against his back and more tears fell from his eyes. He continued to cry just to try to calm down.

Josuke smiled as he held Rohan and rubbed his back. His crying was different this time, more like whenever he cried and regressed just to calm down. It was normal for Rohan to cry in his own healthy way, but whenever Josuke saw him on the floor, it didn't look like healthy crying.

He brought himself back out of his thoughts and to the present moment. Rohan was comfortable, little, and crying. Josuke rocked him slowly and gave him small kisses. "It's okay, baby. Baba's here, he's got you.." He whispered.

It didn't take long for Rohan to calm down and say what he needed. "Baba.." He sat up on Josuke's lap and rubbed his eyes, still sniffling a bit. "Yeah?" Josuke moved his hair out of his face again and held his cheeks. "C-could I has.. m-my stuffie, an- s-suh- milk?" Rohan asked through his quick breaths. Josuke nodded. "Of course, baby." He smiled and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

Josuke picked up the rather light little, and held him on his hip, pouring him a new bottle of milk. "Do you know how old you are?" Josuke gave him the bottle and put the paci in his pocket, walking to the bedroom upstairs. "I dunno.." Rohan held on to his baba and nuzzled his shoulder. "Alright, do you know how to count?"

Josuke set the little one down on the bed and set the paci and bottle on the nightstand, noticing him squirming around a bit. "You okay?" He asked, picking up the stuffed bunny from the bed. "I gotsa go potty.." Rohan whined, rubbing his eyes. "Are you okay to do it yourself?" He asked, recieving a quick nod. Rohan stood and walked to the bathroom.

Josuke went to the large closet, picking out some casual clothes and changing into them. When he walked back out, Rohan sat on the bed and played with his stuffie. "Did you do okay?" He squatted down in front of the little. Rohan nodded and looked up. "Mhm.. can I puts on a hoodie..?" He brought his stuffie to his face. "Yeah. Want me to get you one?" Josuke stood.

Rohan nodded again, looking to the bottle. Josuke went to the closet and picked out the softest hoodie Rohan had. He walked back and sat beside him. "You need me to change you?" He moved to sit with his legs crossed. Rohan nodded and set down his stuffie. "Alright. But could you try and count for me? Since you don't know how old you are?" Josuke asked as he lifted the little one's arms and pulled up his shirt.

Rohan whined. He didn't like counting. Rohan had favorite numbers, and always wanted to start with those, because he didn't like starting with one. "Six, seven, eight, nine, ten." He mumbled as the soft fabric of the hoodie was pulled down over his head. His baba laughed softly, and he moved to take off his pants. "I meant from one to ten." Josuke smiled.

Rohan stepped out of his pants and rolled onto his back, grabbing his bunny stuffie again. "Noo-" He crawled up to the head of the bed and pushed his legs under the covers. "I need you to at least try so I can get an estimate of how old you are, so I don't have to keep asking if you need things." Josuke moved to sit beside him. Rohan huffed and curled up. "No.." He hugged his bunny close.

Josuke sighed with a smile. "Alrighty. Do you need a diaper on before you take your nap?" He asked. "Yeah.." Rohan whined, embarrassed. "Do you need me to help?" Josuke scooted to the edge of the bed and stood up, going to grab a diaper.

Rohan shoved his face into the pillow, not wanting to say he needed help, but not sure how to put it on himself. Josuke walked back to the bed and threw Rohan's shirt and pants into the basket of dirty clothes. "Are you okay doing it yourself?" He asked. Rohan rolled over and pushed the blanket off himself. "No.." He said shamefully.

His baba didn't seem to mind, though. "Alright." Josuke nodded and helped Rohan get his diaper on, before standing back up. "Do you need anything else?" He kissed Rohan's cheek. The little thought for a moment. "Could baba stay..?" He looked up. Josuke sighed happily and got into bed with Rohan, getting both of them comfy.

Rohan snuggled close to his baba and felt the nipple of the bottle press onto his lips. He closed his eyes and sucked it happily, enjoying the drink, the warmth, and the other person there to say "it's okay."


I don't know if I did a good job explaining Rohan's healthy and unhealthy crying, but I'm sure most of you understand what I mean <3

Chapter 9: Abbacchio and The Gang


Leone decides it's time to come out with his secrets...

A request from LuzDouradaDRAGLUON


AAAAAA Okay- Before I start writing this, I'd like to menion that 752 hits and 23 kudos was something I never thought I'd see, and I'm so so grateful for every person who's hit this, given kudos, and commented!!

Thank you all so much!! <3


This also has Abba crying a tad bit, but it's nothing major.

Chapter Text

Leone laid on the couch and threw a tennis ball up in the air repeatedly, enjoying the sound it made when it hit his hand. "Are you okay, man? You've been sat there for like an hour." Mista said, holding a sleepy little Giorno in his arms. Leone got shot back out of his daze, and everything came to him at once. Every small sound, color, smell, and feeling felt doubled.

"Yeah-" He tilted his head and looked around, trying to distract himself from the uncomfortable feeling of his socks. "Yeah." He nodded. "Yeah, yeah. Yeah." He repeated, enjoying the sound. "You sure?" Mista looked over, bouncing Giorno a bit. "Mhm-" Leone bent down to fix his socks, then went back to throwing the ball.

Bruno sat and watched Leone, curious as to why and how he had went so long repeating the same motion and not saying a word. "Bruno-" Leone quickly looked over, before standing. "Could I talk to you?" He asked, still holding the tennis ball. "Oh- uhh- sure." Bruno stood as well, a bit caught off guard.

"Do we need to talk privately?" He stepped closer, tilting his head. "Yes please." Leone nodded, looking around to the couple other little ones. "Just in my room will be fine." He added, walking to the hallway. Bruno hesitantly followed, knowing something was off, but not knowing exactly what. Leone opened the door to his bedroom and waited for Bruno, before closing the door behind the both of them.

"IthinkImightbealittle-" Leone said, stringing all the words together and sitting down on his bed. "Scusi?" Bruno crossed his arms. "I-.. thinkImightbealittle-" Leone repeated, bringing the tennis ball to his mouth to chew on it slightly. "You think, little- what?" Bruno asked. "I'm a little-" Leone closed his eyes tightly. "Alright-" Bruno slowly nodded.

"Age regressor?" He asked, stepping closer and sitting beside Leone. "Yeah.." He looked over, nodding slightly. "And I want to tell everyone else.." Leone bit his lip. "How long have you been hiding it?" Bruno asked softly, watching Leone reach into his nightstand and open the drawer. "I started trying it once Fugo came out, and it made me feel a lot better." Leone pulled out a purple pacifier, decorated with little white stars.

"Piccolo Leone, that was a month ago. You've been hiding it for that long?" Bruno put a hand on his shoulder. "I just thought it'd make everyone think less of me, y'know, since I'm the big, bad lion." Leone laughed a bit. "Nobody will think less of you. Coping is coping, and it's okay." Bruno smiled, holding Leone's hand.

Leone nodded, taking a couple moments of silence, before speaking. "I don't wanna give you a heart attack or anything, but I thought why not kill two birds with one stone-" He looked up to the capo. "I'm autistic. I've been diagnosed since I was seven." He grinned. "That's not as big a surprise. We've all had suspicions about that." Bruno laughed, before pulling Leone into a hug.

"I'm proud of you for telling me." He whispered, smiling and rocking him slightly. "Is it okay if I regress..?" Leone asked, already making grabby hands. "Of course." Bruno sighed contently. "Are you sure you want to go and tell everybody?" He asked, recieving a nod. "Alright.. Do you need any little gear before we go?" Bruno pulled away slowly.

Leone nodded, trying to keep himself big. "I'll get dressed." He sighed and stood up, going to his closet. "Tell me when you're ready." Bruno stood and walked to the door, stepping outside. Leone looked to the small stack of diapers he had, debating on whether to take one or not. He usually needed diapers when he was little, but he didn't think he was ready to tell everyone that.

He looked at it longer, and weighed his options. If he wore a diaper, he had to face the embarrassment of letting everyone know, but if he had an accident, nobody would forget it. He eventually decided on wearing the diaper, and tossed it and his favorite hoodie onto the bed.


"What you doin' there?" Fugo asked, waddling up to the door. "I'm waiting on Abba. He has a surprise for us." Bruno smiled, petting the little's hair gently. "What kinda surprise?" Fugo pressed his stuffie to his face. "You'll find out." Bruno smiled, before he heard a call. "Don't look-" He said to Fugo, before opening the door and stepping inside.

Leone was sat on the bed with the blanket over his legs and his head down. Bruno closed the door and walked over. "You okay, baby?" He asked gently. "Noo-" Leone sniffled, wiping his eyes. "What happened?" Bruno sat down beside him, brushing a bit of hair out of the little's face. "I- I can'-" Leone tried to speak. "I- can't get my diapy on-" He covered his face with both his hands.

Leone had just barely managed to get his hoodie on, before he regressed. Right now, he was just barely holding on to a big enough space to talk. "Oh, baby. It's okay-" Bruno brought him into a hug, letting him cry into his shirt. "I wa' tryna be big bu' I couldn'." Leone sniffled, embarrassed that he had to ask Bruno for help.

"It's okay, piccolo.." Bruno rubbed his back. "You don't have to cry.." He calmed the little, soon just turning his cries into sniffles. "Do you need me to help with your diapy?" Bruno pulled away and kissed his forehead. "Mhm.." Leone nodded, still holding the blanket over his legs.

"You're gonna have to lay down, and I'm gonna have to take the blankie away. Is that okay?" Bruno asked gently, petting his head. Leone slowly nodded, and moved to lay down. Bruno stood up and slowly pulled the blanket away, grabbing the diaper and carefully putting it on the little.

"I'm all done." Bruno soon smiled, lifting Leone. "Tank you-" The little one hugged onto him tightly, still embarrassed and a little anxious. He felt something press against his lips, and calmed down a bit when he saw it was his paci. "Do you wanna put on some pants?" Bruno asked, looking down. Leone shook his head, letting out a soft "uh-uh".

Leone was embarrassed to not wear pants, but they were a bad feeling whenever he was little. He had tried countless fabrics and styles, but all of them stressed him out. "Do you need to calm down a bit more before we go out to the living room?" Bruno asked, recieving another head shake.


Trish and Mista were the only caregivers now, as Fugo had regressed while playing with Narancia. The two had settled to watch tv together, and Giorno had fallen asleep in Mista's arms. "They're so cute together-" Trish whispered, smiling at the little couple and sitting beside Mista. "I know." He whispered back, petting Giorno's hair gently.

Bruno held the little one close, and opened the bedroom door. Leone was still a bit scared, but he had his stuffie, and nothing was scary with Mr. Lion. He grinned as he held the lion, kicking his feet and giggling. Mr. Lion was his best friend, and always protected him. Leone giggled into Bruno's shirt, feeling like he was about to burst with emotions.

"Leone has a surprise." Bruno said as he walked into the living room, going to sit down. "Aww-" Trish smiled as she leaned on Mista, who was also smiling. "Issat da surprise?" Fugo asked excitedly. "We gots a new friend!" He bounced excitedly. Leone got more comfortable as Bruno sat down, shaking his lion around and giggling. He let out soft babbles and squeaks, paying absolutely no attention to anyone else but Mr. Lion.

"He told me he was ready to come out as a little, and diagnosed autistic." Bruno looked down. "So Abba's a baby too?" Narancia asked, crawling over Fugo to get to where Bruno was. "Mhm." Bruno nodded, watching Leone play on his lap. The little made repeated sounds that he liked, and giggled each time. In his brain, Mr. Lion was making the noises.

"Abba!" Narancia reached out for a hug, but was ignored. Leone saw, felt, and heard nothing but Mr. Lion, and was overflowing with happiness. He made more noises and flapped his hands, bouncing a bit. All the happy emotions he was feeling were overwhelming, but in the best possible way. He was feeling the perfect amount of every sense, and was trying to express his happiness.

"Abba." Narancia repeated, still getting no response. Mista and Trish started to worry a bit. "Is he alright?" Mista asked. "I mean, of course he is, but he's never done that before." He added. "He said he's been a little since Fugo came out as one, so this could just be how he is when he's little." Bruno shrugged.

--2 Hours Later--

"An' 'den, Mr. Lion came an scared 'dem all away!" Leone explained to Trish happily. "Wow!" She gasped. "That's so cool!" She smiled, looking down to the lion stuffie. "He's such a good protector!" She laughed. "Uh-huh!" Leone bounced and stimmed, being the only little out now that Giorno had woken up big, and Fugo and Narancia had gone to bed.

"I never expected Abbacchio of all people to be a little." Giorno said to Bruno, looking over. "I'm surprised he trusted me so quickly. He had regressed too small to be able to get his diaper on himself, and asked me to help. Sure, it was through a pool of tears, but he still trusted me.." Bruno whispered. "It took me at least a week to even let Mista close to there." Giorno laughed.

"I'm proud of him, though." The capo smiled. "It takes courage to let yourself be that vulnerable around people, especially when you're the "big, bad lion"." Bruno made air quotes. "He's got balls of steel, I'll give him that much." Giorno nodded.

Chapter 10: Abbacchio and Risotto


Bruno has to go out on a mission, and needs somewhere to keep Leone safe... And he goes to the only man who's available..

A request by LuzDouradaDRAGLUON

(I don't like imagining everyone in this AU as still in the mafia, but I couldn't think of any other excuse to have Bruno gone for 5 hours)


I'm sorry this is so late, I've also been watching A Scrub For Hire so his impression is the only way I can imagine Risotto's voice

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Mommy will be back in five hours, baby." Bruno smiled, giving the little a peppering of kisses. "Don' go!" Leone whined. "I scared-" He whispered. "Tesoro, Risotto is a good daddy. He looks scary and mean, but he's gentle and nice with littles and kids." Bruno reassured him. "Why can' I stay home?" Leone hugged Mr. Lion tightly.

"You're little. You could hurt yourself, forget to eat, not change your diaper, and so much more. Mommy needs to go out on a mission, and nobody else is available to take care of you besides Risotto." Bruno explained. "I promise he'll take care of you." He smiled as he gave his little one last kiss and stepped out the door.

"Arrivederci!" He called to Risotto and his little one. "Arrivederci." Risotto nodded, grinning. He and Leone watched the car pull out of the driveway, then Risotto stepped back inside. "Come on, bud." He called, shutting the door as Leone slowly stepped inside as well. "Your momma said it's time for you to eat lunch." Risotto walked to the kitchen.

Leone went and sat down on the couch, shuffling through one of his bags to find one of his favorite stim toys. He picked up the rainbow toy slug and moved it around in his hands, listening to the clicks. He giggled and smiled, not hearing when Risotto called for him. "Leone! C'mere!" Risotto called, looking in the fridge. "We gotta find you something to eat for lunch."

Leone sat and shook the little slug, giggling softly. "Leoooone~" Risotto sang, walking up behind the couch. "Mm, baba.." Leone looked up, forgetting Risotto wasn't his mommy. He whimpered and put his arms up, having regressed to a smaller space. "You want uppies?" Risotto smiled, placing his hands under the little's arms. Leone giggled and made grabby hands, still shaking his slug. "And up we go!" Risotto picked up the little, moving to hold him on his hip.

"Baba!" Leone giggled, kicking his legs. "You finally warmed up to me? Or just too tiny you can't tell?" Risotto leaned in to give Leone a kiss on the cheek, which only brought more giggles from him. "I think my baby's just too tiny to tell!" He said in a playful tone. "Isn't that right?" Risotto peppered him with more kisses. Leone squealed and used both his arms to stim, looking down.

"Your momma didn't give me any baby food." Risotto walked to the kitchen and sat Leone in the high chair, going back to the food chart and flipping through the pages. He found a page for baby food, and read through the recipes. "Alright.. honey?" He whispered to himself. "Oh holy hell-" He closed the book and went to call Bruno.

Risotto was the cooking parent of the group, and knew damn well that honey wasn't safe to give to babies younger than one year. He began dialing Bruno's number when he realized something. Leone wasn't a baby younger than one year. He was a little younger than one year.

Risotto sighed and sat his phone down, going and giving Leone a few small kisses and watching him play with the toy. "My baby wanna eat some dinner?" He ruffled his hair, bringing a small squeal from Leone and more giggles. "I'll take that as a yes." Risotto gave Leone a couple more forehead kisses, before going to the fridge to make a serving of baby food.


Leone finished his lunch and got lifted out of the highchair. "It's been a while, you probably need your diaper changed." Risotto walked to the couch and laid the little one down. Leone kicked his legs and babbled, looking around for his stuffie. Risotto looked for a diaper in the bag Bruno left, and soon found one. "Alright.. Is it okay if I change your diaper, buddy?" He asked.

Leone sat up and reached behind Risotto for his stuffie, bringing it to his face and rocking slightly. "Baby-" Risotto smiled, gently laying Leone back down. "I need to change you." He sighed, pushing the little one's hoodie up his stomach and moving slowly and carefully. He wasn't big enough to say whether he was okay with it or not, so Risotto had to be careful.

Thankfully, the changing went fine, and Risotto sat the little up. "Baba!" He flapped his hands. "Hey baby!" Risotto picked up Leone. "I have an idea I think you'd love." He quickly went to his bedroom, and sat the little on his dark bedsheets. Leone looked around and babbled quietly, noticing he also had a few records that Risotto did.

Risotto picked up his hat and arranged it on his head, before standing over the little and jingling the little bells. Leone looked over and immediately focused all his attention on the sleigh bells. He let out a soft squeal and reached up to grab one, shaking it. Risotto smiled as the hat didn't take long to get pulled from his head, and find it's way into Leone's hands.

Leone squealed and giggled as he rattled the bells and enjoyed the sound. Risotto moved to sit beside him and smiled, before looking to his clock. "Baby, you should try and get a nap in." He said, but only getting ignored. Leone let out more high pitched yells and played with the hat, absolutely loving the rattle it made.


Risotto laid beside the little one and gave him soft kisses, watching his eyes slowly close as he sucked on the bottle. Leone pulled his lips away and moved to snuggle into the large man beside him. He yawned and got comfy, not taking long to fall asleep. "My little lion.." Risotto whispered, petting his hair gently. He felt his phone vibrate behind him, and picked it up.

He had gotten a text from Bruno asking how they were doing, and Risotto just sent back a photo of him and Leone in bed.


Risotto has children (both La Squadra, and his own)

Risotto is a dilf

Nobody can convince me otherwise

(Also if you're wondering what the slug toy is that Leone is playing with, just google "rainbow slugs". I even found some pride ones on etsy that are really cool)

Chapter 11: Fugo, Narancia, and Bruno


Fugo and Narancia get up to some mischief, and Bruno needs to discipline them, while keeping them calm

A request by BearyTea


A little warning, Fugo gets mad, a little violent, and he and Nara cry a bit <3

Chapter Text

Bruno stepped out of the bathroom and watched Fugo and Narancia run into their bedroom. He looked to the living room and saw Giorno holding a little Leone. "They were in the kitchen, I don't know what they did." Giorno shrugged. "Where're Mista and Trish?" Bruno asked, stepping up behind the couch across from Giorno.

"Outside playing. They're old enough to know how to be safe." Giorno looked to Leone, who was playing with the magnetic fidget rings he had. "You do know I'm big, right?" Leone looked up to Giorno. Bruno grinned and turned back around, figuring it'd be best to let them sort it out themselves. He went to Fugo and Narancia's bedroom and knocked on the open door, before stepping inside.

Fugo and Narancia were sitting on Fugo's bed, and quickly put something under the blanket. "What're you two up to?" Bruno asked, crossing his arms. "We was jus' playin'.." Narancia lied, looking to Fugo. "What'd you put under the blankie?" Bruno stepped closer and sat beside them. "Gio said you were in the kitchen, too." He moved to face the two littles, crossing his legs.

"We didn' do nothin'." Fugo insisted, looking to the group mother defiantly. "I saw you hide something under the blanket when I came in. If you tell me what it is now you won't be in as much trouble." Bruno looked to the two. Narancia and Fugo looked to each other, and nodded, before Fugo reached under the blanket and got out a bag of cookies.

Bruno sighed and took it, feeling how light it was. "Thank you for telling me. But both of you know that we need to follow a snack and mealtime schedule." He sat the bag in the floor. "I sorry.." Narancia looked down. "Can you tell me who's idea this was?" Bruno looked to them, noticing Fugo was a lot more embarrassed, but trying not to show it.

Narancia just hid his face in shame. "It was Panna's idea.." He pulled his sleeves up over his hands. "No it wasn'!" Fugo whined, looking back. "Fugo, was it your idea?" Bruno asked calmly. "Nuh uh! Ih was Nara!" Fugo pointed to the other. Narancia looked up in disbelief. "It was Panna!" He looked to Bruno. "Like I said, if you two keep lying, you'll be in more trouble. Who first suggested that you go take the cookies?" Bruno asked.

"It was Panna!" Narancia insisted. Fugo huffed and slapped the other little's head. "No it wasn'!" He yelled. Bruno grabbed Fugo's hands. "Hey." He said sternly. "We don't hit." Bruno looked to Fugo, who yanked his hands away. "It was Nara! He tryna blame me!" Fugo yelled, shoving Narancia off the bed. Bruno quickly moved to help Narancia and looked up to the other little.

"Pannacotta Fugo." He huffed. "You do not hit or shove." Bruno looked back to the door. "Giorno! I need help!" He called, before looking back to Narancia. The little sniffled and started crying, holding onto Bruno. Giorno and Leone quickly came to the door. "What?" Leone stepped inside. "Panna is being mean, and pushed Narancia off the bed." Bruno stood with the light boy in his arms and handed him to Leone.

Leone grinned at Narancia, and hugged him close. "It's okay, bud." He walked to the other bed, comforting Narancia. "Is cause he tryna blame me! He's lyin'!" Fugo yelled, pointing to Narancia. "That's not the problem. You hurt Nara." Bruno squatted down in front of him. "Cause he was blamin' me!" Fugo whined. "Panna, you know it's not nice to hurt anybody, even if they're blaming you for something you didn't do." Bruno explained.

Giorno walked over to help Leone with Narancia, a bit scared that Fugo's anger would increase, and not wanting to get hurt. "You weren't in that much trouble, but for hurting Nara, you'll have to spend some time in time out." Bruno stood up. "We'll figure out the cookie situation later. Right now, you need to go in time out." He held out his hand. "Come on."

Fugo felt overwhelmed with guilt and sadness, and felt like Bruno was just going to leave him for what he did. He looked up and felt tears in his eyes. "I sorry.." He looked down and started crying. Bruno sighed, but tried to keep calm. He picked up Fugo and held him on his hip. "It's okay.." He walked out to the living room, setting Fugo down in a chair they had in the corner.

"I said I was sorry!" Fugo cried, sniffling and looking up to Bruno. "Yes, you did." Bruno clicked the little timer on the wall to five minutes, but didn't start it yet. "Do you need a hug or something before I go?" He squatted down in front of Fugo, hating to see any of his little ones cry. "Don' go!" Fugo reached his arms out, soon getting a hug. "I don' wan' you to go!" He cried out.

Bruno nodded and held Fugo, knowing that he thought Bruno was leaving him forever. "It's okay.." He whispered. "I sorry!" Fugo held onto Bruno tightly, not wanting to let him go. "I know.." Bruno rubbed the little's back. "Don' leave me!" Fugo cried, his breath quick and shaky. Bruno stayed quiet, and just held Fugo for a while.


Narancia had calmed down, and Giorno left to go outside to check on Mista and Trish. Leone looked down to Narancia. "Are you sure that it was Fugo? If you're lying, I'll find out." He held the little's hands. "It was Panna." Narancia nodded. "Okay." Leone looked to Moody Blues and played the clip.

"Nara." Fugo nudged Narancia, glancing to the door. "What?" Narancia looked up from his switch. "You know how Abba's gotta have the food schedule?" Fugo moved his book away from him. "Uh-huh." Narancia nodded. "We gotta follow it too." He added. "No we doesn'. We jus' do it cause Abba has to." Fugo whispered, glancing to the door again. "So we can get snacks, but we don't gotta tell nobody."

Leone paused the replay and looked to Narancia. "Thanks for telling the truth." He nodded. "Is I in trouble?" Narancia looked up. "That's for momma to decide. Let's go ask." Leone stood and picked up the little, walking out to the living room and choosing to ignore Bruno and Fugo in the corner for now.


Fugo had eventually calmed down, and Bruno held his hands. "I'll be back in five minutes." Bruno stood and started the timer, walking to the couch where Leone had sat with Narancia. "So who's idea was it?" He asked, already knowing because Fugo confessed. "It was Panna." Leone moved closer to Bruno. "Okay. Nara, you'll still be getting in time out, but not as much as Panna." Bruno smiled, holding Leone's hand.

"Panna thought I was going to leave him and not come back." He whispered, looking to Leone. "He said sorry over and over and begged for me not to leave for a long time. I just got him calmed down enough to leave." Bruno looked to the door as it opened, revealing a messy Trish, Mista, and Giorno. "We played hide an' seek!" Trish giggled. "In the woods." Giorno sighed.

"I'll give them a bath." He slipped off his shoes and lead both of them to the hallway. "What's Panna doin' dere?" Mista looked up to Giorno. "It's a long story.." Giorno closed his eyes and sighed again.

Chapter 12: Risotto, Abbacchio, and Bruno


Risotto and Leone have a playdate, and Bruno takes care of them

A request by Susanne


Oh no oh no I thought I posted this-

I'm so so sorry this is late, Susanne


If you've never played with mega bloks before, I would 10/10 recommend them, they're so fun <33

My only complaint is that there are different numbers of certain kinds of blocks, like in mine there are only two 1x3 blocks, 5 orange slope blocks, two pink 1x4, and two white 1x4 blocks, you get the point

And it's a little annoying when you're tryna build something big, but it's nothing too bad <3

I also love the idea of having two goth autistic babies together trying to share one mommy-

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Risotto and Leone had a mission. It was serious. They needed to build the castle that was on the bag of mega bloks. "Ababa." Risotto ordered, giving Leone the blocks he needed. "Awawawa." He added, grabbing his paci. Leone let out repeated hums and studied the bag, before using the blocks he had to build it.

This was a very important and dangerous mission. Only the most highly skilled babies could pull this off. "Ababa!" Leone called, flapping his hands. Risotto handed him another block, but he didn't take it. "Aaa-wa-" Risotto tried to give the block to Leone, but soon realized he couldn't take it because his hands were flapping.

Risotto set down the block and decided to do it too, as he liked flapping his hands. "Awawawa." He babbled through his paci, rediscovering that the bells on his hat jingled. The bells immediately caught Leone's attention, and he scooted closer, knocking over their castle, but not caring. Leone giggled and moved his arms faster, liking the sound.

Bruno smiled as he got the highchairs set up at the table, looking over at the two. "Babies, dinner!" He called, getting their attention. He walked over and helped both of them stand. Risotto was having quite a bit of trouble even standing. He whined as he was about to fall, but soon got caught by Bruno.

Although, Bruno had used both hands to catch Risotto, and accidentally let Leone fall down. Leone landed safely and didn't really mind, crawling back to play with the blocks. Bruno sighed and picked up Risotto, carrying him to the highchair.


Leone hummed and flapped his hands, happy he was eating spaghetti. "Ababababaa-" He looked around. Risotto was a little more picky, not knowing how exactly to eat the food. "Baby, you gotta eat." Bruno sighed, knowing hed have to clean the babies up after dinner. Risotto whined and hit his forehead gently on the front of the highchair.

Bruno put his hand under Risotto's head, and slowly lifted it. "Tesoro-" Bruno sighed, looking over and sighing heavily at the mess Leone had made. He wasn't mad, as the little's couldn't help it, but he was quite tired, and unsure of how to care for two babies at once.


Leone let out squeals as he splashed the water, giggling and looking up to his mommy. "Are you having fun, baby?" Bruno asked happily, gently washing Risotto's hair. "Ababababa.." Risotto flapped his hands, wanting to play in the water like Leone was, but still wanting to flap his hands. Leone made repeating hums and enjoyed the warm water, playing around in it.


And up we go!" Bruno laughed, picking Risotto up with a towel and having Sticky Fingers hold him. Bruno grabbed the other towel and lifted Leone, immediately getting latched onto. "Mommy!" Leone giggled, feeling himself start to age up a bit. "Mamamama.." Risotto babbled into the stand, enjoying it's warmth.

"And now to bed." Bruno sighed contently, walking to his bedroom and having his stand follow him. "C- coul' I wear my- dinosaur shirt?" Leone asked, watching his hand move and ball into a fist. "Of course, baby. But can mommy take care of Risotto first?" Bruno sat the little down, taking Risotto from Sticky Fingers.

"Mhm." Leone nodded, holding his hands up and moving his fingers around. Bruno grinned and took Risotto to the closet, watching him immediately reach for one of Bruno's pastel pink, yellow, and blue hoodies. "You want that one?" Bruno smiled, letting the little pull it from the hanger and shake it around.

"Now we just need a diapy.." Bruno sighed, reaching up to grab a bag of the diapers from the shelf. "Mommy!" Leone called. "Yes, baby?" Bruno walked back out to the bedroom, closing the closet doors. "Where my paci at?" Leone looked up, flapping one of his hands. "In the drawer." Bruno nodded to the nightstand.

He sat Risotto down and put the diaper on Risotto, having to wrangle the hoodie from him. The first little was soon dressed, and the other had his paci, waiting. "Thank you for being so patient." Bruno smiled, sitting down with the sleepy Risotto and hugging him close. "You can go get your dino shirt and a pull-up for tonight.


Everyone had laid down, and Risotto had almost immediately went to sleep. But Leone was having a bit more trouble. Risotto was hugging his mommy, and he wanted to. After all, Bruno was his mommy, so why did Risotto get to sleep beside him?

"Baby, do you wanna come on the other side of mommy? I just realized you're over there all by yourself." Bruno sat up a bit, looking to Leone. "Nuh-uh." Leone shook his head no, but still crawled over to the other side of his mommy with his paci and stuffie. "Alright." Bruno gave Leone a couple kisses, before yawning.

"We gotta go to bed, baby." Bruno whispered, hugging Leone close with one arm, and Risotto with his other. Leone nodded and closed his eyes, not taking long to get to sleep.


Should I add more La Squadra agere? Cause I was just looking at images of Illuso and realized that he'd be good caregiver material

Ghiaccio also gives me big baby vibes

He's got a paci and he's angy, watch out


Chapter 13: Bruno and Abbacchio💧


I've survived all week just getting 5 to 5 1/2 hours of sleep every night, and I'm so glad it's Friday because I can finally sleep


Short lil' chapter

Chapter Text

Leone sat and rocked himself, trying to get to sleep. "I wanna go seep!" He cried into his mommy's arms, having been doing so for at least an hour. Bruno stayed quiet and held Leone close, closing his eyes. "I wanna go seepy!" The little cried.

Leone didn't understand that he and his mommy were sitting up in bed because of his crying. He thought that his mommy was keeping him sat up so he wouldn't go to sleep. Leone had only gotten about five hours of sleep each night (that felt like 2 hours) for the past week, and even the thought of having to keep his eyes open any longer was exhausting and scary.

Bruno was unsure of what to do, not knowing exactly why his baby was crying. Leone could pull away and go to sleep any time, why didn't he? "I wan' go seepy!!" Leone cried out, loud enough for Giorno to hear from the next room over. "You can go to sleep, baby." Bruno said sadly, pulling away from his little.

Leone's cries only worsened as Bruno pulled away, thinking he was going to leave him alone. "I wan' go seepy!" The little repeated, latching back onto Bruno like his life depended on it. "I wan' go seepy!" He let his tears pour down onto his mommy's shirt, his body aching for his eyes to close. Bruno gently pet Leone's head and rocked him, still not even having a clue as to what was upsetting Leone, and not able to get him calmed down enough to talk.

"I wanna go seepy.." Leone repeated, trying his best to keep his eyes open. "You can go to sleep, baby." Bruno repeated, this time holding onto Leone. "No I can'!" Leone shook his head, sniffling. "Why not?" Bruno looked down. "Cau- we- we n-not lay-in' do-own." Leone said through his cries.

Bruno held Leone tightly and slowly laid down with him, feeling terrible for not realizing it sooner. The little closed his eyes and almost immediately calmed down, before falling asleep. Bruno held onto his baby, feeling how calm he was. Leone had cried for over an hour because they weren't laying down. It broke Bruno's heart.

"I love you, baby.." Bruno whispered, giving Leone a kiss on the forehead. "I'm so sorry..." He said quietly, petting Leone's hair. "Mommy's sorry, baby.." He added, laying his head down on the pillow and closing his eyes.

Chapter 14: Abbacchio, Narancia, and Bruno💧


Narancia and Leone get up to some mischief, it backfires, and Bruno has to help.

A request by LuzDouradaDRAGLUON


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Leone held the door as Narancia positioned the bucket. "I'm done!" Narancia stepped back, trying to step off the ladder, but missing and falling. As he fell, he knocked over the bucket, which fell and hit Leone on the head.

Oh frick.

Narancia landed on his back and whimpered, confused and hurt. While Leone was soaked in ice water, his head hurting pretty bad from the bucket falling on him. He immediately began crying out, not knowing what to do. Narancia sat up and soon began crying too. "Momma!" He called.

Bruno ran into the room and found Leone first, picking him up. Leone cried and held onto his mommy, scared and cold. Bruno walked farther into the room and saw Narancia. "Baby, what happened?" He asked, holding his hand out to help the baby up. "Da bucket fell an' it hit Abba.." Narancia stood up, wiping his tears to be a big boy.


Fugo and Narancia cleaned up the water, as Bruno was giving Leone a warm bath. "Why did you think this was a good idea?" Fugo asked, tearing some more paper towels off the roll. "It was Abba's idea!" Narancia whined. "Abba can't talk." Fugo sighed, picking up the wet paper towels and going to throw them away.

Narancia sighed and did the same. "I thought it would be funny... But I fell off da ladder an' knocked da bucket down an' it hit Abba.." He admitted, looking up to Fugo. "Thanks for telling me the truth." Fugo nodded. "We're gonna have to wait for your momma to finish giving Abba a bath so we can figure out your punishment."


Leone sniffled as he was set into the warm bath, calming down a bit. "Mommy's here.." Bruno whispered, gently pouring some of the warm water onto his head. "You're gonna be okay.." He gave Leone a kiss on the cheek, before picking up the bottle of body wash. Leone babbled softly and played in the water, looking up when his momma held his arm. "Mommy's gonna clean you up, then we can go see Nara." Bruno smiled.


Bruno walked out of the bathroom carrying his clean, warm baby, and Narancia ran up to him. Fugo stood up from the couch, sighing. "He said it was his idea, and he got Abba to just hold the door. Then he fell off their "ladder" and the bucket fell onto Abba." He explained. Bruno nodded and brought Leone to the couch. "Where are Giorno, Trish, and Mista?" He looked around.

"Trish is taking a nap, and Giorno and Mista are wrestling." Fugo sat beside Leone, smiling. "Wr-?" Bruno looked to Fugo, soon realizing what he meant. "Alright-" He looked over to Narancia. "How much time I gettin' in time out?" The little asked. "Well, since you didn't mean to hurt anybody, besides whoever walked through the door next.." Bruno thought.

"Five minutes." He decided, standing and walking to their corner. Narancia followed and sighed. "It's not okay to do things like that. You could've really hurt someone. Both with the bucket and ice water." Bruno let Narancia sit down, before he set the timer on the wall for five minutes. "Do you want a snack or anything before I go?" He looked to the little.

Narancia nodded. "Coul' I have some juice an' a hug?" He kicked his legs. "Of course." Bruno stood and went to the kitchen, grabbing a juice pouch from the fridge. He brought it back to Narancia and smiled, before bringing him into a hug. "Either me or Fugo will be back in five minutes." He slowly pulled away, giving the little one last kiss, before going back to the couch.


The timer beeped and Fugo stood up. "Do you know why you were put here?" He walked to the corner, turning off the timer. Narancia nodded. "Alright, why?" Fugo sat down beside him. "It was my idea to put da bucket on top of da door, an' even if it didn' hit Abba like it did, it woulda hit someone else an' hurt 'em.." The little looked up to Fugo.

"Exactly. It's not okay to pull "pranks" like that. That doesn't mean you can't joke around or anything, just that you can't do things that will hurt other people or embarrass them." Fugo smiled, before bringing his little into a hug. "I'm proud of you for telling the truth." He stood up, moving to hold Narancia on his hip.

"Thank you.." Narancia hugged his daddy. "You're very welcome." Fugo peppered him with kisses, earning a smile and giggle.


I like thinking of Bruno as everyone's mommy, so littles would have their daddy and a mommy. Of course, Bruno isn't together with everyone in the group, he's just the group's mommy <3

Chapter 15: Kakyoin


Kakyoin survives and makes it to part 4, but things aren't like they used to be..

A request by LuzDouradaDRAGLUON

A little warning for mentions of PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder) and Kakyoin crying a little near the end

Also there's some slight Jotakak going on, like I imagine they know they're already way more than friends, but they run by the logic that as long as they have socks on, it's not gay


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Kakyoin took the elevator back up to the second floor of the hotel, letting out a sigh. The door soon opened and he pushed himself out, trying to find his room. He eventually did and reached into his pocket for his key. He unlocked the door and went inside, before closing it behind him.

Jotaro stepped out of the bathroom in his pajamas. "Hey." He walked over, helping the other close and lock the door. "You didn't need to do that." Kakyoin looked up, grinning. Jotaro just shrugged, before pushing Kakyoin's wheelchair to the side of the bed. "Next you're gonna say I don't need to help you get dressed." He opened the closet.

"You don't. I've done it myself for nine years, now." Kakyoin began getting undressed, before having a hoodie and boxers thrown at him. He smiled and looked over. "Then go for it." Jotaro closed the closet door and walked to the bed. Kakyoin set down the clothes and tossed his shirt aside, before pulling off his tank top. Jotaro sat and watched, grabbing his dolphin plushie.

He would never admit it, but he had a genuine respect for Kakyoin. Surviving DIO, living in a wheelchair by himself for nine years, pushing through severe PTSD, an now helping with Kira's case. He respected Kakyoin more than his own daughter. He knew he'd never know what it was like to be unable to move his legs, and he wasn't sure how anyone managed, but they did. Kakyoin did.

Kakyoin removed his pants and looked over to Jotaro, who had zoned out. He shrugged and figured since they'd showered together before that Jotaro wouldn't mind him changing his underwear. He picked up his hoodie and slipped it on, before beginning to remove his boxers. Jotaro slowly brought himself back and sighed.

"You still don't need my help? You look like you're struggling." He looked over. "No, it's fine-" Kakyoin bit his lip, not wanting to admit he was actually struggling. "You think Delula could help?" Jotaro held his dolphin plushie out. Kakyoin laughed a bit. "No, I'm alright now. Just help me up there." He held out his arms and let Star Platinum pick him up and set him on the bed.


The two had went to bed, but Kakyoin was still awake. He held Delula and sucked on his paci, tired and trying to fall asleep. Hierophant Green sat by the bed, pouring some water into a baby bottle for Kakyoin. He finished and looked up, having to nudge his user a bit to wake him up.

The little babbled quietly and took the bottle into his mouth, snuggling into the blankets more. Hierophant Green rested it's head on the mattress and let Kakyoin drink, gently rubbing his back with his free hand. Kakyoin closed his eyes and let his body relax, accidentally letting Delula fall from his arms.

The little immediately sat straight up, before reaching down to grab Delula. Hierophant Green helped him get back in bed, before looking up and seeing Jotaro a little confused looking. "You alright, Kakyoin?" He tilted his head.


"You don't have to keep apologizing. If it helps, then it helps." Jotaro held the little close to him. "I- I- N-know, but I j-us' don' wanna make you take care a' me.." Kakyoin sniffled, hugging Jotaro. "It's alright.." Jotaro whispered, petting Kakyoin's hair. "It's alright.." He repeated.


After a while, Kakyoin calmed down, and they talked. It was about two or three hours long. But they eventually sorted it out. Jotaro didn't have a problem with Kakyoin regressing or helping him out while he was regressed, but he made it clear he wasn't looking for a permanent caregiver role.

Kakyoin understood, and asked Jotaro if he would be alright with doing small things for him while he was regressed, like helping him change his clothes and move around. Jotaro agreed, and even said he would cook for Kakyoin while he was little. The only things he would not do were basic.

Jotaro explained he wouldn't change any diapers (even though Kakyoin didn't ever use them), he wouldn't do anything sexual, period. And he wouldn't be a long-term caregiver, or have Kakyoin rely on him like an actual baby or child would.

They had finally come to their conclusion. Yes, Kakyoin was a little disappointed Jotaro wouldn't be his forever daddy, but he was still grateful Jotaro accepted him and even agreed to help. But for now, all he needed was a hug from Jotaro and Delula.


I don't care if Delula is a fictional stuffed dolphin, I love her

I'm also sorry if this didn't focus as much on the regression part as other chapters did

Chapter 16: Bruno and Leone


This isn't really agere, just Bruno and Leone being absolutely adorable together <3

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Leone let out a long sigh, before leaning on Bruno. "Are you alright?" Bruno looked down. "Hm?" Leone looked up. "Are you alright?" Bruno repeated. "Why wouldn't I be?" Leone asked. "You sighed like you were annoyed." Bruno tilted his head. "Well I'm not, I was breathing." The older grinned sarcastically for a moment. Bruno smiled and kissed Leone's forehead.

"The spaghetti is done!" Fugo called from the kitchen. He walked into the living room and smiled at his capo and Leone. "Ever since Abbacchio joined, I noticed something inside you two." He teased. "Organs?" Leone looked up. "I have a lot of those." He sat up, before walking past Fugo and into the kitchen. Narancia ran into the kitchen, shoving past Leone. The older caught himself on the table, sighing.

"That's not what I meant." Fugo laughed. Giorno, Mista, and Trish all went to the kitchen as well, talking about some new fashion magazine. "You noticed all my 207 bones?" Leone took a few plates and set the table, even for Giorno. "You mean 206?" Fugo walked over with Bruno, sitting beside Narancia. "207, I technically have an extra bone right beside my left kneecap. It's small, but it's bone." Leone shrugged.

Fugo tilted his head. "How does that happen?" He looked up as Leone set down silverware. "When I was a kid I fell and somehow cracked my kneecap, and a small bit chipped off. It was painful as hell, but I was fine. The chipped piece never went away or joined back, so it's just there now." Leone opened a cabinet to grab a few glasses.

"Wouldn't it be painful? I'm sure misplaced bone would hurt, even if it was small." Giorno stood and grabbed the milk from the fridge. "It does occasionally, but I'm not going to the doctor for it unless I can't walk." Leone sat beside Bruno. "Thank you for setting the table." Bruno smiled. "Fuc-" He looked up, then realized Bruno was the one who spoke.

"f*ck you." Leone looked to Giorno, then realized he never got anyone food. "f*ck me-" He stood up, taking Bruno's plate. "f*ck everyone." Mista shrugged. "Unless they're a child." He corrected himself. Giorno laughed a bit and sat across from him. "Can you all not be boys for one night?" Trish rolled her eyes. Leone turned around dramatically, looking confused and ready to say something witty or stupid. "Ex-f*cking-scuse me?"


The rest of the evening went nicely, and Bruno and Leone decided to take a bath together. Leone got everything ready, only letting Bruno adjust the water temperature. He only did it all because he found comfort in controlling what he could of his environment, and Bruno didn't mind. Eventually, they both stepped inside and sat with each other.

"Grazie, tesoro.." Bruno smiled, leaning his head back to allow Leone to gently wet his hair. "Prego." Leone grinned, making sure to keep the water out of Bruno's face, and if a drop or two did fall, he would gently wipe it away with a towel. "You don't have to keep doing that-" Bruno laughed as Leone gently pat his face dry.

"Do you not like it?" Leone quickly asked, setting down the towel and pulling his hands away from Bruno. "It's not that, you just don't have to do it every other second." Bruno looked back. "I'm sorry." Leone wrapped his arms around the younger. "It's okay." Bruno smiled.


Bruno was able to just barely avoid a breakdown, and keep Leone on task. The older absolutely hated upsetting Bruno, even if it was just implied. He did everything in his power to make Bruno comfortable and gave him everything he could, so upsetting Bruno even a small bit hurt like a knife to the chest.

But Leone was able to go back to washing Bruno's hair, even though it took a thousand reassurances. He didn't know when Bruno had too much water in his face, though. Bruno didn't like him keeping his face completely dry, but he never said how much water in his face was uncomfortable. Leone was also worried about the shampoo or conditioner getting into Bruno's eyes...

So Leone kept wiping away every drop of water. He didn't like making Bruno uncomfortable, but he didn't want to risk letting shampoo or conditioner get into his eyes, since that would be worse. He figured since he was making Bruno uncomfortable by drying his face so much he should at least apologize whenever he did it, though.

Bruno smiled and let Leone finish washing his hair, feeling a bit guilty for making Leone feel as if he had to apologize so often, so he reassured him with a simple, "it's okay" each time.


After about an hour, Leone had finished washing Bruno's hair and body, and they were now just laying in the warm water. "Do you not want me to clean you up?" Bruno asked softly, watching Leone shake his head. "Are you sure?" He curled a bit of Leone's hair around his finger. The older only shook his head again, closing his eyes.

"Why not?" Bruno looked down. "Because I love you.." Leone sighed. The younger laughed. "That doesn't answer my question." He smiled. Leone whined and wrapped his arms tighter around Bruno. "You're okay, you don't have to answer." Bruno pet his head. Leone nodded and let out a content hum.

He loved Bruno, and that's all he wanted to say. Sometimes, like right now, he couldn't find any other words besides "I love you," and struggled to say anything else or answer questions. And Bruno knew, and didn't try to make Leone speak when he couldn't. That was why Leone loved Bruno so much. Bruno understood him and helped him.

Bruno made him happy, and he repayed him in every way he could think of. He did everything he could to show how grateful he was, from saying "I love you," to spending every moment with him.

"I love you.." Leone whispered, feeling Bruno pull him closer. "I love you too.."


Is it possible to vent in a happy way? Because that's exactly what I did with this chapter-

Chapter 17: Dio and Kakyoin


Kakyoin returns to the only man who took care of him like he needed... Dio

A request by LuzDouradaDRAGLUON


Also, if you all want, I can write a chapter with Jotaro and Kakyoin. These are all just one shots and I don't have to set them all in the same universe

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It had been a couple years, and Kakyoin and Jotaro were ready to go home. The Speedwagon Foundation provided the plane rides. Although, only Jotaro returned to his home. Kakyoin requested he be flown to Egypt...


Kakyoin sighed as he pushed himself towards the familiar building. A loud screech was heard above him, and he looked up, seeing the familiar bird that guarded the entrance. It cawed and flapped it's wings, but stopped and turned around, looking down to the other side of the gate.

After a bit, the gate opened, and Kakyoin backed away. "Are you here to see lord Dio?" A low voice asked, before a man showed his face. Kakyoin nodded, biting his lip. "Y-yes. I would like to speak with him.." He moved a bit closer. The priest sighed and tilted his head upwards. "Do you know a man named.. Jotaro, Kujo?" He glared to Kakyoin.

"He's in Japan currenly. Although, he's going to America to help his daughter out of prison." Kakyoin explained. "I don't want to fight with Dio, or cause any trouble." He added. There was a long silence, before Kakyoin spoke again. "I would never lie to you, father. All I want is to speak with lord Dio."


Pucci lead Kakyoin through the dark halls, until he opened a large door. "Lord Dio." He opened the door, but pulled out his stand just in case, making sure Kakyoin saw it. Dio stared for a bit, before closing his book and bringing out The World. "Let him in." He ordered. Pucci nodded and stepped back, letting Kakyoin inside. He gave Dio a certain look, then closed the door.

Dio lifted his head when he saw Kakyoin approach the bed. "Lord Dio-" Kakyoin nodded downwards, before folding his hands on his lap. "The World." Dio stopped time, standing up and looking around for anything Kakyoin had on him. He felt every inch of his body, but found nothing besides his clothes, a bit of jewlery, and his wallet.

Kakyoin blinked and Dio was gone, having moved to another spot on the bed. He was holding a familiar cherry patterned wallet. Dio laid back on the bed and searched through it, only finding Kakyoin's ID, disability card, $100, ¥14,701, and £1,970. "I don't want to fight." Kakyoin sighed. "I don't have any weapons on me." He leaned back.

Dio nodded. "Why are you here then? The only reason you should want to see me should be to get revenge." He gave Kakyoin's wallet back. "I want you to take care of me like you did. Before you put your flesh bud in me." Kakyoin set his wallet down on the nightstand. Dio nodded, but stayed quiet for a while.


It took a couple hours for them both to get comfortable, but Kakyoin eventually regressed and Dio got into daddy mode. Now that he had raised a few children, he knew how to take care of Kakyoin better, and even owned baby bottles, stuffies, and toys. He also knew how to take care of injuries and comfort crying littles and children. Did Pucci have any experience with that? Probably not.

Dio sat on his bed with his little in his arms, rocking him gently. Kakyoin enjoyed it, but whined a bit, as he hadn't drank much in the past couple days and was thirsty. Dio pushed a bit of hair out of Kakyoin's face and kissed his forehead. He looked to the door, and called for Pucci. The man came sprinting to the room, terrified at the thought of something happening to Dio.

"Lord Dio!" Pucci yelled as he opened the door, holding a disk with Whitesnake ready to attack. He was about to throw the disk, when he realized Kakyoin and Dio were... hugging? He stopped and stared, confused as hell. But wait, could it be a stand ability? One to cause hallucinations or delusions? What if Kakyoin were behind him ready to attack?!

"Quiet, Pucci." Dio said calmly. "Go get me a baby bottle filled with water." He ordered. Pucci stepped back, still viewing the scene as if it were a hallucination. "Lord Dio-" He started, but thought for a moment. What if this was real? What would happen to him if this was really lord Dio giving him an order?

Dio sighed. "Pucci. You heard me." He said in a more stern tone, looking down when he felt Kakyoin tense up. "It's okay, sweetheart." He whispered, before looking back to Pucci. "You heard me." He repeated, before having The World go close the door. Pucci backed away, unsure of what to do, but still not wanting to disobey Dio. He eventually sighed and went to get the bottle.

Dio sighed and gave Kakyoin another gentle kiss. "You're okay, baby." He smiled, holding him close and rocking him. It didn't take long for Pucci to return with the bottle, although when he entered the room, he blinked and he was back outside, the bottle gone from his hand. Frick Dio and his stupid time stop. Wait, no, he couldn't think of lord Dio that way-


Kakyoin held his favorite stuffie in his arms, drinking from the bottle. He was thinking about Jotaro... And who he was currently in the arms of... Jotaro would be mad at him if he knew... But Jotaro didn't have to know. Dio made Kakyoin happy, even though he had done terrible things to him. Even though he had done terrible things... Even though he had done terrible things...

Dio slowly moved the bottle away from Kakyoin's lips and grinned, pulling the blanket up over them. He gave Kakyoin another kiss and slowly laid him down. He looked up when there was a knock at the door. He sent The World to open it, and saw Pucci. "Lord Dio, I don't mean to bother you-" He started, but stopped when he saw Kakyoin.

"He's sleeping." Dio sighed. "Can you ask me in the morning?" He tilted his head. Pucci turned and slowly nodded. "Y-yes- Lord Dio-" He closed the door. Why was Kakyoin in bed with his lord? Why did they need the bottle? Why was his lord so gentle with him? Pucci was both confused and absolutely terrified. Wasn't Kakyoin a friend of Jotaro's? They should hate each other, it doesn't make sense!

He just shook his head and went back to his room, kneeling by his bed and praying for things to make sense.


And the legend says that Pucci is still confused to this day

Chapter 18: Giorno and Leone💧


TW for crying, nyctophobia, and saying negative things about oneself


This is a big vent but I was crying for the past hour (like really really badly), and got a text from a friend I haven't talked to in like a year that says this:

"Ok this is a dare This is for you, MY FRIEND . Read this message until the end, it’s adorable. I sent an angel to watch over you last night, but it came back. When I asked “Why?” the angel said “Angels don’t watch over angels.” Twenty angels are in your world. Ten of them are sleeping, nine of them are playing,and one is reading this message. God has seen you struggling with some things, and God says “It’s over.” A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in God, send this to fourteen friends, including me . If I don’t get it back, I guess I’m not one of them . As soon as you get five replies, someone you love will quietly surprise you... Not joking. Pass this message on. Please don’t ignore it. You are being tested and God is going to fix two big things tonight in your favor. If you believe in God, drop everything and pass it on. TOMORROW Will Be The Best Day Of Your Life. DON’T BREAK THIS CHAIN. SEND THIS TO FOURTEEN FRIENDS IN TEN MINUTES. IT’S NOT THAT HARD. NO GROUP chat."

I don't believe in God, but there's no way that's a coincidence-

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

All Leone wanted was his mommy. All he wanted was to be told it's okay.

Leone sat in the kitchen floor and cried. It was around 2 a.m., so nobody was awake. He had fallen, spilled his glass of water, broken the glass, and hurt his leg. The loud noise and all the different feelings resulted in him panicking and regressing. A couple spots on his clothes were wet, the floor was uncomfortable, and he was scared of the dark.

He looked around and cried, flapping his hands. He didn't like how dark the kitchen and living room were, since he had a big fear of monsters or things that could hurt him being in the dark. But why was his mommy not here? His mommy always came to help him when he got hurt... Did mommy not love him anymore..?

The crying worsened as Leone felt a sting in his chest. His mommy didn't love him anymore... His mommy didn't want him around... But why? Was Leone annoying? He was annoying. Was Leone bad? No, no, no- He couldn't be bad, that wasn't good. He was bad, he was bad, he was bad. But he didn't want to be bad, he didn't like it-


The breakdown lasted almost an hour. Leone had created a puddle of tears underneath him and his throat hurt from how he was breathing. But eventually, someone woke up. The dark shadow absolutely terrified him when he saw it, but his fear soon faded away when he saw Giorno.

Giorno. Giorno was good. Good. The younger quickly knelt down to help the panicking little. "Oh, baby-" He brought Leone into a hug. "M-mommy-" Leone cried, holding Giorno tightly. "Mommy-" He repeated, not taking long to calm down. Giorno pulled away and looked at his shirt and pants, wet from the water and tears.

"You poor baby-" He stood and picked up Leone, not even concerned about the broken glass and water on the floor. All that mattered right now was calming Leone down and making sure he was safe. "Mommy's here-" Giorno held Leone and walked him to the bedroom. Leone sniffled, loving how warm Giorno was. His entire bedroom was warm, like a blanket of safety...

Giorno set Leone down and grabbed clothes as fast as he could, before sitting beside the little. He almost never took the role of Leone's caregiver, especially his mommy, but he had no clue how long Leone had been out there crying for help. Giorno couldn't imagine the terror running through Leone as he was sitting out there...

Leone let his mommy dress him, then held back onto him. "M..mommy.." He sniffled, barely even remembering how he had changed clothes because of how fast Giorno was. The younger sighed and held his little tightly. Gold Experience thankfully didn't find any injuries, and Giorno calmed a bit.

"Mm-momma-" Leone yawned. He was with his mommy now. This mommy looked different, but she took care of him. This mommy held him and kissed hi- Wait, was that a forehead kiss? Leone looked up, getting another forehead kiss. He giggled and nuzzled into his mommy's long wavy hair. But mommy didn't stop her attack there...

Giorno smiled and kissed Leone's cheek, bringing a happy squeal from him. He gave Leone a few more kisses, then laid down in the bed with him. "I love you." He quickly and messily swaddled Leone in a soft blanket and pulled another over himself. Leone babbled and looked up, just now realizing that this mommy wasn't his... Who's mommy was this?

It didn't matter right now, anyways. Leone was tired, warm, swaddled, and with a mommy that took care of him.. He was happy. Giorno smiled and kissed Leone's forehead again. "It'll be okay, baby." He whispered, knowing that those words calmed Leone down faster than anything. "Mommy's here." He added, before yawning and closing his eyes.


Definitely not me writing an autobiography and just replacing the characters

I don't have a caregiver irl though, so it hurts a little more

Chapter 19: Rohan and Josuke💧


Big TW for EDs


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Rohan hated eating in front of people, so much that he would never eat at restaurants, and never used to eat when he was in school. Sometimes he even refused to eat in front of Josuke. He could be eating the exact same thing as everyone else, but still felt disgusting. He hated having to eat.

Josuke looked up from his dinner. "Are you doing okay?" He set down his fork. Rohan nodded. "Yeah." He obviously lied. He hadn't even touched his food. He had cooked it, so he knew everything that was in it, and knew he enjoyed it. He just felt gross eating.. "Babe-" Josuke stood up. "You'll be okay." He walked around the table.

Rohan looked down and nodded. "You haven't eaten in the past five or six hours." Josuke put a hand on his shoulder. Rohan stood up and sighed. "I'll be fine." He took his plate and water and walked upstairs to the bedroom. Josuke sighed as well and sat back down.

Rohan drank a bit of the water, then opened the bathroom door. He took about half of each thing and let it fall into the toilet, before flushing it and leaving. He sat down on the bed and made the food look like it had actually been eaten and moved around. He then picked up his phone and set a timer for twenty minutes. That was how long he would have to wait for Josuke to believe he actually ate.

The younger knew, though. Josuke knew Rohan didn't eat. He also knew Rohan wore a specific shade of lipstick almost all the time. Whenever Rohan took his food upstairs to eat, there were never lipstick marks on the fork/spoon like there were when Josuke saw him eat. He also always stayed up there for the same amount of time, and ate the same amount.

Him leaving food was already odd, since whenever Rohan ate, he ate everything. He huffed and stood up, going upstairs. He opened the bedroom door and saw half the food gone, and Rohan laying on his side scrolling through Reddit. The older looked back, an obvious fear in his eyes. "Rohan, look." Josuke stepped inside. "Josuke-" Rohan sighed, sitting up.

"I don't want to hear it." Josuke said sternly but gently, closing the door and going to the bed. Rohan turned his head away and set down his phone. "Rohan, baby-" He sat down in front of Rohan. "Look, I need to lose weight anyways." The older looked back. Josuke's face turned to a saddened expression, and he moved to the other side of Rohan.

"No you don't." He said genuinely. "Yes I do. I don't look good with my stomach as big as it is. Some people can handle extra weight.. they look good. I don't." Rohan pulled the blanket up over his shoulders. Josuke moved his hand under Rohan's hoodie to rub his stomach. "Are you cold?" He sighed. Rohan nodded softly.

"If you keep losing weight you'll get colder. You'll get sick, and you'll feel so much worse.. But eventually you won't feel anything at all." Josuke pulled Rohan a bit closer. "I don't care how you look. I don't care if you do your makeup or not. I don't care how much weight you gain or lose, but I'll start caring once it becomes a problem. And this is a problem."

"I'm not trying to guilt trip you, or threaten you, or whatever. I'm saying that this is a problem." Josuke looked into Rohan's eyes. "And I know my words alone can't get rid of all your insecurities or things you don't like about yourself, but this can be a start. I don't like how you're treating yourself. And of course, you want to be happy in your body, but happy isn't always healthy. Happiness is being content with what you have."

Rohan looked down as a couple tears fell from his eyes. "You're not happy. And if you keep doing what you're doing, you'll never be happy. You'll hurt yourself and make yourself more and more unhappy." Josuke brought Rohan a bit closer. "All I want to say is that you need food. All I want you to do is eat and get to a healthy weight. And I don't mean getting smaller, I mean letting yourself gain some weight. We could build a bit of muscle, too, if you'd want."

Josuke smiled and kissed Rohan's forehead. "It'd help you feel warmer, too. I don't care how you eat, I don't care who you eat with, even if it's just with yourself, I just want you to eat." He whispered, not remembering when Rohan started crying. "Please.." He whispered, gently rocking Rohan and rubbing his back.


Rohan cried for a long time, before calming down and regressing. Thankfully, he was better about eating when he was little. Josuke had given him the heated blanket, his paci, and had turned his favorite cartoon on the TV. "Is your food all okay? You think you can eat all of it?" He asked, smiling down at his little.

Rohan looked at the food and nodded, then realized two foods were touching. "N-nuh-uh!" He held the plate up to Josuke. "What's the matter?" Josuke took the plate. "Da-da- da-" He tried to speak, hoping his daddy would understand. Josuke looked, then realized what the issue was. Two things were touching. "Do you want another plate?" He asked, receiving a quick nod.

"A-aca-an- ca- ca-" Rohan looked to the glass of water. "Awawa- ca- I hasuh- ha-" He babbled. Josuke smiled. "Do you want your water?" He put the glass closer to the little. "Nuh-uh." Rohan shook his head. "You want something else?" Josuke tilted his head. Rohan nodded and looked up. "Milk?" Josuke asked, recieving another nod. "Okay." He took the glass.

"Daddy's gonna be back with more food, and some milk. Do you want it in a sippy?" He asked, getting another nod. "Okay." Josuke smiled, turning around and letting Rohan watch his cartoon while he put the extra food away in the fridge, got Rohan a new plate of warm food, and a sippy cup filled with milk. He made extra sure everything wasn't going to touch, and brought it back up.

He smiled when he saw his baby laying down with his favorite blankie and paci, watching his favorite show. "Baby." Josuke set down the food on the nightstand. Rohan looked up and made small grabby hands. "You want a hug from daddy?" Josuke smiled wider, leaning down and being pulled into a tight hug.

He eventually pulled away and smiled. "Do you want daddy to stay with you while you eat?" He asked, watching Rohan nod again. "Alright." Josuke sat on the bed, snuggling close to his little. "Is this okay?" He asked, getting another nod. "Abababa-" Rohan sat the plate on his lap, making sure all the food was okay, before picking up his fork and beginning to eat.


After Rohan was done eating, he showed his daddy. Josuke smiled and peppered his baby with kisses. "That's a good job, baby!" He ruffled Rohan's hair, making him giggle. "Daddy's proud of you." He laughed a bit. "Tank you!" Rohan smiled, looking up and snuggling closer to his daddy. "You're very welcome, baby." Josuke set the plate on the nightstand and gave Rohan his milk.

They both laid there until they fell asleep, happy and warm.


Being little always helps with my anxiety about things like this. You're small, and your head is empty. No thoughts. Just be small and love caregiver <3

Chapter 20: Giorno and Leone💧


Happy late Halloween, and happy late Veteran's Day <3

And thank you all a ton for over 2,000 hits and over 50 kudos! <3 I'm sorry I haven't been posting as much

(I also didn't reread this after I finished writing it, so please let me know if there are any grammar/spelling mistakes)

Chapter Text

Leone sighed as he laid in his mommy's arms. It had been five days since he last regressed, and all he wanted to do was breathe and love his mommy. That was all he needed. Bruno gently and slowly ran his hand through his little's silver hair. He listened to his soft breathing and closed his eyes, leaning his head back. "Mommy.." Leone whispered, quickly moving closer and hugging his mommy tightly. "Momma.." He began to cry.

Bruno's skin turned a familiar shade of purple and a soft ringing was heard. Moody Blues stopped the replay and slowly faded. Leone whimpered and fell down into the cold bed. It didn't take long for him to completely regress and break down. Tears streamed from his eyes and soaked the sheets below him. He let out choked cries and held his stuffie close.

"Momma.." He cried breathlessly, hoping and praying that someone would hear him. "Momma.." He repeated. "Momma.. please.." He whispered.


Leone sniffled as his eyelids pulled themselves down. He was tired and sick of life. All he wanted was someone, anyone there to hold him. All he wanted was someone to tell him it was all okay. All he wanted was someone.

He looked up as there was a soft knock at the door. "What?" He asked, attempting a stronger, annoyed tone, but failing. f*ck, he sounded like he was crying. He was the oldest of the group, why the hell should he be crying for his mommy and hugging some stupid stuffed animal? The voice on the other side of the door brought him back out of his thoughts. "Leone, are you okay?"

God damnit. Giorno. "I'm fine!" Leone yelled back. "Are you sure?" The doorknob turned and clicked. "I heard you crying.." The younger opened the door, looking around Leone's messy room, then to him. The older was curled up on his bed in the fetal position, holding something close to his face. "Get the f*ck out!" Leone tried to yell, but just buried his face in the stuffie and choked on his words. "L-Leone..?" Giorno stepped inside.

"Get out!" Leone whimpered, curling up more. He hated this. He was regressing more and more every second, and his chest stung horribly. Giorno used Gold Experience to shut the door and sat down on the bed. "G-go way!" Leone whined. The blonde immediately understood what Leone was doing. The gang was pretty open about their mental health, and a couple of them regressed.

Although, Leone always seemed to dislike it. Even though nobody regressed in front of anyone more than their caregiver or Bruno, whenever someone would mention it or a caregiver would come out to get snacks or an item for their little, Leone would make rude remarks or roll his eyes.

It was something nobody liked, but they never tried confronting Leone about it, as he had always been consitent and concrete with his opinions. He had even beaten up a man once for disagreeing with him on something he was passionate about.

So seeing him like this... It was odd. He was letting himself be.. vulnerable... Around Giorno, even... This didn't seem like Leone..

Giorno sighed and laid a hand on the older's shoulder, making him flinch. "It's okay.." He said in an awkward but gentle tone. Leone took a moment, then sat up, throwing his arms around the younger. Giorno sat dumbfounded, before realizing that Leone wasn't trying to kill him. He grinned and hugged him back. "It's okay.." He repeated.

Leone sniffled and held onto Giorno, before realizing he didn't have his stuffie. "Momma-" He tightened his grip on his shirt. Giorno blushed and let out a shaky sigh. "I'm here.." He whispered, running his hands through Leone's soft hair. Leone turned his head and looked to his stuffie, reaching for it. He grabbed it and pulled it closer to his chest. "Is that your little lion?" Giorno whispered, feeling the orange fur around the neck of the animal.

"Mhm.." Leone nodded, before putting his head back on Giorno's shoulder. "Does he protect you?" Giorno asked softly, feeling Leone nod. "Do you have anyone else to protect you?" Giorno asked. "Nuh-uh.." Leone shook his head, tearing up and holding Giorno closer to him. "Do you want me to tell Bruno? He can take good care of you." The younger sighed softly.

Leone thought for a moment, before shaking his head again. He liked Giorno. Even though he always acted like he didn't, he was proud of him. And now, as he was slowly returning to his normal headspace, he still trusted Giorno enough to admit it. He would rather be near Giorno than Bruno. He felt oddly whole, and calm. Bruno, even though he was the groups leader, and even though Leone had idolized him for years.. Didn't make him feel the same..

Giorno, the man he hated with a burning passion, filled a hole in his heart that nobody else ever had since his partner passed.

"I'd rather only you know.." Leone slowly pulled away, regaining his usual sour expression. "Grazie." He held his lion stuffie in his lap. Giorno nodded awkwardly. "Prego." He looked away.

The two shared a moment of awkward silence, before Leone spoke again. "I always wanted Bruno to take care of me when I was little." He looked to the blonde, who turned his head back. "I always used Moody Blues to replicate him, but he would always fade away after a while." Leone looked into Giorno's eyes. "You're still here." He reached over and brought Giorno into another hug. Giorno grinned and slowly hugged Leone back.

"It feels nice to have a real person here. And I want to thank you for caring enough to stay here and try your best to help... I know I'm rough on you, and a big bastard, but I've always cared about you.." Leone pulled away. "I really do care about you. You're young, nieve, downright stupid sometimes, but you always have a plan, and you always care about your friends." He smiled.

Giorno grinned and looked up, not sure whether to believe Leone or not. "Really?" He asked. "You just let yourself be little in front of me, and now you're saying you care about me?" He almost scoffed. Leone bit the inside of his cheek and nodded. The younger tilted his head. "You saying that would be like me admitting I'm Jesus." He stood up. Leone grinned and stayed quiet.

Giorno walked to the door and opened it. "Buonanotte." He nodded. Leone sat back and grinned. "Didn't you discover last week that your dad's name is Dio?" He asked. "If you're the son of a man named God then I think that'd make you Jesus."

Giorno smiled and closed the door, before going back to his bedroom.


That morning, Leone went straight to Giorno's bedroom. He opened the door and grinned. "Kid." He walked to Giorno's desk. "What?" The younger looked up from his painting. "Do you want to convince me that last night didn't happen?" He sighed softly. "No." Leone looked down. "I wanted to say that I really do like you. Even though I'm a jackass, I like you more than anyone else here. You have all the things I hate about people mixed into one awful being and I love it." He said in a gentle tone.

"So you're thanking me because you hate me?" Giorno said in a sarcastic tone. Leone nodded. "And because of what you did last night. You heard me and helped me." He shrugged, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms. "I'm an absolute asshole to you because I like you. You remind me of my partner. I think if I pretend I hate you enough so that if you die I won't care."

"But it's hard to hate someone who helps you in a way you've been looking for for years and that nobody ever has." Leone stood and walked to the door. "Thank you." He said genuinely, even making Giorno smile. "And the lion's name is Giorno." He added, before closing the door.

Giorno sat in silence for a while, replaying what Leone had said in his head. He was skeptical at first, but soon realized Leone was being genuine. "You're welcome." He whispered, before turning back to his painting and picking up his brush.

Chapter 21: Bruno and Leone💧


Little warning for Leone having some problems eating and having a breakdown

Also, Leone isn't really regressed in this one, just unmasked and upset

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Leone sat in his usual spot on the couch, playing with a new stuffie he'd gotten. It was a gift from Giorno, a squishmallow named Lanai, and Leone had kept his attention on them all day.

"Baby, you want something for dinner? You haven't eaten all day." Bruno looked down to his little. "Momma's making spaghetti tonight, but if you want something else you can tell me, okay?" He said softly. Leone shook his head, his eyes remaining on his stuffie. "You don't want spaghetti?" Bruno asked, sitting beside his little. Leone shook his head again. "Okay. Do you want something else?"

Leone shook his head again. Bruno nodded and pet Leone's head gently. "If you want something-" He started, before Leone turned his head and let out an annoyed yell. "I'm sorry, baby." Bruno pulled his hand away. Leone let out another sound, not liking how Bruno talked to him like he was little.

Bruno stood up. "If you want something to eat, come tell momma, okay?" He jumped a bit when Leone yelled again and put his head down, covering his ears. Bruno looked down, then went back to the kitchen. He thought since Leone didn't want to be touched, and didn't like Bruno speaking, he just needed left alone. It never crossed his mind that Leone wasn't little.

Leone let out another cry when Bruno left. Tears quickly began forming in his eyes and he continued screaming. He was overwhelmed and didn't know how to say it, only able to yell and hope Bruno understood. It didn't take long for his couple tears to turn into a full breakdown with screaming and crying and hair pulling.

Bruno looked to the gang, who was seated at the dining table. "I'm sorry-" He turned around and returned to the couch, sitting beside Leone. "Baby, what's wrong?" He asked calmly, knowing that him being calm helped Leone too. Leone covered his ears again, hating the name. Bruno bit his lip and held out his arms. "Do you want to come here, Leone?" He asked.

Leone stopped for a moment. Leone... It was only something Bruno said when Leone was big.. He looked over to Bruno, uncovering his ears and picking up Lanai again. "B-ig." He tried to speak. "Big." He sighed, sniffling. Bruno smiled. "Is that what you didn't like?" He asked, putting his arms down. "I'm sorry, ba- Leone." Bruno caught himself.

Leone sniffled and looked down. "Big.." He rubbed his eyes. "I know." Bruno nodded. "The only thing I could think of that would be bothering you would be.. me.." He sighed softly. "I'm sorry." He apologized again. Leone nodded and pulled Bruno into a tight hug. Bruno smiled and placed his hand on the back of Leone's head, jumping when Leone jerked his head away and yelped.


Leone sat at the dinner table with the rest of the gang, hugging his knees close and holding Lanai. He enjoyed dinner time, even when he was able to mask, and even when he was little. It was a time when everyone got together and Leone could just listen to conversations. The only time he didn't like it was when Mista or Narancia would yell over each other or shake the table.

"Leone, do you want something else to eat?" Bruno asked softly. Leone shook his head. "You haven't eaten all day." Bruno sighed as he stood and took his plate to the sink. "You want some strawberry applesauce?" He turned back around and looked to Leone, who quickly nodded. Bruno smiled and got the applesauce, and Leone's favorite spoon. It was one made for babies, but Leone liked it since the rubber didn't make a sound when it hit his teeth.

"Do you want to go somewhere else to eat?" Bruno asked, handing both items to Leone, who shook his head again. Bruno smiled and took Leone's plate to put away, then came back. He saw Leone still hadn't opened the package, and held his hand out. "You need me to open it?" He asked. Leone shook his head again and held onto it tighter, making sure he held Lanai, his strawberry applesauce, and his favorite spoon close to him. He had his knees up to his chest, too, for extra protection.

Bruno smiled. "Alright. I'll be waiting in our bedroom if you need me." He teased, knowing that the reason Leone wasn't eating was because he didn't like eating in front of too many people when he was unmasked. Leone's head quickly spun around, and he followed Bruno to their bedroom.


Leone had calmed down for long enough to return to his usual state. He had finished his applesauce, and had been laying with his head in Bruno's lap watching The Office with him for the past hour or so

"I'm hungry.." Leone sighed, catching Bruno by surprise. "You scared me- I thought you were still.." He trailed off, trying to find the right words. "The term for it is being unmasked, but it feels more like having my head cleaned out of all my thoughts and being unable to do anything but what my first impulse is to do." Leone looked up. "It's nice, but whenever I have breakdowns and don't know how to say what I want to it's frustrating and overwhelming."

"It feels weird being unmasked then masked again. I guess it's just because I constantly kept myself masked, the first time I let myself go I thought there was something wrong with me.." Leone let out a deep sigh. Bruno nodded, gently placing a hand on Leone's head. "STOP!" Leone jerked his head forward and groaned. "I f*cking hate that-" He sat up, scratching his head. "If you do that one more time I swear to god your ass is grass."

Bruno laughed softly at the rhyme. "I'm sorry." He paused the episode and sat up with Leone. "It's fine- Do you want anything to eat?" Leone stood and flapped his hands. "I'm getting some chocolate milk and more applesauce." He sighed. "I'll have some ice water." Bruno smiled. "I love how you can threaten to turn my ass into grass, and then sit with a straight face and tell me you're getting chocolate milk and strawberry applesauce."

"It's not my fault you're a basic bitch who likes ice water." Leone rolled his eyes jokingly, before leaving.

Once Leone returned, they both finished a couple more episodes of The Office, and went to bed with Lanai snuggled up between them.


I actually have a squishmallow named Lanai, and she was gifted to me by a friend <3

Chapter 22: Bruno and Leone💧


A warning for Fugo saying a lot of not nice things <3

Chapter Text

Leone sighed and tossed his plate into the sink and continued his conversation. "That's the worst pa-" He stopped, turning back around when he heard an unusual sound. "sh*t-" He picked up a piece of the plate, not sure what to do. "What is it?" Bruno asked, walking up beside him.

"I didn't mean to-" Leone looked over. Fugo sighed and rolled his eyes. "How many damn plates are you gonna break?!" He yelled, having been frustrated with Narancia all day. Leone flinched and felt tears in his eyes. "Fugo, it was an accident." Bruno turned around. "Everything he does is an accident!" Fugo retorted. Mista and Narancia just stayed silent, while Giorno and Trish left for the living room.

"Anything he does wrong you blame on f*cking autism, and anything we do wrong is our fault! Anything that happens to him, you're the first one to check on him! Leone is a f*cking full grown man! He doesn't need your input or help!" Fugo yelled, standing up.

"He's a careless idiot! He's broken how many things this week?! Two plates, a knife, the f*cking cutting board, he's almost set the house on fire five times this month, and you're just saying it's all an accident?! Leone isn't some kid! He knows what the f*ck he's doing, and should at least have to pay you back for the damage!"

Bruno stood in shock, and Leone stood by the sink, crying silently. Leone tried his best to pick up the pieces of the plate and threw them away, before washing his hands. Bruno sighed and looked down. "You're right." He looked back up to Fugo, before walking to the living room.

It hurt Leone to hear the words, but he already had a plan for how to make it up to Bruno. "I'm going out." He walked to his bedroom to change clothes. Fugo sat back down and glared up at him, before finishing the math problem with Narancia.


Leone went out on his own for the first time in years, and surprisingly, didn't die. He had made sure he got everything: money, shoes, keys, money, shoes, keys, money, shoes, keys, keys, plates, food, no- No, that wasn't right. What was it again? Oh well, he'd remember eventually.

He made sure to buy a set of plates, a couple knives, a wooden and plastic cutting board, and a fire extinguisher. Well.... the fire extinguisher might have been stolen, but it didn't matter. (How did Leone steal a f*cking fire extinguisher you may ask? Moody Blues.)


Leone had been out for a couple hours, and Bruno was terrified. What if he got in a car wreck? What if he was out drinking again? What if someone hurts him? What if he hurts himself? His heart skipped a couple beats when he heard the lock of the door click open.

Leone stepped inside, seeing Fugo and Narancia still at the dinner table. "Fugo." He sighed, ignoring Bruno running toward him. "What the f*ck do you want?" Fugo glared at him. "Here you go." Leone sat down a couple bags, before taking out the set of plates. "To make up for the plates." He took out the knives. "To make up for the knife." He took out the cutting boards. "To make up for the cutting board."

Fugo looked down at the items, then back up to Leone, who was already going back to the car. It didn't take long for Leone to return with a fire extinguisher. "And just in case I start a fire." He held it up as he closed the door behind him. "Where the f*ck did you get a fire extinguisher?!" Mista yelled. "Yes." Leone replied, before handing it to Fugo.

"Now I'll go sharpen these and end up killing myself like the careless idiot I am." Leone picked up the knives and went to find the sharpening tools. Fugo just looked down, almost shocked. "Wh-" He looked over and watched Leone prepare he whetstones. "Leone, tesoro-" Bruno rushed over. "I don't think knives are a go-" He got cut off by Leone's hand. "Shut. Up. I've worked with knives before and not died."


Leone did not die. He successfully sharpened the knives and returned them to Fugo. "Give me a piece of paper." Fugo picked up one of the knives and looked at the blade. Narancia tore a piece if paper out of his notebook and handed it to Fugo, watching in awe as the knife slid through it like butter.


That evening, at dinner, Leone cooked spaghetti and meatballs without Bruno's help. He had cooked plenty of times before when he lived on his own, but he wasn't confident in his recipes. Everyone seemed to enjoy it, though. Leone was getting his own plate, and had turned around to set it on the table, when he felt the white porcelain slip from his fingers.

Leone looked down and immediately felt tears fall from his eyes. Bruno came to help clean up, and after that, they went to the bedroom to calm Leone down.

"Tesoro, it's okay.." Bruno whispered, holding Leone's hand, which was quickly pulled away. "No it's not!" Leone cried, tugging on his hair roughly. Bruno bit his lip and thought of what to do. Leone was emotional and hurting himself, and was likely to hurt Bruno if he interfered. What the hell was he supposed to do?

Bruno sighed and tried to bring Leone's hands away from his head, only making Leone scream and pull his hair harder. "Okay- Okay-" Bruno sighed, figuring he should just let Leone be for now until he could at least speak again.


After around 30 minutes, Leone had calmed down, and moved to hug Bruno. They stayed in the hug for a long time, before Bruno had to pull away. "Do you want your dinner now?" He asked, getting pulled back into Leone's arms as he nodded. "Unless you want to come with me, you've gotta let go."

Leone whined and felt the familiar sting in his chest.
"No-" He held onto Bruno tighter. "Do you want to come with me to get your dinner then?" Bruno asked. Leone took a moment, but nodded, soon letting go of Bruno and pulling a weighted blanket off the bed.

Fugo looked to the hallway when Bruno and Leone came out. "Hey, Leone." He quickly stood up, confused as to why he was holding a blanket over his face, but ignoring it. Leone stopped and looked down, thankful Fugo couldn't see him crying and afraid. "Leone, I'm sorry for what I said." Fugo apologized. "I was just frustrated, and wasn't thinking about how you felt."

Leone stood awkwardly and leaned against the wall, sniffling a bit. "I'm sorry." Fugo repeated. Leone whined and looked down, wishing Bruno would hurry. Fugo sighed and left, going back to the living room. Bruno held Leone's and his plates close and grabbed the forks. "C'mon." He said softly, before opening the door and setting down the plates.

Leone walked in and closed the door, turning off the light and letting the TV light the room. Bruno smiled as Leone got comfy beside him, turning on House M.D.. Medical shows weren't really the best thing to watch while eating, but it didn't bother either of them. Bruno turned up the volume and gave Leone his plate and fork, then took his own.

About half way through the episode, Bruno noticed that neither of them had touched their food. "Tesoro, eat before it gets cold." Bruno nudged him, picking up his fork and taking a bite. Leone felt a sting in his chest and watched Bruno. He was eating.. Should Leone eat? No, it'd be awkward...

Bruno noticed Leone watching him and took another bite, knowing that Leone got anxious when he had to eat near someone. Bruno had noticed how he only ate when Bruno did at restaurants, and at home. Leone watched Bruno eat a bit more, before he felt comfortable eating. His love was doing it, so it must be okay.


After a couple more episodes, Bruno and Leone decided to settle down and go to sleep, feeling warm and safe with each other. "Thank you.." Leone whispered, before closing his eyes and snuggling into Bruno. "You're welcome.." Bruno replied, closing his eyes as well.

Chapter 23: Bruno and Fugo


A little chapter to make Fugo feel better after last chapter!

This was also 100% inspired by Luz's comment on last chapter too! (I hope it's okay that I shorten your name to that) <3

Chapter Text

It had been a few days, and everyone had mostly forgiven Fugo for what he said. (Leone was still having a tough time forgiving him, though.) Fugo still apologized frequently when it was brought up, and acted really awkward around Bruno.

"Hey, Fugo." Bruno grabbed his arm gently. "Stay for a moment." He asked. Everyone in the house had gone to bed, and Bruno and Fugo were the only two in the living room. "Look, Bruno I really am sorry. I was in a bad mood and frustrated, and it's hard with-" Fugo got cut off by Bruno shushing him. "Shh- Hey, it's not that." Bruno said in his gentle motherly voice. "I've forgiven you for that."

Fugo sighed and looked down, letting Bruno continue. "I'm sorry I forget about your and everyone else's needs. I do treat Leone like a little kid sometimes, but it's hard to tell his true self and his regressed self apart most of the time. I'll try to do better." Bruno smiled. "Do you want to go to sleep, or stay here and talk?" He asked, immediately finding his answer.

Fugo latched onto Bruno like a tick, having wanted to regress and spend time with his mama for the longest time. "I wanna talk.." He pulled away and looked down. "Are you small?" Bruno asked, gently lifting Fugo's chin. "Nuh-uh!" Fugo shook his head. Bruno smiled and nodded. "Alright, big boy. You want some milk?" He walked over to the kitchen and flicked the light on.

Fugo nodded and made a small noise. "In my purple sippy cup?" He sat on the couch, looking over to Bruno. "Did you say you wanted the red one?" Bruno teased, hearing a small huff. "Purple!" Fugo corrected him. "Ah, okay, so the pink one?" Bruno smiled. "Da purple one!" Fugo yelled. "Alright, baby. I'll get the blue one."


Bruno eventually found the purple sippy cup and brought it back to Fugo, getting comfy on the couch with him. "You want to talk now?" He gave Fugo a soft kiss on the cheek. "Mhm.." Fugo took a sip of his milk. "About what?" He looked over. Bruno shrugged. "About what you said, about how you think I treat Leone.." He listed.

"I don' think it's fair how Leone gets all your attentions.." Fugo huffed. "I know he's different but I wan' attentions too.. When you get attentions you give it to Giorno or Nara.." He snuggled closer. "I'm sorry, baby." Bruno moved a bit of hair out of the little's face. "What do you think we should do about that?" He asked in the gentlest voice he could manage.

There was a bit of silence, before Bruno spoke again. "You wanna know what I think we should do?" He asked, letting Fugo look up. "How about, whenever you need attention, you ask me? I always give Nara and Gio my extra attention because they ask or tell me." Bruno smiled, kissing Fugo on the forehead. "Mhm!" Fugo nodded.

"Can I has attentions?" He asked quickly, giggling and hugging Bruno when he nodded. "But baby, sometimes I won't be able to give you attention. There are some times when Leone or someone else needs my attention, okay?" He asked. Fugo pulled away and nodded. "Like if someone get hurt?" He tilted his head. "Mhm, and if Leone is having a breakdown, or another adult is talking to me." Bruno said.

"Mama can't give you all his attentions, but he can make some room for you when you need it, okay?" He put Fugo's hair behind his ear. "Otay!" Fugo pulled Bruno into another hug. "Can mama sleep with me tonight?" He asked. Bruno bit his lip and sighed. "I don't know yet, baby. Do you wanna go get into your pajamas and get your things ready for bed while mama asks Leone?"

Fugo pulled away and nodded, grabbing his sippy cup and running to his bedroom.


"Baby." Bruno smiled, walking over to Fugo's bed. "Leone needs mama to sleep with him tonight." He sat on the edge of the bed. "Otay.." Fugo said, slightly disappointed. "I'm sorry, baby." Bruno leaned down to kiss his forehead. "Do you have a stuffie to protect you?" He asked, smiling when Fugo held up his stuffed turtle. "Chewy!" He giggled.

"Do you trust Chewy to protect you?" Bruno asked. "Uh-huh!" Fugo nodded and hugged his stuffie close. "Alright. I trust Chewy, too. Mama will be in his room if you need him, and Chewy will stay here and protect you." Bruno gave the little a few more kisses, before standing up. "Do you need a nightlight?" He asked, seeing Fugo shake his head.

"Alright. Goodnight, baby."

"Night night mama!"

Chapter 24: Bruno, Giorno, and Leone💧


More sad stuffs because I'm sad ;-;

Warning for Leone having some not okay thoughts, and some mentions of past self harm/wanting to self harm

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It was around noon on a Friday. The couple had just woken up and were once again having an "I love you" battle. It had gone on for around 20 minutes, as Leone was little and absolutely stimming his heart out, loving the attention he got from his mama.

"I love you!" Bruno called, peppering his baby with dozens of kisses. Leone squealed and dug his nails into the palms of his hands. "I love you!!" He yelled back, giggling and smiling. "I love you so much more!" Bruno grabbed Leone's face and attacked him with more kisses.

Then if felt like everything stopped.

Bruno didn't say "I love you". Leone panicked, his brain not recognizing any words but the ones he'd repeated for twenty minutes. Why didn't Bruno say it? Did he do something wrong? Was Leone wrong? Did Bruno not love him anymore..?

Leone screamed and pulled his head away, feeling overwhelmed with the butterflies in his chest and stomach, and his ears getting used to the now silence. There was nothing left, it felt like. Why was it so quiet? Why didn't Bruno say it back? He said something, Leone knew that, but what did he say? Did he not want Leone anymore? Was Leone bad? Wrong? Mean?

Bruno leaned over to look at his baby. "Tesoro, what's wrong?" He asked gently, thinking he accidentally hurt Leone or overwhelmed him. Leone let out another scream and moved his head away. He knew it now. All the bad thoughts rushed back in.

He wasn't good enough, Bruno didn't love him, he was bad, he was wrong, he did something wrong, everything he did was wrong, he wasn't okay, he should hurt himself to make Bruno feel better, Bruno wanted him to hurt himself, he needed to hurt himself, he needed to punish himself because he wasn't good enough, Bruno didn't love him, Bruno never loved him, nobody loved him. Nobody loved him.

Bruno bit his lip roughly, thinking of what could be wrong with his baby. Leone could've been hurt, maybe Bruno was too rough. What else? Was he scared? What would scare him? He wasn't overwhelmed, Bruno knew Leone was happy... What else? What could be making his baby cry? "Tesoro.." Bruno said gently, reaching his hands out. His only reply was another scream and Leone backing away.

Now he knew.

Leone often had breakdowns where he isolated himself, tried to hurt himself, and sometimes hurt other people. That was one of these. Bruno had no clue what went on inside his head, though, and no clue what caused the breakdowns. He sat for a bit and thought while Leone calmed down. (At least he hoped he was calming down)

Bruno was jerked back out of his thoughts by the door opening. He looked back and saw Giorno stood in the doorway. "Is everything okay?" Giorno asked, stepping inside and closing the door. "I don't know." Bruno laughed a bit, a way of coping in the stressful situation. Giorno walked to the bed and looked at Leone, who was curled up, screaming, and sobbing.

"We had been saying we loved eachother back and forth for half an hour, then he just stopped. He was laughing and stimming, then just flipped to crying." Bruno sighed, knowing that Giorno was one of Leone's favorite people when he was little. Giorno (almost) always calmed him down, and took him to his bedroom to do whatever the hell they did. It stung a bit, to know that Giorno was closer to little Leone than Bruno was, but it was understandable. He couldn't make Leone entirely dependent on him.

"Are you sure you didn't say anything that he could've misinterpreted?" Giorno asked, before rushing to Leone to pull his hands away from his face. Leone had been scratching at his face, leaving red marks all over him. "Shh, shh, baby-" Giorno whispered, feeling Leone immediately relax his muscles. "It's me, baby." The blonde whispered, giving Bruno a look that said "Sorry for stealing your child".

Leone babbled and opened his teary eyes, wrapping his arms around Giorno. To Leone, Giorno was an angel. Giorno was safe, comforting. He helped Leone. Giorno was good. Giorno was safe. Safe.

Giorno smiled and picked up Leone, thankful for Gold Experience's help. The little clung to him like his life depended on it, and calmed down from his panic. Giorno was safe. Leone was safe.

After a few minutes, Leone calmed down and his negative thoughts were overpowered by his little self. He looked over and saw Bruno, reaching an arm out to him. Bruno wiped his eyes and held his baby. "I'm sorry I keep doing that-" Giorno laughed, sitting down. "Don't be." Bruno held Leone close and tight, rocking him gently. "Leone loves you, and you calm him down. You shouldn't apologize for that." He kissed Leone's cheek.

Giorno smiled. "But he's yours, I don't wanna take him from you, or have him get too attached to me." He looked up to Bruno. "You're talking like he's a puppy. Leone is his own self. He can choose who makes him happy. I don't "own" him, and he's not "mine". We're together when he's big, but when he's little, I don't care who he chooses as his daddy or momma. As long as he's happy, I'm happy." Bruno gave Leone another kiss on the forehead.

Leone hummed slightly and looked over, seeing Giorno again and reaching out. "Baba.." He made grabby hands, grinning when Giorno brought him into his arms. Leone looked back and whined when he saw Bruno, reaching back out. The two laughed. "Who do you want to sit with, baby?" Bruno smiled, holding out his hands. Leone took Bruno's hand and brought it closer to his neck. Bruno moved closer and tried his best to comfort his baby in the awkward position.

"Lion, you want some juice?" Giorno asked, smiling when Leone looked up, starting to babble. "Awawwwa!" Leone sat up and flapped his hands. "Water?" Bruno asked, watching Leone shake his head. "Iwa- I- Iwa- wa- w- I wa! Wama- ma- mi- Iwa-" Leone struggled to speak, eventually just huffing and letting out a frustrated yell.

Bruno laughed softly. "Milk?" He asked. Leone nodded and held out his arms, not knowing who he wanted to carry him. Giorno picked up the little and the two headed to the kitchen.


All day, Leone, Giorno, and Bruno had done nothing but play. All three of them laid in bed and watched cartoons, ate snacks, (and of course dinner) colored, played with stuffies, and snuggled. Leone was happy, and all of his negative thoughts faded away. Breakdowns were tough sometimes, but he was thankful for the people there to help him up.


I know this seems stupid, Leone crying about Bruno not saying "I love you" back, but I've had this happen before, and it hurts. Sometimes, really small things like that just bring my anxiety way up and the intrusive thoughts win.

These have honestly just become more of me venting and using the characters to replace other people, but oh well <3

Chapter 25: Kakyoin and Hierophant


A little warning for Kakyoin crying a little. It's nothing too bad though :)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Kakyoin giggled and played with his stand. They were playing peekaboo, one of the best games ever.
Hierophant sat in front of his regressed user and put his hands over his face, before uncovering it quickly and listening to his user's happy, excited giggles.

Age regression was one of Kakyoin's only (healthy) coping mechanisms, and it helped distract him from reality. In reality, nobody could see his Hierophant. They made fun of him and called him names. They hit him and kicked him. But in Kakyoin's own world, the one he visited every day, things were different. In his world, it was only him and his stand. In his world, he was a child, never having been exposed to the harshness and cruelty of reality. In his world, he was loved.

Kakyoin giggled and chewed on his paci, reaching up for his baba's hands.
Hierophant let him take his hands, and watched as Kakyoin put them around his body, trying to bring himself into a hug. He gently wrapped his arms around his user, and was squeezed tightly.
Kakyoin hugged his baba tightly, before pulling away. "Baba!" He looked up to his stand's eyes, watching his head tilt slightly. "Can I has some gummies?" Kakyoin asked softly, pointing to the kitchen.
Hierophant slowly shook his head, gesturing to the empty packs on the table.
"Can I has some more juice in my sippy, den?" Kakyoin reached over to grab his dinosaur patterned sippy cup.

Hierophant nodded and stood up, taking the sippy cup and walking to the kitchen.
Kakyoin hopped up and ran behind his baba, accidentally running too fast into the kitchen and falling.
The stand quickly set down the cup and came to his user's aid, pulling him into a hug.
Kakyoin whined and quickly began crying. His knees hurt and the fall scared him. He leaned into his baba and cried gently.
Hierophant held his little close, wishing he was able to speak to shush the boy and tell him he was okay. His gentle head rubs and rocking soon got the same message across, though.
After a few minutes, Kakyoin stopped crying, just sitting in his baba's arms and being rocked.


Hierophant watched as Kakyoin sat and played games. They had made instant ramen for dinner, and now it was almost bedtime. Kakyoin should've showered today, but Hierophant was afraid of water, so he could do it in the morning when he was big. He played F-Mega, and won every round against his opponent.

Hierophant waited until the game was over, then tapped his little's shoulder, watching him spin around. He gently pat the bed, and watched his little huff.
"Baba! One more game!" He begged, receiving a head shake.
Hierophant pointed to the alarm clock on the nightstand.
Kakyoin sighed. "Fine." He set down his controller and reached over to turn off the console.

After a while, Kakyoin had brushed his teeth and changed into comfier clothes. He hopped up into his bed and held his arms out for his baba. "Baba!" He called.
Hierophant slowly got into bed with his baby, getting under the blanket with him and listening to the soft giggles.
Kakyoin snuggled into his baba's chest, and closed his eyes, before the light went out. He sighed softly and didn't take long to fall asleep.
Hierophant slowly returned into his user omce he fell asleep, and rested.


Sorry this is so short :P

Chapter 26: Leone and Narancia (Mini)


This is an old draft that I'm coming back to, no clue why it was marked with💧or what my plans were for it

I'm just gonna turn it into a tiny little wholesome moment

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Narancia sucked on his bottle and snuggled into the older man.
Leone smiled and looked at Bruno, his eyes a bit teary. "This is so f*cking cute-" He whispered, holding Narancia like you would a baby.
Bruno smiled and looked over. "Mhm." He nudged Giorno a bit, getting him to look over at the two.
Leone looked down and gently pressed a kiss to Narancia's forehead.
The little made a sound and lifted his head, trying to get the bottle out of his mouth.
Leone took the bottle away and held his baby tighter.
Nara was wrapped in his favorite red airplane blankie, and wore one of Leone's band shirts with shorts underneath. He was a bit younger than a year old, and was pretty sleepy from playing with Fugo.
Giorno watched how happy Leone was, leaning on Bruno's shoulder.
Leone gave Narancia a few more kisses, loving how he snuggled into him.

Narancia yawned and curled up a bit more, soon falling asleep.
Leone closed his eyes and rested his cheek on Narancia's head.
Bruno smiled and stopped recording. "He's gonna hate me if he ever sees that." He whispered to Giorno.


I might start turning old drafts into tiny moments like this, and just mark them with a little (mini) thing

Chapter 27: Bruno and Leone (mini)


I lied last chapter :P

^ That was my original note for this chapter. No clue what I'm talking about, but writing this makes me crave soup

Also, with these minis, I'm keeping the original draft untouched, and I started writing at: "Bruno asked, moving a bit of"

Chapter Text

Leone laid in his caregiver's arms, sleepy and small. He pulled his heated blanket up over his shoulder and whined.
Bruno looked down to his baby, and Fugo and Giorno instinctively looked over. "What's wrong?" He asked quietly.
Leone whined again. He was craving some sort of hot soup, whether it be chili, potato soup, or just broth. He was really cold, and his two blankies and momma weren't warm enough.
Fugo leaned forward to look at the little. "What do you need, bud?"
Leone looked up and saw Giorno, immediately reaching out. Giorno was always warm and held him tightly.
"You want Giorno?" Bruno asked, moving a bit of the blanket off of Leone.
Leone whined again, reaching both arms out.

Giorno stood up and went to sit by Bruno, taking Leone into his arms and wrapping him up. "You're hot, baby." He felt his forehead.
"Sick hot?" Bruno asked, receiving a nod.
"Soup.. soupy.." Leone whined.
Bruno stood up. "I'll get you some soup. Do you want chicken noodle?"
Leone whined and rubbed his eyes.
Giorno kissed Leone's forehead. "Do you wanna take his temperature before he eats?"
Bruno shrugged. "It doesn't matter. You can if you want." He went to the kitchen and got a can of chicken noodle soup, pouring it into a bowl and heating it.

Giorno helped Leone eat whenever he got his soup, and helped him take a bit of medicine. After that, he gave Leone back to Bruno, and they both went into their room to take a nap.

Chapter 28: Bruno, Trish, Giorno, and Leone💧



A note from me after writing this: I turned this into a vent accidentally but it's okay :,)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Accidents Happen

It wasn't often when Bruno regressed, but when he did, it was adorable. He clung to Leone like a little kid and did nothing but smile and giggle. Due to him not regressing often, though, he sometimes got confused by his big body, like a great dane thinking it was a lap dog. It didn't bother him much, but was still confusing at times.

But right now, all that mattered was his dada.

"Dadaaa!" Bruno giggled, squeezing his stuffies close to his chest.
"Babyy!" Leone smiled, tickling his little's sides.
Bruno laughed and tried to squirm away, his legs kicking wildly.
Leone chuckled and leaned over his baby to pepper kisses over his face.
Giorno and Fugo looked over from the couch opposite the one the couple was laid on. It was adorable seeing Bruno so regressed, and Leone so happy.
"Leone would make an amazing dad." Fugo whispered.
"He is a dad." Giorno looked over, watching Bruno flop down onto Leone, giggling.
Leone let out a slightly pained sound, but laughed through it. "Careful, baby!" He pressed another kiss to Bruno's cheek.

Another thing about Bruno's safe space, was how sensitive he was. If he even thought for a second he did something wrong, he would apologize over and over. If he did something like spill a drink, he would cry for forever before Leone could calm him down. Doing "bad" things, or doing things "wrong" deeply upset him, and it was something the gang tried their best to avoid even slightly implying.

Bruno sat up quickly. "Is dada okay?"
"Yes, baby, I'm okay." Leone smiled, hoping his little wouldn't think he hurt him.
"Is you sure..?" Bruno asked in a higher pitched tone. "I didn' wanna hurt daddy..." His lip quivered a bit.
"Oh, you didn't hurt daddy, baby. You didn't do anything wrong, I promise." Leone sat up to hug his baby.
"Is you really sure..?" Bruno looked down and held his stuffie by the paws.
"Yes, daddy's really sure." Leone said in a more gentle, quiet tone. He hated seeing his baby so sad, especially when he misunderstood things and thought he did something wrong.
Bruno felt a hand on his hair and rested his head in his daddy's chest, slowly calming down.
It took a while, but Bruno eventually calmed down and hugged his dada.

"I sleepy.." He said quietly, wrapping his arms around his daddy.
"Okay.. are you feeling better?" Leone looked down at his baby, seeing him nod. "You know you didn't hurt daddy, right?" He smiled.
"Mhm!" Bruno looked up, his dada's smile slowly spreading to him.
"Okay. You wanna take a little nap?" Leone kissed his baby's forehead a couple times, making him giggle.
"Mhm!" Bruno nodded, bringing his stuffies up to his chest.
"Right here right now?" Leone offered, getting another nod. "Alright. You need anything before you go to sleep?"
"Nuh-uh." Bruno shook his head.
"You sure? Diaper, milk, snack?" Leone listed.
"Nuh-uh." The little repeated. He was a big boy, he didn't need diapers or milk in bottles.

"You need to use the bathroom?"



It had been around half an hour, and everything was calm and quiet. Bruno had fallen asleep on Leone, and not moved a muscle. Leone was just about to doze off, himself, before he felt something on his leg. He looked down and squinted, before gasping quietly.
Almost everyone looked over, and their faces turned to shock. Something like this had never happened before, and with their capo being like he was....
Leone bit his lip and adjusted his leg, cringing at the warm wetness that had soaked him and Bruno.
"I'll get a towel-" Trish whispered, standing up.
"Don't wake him." Leone warned.
Fugo set down his phone and stood up as well. "What do we do if not wake him?"
Leone bit the inside of his cheek. "That'll make him feel worse!" He whisper-yelled.
Trish quickly returned with a towel and awkwardly stood above the two. "Wh-what do I do?" She whispered.
"I don't know-" Leone let his head fall back.

Giorno, Mista, and Narancia watched from across the living room, unsure of how to help.
"Is there anything we could do?" Giorno asked softly.
"I don't know!" Leone said a bit louder, immediately cursing himself for waking his little.
Bruno blinked and whined softly.
Leone looked at Trish and quickly gestured for her to go sit back down. He then returned his attention to his little, giving him a kiss and rubbing his forehead to wake him up. "Hey, baby-" He started, unsure of how to approach the situation.
Bruno looked up and whined again, moving his leg away from the uncomfortableness around his crotch.
"Baby, wake up-" Leone whispered, hoping his fear wasn't obvious (it was).
"Whas wrong..?" Bruno nuzzled his dada's chest, continuing to whine and try to move himself away from whatever was so uncomfortable.

"Y-you-" Leone whispered. "You had an accident..."
Bruno looked up, taking a moment to comprehend the words, before his expression turned to fear and he hid his face in Leone's shirt. "I sorry!"
"It's okay-" Leone awkwardly adjusted himself, knowing what was about to come.
"I sorry!" Bruno repeated, his lip quivering as he started feeling bad again.
"It's fine, let's just get you cleaned up-" Leone tried to pick his little up in a way where he avoided the urine, but eventually just accepted he'd have to deal with it. He took a deep breath and stood with his soaking wet little, his face bright red.
Bruno held tightly onto his daddy and didn't take long to begin fully sobbing. He was embarrassed and scared his daddy would be mad and not want him anymore. He had never had an accident before...

Leone held his crying baby as he walked to the bathroom, sitting Bruno down on the lid of the toilet. "Baby- baby- listen to me-" He got on his knees and held his baby's face, quickly getting his attention. "Daddy's gonna go get clean clothes, he'll be right back, mkay?"
Bruno nodded through his tears, not really understanding what his daddy said, but knowing he was going to clean him up. It was when he watched his daddy stand up and leave that his heart broke. Daddy didn't want him anymore. He was bad, and now daddy was leaving. He was all alone now, his daddy didn't love him.

Leone stood at the door to his bedroom, leaning against it and letting a couple tears fall from his eyes. He listened to his baby's loud, pleading screams. It broke his heart. He couldn't possibly imagine all the emotions his baby felt, or how scared he was. The screams echoed in Leone's mind, and were loud enough to be heard clearly in their bedroom and from the living room.
Bruno screamed and cried as he sat in the bathroom, hoping that someone, anyone would hear him and come back. All he wanted was someone there. His daddy was gone because he was bad, though. Would anyone love him if he was bad? What if he was too bad and wrong that nobody would love him anymore?

Trish was the first to take action. She completely abandoned her job of cleaning up the mess on the couch, and went to the bathroom. She found Bruno and kneeled in front of him. "Bruno, hey, hey-" She said gently, bringing the little out of his screaming fit.
Bruno looked down and saw a woman. His mind was too much of a blur to understand anything more than his own thoughts. All he saw was a woman. A mother. "Mama!" He yelled, grabbing onto her like his life depended on it.
Trish shushed the baby and returned the hug, holding him close.

Leone returned with clean clothes and set them down, waiting for his baby to notice him.
Bruno calmed down as much as he could, before looking over. He saw his daddy. Daddy didn't love him, daddy didn't want him, daddy thought he was bad-
Trish jumped as a gut-wrenching scream escaped the little.
Bruno screamed out as loud as he could and looked away, covering his head. He wanted his daddy away from him. He screamed and screamed until he saw his daddy's shadow leave.
Leone stepped out of the bathroom and just began sobbing. He felt terrible. Nothing had ever made Bruno scream like that... He was a terrible boyfriend, terrible caregiver, Bruno hated him-

"Hey-" Giorno put a hand on Leone's shoulder. "Are you okay?"
"No! What does it look like?!" Leone sobbed out, looking up to the blonde. "Go help Trish-" He put his head back down, feeling the boy move from his side and enter the bathroom.
Bruno's head whipped around when he heard someone else enter the bathroom. He ignored it when he saw it wasn't his daddy.
"Baby, you're okay, you're okay." Trish repeated, hugging the little close to her chest. "I love you so much, baby."
Giorno bit his lip and looked at the mess on Bruno's clothes. "How are we gonna-" He started, before getting cut off by a sharp glare from Trish.


Bruno eventually calmed down and just hugged his mama, enjoying how he was being rocked. "Mama.." He whispered, wanting to hear her voice.
"Mama's here, baby. Mama loves you so much.." Trish whispered.
"Mama's right here.."
"Mama's here.."
Trish looked down and stroked Bruno's hair. "Mama's here.." She whispered, before looking to Giorno and gesturing to the clean clothes with her eyes. "Can mama get you cleaned up..?"
Bruno sat up and nodded, sniffling.
"Okay. Mama's gonna have to take off your clothes, then wipe you off." Trish explained.
Bruno nodded softly, then looked over to Giorno, reaching out his arms.

"Get a towel and hold him." Trish said quickly, before grabbing the clean clothes and standing.
Giorno got a towel from under the sink, and handed Trish a washcloth. "We're gonna take off your shirt." He said, anxious for the little's reaction. Bruno was very, very sensitive when he didn't have his shirt on, because of his... scar...
Trish wet the washcloth with warm water and locked the bathroom door, before kneeling back down in front of the little.
Bruno shook his head and held his shirt.
"I'll lift your shirt, Trish will wipe you down, then we'll take it off and I'll cover you with this towel." Giorno moved closer.
Bruno sniffled, but eventually nodded.
Trish put her hands on the bottom hem of the shirt, just barely lifting it up to run the warm washcloth along his stomach.

Giorno helped hold up the shirt once Trish was done, then lifted it off of Bruno. The little whined for a moment, before Giorno hugged him and wrapped the towel around him.
Trish carefully moved down, awkwardly taking off Bruno's wet pants, then lifting her hands again. "I'm going to take these off, okay?"
Bruno closed his eyes and nodded.
"I'm going to have to touch down here, is that okay?" Trish asked again, receiving another nod.
Giorno looked away as Trish cleaned the little. This was awkward as hell, but Bruno couldn't help his headspace, and had refused his boyfriend for whatever reason.
Trish quickly wiped off Bruno's crotch, hips, thighs, and a bit of his lower legs, before moving to the pile of clean clothes and finding his boxers.


Before long, Bruno was fully dressed and in a better mood. Now, the two just had to figure out what to do next...

"Are you big enough to walk, bud?" Giorno asked, wrapping the wet clothes in the towel and putting them in the laundry hamper.
Bruno didn't know how to answer, so he just nodded.
"You wanna try and walk to the living room?" Trish asked as she dried her hands.
Bruno nodded and looked down at his feet, hidden in his socks.
Giorno walked over and held out his arms to the little, helping him stand.
Bruno was a little wobbly at first, but soon got the hang of walking.

When the three left the bathroom, Leone was still sat by the door, crying.
Bruno looked down, then ran to the living room.
Leone watched his little and just hid his face, crying a bit harder.
Trish squatted down and sighed. "I know it's hard right now, but we cleaned him up and got him changed. He's in a lot better mood now, too." She smiled gently, before kissing Leone on the head and leaving.
Giorno didn't say anything, just walked to the kitchen to find something to eat.
Bruno grabbed both his stuffies and ran back to the hallway, sitting down beside his daddy. He couldn't talk, so he just shoved his stuffie into his daddy's lap and hoped he understood.

Leone opened his eyes and looked over, grinning at his baby. "Are you not mad at me anymore..?"
Bruno giggled and nudged his daddy, not understanding a word he said.
Leone left out a few more tears, before picking up the stuffed animal he was given and holding an arm out to his baby.
Bruno giggled more and fell into his daddy's arms. He didn't know why his daddy was sad or sitting like that, but he wanted to make him happy. Honestly, Bruno didn't even remember what happened before he came out of the bathroom. All he knew was that his daddy was crying and sad.

"I love you so much, baby.." Leone smiled, his tears turning to ones of joy.
"A-wawa ba!" Bruno babbled back, smiling.
"I love you too!" Leone pulled away and sniffled a bit.
"A-wawa ba!" Bruno repeated, giggling and flapping his hands a bit.
"Awawa aba!" Leone tried to mimic his little, laughing.
"Na abaa!" Bruno yelled.
"Na awa!" Leone mimicked.
"Na- a- ababa!"
"Na baba!"

Bruno continued their conversation for a couple more minutes, before he decided to just give up and hug his daddy.
Leone laughed and squeezed his little tightly, enjoying every single moment he spent with him. He didn't know why Bruno didn't want to see him earlier, or why he was so upset, but they could talk it out sometime when Bruno was big. If he even remembered anything.

All Leone wanted to do now was hold his baby boy and never let him go.
And all Bruno wanted to do now was hug his daddy and never let him go.


I KNOW I said I wouldn't post, but random 4AM motivation haunts me

Also I didn't reread this before posting so :P

Chapter 29: Fugo and The Gang (kinda?)


⚠️ Little warning for Fugo having OCD and having a little crisis about that. He also gets hurt early on, and there are some bad words

I didn't mark it as 💧 because I don't feel like it fits, but if I should add another symbol like ⚠️ or something, let me know! <3

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Fugo sat in the back of the van, crying softly. He was covered in broken glass, and his blood had soaked the towels under him.
Narancia pet his hair gently and sighed. They had been on a mission, and Fugo zoned out. He didn't pull out his stand in time, and gotten attacked from behind. He didn't know why Fugo got distracted, but it was most likely some OCD thing. "Are we almost there yet, Bucciarati?"
Leone gripped the wheel tighter and bit his lip. "Almost."
Bruno looked back at the two and sighed. "You'll have to explain to me and your Don why you failed this." He said sternly.


"I- I don't know! I yelled for him to take out Purple Haze, but he just stood there, staring into nothing!" Narancia yelled, letting out a pained sound as a shard of glass was pulled from his shoulder.
"Did you see him take his OCD meds today?" Giorno ran an alcohol pad over the deep cut, bringing another shout from Narancia.
"Hey! Don't be so rough!" Narancia complained.
The Don rolled his eyes. "You're just as bad as Mista."
Narancia looked away, remembering the time he saw Giorno and Mista....
"Hey." Giorno snapped his fingers. "Did you see him take his medication?"
Narancia looked over. "Huh? Uhh, no, I don't think so."
"That's why he let himself get blown up then." Giorno sighed, setting down the alcohol pad and moving to stand in front of the boy.

"Does OCD do that-?" Narancia felt his face get blood red as Giorno unbuttoned his pants.
Giorno shrugged and got onto his knees. "He could've felt the need to stand there for a certain amount of time, or been figuring out a math problem he created. Other things, too, but that's probably what happened." Giorno shrugged.


"This is gonna hurt, okay, bud?" Giorno moved the tweezers closer to the large shard of glass in Fugo's back.
Fugo nodded, holding Bruno's hand and pressing his head to his chest. His crying had calmed, but he was still sniffling.
"Three, two, one-" Giorno held Fugo's shoulders in place with his arm as he quickly pulled out the glass, pressing on the gash with the warm washcloth he had ready.
Bruno held Fugo tighter and shushed him. "You're okay, you're okay." He whispered, looking up to Giorno.
Giorno held up four fingers and pressed his lips together.
"Just four more." Bruno gently kissed Fugo's head.
The little whined and nodded.


Once Fugo was cleaned up, Giorno wrapped bandages around him and let him calm down.
"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten." Fugo counted. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten." He closed his eyes. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten."
Bruno sat beside him, holding him close.
"I needa shower." Fugo said in a smaller voice.
Giorno threw away the used alcohol pads and sighed. "How about we just wash your hair and face?" He suggested, not wanting to take off the bandages.
Fugo nodded and looked up to Bruno.
Bruno let go and tilted his head. "You need me to help?"
Fugo stood up and shook his head. He was little, but just big enough to do most things himself. Besides, he always washed his face multiple times a day, and in a very specific way.


Fugo came out of the bathroom with his hair wet and his skin soft and clean. He looked down as he walked, wanting to work on the diamond painting he had, but also wanting cuddles.
"Baby, are you alright?" Bruno asked from the kitchen, having tossed some food into the airfryer as he was too tired to cook.
Fugo nodded. "Six, seven, eight, nine, ten." He counted. Fugo always counted, even when he was on his meds, he would count things in tens. Whether it be steps, touching something ten times, recounting pills or other small things over and over, he seemingly never stopped counting.
Bruno walked over and smiled. "Can I give you a hug?" He held out his arms, knowing that Fugo had issues with touch.
The little thought for a moment, before shaking his head. He was clean, and he didn't want to dirty himself.
Bruno nodded and put his arms down. "Anything you want to eat?" He turned around as the airfryer beeped.

"Rice." Fugo said, fighting the urge to sit on a barstool and stand up again. He eventually sighed and gave in, sitting by the counter, then standing up. He pushed the chair in and walked to the living room. Now, he had to sit where he usually did, then get up and walk to his room to get the diamond painting. He did so, and soon brought the supplies back to the living room where he usually sat.
"Panna." Giorno got his attention from across the room. "You know how old you are?"
Fugo nodded, before counting to seven, mumbling the last three.
Giorno nodded. It wasn't unusual for Fugo to regress to a more mature age, as it let him communicate what he needed to, and have the ability to carry out his thoughts or urges.

Fugo carefully set all the materials for his diamond painting on the coffee table where he needed them, then picked up the small blade he used to cut the film on top. He counted to ten over and over, whispering the numbers as he cut carefully along the invisible line he set. Everything was going fine, until Narancia sat beside him.
Narancia sat down and gently nudged Fugo with the back of his hand. "How long you been workin' on that for?" The boy asked, not remembering he was little and unmedicated.
Fugo felt his skin crawl. He was clean, now he wasn't. He wanted to tear off the contaminated skin and shower until every bit of him was clean again. "DON'T f*ckING TOUCH ME!" He yelled impulsively, standing up and looking at the floor, but still facing Narancia.

Leone's attention was quickly caught, and his dad instincts kicked in. But for now, he would stay back unless he had to stop Fugo from doing anything violent.
Fugo backed up a bit, then went to the bathroom. Everything was wrong, everything was wrong, everything was wrong. He felt like there was a deadly virus on his skin that he had to scrub off. He walked to his bedroom and locked his door, before going to his bathroom and locking that door as well. He practically tore off his clothes (and bandages, not caring about the stinging where his wounds were) and turned on the shower. He quickly washed his hands, before stepping into the hot shower.

Fugo put his arm under the water and grabbed his luffa, scrubbing at the skin as tears fell from his eyes. Damnit, the tears were contaminated, too. He quickly brought the luffa to his face and scrubbed away the tears, keeping his head down from now on so the tears would fall out of his eyes and onto the floor. But the tears mixed in with the water around his feet, and the contaminated water would crawl up his skin and ruin his entire body. But his tears would get diluted by the water, like melted ice cubes in a soda. Okay, it was fine. He would force his tears to stop, then rinse out the slightly contaminated water. After that, he would wash his skin to get rid of any bits of the virus that may have clung to him.


It had been a couple hours, and nobody had heard from Fugo. Trish had offered to go check on him, but Sticky Fingers had to open Fugo's bedroom door for her. She walked inside and knocked on the bathroom door. "Are you okay?" She asked.
Fugo didn't take long to respond, having been sitting in his shower for the past hour. "My clothes are contaminated, I need clean ones."
Trish quickly understood. "Do you want me to get them for you?"
"Yes, please, yeah, yeah." Fugo repeated. "Yeah. Get my neon green boxer briefs, neon green socks, black shorts, and my black Green Day shirt." He instructed. Just random clothes weren't okay. He needed to wear green today, because it was a color that made him feel safe. The only way he could get contaminated now, was if someone else touched him without washing themselves. He moved to sit with his legs out, wincing at how the hot water hit his wounds from earlier.

Wait, Trish hadn't washed her hands.
"TRISH!" Fugo screamed out, peeking his head out from the shower curtain.
"I'm still here." Trish said from behind the door.
"Get in here, now!"
"Sticky Fingers is coming to help unzip the door." She said gently, thankfully having remembered that she needed to wash her hands before touching anything of Fugo's.
"Wash your hands with two pumps of hand soap in warm water." The boy instructed, before hearing a familiar zipping sound.
Trish nodded and walked inside, turning on the tap and getting the two pumps of hand soap. "You needed neon green boxer briefs, neon green socks, black shorts, and your black Green Day shirt?" She asked, receiving an agreeing hum. "Where do you want me to put them?"

"On the back of the toilet." Fugo looked down, rocking a bit. He felt safer now that he knew his skin was clean, and that he was getting clean clothes. After he got dressed, he would wash his hands, brush his teeth, then walk into the living room, walk around the left side of the couch, then sit where he usually did and work on his diamond painting.
Trish dried her hands, then went to retrieve the clothes. She found them all fairly easily, and took them and set them where Fugo needed them. "I'll be in the living room." She said, before leaving Fugo to change clothes.

It wasn't long before Fugo changed, washed his hands, brushed his teeth, and went to the living room like he wanted to. He sat down in his usual spot and picked up the blade to cut the film on the unfinished part of the canvas for his diamond painting.
Bruno brought the small bowl of rice to Fugo, setting it down next to his working area. "It's clean."
"Thank you.." Fugo pulled off the film, before looking for the small bag that held color "F".
"Are you sure you're seven years old?" Bruno asked.
"Mhm.." Fugo nodded, feeling himself regressing a bit more. He moved his legs back and forth as he poured the small drills onto the tray and shook it around.
"You used some big words when you talked to Narancia." Bruno said gently, obviously referring to Fugo's use of the word 'f*ck'.

"I was mad.." Fugo picked up a drill and placed it in the designated spot.
"Well, it's still not a nice word to use when you're little."
"I don't wanna say sorry.."
"You don't have to." Bruno grinned, before standing and going to sit on Leone's recliner to piss him off for fun.
Fugo sat and continued working on the diamond painting, occasionally taking bites of his rice. He was little, but not like everyone else. Everyone else wanted cuddles, to play with toys, and spend time with their mommy or daddy. Fugo liked being alone when he was little. He did things like sudokus or diamond paintings. The only times he would ever cuddle or want affection (and not worry about being "contaminated") was when he was showering, when he was hurting, or sometimes when he was on his meds and big.

Right now, he was small, not being bothered, and doing something he liked. That was all it took to make him happy, sometimes.


Luz, I don't know if this counts as me writing your request, but I'll definitely get to something closer to it sometime soon :)

Also yes, I did add the thing about the "virus" and "contamination" because of Fugo's stand. I also feel like it's a thing he's only worried about when he's little, kind of like a "the floor is lava" type thing, but a lot more serious.

Chapter 30: Fugo and Leone💧


Leone regresses during a mission, almost getting himself killed. The gang find the people responsible, then Bruno takes Leone home to clean his wounds and leave him with a responsible adult.

A request by LuzDouradaDRAGLUON


⚠️ BIG Warning for Leone almost dying :,)

Also, the power's been flickering off and on :( there's a pretty bad storm outside, and an ice storm warning and Mt Storm is right in the middle of the warning area. I shouldn't laugh, but the fact that an ice storm warning was issued right by Mt Storm is funny to me-

Chapter Text

Bruno glanced to his partner, then to Mista. He held up his fingers to count down, before he unzipped the large storage container.
Mista quickly checked the room, even killing the co*ckroaches and kicking the dead rats to make sure everything was dead. They didn't know this stand's ability, and had broken into the container to use Moody Blues.
Bruno and Leone followed in once they got the signal that everything was fine.
Leone looked down and around at the dead insects and small mammals. They didn't deserve that... No matter how scary or possibly dangerous animals were, they all deserved life. Well, at least a chance at life. Unnecessary killing is what got to Leone... For food, he understood it had to be done, but seeing the amount of dead rats and how many insects Mista killed...

"Abbacchio!" Bruno snapped his fingers. "Rewind to a few days ago!" He ordered.
Leone looked up and nodded his head slightly, hoping that working on his replay would take his mind off it. He leaned against the ridges of the metal wall and summoned his stand, giving her the date of last Saturday.
Bruno sighed. "This isn't a time to be zoning out, we're in dangerous territory. We'll be circling the outside, tell us when you've finished." He stepped back through his zipper, allowing Mista through, too, before closing it.
Leone gulped, looking down at the dead rat beside him. Thankfully, Bruno had made small holes in the top of the container for Leone to breathe and to allow him some light.

Leone felt like a bug in a jar, holes poked on top to allow him oxygen. But the jar had nothing for him to eat or drink, so he would eventually die, like all insects in jars. He remembered when he was a kid, he wanted to keep fireflies in his room. He thought they were magical, small nightlights that would fly around and keep him safe. He learned the hard way that he couldn't keep bugs in his room when he found their dead bodies the next morning. Leone remembered crying and crying over those bugs. They were just sweet little creatures, they didn't have to die...

He kneeled down and unconsciously put Moody away. He wiped his eyes and held his hand out to the rat. He didn't care what diseases it had, it didn't deserve to die here like this. Leone sniffled as a couple tears fell from his eyes. He gently ran his finger along the rat's chest and tummy, moving to sit in a position where he hugged his knees to his chest. Leone whipped his head around when he heard quiet steps. He looked back and saw a large but thin man. He tried to scream, but found that his mouth was stuck shut. Leone shook his head and backed up against the wall, almost looking as if he were guarding the rat. Another couple men appeared from the darkest part of the storage container. Their bodies appeared completely black, like silhouettes...

One of the men stepped even closer to Leone, kneeling down beside him. Now that Leone had gotten a closer look at the silhouette, it seemed more thin and feminine.. The person grabbed onto Leone's face. "Your skin is so soft." The voice sounded like an echoey whisper, like one in the background of horror movies. But it was loud to Leone... Surely Bruno and Mista could hear this, right? The sound surrounded him and it was like no other noises existed.

"Why did you leave yourself in this position?" The same voice asked. Leone wanted so badly to run, but his fight or flight wasn't even fight or flight, it was freeze. He tried to scream when the silhouette came even closer, but his lips were shut tight and he didn't know why. "Your fear makes us hungry~" The silhouette came even closer, Leone could feel it's breath on his cheek. His eyes flicked up when one of the other silhouettes came forward. This time, they held a knife. That part was visible... And it wasn't a switchblade, not a box cutter, not some cheap self defense blade... It was a kitchen knife. An expensive one, too, it seemed like...

Leone struggled, trying to force his body away from the walls of the container, but finding his arms and legs completely stuck as well. "We're going to kill you like a firefly and rip out your light." The voice said with a slight giggle. He could tell now, at least the one talking to him was female. The other two could've been, but he hardly saw them. Leone was forced back to reality when he felt the knife sink into his left ankle, making a quick cut around it, before it moved to his right.

Once Leone's ankles were cut, the person moved up to his wrists. Leone cried out as best he could, hating how the silhouette beside him was running her fingers through his hair. Leone tried his best to move away, but only heard more of the voice. "Why so scared? You should calm down. Besides, you're one of our prettiest victims. We'd love if you gave us a show~" Leone looked up and shook his head, tears streaming down his face. His attention was then grabbed by the last person forcing his legs apart and sticking them to the floor and wall.

Leone found his movement even more restricted, only able to move his neck and head. He screamed into his closed lips and jerked his head back, before realizing something. That made a sound. A loud sound. Leone repeated the motion a few times, before the silhouettes disappeared and the knife was dropped.

Bruno quickly unzipped the side of the container and rushed in, seeing Leone laid down panting with blood on his ankles and wrists. "Mista!" Bruno called, sealing the holes in the top of the container and standing by the zipper hole he made as to not risk anyone escaping.
Mista quickly ran around the container and stopped by the zipper.
"Leone's hurt, and our murderers are in here. You hold off the hole, I'll get Narancia." Bruno instructed, swapping places with Mista.
Mista nodded and looked inside, hating how he had to ignore Leone's cries and groans of pain. He was a man, he could get through it until the other three got here.


Giorno, Narancia, Trish, and Bruno soon returned.
"Trish, use your stand on the entire container, it'll let us see movement easier. Narancia, check for breathing inside, ignore Leone's. Giorno-" Bruno stopped at the blonde. "Stay back." He sighed, before returning to the zipper and standing by Trish.
Giorno bit his lip, not wanting to just "stay back". He waited until Mista was inside to create spider webs over the entrance hole. They were noticeable enough for Giorno to keep an eye on them, but seemingly nonexistent to anyone else, especially to whatever invisible murderer was trying to escape.

Leone curled up by the dead rat in the corner and cried, looking around for the weird silhouettes. "There-" He tried to speak.
"Where?!" Mista quickly asked.
"I don't have breathing yet!" Narancia called, thinking Mista was talking to him.
"There are three-" Leone said hoarsely, coughing a bit when he inhaled dust.
"Three killers!" Mista called back, glancing to Bruno.
Giorno watched the spider webs carefully. Everywhere around the outside of the makeshift door was surrounded, except a small human-sized opening to his left.
"We should've brought Fugo." Trish bit at the skin around her nails, looking at the inside of the container for any footsteps or indents on the walls.
"This would be a ton easier with him..." Bruno agreed, before seeing Giorno lunge out and grab an invisible figure.

"I got one!" He yelled as if the murderer were a rabid dog, pinning their body down.
Bruno looked over and brought out Sticky Fingers, just barely able to see the indents that the murderer's struggling made on Giorno's skin.
"Let go of me!" The girl screamed, actually freaking Giorno out a bit.
Bruno quickly unzipped the body randomly, just hoping to stop the killer from moving for now.
Narancia gasped. "Mista! Other right wall!" He yelled.
Mista turned to his left and shot five bullets into the side of the container, soon seeing two red holes bleed. From the height he shot, he was right around where someone's stomach or chest would be, and from the look of the wounds, there was tight fabric around it, so he didn't just hit an arm. "Two holes." He said, looking at his Capo. Thank God for their stupid left/right and up/down code.

Trish cursed herself for not paying better attention, but also noted that the two were in a spot she couldn't see from her point of view.
Bruno stepped inside right as one of the stand abilities went away. All there was now was a girl with a hole in her chest, who had fallen to the ground, and another with her hand on her stomach, panting heavily.
Giorno looked down at the zippered girl underneath him, smirking to himself. "Why would a bunch of girls mutilate men?" He laughed.
"You don't know how powerful we really are!" The girl beneath Giorno shouted.
"Oh, so powerful." Giorno stood up with a slight chuckle.
"Who are you talking to?" Narancia asked.


Bruno turned on the radio and let Leone listen to his favorite music. It was the most he could do, right now. Leone was little and in a lot of pain. And Bruno could only see the cuts on him, who knows what else happened. When the two reached the house, Leone was carried in.
"Are you two alright?!" Fugo asked, standing up quickly.
"Eh." Bruno shrugged, actually unsure.
"That doesn't help. I see blood, anyways, so I know you're not fine." Fugo walked to the two.
Leone sniffled and held onto Bruno, wanting something to make his pain go away.

When Bruno got Leone into the bath, he saw more of his injuries. His lips were a bit swollen and red, and there were red marks on his legs, arms, and back.
Leone stimmed and played in the water, enjoying how the warmth eased his pain and aches a little.
Fugo entered the bathroom with clean clothes and smiled. "I can take care of him, Bucciarati."
"Are you sure?" Bruno asked worriedly, looking up.
"Yes. You need to go help everyone else." Fugo sat the clothes down on the floor and leaned over the edge of the tub, grabbing Leone's bodywash and pouring a bit onto his hand.
"We've found the girls responsible for the murders, I'm in no hurry to get back."
"Girls?" Fugo looked over, confused. He quietly declined when Bruno held out a luffa, not wanting to accidentally hurt Leone.
"Three teenage girls." Bruno nodded, hanging the luffa back on the rack.

"How the hell could girls do things like that?" Fugo sighed.
"They were stand users. We only know that one of their stands allowed for invincibility."
"Invincibility?" Fugo glanced over, his eyebrows knitted together as he gently ran his hand over Leone's back.
"Oh- shoot-" Bruno huffed. "Invisibility." He put his head in his palms.
"You sound like you need rest." Fugo chuckled, taking a bit of water in his hands and rinsing Leone's back, grinning at the quiet hum he let out.
"I'm fine, I'll just get a snack before I go." Bruno excused. "We could've really used you, though." He scrunched up his sleeve and let Leone hold his hand.
"How so? I would've killed all of you. And in that tight maze of storage containers-" Fugo let his sentence trail off.

"It's a long story. It's just that the girls were all stuck in the container they attacked Leone in. We couldn't see them, so we could've gotten Leone out, then used one of your capsules- err- thrown one in, then I would zip the hole back up."
"I don't think you understand my stand." Fugo sighed.
"Why not?" Bruno held Leone's face gently.
"It has a limited range, but it's a big one. And the virus inside the capsules spreads fast." Fugo got a bit more bodywash, lifting Leone's arm. "It's like dry ice. Inside the capsules are solid, then when it breaks, it slowly turns directly into a gas. It gets into every small crack and crevice, like any gas does. If there were any holes or places for the gas to escape, it would've." Fugo kept the soap away from the cuts around his wrists. "And I can't just take it away."
"You're right.." Bruno sighed gently. The two shared a long moment of silence, before Bruno gave Leone a gentle kiss and stood up.

"Baba!" Leone whined, holding his hands up.
"Baby, it's okay, you've got Fugo." Bruno said softly. "You can take care of-" Bruno stopped himself, before sighing and shaking his head. "Fugo can take care of you."
"Bucciarati, you really need sleep." Fugo gently rinsed Leone's arms, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"I'll get a small snack, then go back to help the gang. They could need me." Bruno walked to the door, before leaving and heading to the kitchen.
Fugo sighed softly. "What ever are we gonna do with your momma?" He asked Leone.


"Let's get you bandaged, changed, then into your room for a nap, okay?" Fugo asked happily, sitting on the closed lid of the toilet seat.
Leone giggled and nodded, his towel wrapped tightly around him.
Fugo smiled and stood up, looking under the sink. He soon found a few rolls of bandages, and a couple different boxes of different sized band-aids. Bandages were a must-have, everywhere in the house. Whether it be for papercuts or injuries from missions, they were used often. Fugo picked all the items up, and chose not to use any alcohol pads. Leone was little, and they would hurt too much. Besides, he just had a bath.
Leone sat on the toilet lid and let Fugo wrap the compression bandages around his wrists and ankles. Sure, they weren't typically used for cuts, but they helped keep things like dirt or germs out, and stopped littles from bothering them so much.

Two large band-aids were then placed on the cuts by Leone's stomach, and Fugo began dressing him. He was lucky that Bruno and Mista stopped them, or else his chances of survival would've gone down quickly. Fugo gently pulled Leone's socks up, then grabbed his shorts and shirt.
Leone hummed softly as he was dressed, enjoying the warmth of the bathroom. Before his shirt was put on, though, Fugo took his towel and dried his hair a bit more. Leone babbled softly as he was soon completely dressed, and in Fugo's arms.
Even though Fugo didn't seem like it, he was one of the strongest in the gang, behind Leone. Regarding stands, he was one of the weakest, (in terms of fighting, not ability) in front of Leone.

Fugo picked up the sleepy little and carried him to his and Bruno's shared bedroom. This room always radiated a calm aura, most likely because all the littles knew it as a safe place, where no monsters or shadows were allowed.
Leone reached out for the bed, and smiled when he was laid down. "Baba Panna!" He giggled.
Fugo smiled and got Leone's stuffed lion off the nightstand. "Panna's gonna sleep with you." He assured, crawling into the bed beside the little.
"Ni ni-" Leone whined, holding onto Mr. Lion.
"Do you not want to go night night?" Fugo asked.
Leone shook his head and pointed to the large window letting light into the room.
Fugo chuckled and stood up, pulling the thick curtains over the window and making the room a lot darker.
Leone giggled and kicked his legs a bit, before looking around for his paci.

Fugo crawled back on the bed and sat up. "What are you lookin' for, bud?"
Leone made grabby hands and looked up. "Apa- ba-" He babbled.
"Milk? Snack?" Fugo asked.
"Nuh-uh-" Leone shook his head.
"Well what do you need?" Fugo asked gently, moving Leone's mostly dried hair out of his face.
"Apa! Padada- Pa!" Leone babbled, trying to get his words out.
"Pa?" Fugo looked at the nightstand, grinning when he saw a dark purple pacifier with an orange lion-patterned clip attached to it. "Paci?" He asked, picking it up.
Leone gasped and nodded, reaching up for it.
Fugo put the paci in his little's mouth and untied the clip, setting it back on the nightstand.

Leone hummed and held his lion stuffie close.
Fugo smiled and pulled the large quilt out from under Leone's feet, before covering him with it. The quilt was Bruno's, something he had inherited. It reminded all the littles of a safe place, with a caring mother and father. That was something that nobody really had, and being able to regress and feel the love of a mother as they were wrapped tightly in an old quilt was one of the best feelings. Now, Fugo guessed, he was the mother. He smiled softly and laid down with his baby, pulling the quilt over them both and wrapping his arms around Leone.
The little hummed and snuggled into Panna, his eyelids quickly falling as he buried his face in his chest. This is what home felt like. This was home.

Chapter 31: Risotto and Melone


Melone finds his Capo de-stressing alone, and decides to help him feel even better.

A request by Susanne


Not me projecting my constant coldness onto baby Risotto

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Melone opened his Capo's door, a stack of papers in his hand. "Boss, I found these by th-" He quickly stopped, looking at Risotto.
The little quickly sat up, hoping Melone wouldn't notice his stuffed animals or the paci he held in his fist.
"You.. okay?" Melone asked, looking at the odd atire. Never before had he seen Risotto of all people in any color but black or white, and the pastel pink hoodie was throwing him for a loop.
Risotto tried to get back into a bigger headspace, just nodding quickly.
"Yeah- uhh- I found these wrapped up outside-" Melone slowly stepped inside and set the papers on Risotto's desk.

Risotto nodded again, just sitting on his bed and looking down. He felt almost ashamed at his coping mechanism, wishing any of his men would care to knock before entering his room.
"You sure you're fine, boss?" Melone asked in a quieter tone.
Risotto nodded yet again, feeling tears sting at his eyes. He didn't want any of his men to know about this...
Melone nodded and walked to the door, closing and locking it.
The little looked up, almost scared.
Melone walked to the bed and kneeled down. "I know what's goin' on." He said with a gentle smile.
Risotto shook his head quickly, bringing his fists up to wipe his eyes.

Melone saw the paci he was holding, and moved to sit beside him. "Don't cry, bambino." He said gently. He had done quite a bit of research on age regression, and was able to determine by his Capo's lack of speech and body movements that it was age regression used for coping. Thank God Risotto didn't use it the other way...
Risotto looked away and shook his head. "Nuh-uh!"
Melone grinned, but then stood up. He shouldn't force Ris, if he didn't want him around, he shouldn't stay. "Alright, I'll go." He said softly.
Risotto sniffled a bit and looked up. He felt embarrassed that Melone now knew, but didn't want him to leave. It could be the only chance he got to have a caregiver. "Baba!" He held his hands out, using all his little strength to speak.

Melone looked back and grinned. "You want me to stay?" He asked.
Risotto nodded and kept his arms out, wanting a hug.
Melone came back and slowly and carefully put his arms around the little. He smiled when he was quickly hugged back, but he noticed something about Risotto. He was cold, really cold.
Risotto held onto his new daddy and enjoyed how warm he was. Although Risotto never usually got cold, he would around the end of winter. And when Risotto got cold, he was cold.
Melone gave the little a soft kiss and sat beside him. "You're still this cold? You've got a hoodie on."
Risotto whined and moved to sit with his legs crossed, grabbing his heated blanket.
Melone put a hand on the blanket and quickly pulled it back. "Jesus Christ-" He moved to sit closer to the headboard of the bed.

Risotto put his paci in his mouth and wrapped the warm blanket around himself, before scooting up to lay with his daddy.
"That blanket's hot enough to start a fire, bambino-" Melone looked down, unable to help the way Risotto's smile spread to him.
Risotto stretched out on his stomach, before wrapping his arms around Melone's waist.
"Baby, you're gonna burn me up with that!" Melone said playfully, gently lifting the little up.
Risotto made a couple small hums and giggled, before the cold air hit his body again and he looked back for his blankie.
Melone got the little into a position that was comfortable for both of them, before pulling the blanket up and wrapping it around his little.

Risotto snuggled into his daddy and held his blankie close, before realizing he had forgotten something...
Melone watched as Risotto sat up and frantically looked around. "What's wrong?"
The little pat his blankets and pillows, looking for his stuffie. It wasn't until Melone sat up that he saw it behind him. He quickly grabbed it and held it close to his chest.
Melone chuckled and leaned back again, hugging his baby close. "Can't cuddle without a stuffie, huh?"
Risotto hummed and got comfy on his daddy's lap.
Melone smiled and pressed a soft kiss to Risotto's forehead, making him giggle. "What's so funny?"
Risotto sat up and flapped his hands a bit, before more kisses were peppered onto his face.

"So that's what's so funny!" Melone laughed and smiled, hugging his baby boy and heavily seasoning (not just peppering anymore) him with kisses.
Risotto laughed and let out a few yells, before his daddy pulled away.
Melone leaned back to give his little a break, moving to hug him tightly.
Risotto's giggling soon calmed, and he snuggled into Melone, pulling his blankie and stuffie back up to his chest.
"You goin' to sleep, baby?" Melone gave him another kiss on the forehead, receiving a quiet hum. "I'll take that as a yes." He grinned, enjoying every single second he spent with his little.
Risotto snuggled up and yawned happily, loving every single second he spent with his daddy.


I hate trying to rearrange my tabs and accidentally swiping away the one I'm writing in :(

Also, petition to make "heavily seasoning (with kisses)" a replacement for "peppering (with kisses)"

Sometimes, a pepper isn't good enough. Sometimes, littles need the whole spice cabinet.

Chapter 32: Narancia, Trish and Leone (mini)


Trans Narancia and Trish get their periods and just struggle


I just need Leone to take care of the little sad babies, well, baby, Trish isn't little here

^ og notes, idk why I included trans Narancia but I'm just going with it

Chapter Text

Most of the gang had gone out for dinner, but three of them stayed home. Narancia and Trish had gotten their periods, and Leone offered to stay and take care of them.
"Abba.." Narancia looked up, seeing Leone wiping off the counter. "How much ice cream does we got?"
Trish groaned from her spot on the couch across from Narancia. She had her heated blanket on its highest setting, curled up in the fetal position. "Can you get me some, too?"
"You guys want anything with it?" Leone asked, walking to the freezer and picking up the container of ice cream.
"Can I has chocolate syrup wiff it?" Narancia played with his little rice filled frog. It was a gift from Giorno (as all his gifts to people were frog shaped or frog themed items), and was a stuffie that was meant to be heated and hugged. Nara always used it to lay on his stomach when his cramps were bad.

Leone nodded and opened the fridge, looking back to the living room when he heard Trish sneeze. "Bless you." He smiled, repeating the words each time she sneezed.
Trish didn't even say anything, immediately standing and running to the bathroom.
"When did you last change out your stuff?" Leone asked, setting down the bowl of ice cream.
"Iunno-" Narancia yawned.
"You better go do it, you'll feel better." Leone kissed his forehead.
"No I won'-" Narancia rubbed his eyes, sitting up and grabbing his bowl of ice cream.
Trish came back and leaned on Leone's shoulder. "I'm out of tampons and ibuprofen." She sighed.
"Do you want me to run to the store and get some?" Leone asked.
"Don' leave us here all 'lone!" Narancia looked up.
"Do you want to come with me? Trish needs supplies." Leone offered.
"No.." Narancia shook his head and looked at his bowl.
"I'll stay here with you, buddy." Trish picked up her blanket and sat beside Nara, flinching at the sharp pain when she sat.
"But yous is feelin icky too!" Narancia looked over sadly.
"I'm feeling a bit better." Trish nodded, partially lying.

"Pinky promise?" Nara held out his pinky.
"Pinky promise." Trish wrapped her finger around Nara's, then smiled up at Leone.
"I'm going to go, then." Leone nodded. "Do you want anything?" He gently pet Nara's head.
Narancia shook his head. "I'm okay."
"If you think of anything after I'm gone, just text me." Leone kissed both their foreheads, then left.

Nara ate his ice cream and laid on Trish, both of them happy and feeling their pain ease.

Chapter 33: Bruno and Leone💧


A vent cause why not

It's also insanely short but I don't care enough to care


Warning for implications of Leone having an eating disorder and him hurting himself a bit

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Bruno sat on the couch, occasionally glancing back at Leone, who was cooking. It was nothing new, Leone always loved cooking and often cooked for himself and the gang. It was also rare for him to hurt himself, so Bruno trusted him alone in the kitchen.
Leone flipped over his grilled cheese sandwich disappointedly. He used his spatula to lift it onto a plate, before walking to the trash can. He sighed and threw it down, plate and all, before going to his room.
Bruno heard a loud noise and looked back, just seeing Leone walking to the hallway. "Tesoro?" He called, only hearing a yell and a door slam.
Leone leaned back on the door and sunk down, his head falling between his knees.

Bruno quickly stood and walked to the hallway, assuming that Leone had went to their bedroom. He tried to open the door, but found something blocking it. It wasn't until he heard Leone's heartbreaking scream that he closed it, realizing what was behind the door.
Leone covered his ears and closed his eyes, screaming until he felt safe again.
Bruno moved to sit down on the other side of the door. "Leone?" He asked. "Why'd you throw your foo-"
The older let out another violent scream, banging his head on the door. It was hard with his hands covering his ears, but he soon found that his screams blocked out all other noises, so he could move his arms down to hug himself.

Bruno looked down as the screams continued, unsure of what to do.
Leone's yelling eventually calmed, and he sat up. His hair was oily, his face was oily, he felt disgusting.
Bruno listened as Leone sat up, opening the door.
Leone heard the door open and his screams began again. He put his hands on his ears to avoid hearing anything else, his forehead resting on the wall.
Bruno bit his lip, before stepping back out. Then, Leone calmed.
The older eventually stopped screaming, and continued his long journey to the bathroom. When he was in there, he quickly began undressing, doing his usual routine when he showered, but with added tears and stims that Bruno didn't allow because they were dangerous or harmful.

All he wanted was to be clean, and forget about how he f*cked up his grilled cheese. And yeah, a sandwich was a pretty dumb thing to get so upset about, but Leone was in a nice mood and really wanted to eat it. He had flipped the sandwich more than twice because he doesn't cook the first side long enough. That set off every single alarm in his brain, and sent him into a breakdown. You're a f*cking failure, you can't cook for yourself. How the hell do you f*ck up a grilled cheese? You've never done anything right, this is why Bruno is so sick of you. Bruno hates you, everyone hates you because you never do anything right.

Leone cried as he stepped into the hot water. He grabbed his towel and hung it over the curtain like he usually did, before turning to face the shower head. He looked down and let the water run off his face, something he did when he needed to calm down. The sound of the shower, the warmth of the steam and water, and seeing the water drip from his nose, chin, and eyelashes. It was calming, and Leone often found his showers resulting in him standing with his head down for hours, or screaming and breaking down because something was off. Thankfully, today was a calm day. He watched the water fall onto the bottom of the large tub and held his hands out, opening and closing them.

Right now, Leone's head was empty. There was nothing but blank space. The bad thoughts had moved out, and now it was just Leone and the drops of water falling down.


Definitely not written after I made a grilled cheese then threw it away because I didn't like how it turned out

I've also been avoiding showering recently because of the way it sounds when the water hits the curtain a certain way
That also sucks even more because now I feel oily and disgusting and it's one of the worst feelings

Also, since my neice was born, age regression hasn't felt the same.

I say "dada" or "mama" and think of my sister and brother-in-law. Sometimes, on really bad days, I think of my adoptive mother.

Regressing hasn't felt the same, and my safe space doesn't feel so safe most days. The only woman who made me feel safe told me to die.

It sounds stupid, but imagining that I'm in a different world with the Vento Aureo gang is the only thing that lets me feel safe when I'm small, but even right now, it's hard to break free from reality

Chapter 34: Bruno and Leone


Leone gets sick and Bruno has to take care of him

A request by SleepyFreddieWrites


I'm sorry this took so long, I've been working on sewing stuffed animals for my friends :P

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Leone whined and opened his eyes, feeling like he was going to be sick. He sat up and whimpered more loudly, accidentally waking up his mama.
Bruno reached a hand over and felt Leone not laying down. He opened his eyes and looked up. "Why are you up?" He asked quietly.
Leone whined again and held his stomach, hardly able to form words in his little headspace.
Bruno stretched a bit and sat up. "What's the matter?" He soon realized that Leone was little, as he got no response besides whines and whimpers.
"T-tummy.." Leone spoke, gagging a bit.
Bruno immediately understood, standing up to get his little a trashcan.
Leone gagged again, just barely getting his head above the bucket before he threw up.

Bruno reached his hand up and felt Leone's forehead. "Oh, baby, you're fevered." He sighed.
Leone spat into the trashcan and whimpered, he was cold and his head hurt really bad.
Bruno gently stood up and walked to Leone's side of the bed. "You want something to drink?" He gently kissed his baby's forehead.
Leone just whimpered, wanting his pain and the icky taste in his mouth to go away.
Bruno bit his lip and thought of what to do for a bit. He then took the trashcan and set it down, picking up Leone carefully.

Leone hugged onto his mama tightly, before moving his head away to sneeze.
"Bless you." Bruno smiled. "Bless you." He repeated each time Leone sneezed.
After 5 'bless you's, Leone stopped, looking over when his mama gave him a kiss on the cheek.
Bruno adjusted his baby boy on his hip, then walked out to the kitchen. Thankfully, they had liquid medicine for times like this. He didn't bother turning on any lights, just set his baby down on the counter while he got the medicine.
Leone kicked his legs and whined, still not liking his icky feelings. He looked up when he was given a sippy cup with water.

"I want you to rinse the icky taste out of your mouth." Bruno gently moved his baby to the sink.
Leone lifted his sippy and took a few drinks, before swallowing and shaking his head. He didn't like the bitter taste in his mouth at all.
"Baby-" Bruno laughed a bit. "Spit it out." He encouraged gently.
Leone looked down and spit, not realizing his mama wanted him to rinse his mouth and spit in the sink.
Bruno laughed and quickly grabbed a paper towel, wiping Leone's mouth. "I guess that'll do." He set his little one down while he got the syringe.

Leone took a few more sips of water, eventually getting the icky taste out of his mouth.
Bruno came back and held the syringe up. "Ready?"
Leone whined, turning his head away.
"Baby, I know it's icky." Bruno sighed. "But it'll make you feel better." He held his baby's face, slowly bringing the tip of the syringe to his lips.
Leone took a moment, but eventually turned his head back and took the plastic into his mouth.
Bruno squeezed a small bit in, then took the syringe away and helped Leone chase it with his water. The process repeated a few times, before all the medicine was gone.

"Alright, baby, no more." Bruno tossed the syringe to the sink. "Let's get you some warm milk." He held his baby's face gently, giving him a few kisses.
Leone hummed and yawned, feeling sleepy and icky.
Bruno smiled and switched Leone's sippy cup for a bottle, pouring some milk, sugar, and honey into it, before stirring and heating it. He then brought the bottle back and picked up his little one.
Leone held onto his mama tightly, just enjoying the warmth.
Bruno carefully walked back to the bedroom, setting his baby down on the bed and giving him his bottle while he went to search for a diaper.

Leone closed his eyes to try and ease his headache, not realizing when his mama came back and wanted him to lay down.
"Baby, hey." Bruno whispered, holding a hand on the back of Leone's head.
The little one jumped, but calmed when he saw his mama.
"I need you to lay down." Bruno sat on the bed, putting the diaper aside for now.
Leone kept his bottle in his mouth as he slowly laid down, letting his mama replace his boxers with a diaper.
Bruno did what he needed to quickly, before tossing the underwear across the room to the clothes hamper. He missed, but shrugged it off.
Leone took his bottle out of his mouth and sneezed again, this time receiving three 'bless you's.

Bruno smiled and moved to lay back down with his sick baby. The medicine should help with his aches and fever, so he wasn't too worried about that. Leone did also tend to get incredibly hot in the middle of the night, so he decided to open a window. Although, that might not be enough... Bruno turned around to make a quick trip to the kitchen for an ice pack, but saw his little one curled up shivering. He sighed happily and walked over, pulling the blankets over his baby.
Leone hummed and opened his eyes, reaching an arm up for his mama.
Bruno laid down and pulled the blankets over both of them, setting the bottle of milk on the nightstand.

Leone babbled as his headache faded and his tummy started to feel better. He closed his eyes and curled up into his mama's chest, hugging him close.
Bruno smiled and gave his baby a couple soft kisses, before closing his eyes and letting himself drift into sleep.


Who remembers taking amoxicillin as a kid when you were sick? It's that pink bubblegum stuff that tasted. so. good.

Is it weird that I'm craving that now after writing this? I literally looked forward to taking it whenever I got sick when I was younger, and was insanely disappointed when the doctor gave me any different kind of medicine

I've also found a way to keep my body temperature more stable, as I would always get deathly cold at day, but wake up coated in sweat in the middle of the night. I've started opening my window, so cool air gets in at night, and using my heated blanket at my desk during the day.

Chapter 35: Jolyne and Ermes


Ermes finds Jolyne regressing, and takes a nap with her

A request by SleepyFreddieWrites


I've never really written any part 6 before, so if they seem out of character that's why-

They're also not in prison, because.... because

Kinda in an alternate universe where Pucci is defeated and the new universe isn't created

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Jolyne snuggled into her pillow, closing her eyes and sucking on her paci. The was just about to fall asleep, when her door opened.
"Hey, Jolyne, is it fine if I-?" Ermes stopped when she saw her friend.
Jolyne snatched her paci and hid it in her hand.
"Whatcha got?" She tilted her head and stepped closer.
"N-nothin'." Jolyne hid her pacifier under her blanket, pulling it up to her shoulder.
Ermes shrugged. "I was just wondering if I could snatch a couple pads." She gestured to Jolyne's bathroom. "Sorry if I interrupted your nap." She crossed her arms.
"Is m'tay..." Jolyne pulled the blanket up to her forehead, trying to get the energy to be big.

"O-kay? You feelin' alright?" Ermes leaned down.
Jolyne nodded and made a quiet agreeing sound, looking up with her paci in her mouth.
Ermes opened her mouth as if to say something, but took a while to find words. "You-? That doesn't seem... okay.." She reached out to take the pacifier, but stopped.
Jolyne whined a bit and rubbed her eyes, sitting up.
"I'm gonna-" Ermes stepped towards Jolyne's bathroom. "Take- I'm just gonna take a few pads-" She laughed a bit nervously.
Jolyne nodded and grabbed one of her stuffed animals, holding it close to her chest as she yawned.

Ermes entered the bathroom and closed the door, doing what she needed to while trying to figure out why Jolyne would be acting like she was. What if it was a weird stand? Or what if this wasn't really Jolyne? She quickly washed her hands and left, looking around the room.
"What-chu- wha you doin'?" Jolyne asked, having laid back down and gotten comfy again.
"Jolyne-" Ermes opened the window, looking around. "I think there's a stand here somewhere." She bit her lip.
"Nuh-uh." Jolyne shook her head. "N-no sand.. jus' me!" She giggled, rolling onto her back and looking up at her friend.

"What?" Ermes walked to the bed. "Jolyne, something's happened to you." She said more seriously.
"Mhm! Is widdle." Jolyne pulled her paci out of her mouth.
Ermes took a moment, then spoke. "You're.. little?" She sat down.
"Mhm." Jolyne nodded, yawning and rubbing her eyes.
"What does that mean?" Ermes tilted her head.
"Is jus' widdle.." Jolyne stretched her arms up.


After an hour or so, Ermes had finished her small bit of research on age regression, and came back to Jolyne's room.
"M-ma-" Jolyne yawned, sitting up. She had been waiting a long time for Ermes to come back, and was really tired.
"Have you gotten anything to eat?" Ermes walked to the bed, sitting down.
"Is seepy.." Jolyne whined, leaning on the older woman.
"You need something to eat." Ermes smiled.
"Seepy!" Jolyne repeated, hugging her new caregiver.
"Okay, fine." Ermes gently moved Jolyne off of her and got comfortable laying down.
"Mama gon' seep too..?" Jolyne pulled her blanket up and burritoed herself in it.

"Mama?" Ermes laughed.
"Mama." Jolyne closed her eyes, curling up beside her mama.
Ermes smiled and gently gave Jolyne a kiss on the forehead, not realizing that she'd done it until Jolyne giggled. "What's so funny?"
"Kisses.." Jolyne looked up, giggling.
Ermes gave her little one a few more kisses, smiling at her small giggles.
"Mama!" Jolyne held onto her mama's waist, resting her head on her chest.
"Now go to sleep, baby." Ermes smiled, holding Jolyne close.

Jolyne let out a happy sigh and closed her eyes, not taking long to fall into sleep.
Ermes let her head fall back, and her eyes close. Even though she looked down every time Jolyne moved, she eventually fell asleep as well.


I'm sorry this is so short and has taken so long, I've been doing a lot irl and my motivation to write has gone down

I might do more with these two in the future, though

Chapter 36: Giorno, Bruno, and Leone💧


This was really hard for me to write because every time I started writing I thought of my adoptive mother

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Giorno smiled as he opened the last box. This one was a gift from Bruno, and something he had mentioned a few times. The boy set down the box on the coffee table and pulled out the styrofoam. "Good Lord it's heavy-" He laughed.
"It's not the biggest, but I figured it'd help." Bruno smiled, leaning on Leone and watching Giorno open his last birthday gift.
Giorno set the box aside and pulled off the top peice of styrofoam, gasping as he saw the white and pink sewing machine. A sewing machine was something that Giorno had wanted for a little while, and he was excited to finally try one out.
"You've been sewing a lot more recently, and I thought it'd help." Bruno shrugged.
"Thank you!" Giorno smiled, picking up the instruction manual and opening it up.


Giorno sat at his desk in the dim light, running a piece of scrap fabric through the machine. He was about half way through figuring out the different stitches, when he realized something. What would he use this for? Most of his sewing projects were small and intricate. Not that a sewing machine wouldn't be useful, but Giorno liked the control he had with hand sewing. He also just generally preferred the time and care that was put into all his projects.

But... Giorno couldn't say that he didn't want this. Saying that he didn't like a gift would make him ungrateful. But Bruno already feeds him, houses him, and gives occasional gifts. Refusing a gift would just be selfish and rude. Even though he had no real use for it, and would likely never use it. But again, not using his gift would make him ungrateful....
Tears fell from Giorno's eyes as he looked down. He already had so many things.... He had everything he could ever need... Why wasn't he happy? This should make him happy, all his belongings should make him happy. He had more than enough, he should be happy.

Leone looked over as the door to the bedroom opened. It was around 2AM, and he was about to go to sleep.
Giorno held his favorite blankie and his dark blue paci, sniffling. He was trying his best to be big and walk, but it was hard.
"What's up?" Leone asked, taking a second to realize that it was Giorno, specifically little Giorno. "What's wrong, bud?" His tone changed to a more gentle one as he set down his phone.
"Mama.." Giorno sniffled, stepping closer to the bed.
Leone looked over and gently shook Bruno's shoulder.
"Iwan mama!" Giorno began crying, just standing by the foot of the bed. He didn't understand that his mama was asleep, scared that she was ignoring him. "Iwa mama!" He cried a bit louder.

Leone quickly stood and came to try and calm his baby, shushing him gently.
Giorno yelled and turned away, crying louder. He wanted his mama, not his dada.
Leone cursed to himself and looked back.
Bruno slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes, looking down to his love and a little one crying. He quickly crawled to the end of the bed and held out his arms. "Baby, mama's here!"
Giorno saw Bruno and immediately threw himself into his arms, crying his eyes out. "Mama!" He yelled, hugging his mama tighter than he ever had.
Bruno gently held his baby and pet his hair.
"I- I wan mama!" Giorno cried, closing his eyes.
"I know, baby.." Bruno whispered, gently rocking his little one.
"I wam- I wan- I-" Giorno sniffled, his crying slowly coming to a stop when he realized he was in his mama's arms.

Bruno gently shushed his baby and rocked him. "It's okay, it's okay."
"I-I wan-" Giorno tried to speak, still hyperventilating a bit.
Leone sat beside Bruno and gave Giorno a gentle kiss. "Do you want something to drink?" He asked.
The little looked up and shook his head. "I wam- wamma- g-go-" He took deep breaths in between his words. "I wam- go bed.." He babbled quietly.


Bruno and Giorno laid on the green sheets of Giorno's bed and watched Octonauts, cuddled up closely.
Leone opened the bedroom door and brought in a bottle of milk. He smiled at the two and gave Bruno the bottle. "Are you sure you don't want daddy to stay here?" Leone gave his little one a kiss on the cheek.
Giorno looked up, then held out his arms, being pulled up into a hug. He held his daddy for a little while, before he was laid back down in his mama's arms.
"I love you, baby." Leone smiled, giving his little one a few more kisses.
"Awa ba!" Giorno giggled.
Bruno smiled and gave his love a quick kiss. "He'll be going to bed soon." He smiled.
Leone nodded, giving Giorno one last kiss before leaving.

It wasn't long after that Giorno went to sleep, sucking his bottle and snuggled into his mama's chest.
Bruno used the last of his energy to turn off the TV and set the bottle on the nightstand. He then got his baby into a comfortable position, and closed his eyes.


Getting gifts always makes me feel guilty, and since my birthday is pretty soon, I've already gotten my gifts

I've always gotten anything I even mention liking, and I feel insanely guilty. I even have an electric keyboard that I got years ago but never use because I don't play the piano. I also have a small electric drum set that I again don't use. Jesus f*cking Christ, I have too many things

It makes me feel spoiled and ungrateful. I hate asking for things I'd actually want because I already have so much that I should be happy with

Chapter 37: Bruno and Leone


Little warning for Leone crying a little bit and getting burnt


Today is my birthday :)

I got some gumballs and they're really nice, but sadly not helping with my headache

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"If I just put them in the bowls, will yo- OWW-" Leone yelled.
Bruno's head whipped around and he stepped over to the counter where Leone was. He saw steam billowing from the glass dish as a corner of the tin foil had been lifted. "Did you burn yourself?" Bruno gently reached for Leone's wrist.
"No, no. I'm fine-" Leone picked up an oven mitt and pulled the rest of the tin foil off, revealing the cooked potatoes. He then grabbed a large spoon in his hurt hand.
"Just let me see." Bruno pleaded. "Please."
"No, it's nothing, I'm fine. I'll just get the potatoes into the bowls, then we can let them set for a while." Leone carefully scooped a few potatoes into a thick glass bowl.
"Are you sure?" Bruno sighed.
"Yeah.." Leone looked down.

After a bit, Leone had placed the potatoes into their bowls and sat on the couch. He mostly stayed quiet, but accidentally got Bruno's attention with a whimper. His hand hurt badly from the burn... He had been fighting off his regression for a good while, and was just starting to slip and cry a bit.
Bruno looked over and saw Leone holding his hand with tears falling from his eyes. "Baby-" He moved closer slowly.
Leone whined and looked away, ashamed of himself. He got hurt, he was bad, he was dumb...
Bruno stood and walked to the kitchen, taking a gel bead pack from the freezer. He always had these ready in case of accidents.
Leone looked up when he felt something cold and soothing on his hand. He saw it was his favorite ladybug gel pack. His tears soon stopped and he hummed, his pain leaving.

Bruno carefully moved to sit beside Leone, letting him lean on him. These packs were absolute life savers, especially since Leone enjoyed cold things and stim toys like this. Bruno grinned and closed his eyes, holding his baby's hand.
Leone hummed and made soft sounds, leaning on his mama. He loved his mama... So, so much.


Sorry this was so short, it was just a lil idea :)

Chapter 38: Leone and Giorno


I went back and reread some old chapters and I love how I was writing autistic baby Leone, so imma write that again

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Leone flapped his hands and rocked, whistling to himself and imagining his mama holding him.
Giorno looked over and smiled. His room was a place that Leone liked, even when he was just big and unmasked. (Whenever he was his "usual" self, he hated it) Leone always came in and just sat on certain spots on the floor, walked around, or sat on the bed. He typically didn't interact with Giorno unless he needed something.
"Fru-fru-" Leone looked over to Giorno's desk, curling and uncurling his fingers as he rocked.
"What is it?" Giorno tilted his head.
"Tata- ta-d-" Leone tried to say what he wanted, moving his body over to face Giorno. "Fra fra! Fra-a- an- fra- an- ta-" He stuttered.
"Frah and tah?" The blonde pieced together the sounds.
Leone nodded quickly, excited.
"Frah and tah-" Giorno looked to his desk, hoping to figure out what Leone needed.

Leone waited patiently, rocking and moving his fingers up by his head.
Giorno looked to his toad paperweight and looked back over. "Toad? Frah and toad? Oh! Frog and toad!"
Leone nodded and giggled, bouncing excitedly.
"What about frogs and toads?" Giorno spun his chair over and leaned forward.
"Fa! Fra an' ta!" Leone giggled, the rest of his sentence coming out as gibberish.
"Do you need my froggy stuffed animals?" Giorno asked.
Leone shook his head "no".
"Plant pots?" Giorno pointed to the ceramic toads that held his favorite plants.
Leone shook his head again.
Giorno thought for a moment, before picking up a rock from his jar of cool rocks and turning it into a dumpy tree frog.

Leone let out a happy yell and flapped his hands quickly, bouncing as he looked at the cute frog. He giggled and watched it hop and crawl around, unable to stop flapping his hands and rocking. He was so happy he felt like he would explode.
Giorno smiled and turned another rock into a common toad, watching as Leone let out happy yells and giggles and bounced excitedly.
Leone giggled and yelled, his hands moving insanely fast and his bouncing making Giorno's bed creak a bit.
Giorno saw tears in Leone's eyes and decided to stop for now as to not overwhelm him. Of course, Leone was having fun, but he wanted to let him get used to the two amphibians for now.
Leone continued stimming and yelling, watching the cute frogs just sit around and be cute.

Bruno heard yelling and immediately assumed the worst. He mentally prepared himself, then opened Giorno's door, sighing in relief.
Giorno looked back with a smile. "We're looking at amphibians!"
Bruno laughed at himself for thinking what he did, and walked to Leone, looking at the cute frog and grumpy looking toad.
"He was saying 'frogs and toads' and I eventually figured out that this is what he wanted." Giorno gently pet the toad's back, making Leone scream out his laughs.
Bruno smiled and let his baby laugh. In public, people would give weird looks or ask them to be quiet when Leone found something he liked a lot, and that always resulted in breakdowns. At home, Leone could be as loud and happy as he wanted, without worrying about other people.

Leone's laughs soon calmed, and he watched the little guys hop around. His hands were still going like helicopter blades, so he was still having the time of his life.
Bruno smiled widely. "I just want to hold him and never let go, he's too sweet." He laughed.
Giorno smiled and nodded, gently picking up the toad.
Leone's giggling and bouncing resumed, as he absolutely loved the grumpy little guy.
Bruno laughed. "Don't make him explode." He teased.
Leone let out long happy yells, one of them turning into a yawn half way through.
Giorno gently pet his toad as Leone calmed, his tiredness hitting him.
Leone let out more quick babbles as he looked at the dumpy frog on the wall.
Bruno gently brought Leone into a hug. His sudden switches from hyper and energetic to sleepy were fairly common no matter how old or masked he was. When Leone got suddenly tired, he wanted to go to sleep right then. Of course, there was a bit of wiggle room before he started crying (cussing, when he was big), but it was better to let him rest as soon as possible.

Leone wiggled his feet and yawned again, not stimming as much as he did before. He had used all his energy on happy stims, and his yawn had made him really sleepy. He hugged his mama back and tapped in repetitive patterns, occasionally looking back at the frogs and giggling.
"What about my room does he like so much?" Giorno reached for the dumpy frog, bringing it closer and smiling at Leone's giggles.
Bruno shrugged. "I have no clue, but I've got to get back to dinner. Could you put him to bed yourself?"
Leone babbled and reached out for the toad.
Giorno nodded. "I think so. Could you get me a sippy cup with milk?" He set the dumpy frog down and picked up the toad, laughing at the way the little giggled.
Bruno smiled and hugged his baby tighter. "I'll get it in a moment." He kissed Leone's head.
Giorno held out the toad and Leone yelled happily and flapped his hands, being extra careful to not accidentally hit the toad or his mama.

Bruno eventually let go of his little one, unable to stop smiling from how absolutely adorable he was. He then stood and went to get the sippy cup and make sure his food wasn't burning.
Leone giggled and his stimming changed to him just stretching his wrists and fingers.
"Do you want to hold him?" Giorno moved his chair a little closer.
Leone nodded quickly and used all his strength to calm down enough to hold the little guy.

In My Arms - PinkFrogDoppio - ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (1)

Leone wiggled his feet as the toad laid on its back, soon rolling over and crawling around Leone's hand.
"Be careful, baby." Giorno leaned closer, letting Leone hold his hand to squeeze so he wouldn't hurt the toad by stimming.
Leone watched as the small guy crawled around his hand, giggling happily. Leone loved frogs, toads, Giorno, the frogs Giorno made, the toads Giorno made, the frogs that used to be toads, the toads that used to be frogs, the frogs who didn't know they were frogs, the toads who didn't know they were toads, the frogs that thought they were toads, the toads that thought they were frogs, the toads that didn't know who they were yet, the frogs that didn't know who they were yet, the tadpoles that wanted to be frogs, the tadpoles that wanted to be toads, the frogs that wanted to be tadpoles, the toads that wanted to be tadpoles, the toads that learned to love themselves, the frogs that learned to love themselves, the tadpoles that love everyone, and chocolate milk. Leone really loved chocolate milk, too, but mostly frogs, toads, Giorno, the frogs Giorno made, the toads that Giorno made, the frogs that used to be toads, the toads that use-

Giorno looked into Leone's eyes, wondering what all was going through his head. He had zoned out, and Giorno just looked into his eyes. He never thought that he'd be in this position... One, Leone was so close to him (willingly), two, Leone was showing interest in frogs, three, Leone was giggling and stimming, and even let himself zone out. It was nice. Giorno never thought that he'd find Leone so adorable as he did, or that he would give him a sippy cup with milk as they fell asleep together...
Leone came back from his zone and looked at the toad, tiredly wiping his eye and yawning.
Bruno returned with a sippy cup and walked to the bed, smiling at how gentle Leone was when he set down the little guy.
Giorno grinned and picked up his container of disinfecting wipes. "Let's wipe off your hand before you touch your face." He held out the wipe, before gently running it over the hand that the frog laid on.
Leone's eyes started slipping closed and he whined, getting more tired every second.

"You'll have to nap with him." Bruno set down the sippy cup. "Sorry, but the food's almost done." He walked to the door.
"It's okay. Ciao." Giorno smiled as he wiped off his own hands, letting the two frogs roam around. He'd turn them back into rocks sometime when Leone was asleep.
Leone picked up his sippy and took a few drinks, watching the froggies.
Giorno went to close his door and then came back to bed, kissing Leone's cheek. "You ready for a nap?"
Leone nodded and kept his sippy in his mouth, before Giorno gently laid him down.
The blonde sighed happily and moved to pull the covers over both of them. His head snapped over when he heard Leone cough. He quickly sat him up and pat his back.
The little coughed, having just choked on a bit of milk. He didn't take long for his coughing to ease, and he rubbed his eyes.

Giorno sighed in relief and moved the sippy cup. "I don't think we should drink while laying down, anymore." He rubbed Leone's back and hugged him gently. "Okay?"
Leone nodded and took a few more drinks, before laying down.
Giorno laid down as well and spooned Leone, finding it a bit difficult because of their differing sizes. He soon found a comfortable spot and listened to Leone's babbles. He picked up a small froggy stuffie and let Leone hold it.
The baby babbled and rolled over, curling into Giorno's chest as he closed his eyes. "Baba- mam- mama.." He held the froggie close to his chest.
Giorno smiled and gave Leone soft kisses, soon hearing his babbling stop and his breathing level. He closed his eyes as well, and didn't take long to fall asleep.


I accidentally turned myself into a little ball of giggles and stims, frogs make me so happy

I'm also getting some fabric to sew some toads and froggies :)

Chapter 39: Leone and Giorno


I wish Giorno was here to show me some toads outside :(

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Leone sat on the couch, hugging his knees to his chest. He was in a sad mood because Fugo had yelled at him earlier...
Bruno looked over sadly, knowing that his baby didn't want to be interacted with, at least by him.
"Hey, do you want to go look at some froggies?" Giorno whispered, kneeling in front of the little.
Leone looked down and nodded sadly. He had gotten yelled at because his pop tube annoyed Fugo. Even though the man apologized, Leone still stayed quiet and didn't move for a couple hours after.
Giorno nodded. "There should be some outside." He said gently.
Bruno grinned at the boy, knowing that Giorno was one of Leone's favorite people.
Leone nodded again and held out a hand, but then pulled back. He didn't want to make Fugo mad again...
The motion broke Giorno's heart. "Baby, we can go." He whispered. "It's okay."
Leone wanted to go see the froggies outside, but was scared to move. He soon felt arms around him, and looked up, seeing Gold Experience.
The stand gently lifted Leone and carried him to Giorno's bedroom. It was rainy outside, so he had to change Leone into different clothes.

Leone let himself be changed into a big baggy hoodie and shorts. He wasn't really a fan of pants unless he was big and going out somewhere. That was another reason he almost always had a blanket with him, and another reason Giorno brought one. Giorno also brought his jar of cool rocks so he'd have things to turn into frogs.
Leone babbled and felt Gold Experience again, leaning into his warm arms.
Giorno quickly changed himself. "You ready, baby?" He smiled.
Leone nodded and yawned, snuggling up with Gold Experience.
Giorno bit his lip, but still walked back to the living room. "Bruno, are you available to nap if he gets sleepy?" He asked, taking Gold Experience to the door.
Bruno turned and shrugged. "Depends when he gets sleepy. Has he yawned yet?"
"Just did." Giorno walked to the back door and slid it open. "I'll bring him back if he gets upset." He said, before sliding the glass closed and walking to the table Leone was sat at.

Leone enjoyed the smell of rain and the cold, black wicker chairs. He babbled quietly and held Gold Experience's hand, looking up when he heard toads in the distance.
Giorno set down the blanket and rocks on the dry table, before going over to the hanging basket chair to see if the cushions had stayed dry. Since Giorno had grown leaves and vines on top of the couple pergolas, it was uncommon for any water to fall through, at least with light rains.
Leone reached out and grabbed the jar of rocks, picking up an ametrine one. He made quiet "ooh"s as he looked into it.
"Do you wanna come sit over here?" Giorno asked.
Leone looked up and shook his head. He liked the cold wicker chairs, and the basket chair was Bruno's, anyways.

Giorno nodded and walked over, sitting by Leone. "That's an ametrine crystal." He picked up a couple other rocks. "I like rose quartz." He slid the crystal over, before tossing his handful out into the wet yard. He turned each of them into toads when they landed, smiling when the croaking grew louder. The sound wasn't overbearing, but not incredibly quiet like it was before.
Leone looked up, giggling at the sounds. He absolutely loved the sounds of frogs and toads just havin' a great time bein' frogs and toads.
Giorno picked up the other few crystals and just slid them down on the concrete, but kept a couple on the table. Those ones were turned into rain frogs, a kind of frog that Leone absolutely loved.
Leone gasped as he saw the rain frogs, setting down the ametrine.
Giorno smiled, setting the blanket on another chair.

Bruno looked out the glass door and smiled. Giorno was magical. He was the one person that comforted Leone when nobody else could. He also asked to see Giorno more than anyone else, not including his mama. But even though Leone loved Giorno and all the things he did for him, he never called him "mama" or "dada", only occasionally "baba". All other times, he asked for Giorno by reaching for him or trying to say "frog". Maybe that's what he called Giorno, maybe it was just because Giorno made frogs. Nobody knew.
Leone looked at the little rain frogs, babbling quietly. He was tired, but not tired enough to be cranky. He rested his head on his arms and watched, trying his bestest to stay awake. "Dadada.." He whispered.
Giorno looked at his favorite rose quartz, then up to the rain frogs. He noticed they were dry and picked up his jar. "I'm gonna get a little plate and some water for these guys, okay?" He slowly stood up.
Leone nodded, but kept his head turned away to watch the little potatoes.

When Giorno returned with the dish and water, he saw the rain frogs missing from the table. He set the things down and looked around more, soon finding them snuggled up against Leone's arms. He grinned, then moved to look at Leone's face to see if he was asleep or not. He was, so Giorno just laid out the dish for the rain frogs to go in and out of as they pleased. He yawned and looked out to the yard, listening to the rain softly hit the leaves of trees, and the toads croak and hop around.
Leone was right on the edge of sleep, listening to the happy croaks and soothing rain. He had barely even realized that the rain frogs were cuddling up with him, and didn't mind. The sweet little frogs were welcome to crawl around Leone as much as they pleased, but for now, they just stayed snuggled up by his arms.


I have choccy milk :)

I drank all my choccy milk :(

I think this is the first chapter that doesn't end with two characters hugging or the little in their caregiver's arms. Let's just imagine that the rain frogs are hugging Leone the best they can <3

Chapter 40: Bruno, Giorno, and Leone💧


Leone has lepidopterophobia/mottephobia (fear of butterflies and moths)

A request by LuzDouradaDRAGLUON


Me and Luz were chatting on Tumblr when they gave me this lil request, and we both think it's important for people to understand that fears are fears, no matter how "weird" or "silly"

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Bruno held a little Leone as they walked out to the living room.
Leone held his lion stuffie and snuggled into his mama's shoulder.
Giorno looked back and smiled. "Are you doin' better?" He asked gently. Leone had had a breakdown over Mista eating his leftovers from a nice restaurant, and it got worse when he regressed, so Bruno had to take him to their bedroom so they could be alone and Leone could cry.
Bruno smiled and gently held his baby as they sat down. "Mhm, but he's nonverbal." He informed everyone.
Giorno nodded. "Are you hungry?" He asked, receiving a nod. Giorno smiled and kissed his forehead. "Is strawberry applesauce okay?"
Leone nodded again quickly. He absolutely loved strawberry applesauce, and especially with his favorite little spoon.

Giorno went and got the applesauce and Leone's favorite spoon, bringing it back and sitting down with him.
Bruno smiled and gave his little one soft kisses, holding him close and tight. He took the container and spoon, and gently opened it.
"Would you wanna see some froggies?" Giorno smiled.
Leone hummed and nodded slightly, accepting his small spoonful of applesauce.
"Maybe after he eats." Bruno leaned over to give Giorno a soft kiss, making him blush.
"I'm not little." The blonde giggled.
"I know." Bruno gently fed his little, smiling.
"Why do I never get kisses?!" Trish complained.
Bruno looked up. "You never ask for them."
Narancia looked up from his weird position on the other couch. "Well Giorno didn't ask for his! I want kisses, too!"

"Well then, come here." Bruno adjusted Leone a bit and continued slowly feeding him small bites.
Trish quickly stood and came over, careful not to disturb the little blanket ball that was Leone as she leaned over.
Bruno gave the girl a kiss on the cheek and smiled at her giggles.
Leone looked up and whined, tugging his mama's sleeve to ask for more.
Bruno quickly tended to his little, giving him a couple more spoonfuls.
Trish bounced a bit excitedly, absolutely loving the little kiss and fighting off her little space for now.
Narancia sat beside Giorno and leaned over. "Kiss."
Bruno chuckled and fed his baby another bite, then gave his big baby a kiss on the cheek.

Fugo and Mista watched from the other side of the living room. "I want a kiss, but I don't want to overwhelm the little blanket lion." Fugo whispered.
Mista quickly gave the blond a kiss on the cheek, then looked back to the TV as if nothing happened.
Fugo held his cheek and looked over, not saying anything and just looking back down to his book of sudokus.
Leone looked up to his mama and quietly breathed out babbles. He was barely audible, but Bruno still noticed.
Trish still stood beside Bruno even after Nara left. She felt herself regressing, and was waiting for more kisses.
Giorno noticed the little spark in Trish's eyes, and grinned. "Trish, c'mere!" He pat the couch beside himself.
Trish quickly ran over and hopped on the couch. "Can- Can yous make some amamals?" She asked excitedly. "Like- A- A- A kitty, a- uhh-" She stopped, having to think of more animals.

Giorno laughed and nodded, picking up an empty cup. "Do you wanna see some butterflies?" He looked over.
"Yeah! Yeah!" Trish bounced, giggling. She then watched as the plastic cup turned to many pink butterflies.
Leone closed his eyes and snuggled into his mama.
"Look, baby." Bruno whispered, giving the applesauce and spoon to Giorno so he could set it on the coffee table.
Leone opened his eyes and looked up, his heart immediately beginning to race. He yelled and grabbed onto his mama's shirt.
Almost everyone looked over, confused. Did Leone not like butterflies? Was he overwhelmed by them?
Bruno gently comforted his little, which worked a small bit until one landed on him.
Leone sat up and let out terrified screams, shaking his hand to get the butterfly off. He backed away and curled up, letting out screams and cries.

Bruno looked to Giorno to signal that he had to turn the butterflies back, then went to comfort his little.
Giorno quickly restored the cup and looked over worriedly.
"Whas wrong..?" Trish grabbed Giorno's pink sweater sadly.
"Leone's just sad, it's okay-" Giorno quickly looked back and brought Trish into a hug.
Leone cried softly into his mama's arms, hyperventilating a bit.
Bruno shushed his little and rocked him, closing his eyes right before another butterfly landed on his baby's arm.
Leone let out an ear piercing scream and pulled away, shaking his arm.
Bruno winced at the sound, and shot Giorno a glare.
The blonde covered Trish's ears and held her close, knowing that she was scared and probably felt guilty.

Fugo closed his book and sat up, looking over worriedly. "Is he okay?"
Mista nudged Narancia, who moved his headphones down to his neck and looked up.
Bruno barely even glanced over, just focusing on his terrified, hyperventilating little.
Leone covered his head and screamed, immediately latching onto his mama when he got the chance.
Bruno looked over to Giorno, then to Fugo. "Get his purple blanket from the bedroom!" He had to yell over Leone's crying.
Fugo immediately stood and ran to get the blanket, not taking but a few seconds to return.
Bruno mouthed a gentle "thank you" as he took the blanket, gently but tightly wrapping his baby.
Leone felt a bit dizzy, and felt his lips becoming fuzzy.

Bruno shushed and wrapped up his baby, grinning weakly when his screaming stopped.
Leone snuggled up with Bruno, starting to focus on his breathing and mimicking it.
Bruno held his slowly calming baby, thankful that he wasn't having another breakdown. "Try and focus on your breathing, baby." He whispered.
Leone slowly felt himself coming out of his little space and whined. "No- no- buh-" He sniffled.
"Shh, shh, you're okay." Bruno kissed his head.
Leone got more comfortable and looked up. "Asabada-" He babbled. He was big, but still had trouble speaking.
"Are you okay?" Bruno whispered, giving Leone a kiss on the forehead.
Trish looked over, but still kept her arms around Giorno. "Abba? Is you otay?"
Leone looked over and nodded. "Issa- satay." He babbled.

"Is sorry I made yous mad.." Trish rubbed her eye.
Leone whined.
"I jus' wanned a kiss from- from daddy.." Trish pointed to Bruno.
"Awawawa- Awa- s- sadada- baffffa-" Leone spoke, all his words making perfect sense in his mind.
"Oh, Is sorry." Trish understood.
"Iwadawafa.. I wavoo." Leone held his hand out.
Trish giggled and took his hand. "I wuv- I wuv you too."
Giorno looked to Bruno curiously, then to the other adults. No words were spoken, but they were all wondering how Trish understood Leone's babbles. They were just sounds, right? They couldn't be words...
"I wava!" Leone sniffled, hugging his blankie close and curling up into his mama's lap.
Trish mimicked Leone and laid down as well, grinning and giggling.

Leone reached his other arm over, and they both just held hands.
Bruno smiled and closed his eyes, actually pretty worn out from today. He didn't know what caused Leone's breakdown, but they could talk about it whenever Leone was big enough again. For now, his baby was happy, and he could maybe get a two minute nap in.
Giorno smiled over to the three on the other couch, two of them giggling like schoolgirls. "I can see you, you know." He chuckled.
Mista laughed. "I don't care! You're a daddy now!"
Narancia snorted. "You're like a blonde Bruno!"
Giorno rolled his eyes and let his head fall back and his eyes close, not even knowing or realizing that he was now in Bruno's exact position.

Narancia and Mista giggled, and Fugo nudged them so that Bruno and Giorno could get a bit of rest in, and Trish and Leone could hold hands and communicate in babbles better. Right now, though, they seemed to be communicating telepathically just fine.


I'm sorry if this isn't great, I've been working on some more stuffies

Chapter 41: Rohan and Josuke💧


TW for mentions of anorexia and vomiting

Chapter Text

"J-Josuke!" Rohan whimpered, shaking his dada.
The younger groaned and rolled over, taking a bit to register what was happening.
Rohan cried and held his daddy's arm, waiting for him to wake up fully.
"What's wrong, baby?" Josuke sat up, wiping Rohan's tears from his cheeks gently. He hadn't yet realized that Rohan was little, so he wasn't too worried.
"I- tried- I- I- I try- I-" The little stuttered, just breaking down more with each attempt.
"Hey, hey, slow down." Josuke said gently, leaning forward. "What's wrong?"
"I-" Rohan held his stomach, embarrassed and frustrated. He had gotten up late that night to cook rice, but had overcooked it. He then tried two more times, but each time it ended up worse. He felt bad for wasting the rice, and for dirtying dishes, and he didn't even get to eat any... "I- I coo- I-" He began sobbing, leaning forward into his daddy's arms.

"Shh, shh, you're okay." Josuke whispered. By the way Rohan was acting, he assumed he had thrown up again. He hated to say that he was almost used to it by now...
Rohan cried and gripped his daddy's shirt tightly, tugging on it.
"You're okay, I promise.." Josuke whispered, giving his love a gentle kiss on the forehead.
"No!" Rohan whined out between his sobs. "I- I not otay!" He cried.
Josuke eventually figured out that Rohan was little, and gave him a tight hug. "Can you show me what happened?" He asked, going to the next step of his "Rohan Crying Protocol". He knew that if Rohan was little, crying, and unable to speak, that he should ask him to take him to the cause of the crying.
Rohan pulled away and tugged his daddy's sleeve. "Imum-" He babbled, before leading his daddy towards the bedroom door.

Josuke followed, a bit confused as to why Rohan wasn't going to the bathroom. Didn't he throw up? Why else would he be crying like this?
Rohan pulled his daddy down the stairs and to the kitchen, before pointing to the dishes in the sink.
Josuke squinted a bit, then looked down. "The dishes?"
"N-nuh-" Rohan wiped his eyes and sniffled. "I- may- ma-" He whined, starting to cry again.
Josuke looked over and tried to understand, holding his baby gently. Why would Rohan be so upset over the dirty dishes? Wait, did he want food?! Maybe Rohan came to get something to eat, but there were no clean cups or bowls to put the food in! Josuke looked down and let his little one calm down a bit, before lowering himself to his height. "You want something to eat?" He asked, trying to hold back his excitement.

Rohan thought for a bit, then nodded. He wanted rice, but some applesauce would be fine for now...
Josuke smiled. "Can you tell me what you want?" He asked, holding his little's hands. Rohan asking for food or a snack was rare, and Josuke always made sure to get it for him right when he asked. He had been losing a lot more weight recently, too, so him asking for food was a big step forward.
Rohan nodded and sniffled, pointing to the fridge. He was too small to speak, but just big enough to try his best to explain it. Then, all his fears came back... No, he couldn't have applesauce. He couldn't eat, that was bad. If he ate, Josuke wouldn't love him...
Josuke saw his little one starting to break down again, and picked him up gently. He felt so bad whenever his baby cried... It was becoming more common, but it didn't stop it from hurting.


Rohan sighed into his daddy's chest, snuggled up with his favorite blankie and favorite socks. Most of his crying had stopped, but his nose was still runny and his eyes were still watery.
Josuke held his little one close, bringing the bottle of warm milk closer to him. Even just this would be an accomplishment... He had added some honey and sugar into it, too, since it would be the only way he could get more of anything into Rohan.
The little sniffled and turned his head away from the bottle, thinking that his daddy wouldn't love him if he put on any weight... He wasn't allowed to eat...
Josuke set down the bottle and opened the applesauce container. "Do you want some applesauce?" He asked gently.

Rohan looked up, then shook his head.
Josuke grinned and ate a small spoonful. "It tastes good!" He offered his little a bite. He knew that when Rohan was little, he only ate when Josuke ate with him. Of course, all his bad thoughts were still in his head, but when he was little, it was easier for Josuke to overpower those thoughts.
Rohan reached his hand up a bit and opened his mouth, humming when the spoon was gently pressed between his lips.
Josuke smiled. "Good job, baby!" He praised, even though there was barely anything on the spoon.
Rohan giggled a bit, then opened his mouth again for another bite. After every single bite he took, he was rewarded with praises and kisses.

Josuke fed Rohan very small bites at first, but soon began scooping more and more.
Rohan babbled and opened his mouth for one more bite, but didn't get it. He made another noise to get his daddy's attention, then was given a bottle. He hurriedly took it into his mouth to resume his praises and cuddles, and got them. He was good. He did a good job. Daddy loved him...
Josuke quickly put the container and spoon away, knowing that Rohan never liked being shown how much he ate. Now that Josuke thought about it, he knew a lot about Rohan. Well, a lot about his eating disorder and age regression. To be honest, he didn't even know the name of the main character in Rohan's new manga... Oh well, at least he knows how to get Rohan to eat when he's little. Even if it was just a container of applesauce and a baby bottle of warm milk, it was a step. A really small step, but still a step nonetheless.

Chapter 42: Narancia and Bruno💧


Slight warning for Nara having an intense fear of failure (and a bit of trauma from Fugo) and hurting himself a little bit

This also hasn't been reread after I typed it, so if there are any typos or sentences that don't make sense, that's why

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It was 4:02 AM.

"Thailand, Vietnam, Oman, Uzbekistan... Damnit." Narancia felt tears sting his eyes again as he braced himself for the sound.

Narancia had been up for the past couple hours doing his homeschool assignments on his phone. The premise was simple, 25 levels, each one getting longer and longer, and introducing more of Asia's countries. Nara was given the name of a country, and had to click on it on a map. If he got it right, a certain sound would play, and he would continue on with the level. If he got it wrong, another sound would play and he'd be set back a bit.

Fugo had enrolled Narancia in a homeschool program to teach him things that he couldn't, himself, and in a more efficient manner. Each day, Narancia did activities in subjects like reading, math, and what he was doing now... geography. Some days, Narancia looked forward to it. Other days... Well...

"Taiwan, South Korea, Armenia." Narancia whispered to himself, clicking on Armenia. The website detected the click as one on Azerbaijan, and played the "wrong" sound. Narancia jerked his head away and whimpered. "No no no no no no no-" He cried, shaking his head.

If there were two things that Fugo had taught Narancia over the few years he spent teaching him, it was that 1, failure resulted in verbal/physical abuse. 2, anything less than 100% was a failure.

Narancia looked back up and cried. "Russia, China, India," He let out a sigh of relief when he saw that the level was over. Now level 19...

Nara had started his assignments around 2AM, a lot later than he usually did them (which was right after midnight so he wouldn't have to do anything during the day). The thing was, it was now 4AM, a lot later than when he usually finished all his work. Typically, he took around an hour and a half, and he got everything else done by 3AM, but his geography assignment was what took the longest. Each level got longer and longer, and it felt like it would never end.

"J-Jordan?" He looked around for countries he hadn't memorized yet, clicking on the Emirates and crying even harder at the sound that played. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry-"


It was now around 4:47, and Nara was on level 25. He had calmed down a bit, only getting things incorrect when his clicks were detected as on the wrong country. That ended up making him feel even worse, because he was being punished for nothing. He eventually ended up sobbing, beating his head or his legs when he heard the sound of an incorrect answer. He was a failure. First, he got a 90% on his math test, having to redo it to get 100%, then got a 95% on a science test. Fugo would know that he redid the tests, and what he got the first times. Fugo would hate him and yell at him.

Bruno slowly awoke, having a strong craving for a sandwich. He leaned over to give Leone a kiss, but decided not to, as even the graze of a feather would wake him. He smiled and slowly stood, making a mental note of the time. He'd have to get out of the habit of doing this... He sighed and walked down the hall, stopping and looking behind himself when he heard an odd noise. He retraced his steps, stopping when the sound got as loud as it would get. Crying? He pressed his ear to Giorno's bedroom door, then to Narancia's. It was clear now, Narancia was crying. He gently opened the door and looked around, just seeing Narancia curled up with his hands on his head, and his phone beside him facing upwards.

Narancia pulled his hair and shook his head. "I'm sorry, Fugo!" He cried out, mistaking the person in the doorway for Fugo, and thinking he was going to hit him and yell at him.
Bruno walked over and shushed the boy. "What's wrong, bambino?" He looked down at his phone, seeing a map of Asia.
Narancia slowly sat up, thankful that it was Bruno and not Fugo.. "It's- just-" He spoke through his cries.
"Hey, hey, you're okay." Bruno sat down, noticing the wet spot where his head had previously been. He had been crying for a long time...
"I'm just scared-" Narancia picked up his phone, noticing how close he was to the end of level 25. "Where's Kyrgyzstan?" He asked quickly.
Bruno stopped for a moment, confused. "To the southeast of Kazakhstan." He looked at Narancia's phone.
"What does that mean? Where's southeast?" Narancia asked sadly.

Bruno began to understand, and moved to sit beside the boy. "Down and to the right."
Narancia zoomed in a bit, then pointed to Kyrgyzstan. "This?"
Bruno nodded, then let him fill out the rest of the countries.
Narancia heard the final sound and felt his anxiety die down.
Bruno smiled. "Good job." He brought the boy into a gentle hug. "Do you have any more work to do?" He asked.
Narancia shook his head and showed Bruno all his finished assignments. "But, I have to finish the math section in this test-" He stood and went to his desk, showing Bruno the large book and few papers filled with circles.

Bruno looked closer, then reached for the paper. "76 questions in the math section?" He looked back up to the boy, shocked at how much work Fugo had given him.
"It's like 400 questions in the whole thing." Narancia shrugged, sitting in his chair.
"How long have you worked on your other assignments?" Bruno asked.
"I dunno, since like 2AM. Two hours I think." He took his answer sheet back and placed it on top of the book.
"You need some rest." Bruno stood up. "Look, you can work on this in the morning."
"But Fugo wanted me to do it yesterday! He's already mad enough at me!" Narancia whined, wiping his nose with a tissue.
"I'll tell Fugo you need a break. You need to get rest." Bruno leaned down to Narancia's level.

Narancia nodded and wiped his eyes. "Can you make me some pizza rolls? And- and get me a blue popsicle?" He asked. "I haven't eaten anything.."
Bruno nodded. "Just go lay down, put your phone away, and try to calm down a bit." He gave Nara a kiss on the cheek.
After a while, Bruno returned with a bologna sandwich in his mouth, a cup of pizza rolls, a blue popsicle, and a Pepsi.
"Thank you." Narancia took his food.
Bruno hummed and finished his sandwich, setting down the Pepsi just in case Narancia wanted it. He then laid down with the boy and held him close.

After Narancia finished eating, he rolled over and closed his eyes, using Bruno as a pillow.
"You should try to get to sleep." Bruno whispered. "It won't be long before the sun comes up."
"But my nose hurts-" Narancia whined.
"How does it hurt?"
"Like- up into my brain, it like stings." Narancia tried to describe the feeling. "Why is it doing that?"
"It's from where you were crying. Your nose got runny and cleared everything out. Now, when you inhale, there's more air coming through, and it's cold." Bruno said gently.
"Well why does my nose get runny? It does that every time I cry, and it's annoying.."
"Your tears drain down into your nose."
"But why?" Narancia looked up.

"Your tear ducts are what produces your tears, and instead of going out of your eyes, it goes down into a little tube around here-" Bruno gently put a finger where Narancia's lacrimal sac would be, then dragged it down his nasolacrimal duct. "And they drain down here into your nose.
Narancia slowly nodded. "Huh..." He thought for a moment. "Why do you see nothing when you close one eye, but black when you close both?" He asked.
Bruno closed one eye, then both. "I don't exactly know." He shrugged. "But it could be because our brains block it out. We're not really seeing nothing, our brains just temporarily discard that information."
"Why do they do that?" Narancia closed his eyes and yawned.
"Our brains always try to conserve as much energy as possible, and that means doing things like blocking out things that it considers useless pieces of information."
"Why? I want my brain to work at full power."

"We do it because of evolution. Before humans didn't have to worry about surviving each day, they had to conserve as much energy as possible to do things that help them survive, like hunting and defending themselves from predators. It's also why we sleep at night. Humans don't have the best of sight at nighttime, so we started resting then so we could do more during the day when we could see. Now, our brains remain wired to the same survival instincts, even though we don't need them anymore."
Narancia hummed. "You're a better teacher than Fugo.." He whispered, before letting himself fall asleep.
Bruno smiled and closed his eyes, having started to develop a headache. He sighed and let his head fall back, not taking long to fall asleep as well.


I imagine that me and Bruno make our bologna sandwiches the same way

That was the only image I could find of it, but mine is just one piece cut into quarters

Chapter 43: Bruno and Sticky Fingers


A little idea for how Bruno's stand was affected after the two were revived in Vento Aureo.

Little warning for some yelling and a couple swears in the beginning


I don't know if I've said this already, but not all the chapters are set in the same universe. So the stuff in this chapter may not align with other chapters. This is just an idea, and involves Bruno being little and autistic (I'm sorry I can't stop writing autistic bois, they're just so relatable)

This is also split up into a few different moments or parts, so after each "-----" the scene changes

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Ever since Bruno had been revived by Giorno, his stand hadn't been the same.

Sticky Fingers became unresponsive to almost anything, just staring at walls or still objects. The stand had lost its fighting abilities, and forced Bruno out of Passione.

The only time that the stand was seen was when the user was regressed.

The little sat at the dinner table with his stand, looking at the salt shaker. He had been doing it since he got here, and didn't seem bothered by anything going on around him. Then, suddenly, he let out a loud scream and put his head down.
Leone set down the salt and looked over. "Baby, are you okay?" He whispered, being ignored.
Bruno made repeated sounds and hit his head gently on the table to comfort himself, as he was insanely stressed out. Sticky Fingers began quickly looking for another still object, and sat down in front of a wall. Bruno then stood and followed his stand, crying and yelling in a specific pattern over and over. He sat in front of the wall and slowly began calming down.

Leone frowned at his little one, but went back to eating, putting the salt back where it had been.
"Why is he so upset?" Trish asked sadly.
"He was looking at the salt." Leone glanced up. "I've figured out the hard way that it's best to let him just look at whatever he needs to."
"That doesn't answer the question." Fugo took another bite of chili.
Leone sighed. "He doesn't like moving objects. If he's looking at something, it's because it's not moving. If that thing is moved, then it causes a lot of anxiety and stress. Ever notice how he closes his eyes when he walks most of the time?"

"I feel terrible for doing that to him.." Giorno looked down when the table immediately erupted into hundreds of words directed at him.
Leone saved his thoughts until everyone else shut up. "Kid, you didn't do that to him. All you did was save him. He's autistic, and has been all his life. The only reason that he acts like this is to destress. Right now, in his head, he's a kid. He doesn't know any of us, he doesn't know who his stand is, nothing. You didn't do that, all you did was save his life and mine." He said annoyedly. "What happened to our stands isn't your fault, it's Diavolo's. Diavolo was the person that f*cked us all up." He said sternly, before gesturing to Bruno.

"He's acting like he is now, because of things completely out of your and Diavolo's control. Nobody "made him" regress, and nobody "made him" autistic. Right now, both of those things are coming together and influencing his behavior." Leone finished his thought.
"Then why is his stand still like that when he's acting normal?!" Giorno yelled.
Leone sighed in annoyance. "Stands represent the bullsh*t that's happened to us throughout our lives, and Bruno's bullsh*t was that he got his heart ripped out! His stand is still recovering, and is stuck like he is because even though Bruno is years past it, he hasn't moved on!" Leone stood and slammed his hands down on the table. "We constantly live with huge f*cking scars on our chests, and we can't even move without them hurting! If you're gonna sit there and complain about him trying to cope, then I don't think he's the one with the problem!" He turned and left, going to his and Bruno's shared bedroom.


Bruno stood by the kitchen and tapped a corner of the wall in a specific pattern, enjoying the sound. He smiled and began rocking himself gently as he did.
Giorno watched Bruno from the living room, then nudged Trish. "Why is he doing that?"
The girl looked over. "Hmm? He's always done that."
"Not since before I healed him.." Giorno said sadly.
"When we went to find out who my dad was, there's no doubt he was stressed out of his mind. I saw him come into the turtle a few times and just sit and stare or tap things like he's doing now. Apparently you've never noticed it." Trish shrugged, taking a sip of milk from her glass.
"Apparently..." Giorno looked back over.
"You didn't hurt him, Gio." Trish whispered. "You're just noticing it now because you feel guilty. He's always been autistic, you didn't make him like that."

Leone opened a couple cabinets to get a plate and a cup, and left them open.
Bruno immediately noticed and went to close them, liking the sound they made. "Thank you!" He giggled like a little kid.
"You're welcome." Leone held a cup of scrambled eggs out to his love.
Bruno giggled and flapped his hands, looking down and closing his eyes. He felt so happy and he didn't know how to express it. His hands flapped even faster and he bounced a bit.
Leone smiled and set down the cup, before putting some on his plate and waiting for Bruno's burst of energy to pass.
Bruno looked up to make sure Leone was still there, and giggled when he was. "Thank youu!" He laughed.

"You're welcome." Leone continued waiting, knowing that Bruno didn't like to be left alone, even if Leone was just in the living room.
Bruno flapped his hands as hard as he could to try and get all his feelings out, but couldn't. Soon, his happiness became overwhelming and he let out an annoyed cry.
Leone noticed immediately, but stayed quiet to see if he could make it through his little emotion explosion by himself.
Bruno closed his eyes and just held his arms up, not making any sound and trying his best not to move. He took a while to calm down, but eventually did, opening his eyes and picking up the cup of scrambled eggs.


Leone slowly awoke, gasping and jumping slightly at the shadow that loomed over him.
Bruno whined loudly when Leone moved, before looking up at the still lamp that Sticky Fingers had found. He made soft noises as he looked at it, liking the color of the lampshade as the sun rose.
Leone sat up and understood what Bruno was doing, looking down at his stand. He decided to wait until Bruno moved again to do anything, since he didn't want to disrupt him.
Bruno hummed and slowly leaned forward, keeping his eyes on the lamp. He slowly wrapped his arms around Leone, bringing him into a hug.
Leone returned the hug and grinned. Why was Bruno up so early, though? His only guess was that he had a nightmare and needed to calm down. Whatever it was, he enjoyed these moments together where they just sat in silence.. It was nice...

--(little warning for Bruno crying in this one)--

Bruno sat by the wall where he usually did and rocked back and forth. His stand wasn't out, so Leone wasn't sure if he was just trying to calm down from something really stressful, or was little without Sticky Fingers. When he was little, he was prone to accidents, and didn't like having to eat or drink. That's why Leone needed to know, so that he could help him better. He stood and walked over, sitting beside him.
Bruno didn't pay any attention to his dada, but made a mental note of where he was.
"Baby, are you okay?" Leone asked gently.
"Abababa-" Bruno responded, hoping his daddy understood.
Leone smiled. "Okay." He moved out of Bruno's line of sight, then stood up. "Oh my God." He looked to the others, letting them see him genuinely smile for the first time in forever.

"What?" Mista held out a hand.
"He's little without Sticky Fingers!" Leone gestured to Bruno, genuinely excited. This was the first time anything like this had happed, and he was hoping that Bruno might finally be like the other littles.
"So?" Fugo scoffed.
Leone's smile faded quickly, and he sighed, going back to sit with his little one.


That night, right before Bruno and Leone went to bed, they talked for a bit.
Leone smiled widely. "I have something special to tell you." He moved a bit closer.
Bruno tapped the back of his love's neck. "What is it?"
Leone couldn't stop smiling, and tried to find the words to tell him.
"What?" Bruno laughed. "Just tell me, you look goofy when you smile!"
Leone laughed and looked at his love. "I'm excited! I just wanted to tell you that you regressed today, and you didn't use.. well.. your stand."
Bruno's smile slowly faded. "What's to be excited about?"
"You might finally be able to play with the other littles! You could play and be happy like the rest of them!" Leone smiled. "Are you not excited?"

Bruno looked down and shook his head, feeling a bit overwhelmed. He didn't want to play with the other littles.. He wanted to be alone.. He shoved his feelings away and faked a smile. "Yeah." He lied. "Maybe tomorrow if I regress.. I could.."
Leone brought his love into a hug. "I'm so excited for you!"


The next day, Leone watched his little closely. He looked for the perfect time to try and introduce him to someone else.
Bruno sat on the couch, curled up sadly. All he had to comfort himself was his paci.. He wanted to go look at the wall... The couch had too many colors. But his daddy wanted him to sit here... He felt someone touch him, and tried his best to hide how uncomfortable it made him, looking up.
Narancia giggled. "A-Abba told me dat you wanned ta play!" He bounced a bit, then grabbed Bruno's hand. "Leas go play wit blocks!"
Bruno hid back his bad emotions and forced himself to follow Narancia. He didn't want blocks... He wanted to look at the wall...
Narancia led Bruno to the tower of blocks that he'd built. "I made it so dat you can push it down! Dats da best part!" He giggled.

Bruno looked over to his dada, already really overwhelmed and a bit scared. His dada wanted him to play...
Leone watched his little, having turned around to look over the back of the couch. He smiled widely and watched closely as he knocked over the tower of blocks.
Narancia giggled and clapped his hands. "Good job!"
Bruno immediately heard a loud sound and watched the colorful blocks fall and move around. He couldn't take any more, just taking out his paci and beggining to cry.
Leone quickly stood and went to help his little one, not knowing what was wrong. He kneeled down and grabbed Bruno's arms. "Baby, what happened?!"
Narancia panicked and ran over to his mama, thinking he was in trouble.

Bruno cried even louder when he was grabbed roughly and shaken a bit. His dada was loud, too... He was in trouble... He let out scared, overwhelmed screams, scared that his daddy would hit him or yell at him even more...
Leone panicked and impulsively did what he usually did when Bruno was upset. He picked him up and sat him in front of the wall.
Bruno continued crying, but slowly calmed down when he opened his eyes and saw the wall.
Leone ran to his bedroom to get Bruno's earmuffs, hoping to hell that it was the right call.
Bruno felt a few more tears fall from his eyes, and felt his nose getting runny, but just sat and enjoyed the blankness of the cream colored wall for now. After a bit, he felt something soft on his ears, then fully calmed when he couldn't hear anything anymore.
Leone rocked himself anxiously as he held Bruno's earmuffs tightly on his head.

Almost everyone else was looking at the two. A second ago, Bruno was screaming like he was being flayed, and now he was silent...
Bruno relaxed and closed his eyes occasionally, soon starting to whine because he was cold and wanted his paci and stuffie.
Leone looked up when he heard someone behind him.
"What are you doing?" Fugo asked, a bit annoyed.
"He was overwhelmed." Leone glanced back when Bruno whined. He gently removed his hands from the earmuffs, and touched his arm to see how warm he was. "Could you go get the cream blanket off our bed?" He looked back. "He feels cold."
Fugo shook his head. "No. Why the hell was he just screaming and now he's silent? What did you do to him?"
Leone tilted his head. "He was overwhelmed." He repeated more slowly. "I made a mistake, I thought he'd be able to play with everyone else, but he's not."
Fugo nodded. "What does the blanket look like?"
"Like a hospital blanket." Leone nodded. "He likes the feeling."

When Bruno felt his favorite blankie wrapped around him, he looked down and to his dada, his eyes closed. He tried his best to babble out what he needed, opening and closing his mouth for his paci.
"He wants something else.." Leone leaned forward.
Bruno subconsciously made the ASL sign for "toy" making both his hands into ASL letter Ts and shaking them.
Fugo watched Bruno's hands. "Bathroom?" He guessed. Almost everyone in the gang had learned a few basic signs to communicate when they couldn't speak, but Fugo was the most fluent. "Is he doing it with both hands?"
Leone nodded. "Yeah, why?"
"He's signing 'toy'." Fugo stood up. "Which one should I get?"
Leone thought for a moment. "Just the lion plush on the bed. Sorry you have to keep going back and forth."
Fugo chuckled. "It's fine." He walked to the hallway.

After a little while, Bruno had everything he needed and more, and Leone was sitting beside him and waiting. He felt terrible for making his little one play... He thought since he didn't have Sticky Fingers out that he would want to do something different. Oh well, Bruno was a lot different than everyone else, but that's what attracted them to each other in the first place... It's what made Bruno so special, and what Leone would never want to change about him. Sometimes, he got a little jealous of the others when they would play peekaboo with their little, or run around playing tag, but he wouldn't trade his own little one for that. Nothing could make him give up the long hours of sitting with him in calm silence, not even the world.


One of the best lines I've written is definitely "Leone noticed immediately, but stayed quiet to see if he could make it through his little emotion explosion by himself."
Describing the feeling of being too happy and excited that it becomes overwhelming as an emotion explosion is so accurate-

Chapter 44: Jotaro and Kakyoin


An autistic Jotaro has to take care of little Kakyoin

A request by LuzDouradaDRAGLUON


I'm sorry this has taken so long, I'm just not used to writing Joot-

Chapter Text

Jotaro made soft hums as he put the washed rice into the rice cooker, then the water.
"Baba!" Kakyoin called excitedly.
Jotaro turned the rice cooker on, then turned around. "What?"
Kakyoin quickly misunderstood his dada's tone as one of annoyance, and set down his paper. "Nothin'.."
"What's wrong?" Jotaro walked over and looked down to the coffee table, squinting his eyes to try and see.
"Is nothin', yous in a bad mood." Kakyoin picked up his crayons. "Does you wanna ordananize dem?" He held the box up to his dada.
Jotaro smiled. "Mhm, and I'm not in a bad mood." He held the box of crayons and began organizing them by color.
"I jus' wanned ta show you my drawin'." Kakyoin showed his dada a drawing of a cool dragon.

Jotaro hummed and finished sorting the crayons, before looking up at the drawing. "Wow."
"Imma go put it wit my over drawins!" Kakyoin grinned. "After dat imma play some games." He picked up his drawing and stood up.
"Remember-" Jotaro looked up, his mind going blank. "Uhh- uhh- rice." He pointed to the rice cooker.
"Is just gonna play one round of games, then come eat." Kakyoin assured his dada. He knew that his dada liked to stay on specific schedules, so he always made sure to eat, play, and be in bed at certain times. It was 11 something o'clock, so he had maybe enough time to play one or two rounds of F-Mega before lunch.
Jotaro flapped his hands a bit and smiled, not knowing what to say or do. He had always been a bit of an awkward person, but Kakyoin had gotten used to his awkwardness.

Kakyoin ran into his room and put his drawing with the other ones he did. He sometimes worried about his dada, since he didn't eat much more than white rice, but he seemed okay. He also got scared really easily, and panicked when things weren't in order. His dada was weird about a lot of things, but he was still his dada and did his best to help him.
Jotaro stood up and put the crayons away, then a couple of toys that Kakyoin had left. He liked when he could clean, it felt nice.. He snapped out of his trance when he heard the click of the rice cooker. He stood up and got a bowl, cup, and two forks.
Kakyoin turned on his console in his room, and picked up his controller.
Jotaro sat on the counter and looked at the clock, not comprehending the numbers, but just waiting until it felt right.

It was about 15 minutes later, and Jotaro had put the rice into a small bowl for Kakyoin, deciding to microwave him some ramen (since he didn't trust himself with the stove). He put his own rice into a cup, and set up Kakyoin's food, waiting for him. Typically, Kakyoin came to eat at the same time, but he wasn't today...
Kakyoin quickly swerved his controller to the side, almost done with his second round of F-Mega. He had already won the first race, but was starting to lose this one.
Jotaro sat and waited, not wanting to yell to get his little's attention. Yelling was loud and scary.. He didn't even touch his rice yet, since he couldn't eat without Kakyoin.

Another 10 minutes passed, and Kakyoin challenged the other player to a rematch.


After 30 more minutes, Jotaro had had a little cry, and looked at the cold food sadly. Did he do something wrong? Was Kakyoin mad? Did Kakyoin not want him to be his dada anymore?
Kakyoin said goodbye to the other player, and then turned off his console, knowing that his dada was probably waiting for him. He ran down the hallway and to the kitchen, giggling.
Jotaro looked up, a couple tears falling down his face.
"Whas wrong?" Kakyoin sat down, picking up his fork and noticing how cold his ramen was.
Jotaro just whined, not knowing why his little one had taken so long.
Kakyoin looked up sadly. "Wat happened?" He tilted his head.

Jotaro whined again. He felt bad for not giving his little warm food, but he didn't want to throw it away. He could just eat it and make his little some more.
Kakyoin watched as his dada made a little bit more rice, and more microwaved ramen. "Is sorry it got cold." He said sadly. "Was I playin' for too long?"
Jotaro stayed quiet.


After lunch, the two were in better moods, and decided to watch a few episodes of Bluey before naptime.

Kakyoin held his fuzzy blanket close, yawning. He liked naptime a lot. His dada would cuddle up with him, he would watch cartoons, and fall asleep. His dada even made sure he had snacks and drinks if he wanted them.
Jotaro spooned his little, actually pretty interested in the show. He ate a couple more packs of gummies before realizing that Kakyoin was asleep. He decided to just watch one more episode, then got comfy and closed his eyes, soon falling asleep just like his little one.

Chapter 45: Bruno and Leone


What if Bruno and Leone were little at the same time?

A request by LuzDouradaDRAGLUON


They're so tiny but they still love each other.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Why do you always rub my belly?" Leone looked up to his love with a grin.
Bruno shrugged. "I don't know." He placed his hand on Leone's belly. "It's just cute."
"No it's not, I'm bloated from dinner." Leone held his stomach.
"Don't say that." Bruno gave Leone a gentle kiss. "You're still cute when you've got a belly. I'd argue even more cute."
"Why?" Leone sat up a bit, laughing.
"Have you ever seen a chubby cat? I think they're cuter than tiny, thin little cats."
Leone blushed and laid back down, letting Bruno rub his belly.
Bruno smiled and brought Leone into a tight hug. "It's also nice to know that I made a good dinner."

Leone returned the hug and smiled. "You always make good dinner." He gave Bruno a few kisses.
"Thank you." Bruno smiled brightly, absolutely loving how sweet Leone was after dinner. It was almost every night, Leone would cuddle up and just be the most cuddly, lovey little man. Bruno loved him with all his heart, like an adorable little kitty. Was it weird that he thought of his lover like a cat? Probably not, Leone probably thought of him in silly ways, too.
Leone soon sunk back down and rested his head on Bruno's chest, looking up when his love giggled. "What?"
"You stretch like a cat." Bruno teased.
"I do not!" Leone made a small noise and stretched his arms up above his head.


The next morning, Giorno got a bit worried. Bruno and Leone very rarely slept in, so he decided to go check on them.

Bruno looked over, giving his paci to Leone. "There."
"But now you don't got a binky." Leone held the blue and gold paci.
"Is otay. Why you call it a binky? Is a paci." Bruno sat up and got his stuffed lion that had fallen on the floor.
Leone shook his head. "Nuh-uh. They call binkies." He put the paci in his mouth.
Both littles quickly looked over when the door was opened.
Giorno looked at the both of them. "You two okay?"
Bruno nodded, then looked back to Leone. "But evyone says they called pacis." He played with his lion's mane, combing it back with his fingers.
"My mama call 'em binkies." Leone rolled onto his back.
Bruno hummed, then frowned. "My teef feel fuzzy-"
"Den go brush 'em. I'll come wit you." Leone sat up.

Giorno walked back out to the living room. "Guess what?" He called.
Everyone looked to the hallway, all wearing concerned expressions.
"Two littles!" Giorno smiled.
Mista tilted his head. "What? How's that work?" He grinned.
Trish smiled brightly. "Bruno and Abba are little!" She giggled. "We get to take care of them!!"
Fugo rolled his eyes. "You get to take care of them. I'm going to my room."
"As long as they don't touch my planes, it's fine I guess.." Narancia shrugged, more focused on playing his switch than anything else.
"Nobody's gonna touch your plane collection." Mista chuckled.
"I am!" Fugo called jokingly, before running away into his and Nara's shared bedroom.

Giorno smiled when Narancia ran past him, then looked back. "Who's gonna take care of 'em?"
"I can!" Trish smiled. Any chance she got to take care of a little was one she took. Being able to care for Bruno was always a plus, too. He was the cutest little in her opinion.

"You gotta go all around your teefs." Leone picked up his toothbrush.
"How?" Bruno asked, tilting his head.
"Jus'.." Leone looked over, trying to figure out how to explain it. "Jus' put da toofbrush.. uhh.."
"How you do it?" Bruno looked over.
"You gotta brush da front and back, and the part where you bite down." Leone tried to explain, before starting to brush the back of his teeth.
Bruno nodded. "How I get the tootbrush to do dat?"
"You pah da- ya pa ih wike dah-" Leone tried his best to talk with his toothbrush in his mouth, holding Bruno's toothbrush in his mouth for him.
"Ohh! Otay!" Bruno giggled, before brushing the back of his teeth.

"They said they were going to brush their teeth." Giorno grinned.
"Are they okay on their own?" Trish asked worriedly.
"Two littles together, what's the worst that can happen?" Mista shrugged it off.
"Everything!" Trish held her arms out. "Do you know how mischievous littles are?!"
"They're not going to do anyting crazy. They're calm littles." Giorno smiled, before going to check on both of them.
Leone and Bruno walked out of the bathroom. "You want food?" Leone asked, holding his paci.
Bruno shrugged. "Can someone else cooks it? I dunno how da cook."
Giorno smiled. "I can cook." He leaned on the doorframe.


A little while later, Bruno and Leone had been given some chicken nuggets and pizza rolls, and milk in a sippy cup. Only one sippy cup though, because they wanted to share.
"They're so cute-" Trish whispered to Mista, smiling from ear to ear.
"Shush-" Mista nudged her. "They're just eating."
"Can- can I has a pizza roll?" Bruno asked.
"Mhm!" Leone held his bowl of pizza rolls over, letting Bruno take one.
Bruno tilted his head sadly. "There only one more..."
Leone looked in his bowl. "You can has it." He whispered.
"Is you sure..?" Bruno asked sadly, not wanting to take Leone's last pizza roll.
"Mhm." Leone reached into Bruno's bowl and took a chicken nugget. "I have this, you have pizza roll."

Bruno let the information sink in, then nodded quickly. "Otay!" He took the pizza roll, then looked down to his bowl of chicken nuggets. There were two more left, but he only wanted one more...
Leone took a sip of milk, then felt something on his mouth. He looked down and saw another chicken nugget in front of him. He wasted no time in eating it whole, biting Bruno's fingers a little bit.
Bruno giggled and picked up the sippy cup, drinking the last of the milk. He whined when he looked back down and saw it all gone. "No more milk!" He looked over sadly.

Trish giggled and squeezed Mista's hand. "Awww did you see that?!" She whisper-yelled. "Bruno gave him another chicken nugget!"
Giorno rolled his eyes. "Who's gonna get them more milk?"
Bruno looked over to Giorno when he heard him speak. "Milk!" He called, holding out his sippy.
"Milk!" Giorno called back, standing and taking the sippy. "Do you want any more food?"
Bruno looked over, getting Leone's attention. "You want food?"
"Nuh-uh. You want food?" Leone asked.
"Nuh-uh. Does you want food?"
"Nuh-uh. You wanned food."
"Nuh-uh! You wanned food!"
"Nuh-uh! I don' wan' food!" Leone shook his head.
"Oh, otay." Bruno looked up. "No food."
Giorno held in his laugh and just nodded. These two were absolutely precious.


That night was fairly calm. Both littles knew how to brush their teeth, and just had to have Trish help with their nighttime pull-ups. They weren't even whiny! They were big enough for everyone to leave them be.

"Did you take your gummies?" Bruno whispered, taking out his paci to speak.
"What gummies?" Leone curled up in his blankie.
"Da malanamanin gummy. Melamanin? Medato- men-" Bruno tried to think of the word. "The sleepy gummies!"
Leone slowly nodded in understanding. "No, I forgoted." He shook his head.
Bruno sighed. "But then you is gonna be awake all night."
"No I won't." Leone put his paci back in his mouth. "Is a good sleeper. Did you ever figure out what it called?"
"The mamamamoon gummies?" Bruno asked.
"No, da binky." Leone held out his paci. "Paci or binky?"
Bruno shrugged. "It can be boff. Now go to seep!"
"Why?" Leone tilted his head.
"If you don't, you'll be cranky in da morning." Bruno held his binky out. "Trade."

Leone swapped pacis with Bruno. "Dats right. I don't wanna make future me sad."
"Who's dat?" Bruno asked, yawning.
"Future me. Me in da future." Leone put Bruno's paci in his mouth. "He will be really happy in da morning if I go sleep now."
"Why you gotta think about him?" Bruno asked.
"Because he thank me. Whenever I do something nice, he say thank you."
"Woah." Bruno rolled onto his stomach. "Is tired."
"Me too.." Leone laid on his stomach as well, putting his paci in his mouth and stretching out like a cat. "Nite nite.."
"Nini.." Bruno whispered.


Leone sat up and stretched, yawning for a long while.
Bruno blinked and looked up, a pacifier somehow still in his mouth.
"Thank you." Leone laid back down, smiling into his pillow.
"For what..?" Bruno asked sleepily, putting the paci away in the nightstand.
"Not you." Leone stretched his arms and legs, yawning again.
"Then who?" Bruno rhymed, laying back down.
"Me. I went to bed at a good time, so now I'm well rested. I'm thanking myself." Leone scooted a bit closer to Bruno.
"Hmm.." Bruno closed his eyes again. "Just cuddle. I'm cold..."
"How? You're usually a space heater." Leone teased. "I'm always the cold one."
"Well too bad..." Bruno playfully grabbed Leone and held him like a big stuffed animal. "You're my little heater."
"Fine." Leone smiled, cuddling up in Bruno's arms.


I wanted to end this whenever they said night night, but I wanted to include Leone saying "thank you" to his past self :) It's something I do whenever I have something I don't wanna do. Like if I have to get up and use the bathroom, I go do it so that future me can be happy, then I thank my past self for doing it

Chapter 46: Bruno, Leone, and Giorno💧


Little warning for Leone getting frustrated and Bruno crying, but most of this is very fluffy fluff

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Every little in the gang's shared home had a favorite caregiver. Every one of them always stayed by one caregiver more than all the others. But there was one person that nobody had favorited...

Leone was always seen as the "big bad wolf" of the family. Yeah, he was rude when everyone was big, but that didn't mean that he wasn't nice to littles. Leone tried his best to always use nice words with the littles, and be patient. He even played games with them and never drank alcohol around them. He was doing everything he should... He was doing everything like Bruno and Mista and the others... Why wasn't there a little that loved him and wanted to be around him all the time..?


Bruno smiled as he sat in the bed. "I have some news!"
Leone grinned tiredly and sat down. "I do too." He said in a depressing tone.
"What's wrong?" Bruno asked, helping his love with the blankets.
"Tell me your news first." Leone looked over, getting comfortable.
"No, you go." Bruno said more seriously.
Leone sighed and turned off the lamp on his nightstand. "I don't want to be around the littles anymore."
Bruno's heart shattered. "Wh- Well why?" He asked quickly.
"Look, I know it sucks, but none of them even like me." Leone looked over. "It makes me feel terrible to see all of them cuddling up with you and wanting to play, and then there's me. None of them ask to play with me. None of them ask me to get them anything. None of them want to cuddle with me when they're tired, or give me hugs and kisses." He listed annoyedly.

Bruno looked down and nodded slowly, unsure of how to react. Since they completely took down Passione, their lives had been almost completely centered around coping, especially everyone's little spaces. Bruno.... He wasn't coping... He had all the stresses of a normal parent, and sometimes got jealous of Leone not having to do anything... That's why Bruno wanted to start exploring his own little space... Tonight, he was excited to tell his love about maybe starting to regress, but now he wasn't so sure....
Leone looked over sadly. "I'm sorry if it'll ruin everything, but it just hurts. If they don't want me around, then I won't be there."
Bruno felt his stress becoming too much, and wiped his eyes. "I want you around!" He looked over.
"I'm not leaving you! I just don't want to be around the littles anymore!" Leone yelled, holding his arms out.

Bruno pulled his knees up to his chest and cried, not knowing what to do... Leone didn't want to be around him...
"If you're that upset about it, then we can just call everything quits!" Leone stood up. "I know that the littles are your whole life, but why are you so upset over this?!"
Bruno covered his ears and continued sobbing, not knowing how to express his emotions.
"Of course you're not listening." Leone rolled his eyes. "I say that I don't want to be around the littles, then you just bawl your eyes out and don't listen to me." He took his pillow and a blanket, before leaving to sleep on the couch.


After what felt like forever, Bruno calmed down enough to open back up to reality. He felt oddly small and weak. He didn't feel big and strong like he usually did... He wanted milk in a bottle... He wanted Leone to cradle him to sleep... Tears welled up in his eyes again, but he pushed them away to be a big boy. He didn't understand why he was feeling like he did, or why it was so hard to do basic things like standing up, but he knew he had to be a big boy. He did his best to walk to the bathroom, putting on a pull-up just in case. He didn't want to have an accident later tonight. He washed his hands and tried his bestest to get to the kitchen and get a bottle. He reached up into a cabinet, but whipped his head around when he heard something.

"Bruno?" Giorno gently whispered.
Bruno panicked and shoved his bottle back into the cabinet, then pulled his shirt down to cover his pull-up. He had to be big, he had to be big...
"Are you okay?" Giorno whispered.
"Anananana-" Bruno said quickly. "Bumm imm.. biwoowoo!" He babbled, trying his best to use big boy words. Why was everything coming out like gibberish?
Giorno slowly understood. "Are you little?" He asked, stepping closer.
"Nono!" Bruno shook his head as he looked down. "Bibib!"
"Okay." Giorno looked up to the cabinet. "Are you tryna be a big boy?" He asked, thinking that Bruno was doing what Fugo did when he was really stressed and little.

Bruno nodded quickly. "Isabada! Ididi!" He let tears fall from his eyes as he began crying again.
Giorno moved down to look at Bruno's face. "Hey, buddy, it's okay." He tried to calm him. "You're doing such a good job! You're such a big boy!" He told the little what he typically told Fugo, not knowing what else to do.
Bruno's crying slowly stopped again, and he looked down at Giorno.
"Hey, bud." He smiled. "You're alright."
Bruno wiped his eyes, then looked over to the cabinet.
"Does our big boy want a sippy or bottle?" Giorno asked, setting Bruno up on the counter. He didn't know why littles liked that so much.. Maybe it made them feel bigger.
"Sipipip- dababab-" Bruno opened and closed his hands, before whining in frustration and letting out a yell. His words weren't coming out right!

Giorno shushed the little and gave him gentle pats and kisses.
Bruno calmed down again, and prepared to try his words again.
Giorno picked up a bottle and sippy cup, holding them both out. "Just pick one."
Bruno looked at the two and grabbed the sippy cup. Big boys drank out of sippy cups...
Giorno smiled and put the bottle away. "Do you want water or milk?" He asked slowly, feeling bad for making the little one choose. He didn't want to make him upset by giving him the wrong thing, though.
"Wawa." Bruno looked at the red sippy cup with airplanes on it.
"Water?" Giorno pointed to the sink.
Bruno kicked his legs, not paying attention to anything but the airplanes.

Giorno grinned and waited before asking again. "Water.." He pointed to the sink. "Or milk?" He pointed to the fridge.
"Wawa!" Bruno pointed to the fridge. He wanted milk, but his words were being weird again.
"Water?" Giorno asked.
"Wawa!" Bruno repeated, pointing to the fridge.
"Milk?" Giorno walked to the fridge.
Bruno nodded, kicking his legs. He tried to get a drink of milk, but looked at his bottle when no milk came from it.
"I need to fill it up, bud." Giorno smiled, quickly filling the cup with milk and screwing the lid back on. "There."
Bruno giggled and took a sip of milk, happy to have a big strong daddy to help him with his words and feelings. He didn't know why his words and feelings weren't working like normal, but he did know that he was a big boy, and that he was his daddy's favoritest, biggest boy.

Giorno smiled when Bruno's giggles continued. "What's so funny?"
Bruno babbled and giggled, chewing on the tip of the sippy cup.
Leone watched silently, having been woken up sometime after Giorno entered the kitchen. So this was why Bruno was upset earlier... Leone absolutely hated himself. He might've had a chance to have a little love him, and he screwed it up. He screwed everything up.
"What's so funny?" Giorno giggled, peppering the little with hundreds of kisses. "Tell me what's so funny!" He teased.
Bruno let out happy giggles and squeals, eventually calming down in his dada's arms.
"You wanna go to bed, buddy?" Giorno asked as he held his little one.

Bruno saw a light and reached towards it, making Giorno turn around.
Giorno's eyes widened as he stepped over to the couch. "Oh, I'm so sorry, did I wake you up?" He asked Leone.
Leone scrolled through YouTube, just letting out a low groan.
Bruno squealed and reached for his daddy, babbling excitedly.
Giorno set the little down gently.
Leone looked up when someone grabbed his arm. "Hey.."
Bruno bounced and giggled, taking a few more drinks of milk. "Abababababa!"
Leone's expression softened, and he set down his phone.
Giorno sat down across from the two, just watching. He had never seen such a caring expression on Leone's face, or a little Bruno before. This was bizarre and adorable...

Leone sat up and gave his little one a kiss on the cheek. "Go to sleep, baby." He gently pat his arm.
Bruno giggled and bounced a bit more, waiting for his daddy to play with him. Unless his words weren't working again, he had just asked his daddy to play with him.
Leone waited, unsure of what the little wanted. "You okay?"
"Abadaa! Daba- adada!" Bruno spoke clearly, not realizing his words weren't making sense.
Leone gave his baby a few more kisses. "There you go. Now go to bed, baby." He smiled.
Bruno giggled, then set down his sippy cup.
Leone thought of different possibilities for what the little could want, then tested his theory that was most likely true. He leaned closer to Bruno's ear, then whispered a quiet "nom nom nom nom".

Giorno thought Leone had gone insane for a second, until Bruno giggled.
Leone immediately knew what his little wanted. He quickly moved in front of him. "I'm gonna eat him up!" He grabbed Bruno and held him tightly, but not too tight, and pretended to eat him, smiling and peppering him with kisses whenever he could.
Bruno squealed out his giggles, kicking his legs happily.
Leone eventually rolled onto his back, still holding his little one close. "Nom nom nom nom nom!!" He laughed. "Nom nom nom!!"
Bruno wiggled around and laughed.
Giorno smiled as he watched the two. It was obvious how much they loved each other, and how well they knew each other...


Bruno slowly awoke, feeling a wet feeling around his crotch and feeling that he didn't have pants on. He quickly sat up and took in the sight of... the living room? He layed back down on Leone, before realizing that he had a pull-up on, and that there was a sippy cup of milk on the coffee table. He blinked a bit more as he fell back asleep


Whenever Bruno woke up the second time, he had shorts and boxers on, and was covered with a blanket. He looked around slowly, realizing that everyone else was awake, and that he was just using Leone's stomach as a pillow. He yawned and laid back down.
"Hey." Giorno squatted down in front of Bruno.
The older hummed softly.
"Do you remember what happened last night?" Giorno whispered.
Bruno shook his head. "I just remember waking up. Let me think back and get woken up." He rubbed his eyes and yawned again.
"'What happened'?!" Narancia perked up. "What happened?!"
"It's none of your business." Leone moved Bruno's hair from his face, eating a few more pieces of popcorn.

Bruno got comfortable and grinned. He almost fell asleep again, but felt a bit of popcorn fall onto his head. It was small things like this that reminded him how much he loved Leone. That and the occasional kernels Leone would give him.


Bruno is such a confused little ball of stress, I feel so bad <3 He needs help fixing his words!!

Chapter 47: Leone and Giorno


No, I'm not writing a chapter about Giorno making a quilt because I'm making one irl and am really excited about it and want to talk about it even more but all my friends are sick of hearing me ramble about every little part of the process. No, not at all.

Also, there are some pics of rain frogs at the very end, because my intense hyperfixation on frogs grows more and more every day

ALSO ALSO iwroteGiornoasahighfunctioningautistic and there are some mentions of him using recreational marijuana

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Could you go tell Giorno that dinner's ready? He's been in his room all day." Bruno asked worriedly, giving Leone a couple kisses.
The older nodded. "He's probably making something. He never stays in his room that much unless he's suddenly jumping into a new hobby."
Bruno smiled. "He found my great great grandmother's sewing box, so he's probably sewing."
"Aren't you worried about him breaking something that old?" Leone asked, glancing down the hallway when Trish and Mista ran down.
"He wouldn't do something to intentionally break it. Besides, my grandmas wouldn't want their things to just sit and collect dust." Bruno pat his love's arm. "Now go get him."

Leone walked down the hall and knocked on Giorno's door.
Giorno let out a soft yell as a response, not really caring who it was.
Leone opened the door and saw Giorno sitting on the floor in front of a large sheet of fabric. "Hey, come eat."
Giorno hummed, glancing up. "Let me finish this first." He made a few marks with a ruler.
"What're you making?" Leone tilted his head, noticing the flannel-like pattern drawn onto the green fabric.
"Quilt." Giorno said softly, marking a few more squares with numbers.
"It doesn't look like one." Leone teased, squatting down to get a better look at what Giorno was doing.
"I'm gonna-" Giorno sat down his ruler and pencil. I have a design planned out, and these are gonna be little squares in the design. I'm making them nine by nine centimeters, but I'm adding one centimeter of seam allowance on each side, so they're eleven by eleven squares."

Leone slowly nodded. "What's your design gonna be?"
"Frog." Giorno looked around, finding his phone and looking for the image of his design. He quickly found it and showed Leone.
"How do you know it's all gonna line up?" Leone asked, holding Giorno's phone gently.
"It's hard to explain." Giorno set his phone back down. "But just let me finish this and I'll come eat."
"You sure?" Leone asked. "You never come to dinner when you say you will."
"Hmm." Giorno hummed in response, just picking his ruler back up.
"Promise me that you'll come eat when you're done with that, okay kid?" Leone frowned a bit.
Giorno let out an annoyed whine and just focused on making the last few marks to finish the last squares.

Leone stood up and left, knowing that Giorno wasn't going to come to dinner..


After everyone finished eating, Leone was the only one to remember Giorno.

"What're you doing?" Bruno asked sadly, putting the dishes away in the dishwasher.
Leone put a few pizza rolls in the airfryer. "Do you not realize that you're forgetting to feed a kid?" He asked, a bit annoyed.
"No?" Bruno turned around. "Everyone was at the table."
"Do you remember seeing Giorno there?" Leone got a specific white mug and poured a bit of milk in it. (How he knew everyone's favorite cups for certain drinks was still a mystery.)
Bruno sighed. "Baby, I'm tired." He walked over. "I'm sorry..."
"You're fine." Leone put the milk away and waited for the pizza rolls to get done. Of course, there were much healthier options, but Giorno had eaten barely anything but pizza rolls, grapes, and strawberries recently. They were currently out of grapes and strawberries because of him, and he had also somehow eaten the entire bowl of watermelon that Leone had cut up. Giorno ate an entire watermelon in a day.... Good thing he grew some fruits and vegetables in the back yard to make up for it.

After a few minutes, Bruno went to lay down, and Leone took the milk and pizza rolls to Giorno. He carefully opened the door, and went to his desk to set the food down. "Whatcha doin'?"
Giorno hummed, having laid down and grown some vines to make a canopy.
"I made pizza rolls and got you some milk." Leone walked to the bed and sat down.
Giorno hummed again, too tired to respond. He had stayed up the whole night last night, and was now regretting it. It was only 10PM, and he was already ready for sleep.
"Are you okay?" Leone asked.
Giorno just hummed again, looking up at the leaves of the vines and letting his eyelids slowly close.

Leone sighed softly. "Have you smoked anything today?"
Giorno ignored him and rolled over. He was so tired..
The older picked up the bowl of pizza rolls and ate one. "Kid, eat something before you fall asleep." He said with his mouth full.
Giorno heard something crunch and rolled over, enjoying how soft and warm his bed was. He reached a hand up lazily.
Leone grinned, giving him a pizza roll. Now that he had thought of it, the smell of weed on the kid was a lot more noticeable. Ever since Bruno let him use it, (with the conditions that he didn't smoke outside his room or get the entire house smelling like dope) he had been a lot more calm. Leone even noticed his anxiety easing up a bit.
Giorno happily ate the pizza roll and curled up, not taking long to hold his hand out for another one.

Leone set the bowl where Giorno could reach it, and walked over to his desk. He wasn't the kind to snoop around, unlike Bruno, but he was interested in the quilt. He sat at Giorno's chair and picked up his phone, trying to avoid looking at anything personal. He quickly found the photo of his plan for the quilt, and noticed it was written in a book or journal of some kind. He set down the phone and began looking for a journal. He doubted that Giorno would mind him just looking at his plans for it. Besides, they (he and Bruno) had figured out the hard way that Giorno didn't like being interacted with and then left alone due to his abandonment issues. He either wanted to be alone, or with someone, and whenever his alone time was interrupted, he liked staying with someone for a while.

Leone found the journal and flipped a few pages, realizing that it was a sketchbook, filled with sketches of plants and animals. Leone smiled, then found the plans for the quilt. It was incredibly detailed, going into every step of the process. It looked more like instructions than just planning it out. He nodded slowly, then glanced over when he heard Giorno whine.
Giorno held up an arm, wanting a hug. He could tell that Leone was still with him.
The older walked back over and looked down. "What's wrong?"
Giorno sat up and wrapped his arms around Leone's neck, breathing deeply.
Leone smiled and gave Giorno a gentle kiss on the cheek when he returned the hug.


Leone looked up to the window when he heard birds chirping, grinning at the pink flowers in the windowsill. He had opened a window last night to let the room air out and so he could listen to the rain sounds. All night, he had been doing one thing, pinning. He carefully followed Giorno's instructions, and had been pinning squares of fabric together along the guidelines. He never sewed anything, though. One, it would wake Giorno up, two, he didn't want to sew something incorrectly, and three, he didn't know how to use a sewing machine.

He heard Giorno moving and making soft sounds, and knew he was about to wake up. He grinned and just went back to pinning the fabric together. He only had a few more squares, and was hoping to hell that he had been doing this right and Giorno wouldn't be mad.


After Giorno's cold shower, he came back and thanked Leone, giving him a long hug. He was thankful for the food, company, and help with the quilt.

Bruno, on the other hand, was freaking out. Whenever Leone came back, he apologized again and again, thinking that Leone was still mad about him forgetting Giorno at dinner because he hadn't answered any calls or texts. Leone explained that he had just spent the night with Giorno, and that he left his phone in the kitchen.

Still, after that day, Bruno made sure to do a head count at every meal, and for the next week had been missing two heads.

For the next week or so, Leone kept Giorno company in his room, helping with the quilt. Giorno also taught Leone how to use a sewing machine, and some facts about his favorite animals and flowers.

In My Arms - PinkFrogDoppio - ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (2)

In My Arms - PinkFrogDoppio - ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (3)

In My Arms - PinkFrogDoppio - ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (4)

In My Arms - PinkFrogDoppio - ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (5)

In My Arms - PinkFrogDoppio - ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (6)

In My Arms - PinkFrogDoppio - ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (7)

In My Arms - PinkFrogDoppio - ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (8)


I know I'm writing pretty much every single day, but I have a lot more free time now that I'm on summer break! I've made good progress on my quilt since I started writing this chapter (a few days ago) and took a break yesterday to paint and draw. I've also started another little stuffie that I want to finish today!

Chapter 48: Bruno and Leone💧


A little idea for a trans Leone on his period

Warning for mentions of blood, and Leone crying due to pain

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Do you want anything while I'm in the kitchen?" Bruno asked softly.
"Could you get me a raw cookie?" Leone asked. "Just one." He adjusted his ice pack on his neck.
"What do you mean a raw cookie?" Bruno squatted down in front of him.
Leone pulled up his blanket and sighed. "Just a raw cookie!" He said frustratedly. "I'm sorry-"
"You're fine, baby." Bruno whispered. "Do you mean cookie dough?"
"No, just, like a raw cookie. Not cookie dough." Leone tried to explain.
Bruno tried to figure out what his love was talking about. "Baby, I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean."
"Literally just a raw cookie." Leone whined. "Without any milk."
Bruno stood up. "Okay, I'll go get one." He still didn't understand, but just got a singular chocolate chip cookie, then brought it back.

"Thank you." Leone curled up and ate the cookie.
"Is that what you meant?" Bruno asked, giving his love a gentle kiss.
"Mhm." Leone suddenly gagged, leaning forward and sitting up.
Bruno stepped back.
Leone gagged again, setting down the cookie.
"Are you gonna throw up?" Bruno asked quickly.
Leone shook his head. "No-" He spat out the cookie in an empty cup. "It's just way too sweet-" He made a disgusted face. "Get me some water and ice-"
Bruno nodded and went to the kitchen, grabbing the ice tray and a bottle of water.
Leone took the things and drank a bit of water. "Thank you." He sat back, his cramps worsening.


A couple hours passed, and Leone had taken a bit of ibuprofen.
"I'm craving the soup from that Japanese place." Leone sighed.
"I can go get it." Bruno offered.
"No, I don't want to make you go out this late. They're probably closed anyways." Leone pressed his heating pad to his stomach and his icepack to his head.
Bruno hummed, picking up the remote and turning down the TV. "I put a cup of water in the freezer, too, so you should have a bit more ice later."
"Thank you." Leone smiled, cuddling up in the couch cushions.
"Craving ice so much means you have an iron deficiency." Bruno said sadly.

"I don't. You Google too much." Leone sighed.
"I Google a perfectly normal amount." Bruno grinned. "I just want you to be safe."
Leone grinned and blew his love a kiss. "Just stop diagnosing me with everything. You thought I had pneumonia last month."
"You could've." Bruno shrugged.
Leone tried his best not to laugh, not wanting to soak his shorts in blood. "I need to change my tampon." He complained.
"How long has it been?" Bruno gently rubbed Leone's thigh.
"No clue." Leone sighed again, preparing to sit up. "My pad's soaked too-"


After an hour or so, Bruno had noticed Leone whining more than usual. "Are you okay, baby?" He looked over sadly.
Leone held his stomach and let out a soft cry, before reaching his arms up. He didn't know how to express his pain and wants.
Bruno stood up and leaned over his little one. "What do you need, baby? Ibuprofen?"
Leone began fully crying, wanting to lay down in bed with his mama.
Bruno shushed his love and sat on his knees beside him. "Can you try and calm down and tell me what you need?" He whispered, moving Leone's hair out of his face.
Leone moved his head away and brought his knees up to his chest. He was in a lot of pain since the last dose of ibuprofen had worn off, and wasn't physically or mentally able to go to the bathroom to change his things out.

Bruno sighed softly. Leone's first couple days of his period were always the worst, but it was rare for cramps to bring him to tears... He could also be little, but he didn't want to assume that immediately.
Leone's thoughts slowly became more simple, and his pain even worse. He let out a loud scream and hoped his mama understood. He was praying for his mama to understand...
Bruno panicked a bit, not knowing if Leone wanted or needed something, or was just in pain. They couldn't communicate... Or could they? Bruno tried to get Leone's attention by standing over him and holding his cheeks gently.
Leone let out a few whines, but looked up. He saw Bruno's hands moving, and only understood the very last movement, one that pointed to him. He sighed and tried his best to remember the few signs that he and Bruno learned.

Bruno waited for a response, thankful that Leone was slightly calmed down.
Leone put both his hands up and repeatedly signed "Again! Again!"
Bruno repeated the gestures, asking his love if he wanted help in ASL.
Leone quickly signed a few words. "You, food, bed, help. Me, food, bedroom. Hurt, I'm hurting."
Bruno nodded, then gently wiped Leone's tears with his blanket and moved his arm under him to carry him. He was planning on taking him to the kitchen to get whatever snacks he wanted, then to the bedroom.
Leone held onto his mama and closed his eyes, letting out a pained yell when his hips were moved. More tears welled up, and he tried to stay calm and push through the pain.

Bruno's heart shattered when he heard how hurt Leone was. His cries were all so sad..
Leone held onto Bruno as tight as possible, before feeling blood leak out onto his pad. He needed everything changed already, but wasn't able to. Hopefully his mama would take care of him...


After Bruno got Leone a few snacks and drinks, and took him to bed, he gave him his icepack and heating pad. He had figured out that Leone was indeed little, really sleepy, and in a lot of pain. He sat down in front of the little with the toilet paper, pad, and tampon ready. He'd never done anything like this, and it made him feel worse with a little...

Eventually, Bruno cleaned up the blood and washed his hands, coming back to a happier baby.
Leone had just finished his gummies, and his cramps had gotten slightly better. Now all he needed was his mama and to go to sleep...
Bruno sat down and pulled the weighted blanket up over his little.
Leone grabbed his stomach and whined when he rolled over. He wanted to snuggle, but his cramps hurt like hell whenever he wasn't on his back.
"Baby, shh, it's okay." Bruno gently rolled the little onto his back and held him close. The most he could do was just hold him and get him whatever he needed.
Leone sucked on his pacifier, but slowly began crying. He didn't even know why.

Bruno held his little and gave him soft kisses whenever he could. He would never fully understand how much pain his love was in, or how he felt, and it made him even more sad. He was happy he was able to help him, though, even if it was just a tiny bit...
Leone cried for around 10 minutes, before he started to calm down and get to sleep.
Bruno closed his eyes and got comfortable, before falling asleep with Leone.


I didn't know whether to post this or not, since it's not like any of the other chapters, but I'm going to anyways :P

Chapter 49: Bruno and Giorno💧


Bruno struggles with being unable to be a "real" mother, and Giorno struggles with not knowing who his biological mother is.


Warning for a LOT of crying

Also, I imagine that this occurs before everyone is out as a little

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

For as long as Bruno could remember, he wanted to be a mom. Even when he was a kid, he loved playing with baby dolls and pretending he was a mom. He always wanted to have a husband and kids. It wasn't until his teenage years that reality was shoved into his face. He was a man. He couldn't have kids without adopting one, he couldn't be a husband without being looked at as weird, he couldn't be a true mother...

Bruno sat on the edge of the bed and cried. His childhood dream was starting to completely crumble... Occasionally, he would take a baby doll from a box under his bed and hold it. It was comforting. All he wanted was to have someone know him as "mama", and only that...


Giorno laid in bed and cried. His body was aching for any kind of affection. Even just someone holding his hand would be good enough. All he wanted was his mama. His real mama. He didn't want to ever see the people that "raised" him, he wanted to see his real mama. It hurt to not know who she was...


Bruno sat on the floor beside his bed and held his baby doll close. "Shh, you're okay, baby." He whispered, letting his tears fall down onto the plastic. "I'll go get you a bottle, baby." He slowly stood up, rocking his doll gently. "Mama's gonna get you a bottle." He cried softly, walking out to the hallway. Having a baby to care for was so calming and let him live out his dreams. Even though his baby never cried, smiled, or moved...

Giorno chewed on his hand and kicked his legs, his entire body aching and begging for any sort of comfort. His cries slowly became louder, and he felt his emotions becoming more and more overwhelming. The world was starting to seem so big and scary... Only one thought was racing through his head. Mama. Mama. Mama. After a bit, he decided to get up, wanting to look around for someone else. Anyone else would be good enough. All he wanted was someone, he didn't care who. Anyone at all... He just needed cared for...

Bruno took the baby bottle from the microwave and pressed it to his baby's lips, smiling. He prayed to God that nobody would ever find the baby bottle and pacifiers that he had for his baby doll.
Giorno chewed on the sleeve of his hoodie as he used all his strength to walk to the door. Mama. Mama. He had to find his mama... He wanted his mama...
Bruno smiled and gave his baby a gentle kiss, only looking up when he heard a bizarre sound from the hallway. He quickly tried to hide his baby and the bottle, then looked back up when the sound became a lot louder.
Giorno stood and watched the person in the kitchen. His cries were loud and mostly screams, like a toddler that had just been traumatized. His sleeve was already wet from where he'd chewed on it, and the only word he was sort of able to say was "mama"

Bruno looked over for a few seconds, trying to comprehend the situation.
Giorno looked down in shame. He didn't even know who was in front of him, and his world was starting to become a big jumbled mess. He was scared... Really, really scared...
Bruno slowly stepped forward and brought Giorno into his arms, feeling him melt into his touch and hold onto his shirt like a child would. "You're okay..." He said slowly, not knowing what else to do.
Giorno held onto the other person as tight as he could. His legs were becoming weak and he was starting to hyperventilate.
Bruno had no clue why Giorno was acting the way he was, or why he was so upset, but his instincts told him everything he needed to know: Giorno needed comforted. Sticky Fingers helped him bring Giorno to his bedroom, and Bruno sat with Giorno in his arms.

The little cried and hyperventilated, hoping and praying that whoever was with him wouldn't leave him. He could barely comprehend that they were moving, and didn't even know he was back in his room.
Bruno gently shushed Giorno and rocked him, cradling him like a baby. He occasionally gave him kisses or told him that he was okay. This felt so bizarre... Giorno was fully sobbing in his arms... What if he didn't want this? He couldn't speak, so Bruno assumed he was doing the right thing...
Giorno soon felt a hand on his chest, and grabbed it. He was with his mama. This was his mama. He had his mama... He soon began taking slower breaths and calmed down, a few tears occasionally falling from his eyes.
Bruno grinned and let Giorno hold his hand. Then... He heard him...

"Mama..." Giorno got more comfortable in his mama's arms. "Mama..."
Bruno's heart finally felt complete. He... He was a mama... But why was Giorno calling him that? Why was he snuggling and cuddling with Bruno? Why... Why?


That morning, after both of them had woken up, Giorno explained that he had been trying a thing called age regression. He barely remembered last night, so Bruno explained everything.

Bruno smiled and brought Giorno into a hug.
"Thank you.." Giorno whispered. "I was just scared... I- I was thinking about my real mom... I've only ever seen her once in my life.. And that was when she was back on... y'know.."
"Hey-" Bruno sat up, gently holding Giorno's face. "I'm your mom now."
Giorno smiled and looked into Bruno's eyes.
"If you ever need me, you can come to me and I'll try my best to take care of you." Bruno slowly leaned forward and gave Giorno a few gentle kisses. "I can be your mom if you need me to."
Giorno hugged Bruno tightly. "Thank you!" He laughed a bit.
"You're welcome." Bruno returned the hug happily.

Would he ever tell Giorno that his dream was to become a mother? Probably not. All that mattered was that Giorno was happy, and Bruno was happy that he could make him happy.


Sometimes whenever I'm writing sentences like "His cries were like a toddler that had just witnessed ___" or "He looked like he just saw ___" I sometimes go into really intricate detail about some of the gore I've seen, then remember that I'm writing for littles and delete it-

Chapter 50: Bruno and Narancia


I feel like Nara is still a kid at heart, since he didn't have good education and was forced to grow up faster

Chapter Text

"Fugo!" Narancia called, running into the living room. "Why does sand stick together when it's wet?!" He asked. "And your hair and stuff, when it's wet it sticks together in clumps!"
Fugo looked up from his crossword puzzle. "You should already know that, you have science lessons and Google for a reason." He rolled his eyes. "Stop asking dumb questions."
Bruno quickly sat up and looked at Narancia. "Nara, come with me, I'll show you." He stood up, gesturing to the back door that lead to the yard.
"Show me what?" Narancia asked.
"Why sand sticks together." Bruno smiled, going and grabbing a large bowl and filling it with water.
"Oh hell yeah! I forgot we had a sandbox!" Narancia laughed, running out to the back yard.

Fugo turned around and sighed. "Don't encourage him! He asks stupid questions like that all the time, you're just making him want to ask more!"
Bruno happily ignored Fugo and walked outside with the bowl of water.
Narancia sat in the grass and uncovered the turtle shaped sandbox, throwing out the couple leaves and rocks that had gotten in.
Bruno set down the bowl of water and put his hand into the sand. "So what was your question?"
"Like-" Narancia made little designs in the sand. "Uhh- when- like when- when sand gets wet, it all sticks together. Like why?" He glanced over.
"Tell me why you think it happens first." Bruno picked up the small shovel.
"I dunno." Narancia sat up on the edge of the sandbox.

"Just give me a theory, some way to make it make sense. It doesn't matter if it's right." Bruno smiled, digging a small hole.
"Uhh- like the- uhh-" Narancia thought for a moment, then went quiet.
"You also mentioned hair sticks together when it's wet. Do you think that those things happen for the same reason?"
"I dunno." Narancia shrugged. "I think it's like, like uhh, like it- uhh, uhh, like the-" He tried to explain his thoughts, looking over and putting his hands together. "Like the water, it goes like- 'cause sand, like little grains of sand, they're really small, so they like, stick together. Like they absorb the water and get sticky, I dunno." He theorized.
Bruno smiled. "Do you know what sand is made of?"
"Like plastic? I dunno, it's just like, sand." He ran his hand through the sand a bit.

Bruno shook his head. "Sand is made up of really really tiny rocks. That's why sand is on beaches. Water and other things chip away at big rocks, leaving a bunch of little tiny ones that then get carried to the shore." He dusted the sand off his hands. "And when water interacts with those little tiny grains, it forms bridges between them."
"But bridges are made by people." Narancia looked over, letting bruno pour a bit of water into the sand.
"Let me explain it better, then." Bruno set down the bowl and made two balls from the wet sand. "Imagine that these two balls are two grains of sand." He set them down on the edge of the sandbox. "And imagine that my hands are water."
Narancia quickly nodded, interested in what Bruno was showing him.

"So these two grains of sand are dry. They have nothing to stick them together, so they just slide right past each other. But, when water is introduced, it latches on to the grains and sticks them together." Bruno grabbed both balls of sand and brought them together with his hands in the middle. "It's called surface tension. Now you can easily break it by pulling the grains apart-" He moved his hands apart. "But without an outside force pulling or pushing the grains apart, they'll just stay together."
Narancia quickly bounced. "Yeah! And when- when the uhh- when- when-" He stuttered, trying to get his thoughts out. "But if you just leave the sun out- like- the sand with water in it, if you leave it in the sun, it'll like, the water will evaporate out and it'll leave the sand back like it was!"

Bruno smiled and nodded. "Yes! Now what do you think happens to hair when it gets wet?"
Narancia quickly made two cylinders out of the wet sand. "It like- it, it, it, the sand, the water, the, the, it like, it-" He pretended his hands were water and brought both pretend hair strands together. "The water, it like, the, the hair it gets all like, wet, and it, the surface tension makes them stick together!" He said excitedly.
"Exactly!" Bruno smiled, knowing what Narancia meant.
Fugo stepped outside. "You're just making him want to ask more dumb questions!" He yelled annoyedly.
Narancia frowned and looked back.
"Hey." Bruno whispered. "Ignore him." He smiled and put his hands in the sand.
Narancia nodded and looked down. "I was gonna ask something... I don't remember what it was.. It was like uhh, like, uhh, something about- the uhh-"

"Narancia!" Fugo yelled. "I've told you to stop stuttering! Either get it out or don't say anything!"
Bruno continued ignoring Fugo, but he could tell that Narancia was getting upset.
"It was about.. umm.." Narancia tried remembering his question. "How does water... how... How does it break away the rocks and to make- and the- and it makes sand?" He tried his best to make a clear sentence, flinching when Fugo slammed the back door.
Bruno stood up and picked up a small rock. "Well, when water rubs against a rock-" He drug the rock along the stree. "It doesn't do much. But when it does it again and again and again, for years and years and years-" He rubbed the tree a bit harder, chipping off a piece of bark. Then eventually it manages to break off a piece. So even though water doesn't do much, whenever it hits a rock a million times a day, for a million years, it makes smaller rocks."

Narancia slowly nodded.
"It's called erosion. Water, wind, and all sorts of other things can erode rocks." Bruno set down the rock and piece of bark.
Narancia nodded. "I remember there was a science lesson about that, like one of my homeschool lessons." He turned back around and made a small sandcastle with a bucket. "That's how rivers are made, and why they're so curvy."


After a few more minutes outside, Bruno and Nara came back in. Bruno was reluctant to let Nara go practice math with Fugo, but told him that if Fugo hurt him, he should leave and come tell him. He also told Nara that if he didn't understand something afterwards, that he could ask. He'd have to have a long talk with Fugo sometime...

Chapter 51: Bruno, Leone, Giorno, and Fugo💧


Warning for mentions and references to Fugo's anime backstory, him hurting himself a little bit, and a tiny bit of blood

Chapter Text

Fugo was little today, and was really upset. He had been working on a painting, but wasn't able to make progress recently due to lack of motivation and his sleep schedule. Today, he wanted to paint, and had time, but had anxiously chewed his nails until they bled, and peeled skin from the tips of his fingers. His fingers hurt too much to even pick up a paintbrush. He couldn't even touch anything without feeling unpleasant stinging pain. He had involuntarily regressed in his room, and had come out to get a few bandaids.

"What's wrong?" Bruno asked, looking over from his pot of soup. He quickly noticed Fugo's bleeding fingers and gasped. "Sweetheart, what happened?!"
Fugo just mumbled in reply, too upset to speak properly.
Bruno helped him get a few bandaids from the box, then picked up the scissors. "Go wash your hands, I'll help get these on." He unwrapped a couple bandaids.
Fugo whined, but did as Bruno asked. He turned to the kitchen sink and rinsed his fingers in a gentle stream of warm water. Using soap would hurt like absolute hell, so he decided to skip it.
Leone went to the kitchen out of curiosity, putting a hand on Fugo's shoulder. "What happened, kid?" He asked gently.
Fugo flinched and turned off the tap with the back of his hand. "I bit 'em..." He mumbled quietly, bringing his finger to his mouth to bite his skin like he usually did when he was stressed.

"Hey-" Leone gently brought Fugo's hand away, holding it. "Don't bite it anymore. I can find you something else to chew on." He whispered with a small grin.
Fugo whined and pulled away completely, going back to Bruno, who had gathered most of the supplies they needed.
"Leone, watch the soup for me. Fugo, sit up here." Bruno pat the counter, before opening the lid of the Vaseline. "Did you use soap?" He asked.
Fugo sat on the counter and shook his head. "It'd hurt.." He whispered, barely loud enough to hear.
"Okay. I'd rather you just rinse them well than use soap, anyways." Bruno smiled, gently taking one of Fugo's hands and gently dabbing a bit of Vaseline onto his nails and fingertips. After that, he wrapped the worst fingers in a layer of paper towels, then put bandages over them to keep them in place.

The process repeated for each finger and hand, and Bruno gave each bandaged fingertip a gentle kiss. It made him sad to see Fugo hurting, and it wasn't until Fugo asked for some chicken nuggets and milk in a sippy cup that Bruno realized he was little. Thankfully, Fugo was a little that never had trouble eating. He would happily eat all three meals and snacks, only ever getting fussy when he was given something he didn't enjoy, but even that was rare. Fugo's biggest issue when he was little was... well.... using the bathroom.
Bruno asked a few times, then brought Fugo into a gentle hug. He heard what sounded like water trickling, and looked down. "Leone, can you clean him up?" He asked gently.
Giorno quickly stood up and went to the kitchen. "I'll take care of it. He doesn't cry as much with me." He sighed.

Fugo sat awkwardly, not knowing what to do. Usually, people would be mad if he just wet himself... Why wasn't Bruno?
"Alright. I'll clean this up." Bruno smiled, then looked back. "Fugo, baby. You're gonna have to get a diaper on.." He whispered sadly.
Fugo whined and shook his head quickly.
Giorno stepped closer, trying his best to avoid the puddle on the floor. "Can I pick you up?" He asked.
Fugo shook his head again, tears forming in his eyes.
"Hey, I've gotta pick you up to get a diaper on." Giorno leaned closer. "Please, Fugo.."
Fugo gave in and wrapped his arms around Giorno's neck, letting him pick him up and carry him.
Giorno cringed at the wetness, but persisted, taking Fugo to his bedroom while Gold Experience got a towel from the bathroom.

"Leone." Bruno glanced over, seeing his love stir the soup.
"Hmm?" Leone tapped the wooden spoon on the rim of the pot and set it down.
"Could you put the lid on that and turn down the heat?" Bruno took the roll of paper towels and tossed a few on the puddles on the counter and floor.
"Mhm." Leone hummed, doing as Bruno asked.
"Would you mind making some chicken nuggets for Fugo? And getting a sippy with milk, too." He gathered a couple cleaning sprays and a plastic bag.
Leone nodded and opened the air fryer, before getting the chicken nuggets from the freezer.

Giorno gently pulled Fugo's shirt up, then let Gold Experience put a blanket over Fugo's top half.
Whenever Fugo was little, it was easier for him to be reminded of what happened to him. Using the bathroom was even harder. The gang's current guess as to why he wet himself so often was to avoid taking off his pants or looking at himself. The only solution to this was diapers, but he was even more opposed to that. The first few times that Bruno and Leone tried to put a diaper on Fugo, he screamed and kicked, even falling into a panic attack once. After that, they all decided to brainstorm ideas for how to help him. After a few more months and Bruno having to clean up quite a bit of urine, Giorno figured out how to calm Fugo down. One, he had to give him lots of warnings and let him know exactly where his hands were going to go. Two, he covered Fugo's upper half with a blanket so that he wouldn't have to see anything. And three, Gold Experience held his hands.

Bruno had also narrowed down his own list, how to tell if Fugo was little. Over months and months, he noticed that Fugo still acted normally, if not a bit quieter. The only ways to tell if he was little were if he got or asked for a sippy cup or bottle (even then, he sometimes did it when he was big), had an accident somewhere without making an attempt to go to the bathroom, or had bigger reactions to small touches. Even then, the only way to really tell for sure was if he had an accident. All the other things had a 8/10 chance of him being little, but accidents had a 9.9/10 chance. Of course, Bruno never bothered with the exact statistics, just estimated.

"I'm gonna clean up your left thigh, okay?" Giorno asked, before placing a hand on Fugo's knee to erase any anxiety of when the touch was coming. He could feel Fugo holding Gold Experience's hands tightly, but still held out some of his fingers as to not hurt them.
Fugo turned his head to one side and listened to Giorno's warnings, looking at the shapes the blanket made and all the shadows.
Eventually, Giorno got to the most uncomfortable place. He gave a couple warnings, and told him he was okay and safe about a hundred times. Once he was done wiping him up, he got a diaper and put it on without any trouble. "I'm gonna take the blanket off." He said softly, before gently removing the blanket and letting Fugo get readjusted to the light. He then gave him a baggy hoodie and some sweatpants, helping him get dressed.

"Food's done!" Leone called, both to everyone in the living room, and to Bruno to let him know Fugo's food was done.
Bruno smiled and glanced up, before rubbing the sanitizer into the counter. His method for cleaning up accidents was mostly the same, unless it was on a couch or bed. He would first dry the area, throw the paper towels in a seperate bag, go over with a bit of water, dry, repeat, then used a couple rounds of disinfectants. Was it excessive? Maybe, but this was still the kitchen, and the counter. He'd have to spray everything again later, but for now it seemed okay.

Giorno and Gold Experience carried Fugo out to the living room. "I'll go get your chicken nuggets, okay?" Giorno whispered, holding Fugo's hand gently.
"No need." Leone held out the plate and sippy cup, letting Fugo take them. "Can you eat by yourself?" He asked, receiving a nod.
Giorno grinned, then went to stand up again. "I have to get my dinner anyways-"
"Kid, stay here. I'll get it." Leone went back to the kitchen, taking a bowl and filling it with some of Bruno's potato soup. "Spoon or fork?" He asked.
"Spoon!" Giorno smiled, before he was brought his soup.
"Do you need anything else?" Leone grinned.

Fugo whined and looked up. "Ha-hab-" He held an arm out.
"Hug?" Leone asked.
Fugo nodded quickly, then gave Leone a gentle hug when he bent down. Abba always gave the best hugs...
Leone smiled and picked up a chicken nugget. "Are your fingers feeling better?" He gently fed Fugo.
The little nodded and looked down, still feeling occasional stings, but nothing bad.
"Okay. Do you want me to stay here, or are you okay with Giorno?" Leone fought the urge to kiss the little one's cheek or forehead, not wanting to scare him.
"Abba.." Fugo whispered, carefully picking up his sippy and taking a drink.
Leone looked over, then took Giorno's seat.

Giorno held his bowl of soup close, then walked to the kitchen. "What do you want to drink?" He called.
"Milk!" Leone called back, a bit embarrassed to actually enjoy milk.
Giorno got Leone a bowl of soup and a cup of milk, bringing them to him. "It's better than wine." He shrugged.
Leone smirked and looked up. "Do I just eat this with my hands?"
"Oh!" Giorno realized. "Fork or spoon?"
"Spoon." Leone replied. "But a big one!" He added.
Giorno eventually came back with a spoon and smiled. "There. Anything else?"
Leone held his soup on his lap, then held an arm up. "Hug."
Giorno smiled even brighter and enjoyed a special Abba hug. It was rare for him to hug at all, but if he did, it was either a bear hug or genuine affectionate hug. That's what made them all so special.

The rest of the evening, Fugo was taken care of, and his bandages were replaced before bed. In the morning, Bruno cooked him a large breakfast and put a bit more Vaseline and a small bandaid on a couple of the places that weren't fully healed yet. After breakfast, Fugo went back to his room and continued painting his still life of his windowsill.

Chapter 52: Fugo, Narancia, Leone, and Giorno


I was proud of my 66696 words (it's a cool number) but I wanna keep writing!

And I took the ideas from Luz and BearyTea's comments, so yippee. Also, I'm sorry Luz, but I just need daddy Leone. He's too wholesome-




Future futuee future future me: How did Bruno just appear in this, it was supposed to just be Gio and Leone 😭 Oh well, as long as I get it posted it's fine

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Why don't you just use da bathroom?" Narancia gently lifted the bucket, making a sandcastle.
Fugo whined, holding his stomach sadly.
"Are you okay?" Leone asked.
Fugo whined again, putting a hand to his throat. He felt sick, but didn't know how to say it.
Leone sighed and scooted over. "Baby, are you alright?"
Narancia looked up. "Is he otay?"
Fugo leaned into Leone and let his sickness slowly pass.
Leone held the little and comforted him. He was probably feeling sick. He was really stressed recently, and hadn't been getting good sleep. Leone also hadn't seen him eat anything today.
Fugo eventually felt the feeling go away, and a headache start to form. He whined again and hugged onto Leone tightly.

"Whas wrong wit him?" Narancia asked, wiping his nose with his sleeve.
"I don't know." Leone gently picked up the little. "Are you feeling good enough to eat?" He asked.
Fugo nodded quickly, closing his eyes to try and help his headache go away.
Leone brought Fugo into the shade with Giorno, sitting him down beside the blonde. "There you go."
Giorno smiled and offered Fugo a strawberry. "Try and eat something." He gave Fugo a small kiss.
Fugo whined and shook his head, feeling sick again whenever he imagined eating.
Narancia ran over and sat in front of Fugo. "Why don't you want strawberries?" He asked.
Leone looked down. "He hasn't eaten all day, and now he's feeling sick." He told Narancia, before looking back up.

Fugo curled up and took a bite of the strawberry, still feeling icky. After he ate it, he decided to eat a small bit of watermelon.
"Don't you feel better?" Giorno asked gently, receiving a nod.
Fugo nodded a bit, but started getting too hot. He whined to be picked up again and reached his arms up.
Leone picked up the little. "What's wrong now? Do you still feel sick?"
"He eated food!" Narancia pointed to Giorno's bowl of fruits. "Why he still feel icky?"
Fugo panted and whined, reaching for the door to go inside.
Leone looked down. "Nara, we're gonna have to go inside, he's sweating bullets." He opened the door and left, leaving Giorno and Narancia outside.

"That's no fair!" Narancia whined, sitting down grumpily.
"Calm down." Giorno looked to the sand box. "Fugo's just feeling bad."
"But he always feel bad! Whenever he's big, he bosses me around and is all grumpy, but when he little, he still grumpy. He never play wit me.." Narancia crossed his arms.
Giorno ate a grape and looked down. "Baby, look at me." He moved Narancia's hair out of his face.
Nara looked up, taking a strawberry from Giorno's bowl.
"Whenever Fugo's little, that means he's really stressed. Today, he's feeling really icky, too. Imagine that you haven't eaten anything, you didn't get good sleep, and your belly hurts. That's how Fugo feels right now. He just doesn't have the energy to play."

Narancia nodded sadly. "But then why is he still grumpy when he's big?"
"I don't know. Most of the time, he just feels scared or angry, and ends up being mean because of it. It's not his fault." Giorno gave Nara a small kiss. "Now, how about you go clean up your toys, and then we'll go see how Fugo's doing?"

Leone held the icepack gently on Fugo's head, letting him get cooled down and calmed down.
Fugo held his hands over his eyes and just enjoyed the darkness, feeling his headache getting better.
"Does he need his diaper changed?" Bruno asked, yawning.
Leone shrugged. "Just let him calm down, then we'll do that. I don't want to pile more stress on him." He moved the icepack down to Fugo's chest.

"All done!" Narancia called.
"What about the trucks you brought out?" Giorno asked, walking out to stand under the large tree.
"Uhh.." Narancia looked around. "They're... somewhere."
Giorno smiled. "Go find them." He laughed, before noticing he ate the last of his fruits. He really needed to stop eating so many. Vegetables, too, he had a bad habit of eating (typically within the first day that Bruno bought them). Or not, at least they were healthy.
"I got my truuckks!!" Narancia called, running back with them in his arms. "Now can we go see Fugo?"
"Yes, baby." Giorno grinned. "But if he still doesn't feel good, then we'll have to find something else to do." He helped Narancia carry his trucks inside, and looked around for Fugo. "Take these in your room really quick." He gave Nara the toys back.

Leone held Fugo and gave him gentle kisses. "Mama's getting your food."
Giorno walked up to the two and smiled. "Are we feeling any better?"
"Mhm. He's hungry, but Bruno thinks it was just the heat making him feel icky." Leone held Fugo tightly.
"Nara was out there playing in the sun for a while. It's like that kid has heat resistance." Giorno teased.
"Have you ever slept with him?" Bruno asked, giving Fugo a bowl of cut strawberries. "He's a heater."
"So he absorbs and stores heat, then releases it in the middle of the night just to be a pain in the ass." Leone summarized with a grin.
"Who's a pain in the ass?" Narancia ran back into the living room, flopping over the couch.
"Ghirga!" Bruno snapped his fingers.
"Abba said it!" Narancia complained.

"Abba is older." Bruno sighed, not wanting to have this conversation again.
"Well I'm seven! Hard to beat that!" Nara stuck out his tongue.
"Tongue inside your mouth." Bruno reminded his little.
Giorno smiled and stole a strawberry, looking up at Leone. They both knew the long argument that Bruno and Nara were about to get into.


"Why?" Narancia giggled mischievously.
"Because I love you." Bruno crossed his arms.
"Because you're my baby."
"Because I helped you."
"Because you were in a bad place when you were young."
"Why?" Narancia continued asking, not paying attention to Bruno's answers.
"Because your parents weren't nice."
"Because they had lots of bad emotions inside."
"Because something made them feel those emotions."
"Because life makes you feel those emotions."
"Because if you didn't have emotions, you'd be sad all the time."

Giorno and Leone watched Nara and Bruno playing the typical "why?" game. Both Bruno and Nara were hard to beat. One time, they had a game going for around an hour, and Narancia eventually got bored and gave up. The only times when Bruno admitted defeat was when he was too tired to keep going.

"Because Fugo was sick."
"Because he was outside for too long."
"Because you wanted to play outside."
"Because you don't like being inside."
"Because you're too chaotic and weird to be kept indoors."
"Hey! Meanie!!" Narancia huffed.
"Because you just lost!" Bruno laughed, looking down at his little one.
"Yeah 'cause you were being a meanie!" Narancia crossed his arms.
"I wasn't a meanie." Bruno said sadly.
"Yes you was!" Narancia pointed to his mama.
"How?" Bruno crossed his arms.
"You called me weird!" Nara huffed.

"Well, you are!" Bruno laughed.
"No I ain't!" Narancia whined.
Leone rolled his eyes and walked over. "Hey, kid, everyone's a bit weird."
"You ain't!" Narancia looked up.
"Aren't." Bruno corrected.
"Oh, yes I am." Leone chuckled. "I still dress like I'm in my twenties, I have a collection of corks from wine bottles, and I'm in love with Bruno." Leone listed.
Bruno's neck snapped over and he looked at his love with dead serious eyes. "Excuse me?"
"Hmm?" Leone looked over.
"Abba said mama's weird!" Narancia yelled, giggling.
"Because he is!" Leone complained. "First off," he started, looking over to Bruno. "You like being called mama, you wear your grandma's old aprons when cooking, and you use bodywash and shampoo with different scents, so you always smell like a weird combination of flowers and tea!"

"You don't brush your teeth in the morning!" Bruno retorted.
"You don't own any pairs of shorts!" Leone fired back.
"You don't own any jeans that aren't ripped!"
"You used to have some funny deals going on with Polpo before he died."
"You don't bring that up." Bruno huffed. "You also can't wash your own back in the shower, and need my help!"
"Well you have weird looking feet!"
"Why are you looking at my feet? That's pretty weird." Bruno scoffed.
"You never wear socks, it's unavoidable. Speaking of socks and feet, you have only washed your shoes once since we've been together!"
"If I knew you liked my feet, I'd take better care of them!" Bruno moved his feet under a blanket.

Narancia giggled and watched his mama and Abba arguing. It wasn't mean arguing, though, Nara could tell they were just playing.
"You don't know how to pay taxes!" Bruno tilted his head.
"You don't know how to calculate volume!"
"You have never completed a puzzle!"
"How do you know that?!" Leone asked, actually a bit shocked that Bruno knew he'd never done one.
"I have my ways. Are you running out of weird things to say about me?" Bruno asked smugly.
"Nope, you don't know how to shave your legs, you floss your teeth multiple times a day, and you always stick your finger into anything you cook to taste it, but don't wash your hands after!"

Trish walked out from the hallway, holding Fugo in her arms. "He's all clean now!" She exclaimed.
Narancia quickly ran over and sat down by his blocks. "Fugo! Play wit me!"
Fugo was set down, and crawled over to Narancia, sucking on his paci.
Bruno sighed, then leaned close to Leone's ear. "You called me mommy before you started regressing." He stood up and went to sit with the littles.
Leone blushed and leaned back, watching TV and deciding to not pay much attention to the littles behind the couch.

"Put a blue one up on top!" Narancia instructed Fugo, who did as he was asked. "No! Like up and down!" He huffed.
Fugo fixed the block, then waited for more instructions, finding it easier to just follow Nara's orders than to try and use his brain too much.
"Put that square one up next to the yellow one." Narancia pointed to the yellow block.
"Let Fugo make some choices, Nara." Bruno put the square where Narancia asked.
"He can if he wants to, I'm not saying he can't." Nara shrugged.
Fugo chewed on his paci and closed his eyes, yawning.
"Are you sleepy?" Bruno asked.
Giorno stood up. "If he is, then I've gotta take him to bed.
"That's not fair!" Narancia whined.

Leone turned around. "Why not?"
"When we was outside, he had to go inside, THEN he had a baff, now he sleepy! We don't got no time to play!" Narancia rolled onto his back and crossed his arms, huffing dramatically.
Fugo whined and put his arms up, soon getting picked up by Giorno.
Leone leaned over the back of the couch, gently tickling Narancia's cheek and making him giggle.
"Stop it!" Narancia swatted at Leone's hand, smiling.
Leone grabbed Narancia's hand and shook it. "Oh, good day to you too, sir." He teased.
Bruno rolled his eyes fondly and stood up, going to the kitchen to get dinner started.
"I'm not shakin' your hand!!" Narancia pulled his hand away, giggling.
"Oh, I see..." Leone grinned mischievously.

"Leone." Bruno warned from the kitchen, knowing Leone's tone all too well.
"What?" Nara giggled.
Leone ignored Bruno and hopped over the back of the couch, grabbing Narancia's waist and ticking him. "YOU WANTED A TICKLE FIGHT!!"
"NOO!" Narancia laughed, squirming around and trying to get away from Leone. "I can't tickle you back!"
Leone gave the little occasional breaks, but eventually was hit with Narancia's attack. "You- You don't tickle me ba-ack!" Leone spoke through his laughs.
Narancia giggled and sat on Leone's waist, gently tickling his neck.
Leone laughed tilted his head from side to side, before surrendering. "FINE!" He laughed. "I give up!" He threw his hands above his head.

Narancia calmed down and moved to get off of Leone, but he was quickly grabbed again.
"HAHA!" Leone mocked, holding Narancia in a tight hug. "You left yourself open for a bear hug!"
Narancia laughed and squirmed around, knowing that not even Giorno was able to escape Leone's bear hugs until he was let go. "Let me out!"
"Nah." Leone rolled onto his back. "I think I might even take a little nap here-" He teased, yawning.
"Noo! At least go to bed! Your back is gonna hurt again and you'll be grumpy if you sleep here!" Narancia eventually accepted his fate and just laid on Leone's chest.
"Thanks for calling me old." Leone rolled his eyes. "But you're right." He stood up and eased his grip on Narancia, not expecting him to run away.

"Ohh no ya don't!" Mista stepped in and grabbed Narancia. "YOU are still supposed to be bear hugged!"
Narancia whined and giggled when he was taken into Leone's ar- WAIT WHY WAS HE UPSIDE DOWN
"Now how do I hold this thing again?" Leone pondered, holding Nara's ankles.
"Not like this!!" Narancia laughed.
"Oh! That's right! I remember now!" Leone spun Narancia around and held one arm and one leg. "Now off to bed I go."
"Noo! Wait!!" Narancia tried to lift himself up, eventually grabbing onto Leone's neck.
"Oh, was I holding it wrong?" Leone let go of Narancia's ankle, putting one arm gently around his back, and the other under his bottom. "That's right. Now I remember how to hold him."

Narancia nuzzled into Leone's neck. "Now can we go to bed..?"
Leone smiled and waited until Narancia had a good hold on him before moving, walking to the hallway, then into his and Fugo's shared room.
"Can I play with Fugo after my nap..?" Narancia yawned.
Leone set Nara down in his bed, then climbed in with him. "Yeah. I'm sure he'll feel better when he wakes up."
"What if he isn't little when he wakes up?" Nara asked.
Leone pulled the blanket over the both of them. "Then I'll play with you."
"Thank you..." Nara yawned and snuggled into Leone's chest, not taking long to fall asleep.


When everyone woke up, it was already dinner time. Giorno took Fugo to eat, and Leone was busy chasing Narancia around outside.

It always seemed like Fugo never had time to play, but whenever Narancia was finally brought back inside, and finally ate, that was when Fugo came up to him.

Fugo waddled over to the kitchen, holding up one of Nara's toy planes and whining.
Leone left his plate and squatted down to look at Fugo. "Not right now. He's eating his dinner. He can play with you after he eats."
Fugo frowned and walked back to Giorno, curling up in his arms.
Narancia huffed. "I'm done!" He looked back.
"Did you eat everything you could?" Leone sat down, looking at Narancia's plate and seeing it still full.
"Mhm!" Narancia nodded.
"Baby, this is your only chance to eat. Until bedtime, you're not getting any snacks, and I'm not making you any more food. If you're full, then you can go play, but if not, you should keep eating."
"Fine!" Narancia huffed, actually still pretty hungry.
"When you get done, I'll put your plate away for you." Leone grinned.


That evening, both littles played until bedtime, and were given small snacks and drinks before bed. Giorno still had to sleep with Fugo, but Narancia said he was okay on his own.

Leone gently shut the door to the bedroom. "Now can we go to bed?"
Bruno smiled and pulled out his phone. "I have to show you something. He clicked on a few things, before showing Leone his screen.

"NOO!" Narancia laughed, squirming around and trying to get away from Leone. "I can't tickle you back!"
Leone gave the little occasional breaks, but eventually was hit with Narancia's attack. "You- You don't tickle me ba-ack!" Leone spoke through his laughs.
Narancia giggled and sat on Leone's waist, gently tickling his neck.
Leone laughed tilted his head from side to side, before surrendering. "FINE!" He laughed. "I give up!" He threw his hands above his head.

Leone chuckled. "You recorded that?"
"I record a lot more than you think." Bruno grinned, before giving his love a kiss and gasping when he was picked up.
Leone leaned on the wall and held Bruno above him, his arms holding him under his bottom.
Bruno smiled and hooked his legs around Leone's waist. "I love you."
"I love you too." Leone leaned up and brought Bruno into a deep kiss, finding it difficult to do while smiling.
Bruno eventually pulled away and giggled. "You breathe on me when we kiss."
"What am I supposed to do?" Leone shrugged.
"Hold your breath like most people." Bruno rested his forehead on Leone's.

"So you'd rather kiss this?" Leone held his breath, making a goofy face.
"Stop!" Bruno laughed. "I'm just saying that people don't normally breathe on the other person when they're kissing."
Leone smiled and gave Bruno a kiss on the cheek. "Well too bad. If you don't like it, you can go find someone else."
"I don't like it." Bruno smiled. "I love it." He hugged Leone and brought him into another kiss, savoring every single moment of it.


This turned out a lot longer than I expected, and I started writing this a LONG time ago, but I like it. I came back to this last night, but was too sleepy to continue, then this morning, but I was still tired, so I went back to sleep, and for the past couple hours I've just been trying to finish this. It felt like it would never be finished because I kept coming up with more ideas, but I'm happy with ending on some BruAbba kissing <33

Chapter 53: 100 Kudos!!

Chapter Text

Not really an agere chapter, but I wanted to thank all of you for 100 kudos!!!

I really appreciate all this support, and honestly never thought I'd get here! Thank every one of you so much!!

I'll see you in the next chapter <33

In My Arms - PinkFrogDoppio - ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (9)

Chapter 54: Bruno, Leone, and Giorno💧


Heavy warning for Bruno dealing with pica, a disorder where people/children have urges to eat non-food/non-edible things or items

Warning for some sharp objects, eating ice, eating chalk, and yelling

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Bruno sat at the dinner table and rocked back and forth.
"Baby, you need to eat something." Leone held a bit of lasagna out to the little.
Bruno shook his head and whined. He was craving chalk so badly. Just a bite of a block of chalk would be good enough. Recently, Fugo had gotten back into gymnastics. Nothing serious, just some classes he enjoyed. Bruno, while helping look for one of Fugo's books, had found a couple blocks of chalk, along with some crushed chalk. The next day, when Fugo was gone, Bruno stole a block and had begun eating it. The texture was perfect. It crumbled in his mouth and left a fine powder that he slowly was able to swallow.
Leone noticed Bruno zoned out and sighed heavily, covering his face with his hands.


"What're you going to get?" Leone asked, sipping his wine.
Bruno shrugged, knowing that Leone got frustrated when he didn't eat "normally". He had just come out of his little space a couple hours ago, and was really hungry. He opened the freezer and took a small bit of ice from the bag. That little bit soon turned to a lot, and he got himself a large bowl full.
"Can you at least eat some rice? You haven't eaten all day!" Leone complained when Bruno sat back down.
Bruno ignored his love and the weird looks from the others, soon beginning to rock himself to relieve stress.


"Baby, I'm sorry I yelled at you." Leone apologized genuinely.
Bruno looked away and let a couple tears fall from his eyes.
"You've been losing weight, it worries me. If you're on a diet then you do you, but at least eat something besides ice." Leone sighed, placing a hand on Bruno's shoulder.
Bruno felt himself regressing, and pulled away, going to the bathroom quickly. He closed the door behind him and grabbed a shaving razor from the box, looking at it to figure out how to open it. He was craving metal, any kind of sharp metal.
Leone laid down and turned off his lamp, blaming himself for the way Bruno was acting.
Bruno quickly opened the razor, hyperventilating a bit. He then felt a wave of relief whenever the metal was placed inside his mouth. He knew he couldn't swallow this, but just having it in his mouth was good enough. He put a couple more blades in and enjoyed the metallic taste.

Leone couldn't help the sinking feeling in his stomach, and eventually stood up to check on Bruno. "Hey, babe." He knocked on the bathroom door. "I'm really sorry for whatever I did to upset you. I didn't mean to."
Bruno stayed quiet and put the last blade in his mouth, hoping to block out whatever Leone was saying.
Leone tried the doorknob, and found it unlocked. "I'm coming in to check, I'm worried about you." He waited a couple more seconds, but got no response. He sighed and opened the door, seeing his love standing over the sink shamefully. It took a few seconds, but Leone soon saw the razor without blades, and the shameful look in Bruno's eyes when they made eye contact through the mirror.

"Come here." Leone grabbed Bruno's cheeks and held him in place, before opening his mouth and taking the blades out by hand.
Bruno cried and was let go when Leone made sure all the blades were out. He fell back against the wall and sat down, his crying worsening when he heard Leone yelling. He tried to escape to his little space, but just felt even more overwhelmed by the big world and the loud yelling.
Bruno curled up and covered his head, praying that Leone wouldn't start hurting or hitting him.

After a bit, Leone left to go sleep on the couch, and Bruno was left to his little self. He tried his best to get up and be a big boy, just barely getting to the side of the bed before falling down again. He reached up and took the block of chalk from his nightstand. He wanted his stuffies and daddy and paci, but he knew he couldn't have that. His daddy didn't like him eating, so he had to do it in secret. He rocked himself and leaned on the side of the bed, crying loudly and taking occasional bites of chalk to help calm him down.

After another hour or so of crying, an accident, and eating the last of the chalk, Bruno fell asleep on the floor.


Leone came back to check on Bruno in the morning, and found him sitting beside the bed asleep. He had an odd white powder around his mouth and hands, and was wet with urine. Leone sighed and didn't pay much attention to the powder, just getting Bruno cleaned up and in clean clothes.

Bruno eventually awoke and babbled, rubbing his eyes. He was in a fuzzy onesie and had his stuffies giving him hugs. He moved his legs and looked around, quickly figuring out that he was in the living room with his daddy.
Leone grinned and gave his little one his paci, before picking up the book that Giorno had bought about foods. It was a kid's book, one from the local library. It just showed and talked about what was good to eat and what wasn't. Although nobody had any solid proof of Bruno having an eating disorder, Giorno had brought up pica in their conversation about it.
Bruno looked around for something to eat, but his attention was quickly captured by his daddy, who had a book.

Leone gave his little one a kiss and opened the book. "I just want you to look at the pictures and tell me what you want to eat, okay?"
Bruno hummed and watched as the pages slowly flipped, before he saw a picture of sidewalk chalk. He reached out and whined a bit, trying to grab at the image.
"What's he want?" Trish asked quietly.
"Chalk.." Leone looked at the picture.
"Are you sure he's not pointing to the milk?" Giorno asked, gesturing to the page beside the chalk one.
Fugo stood up quickly and went to his room. "Wait!"
The gang watched Fugo, then looked back to Bruno.
Trish leaned forward. "Pica would explain the razor and ice, but why is he just now doing it?"
Giorno shrugged. "I've read that it can be anything from a bad coping mechanism to a symptom of autism. If he keeps going, he'll have to see a professional."

Bruno whined and tried his hardest to grab the chalk on the picture, before something else grabbed his attention. He saw Fugo holding a bag with a chalk block, and reached out for it.
"What are you doing?!" Trish asked, standing and coming a bit closer.
"We can find out what's wrong with Bruno and maybe what happened to my missing block." Fugo gave Bruno the chalk and squatted down.
Bruno calmed down and looked at the pretty white color, and let his hands gently glide over the edges. He then hummed contently and took a bite, enjoying the "fresh" flavor and the magical texture.
"Jesus, Fugo-" Leone rolled his eyes and closed the book, taking the chalk from his little and putting it back in the resealable bag.

Bruno immediately panicked and reached out, starting to cry again.
"You were talking about a white powder on him earlier this morning." Fugo shrugged. "Would you rather me have given him cocaine?"
"No, but he doesn't need chalk either!" Leone yelled.
Giorno interrupted the two of them. "He pointed to the picture of chalk, and took a bite out of it. Now we know what's going on with him. That's a good thing!"
Bruno cred even louder and reached out for the block, upset and hungry.
"Well what do we do about it? He's apparently been going behind my back with it, who knows what else he's eaten?" Leone looked over. "He also refuses to eat anything but ice and apparently chalk, so what's your genius plan to "fix" him?!"

Bruno's crying evolved into screaming when he heard his daddy yelling again. His stomach hurt and he wanted his daddy to cuddle with him and let him eat. Why wasn't hid daddy letting him eat food? He just wanted chalk, why was his daddy so upset? The rest of the world slowly began fading out, and all Bruno heard were his own screams and cries, and all he saw was the chalk he was craving.


Bruno slowly woke up in the arms of someone who wasn't his daddy. He sniffled and kicked his legs, looking around and seeing lots of plants and flowers.
Giorno smiled and let Bruno get woken up, then let him sit up on his own.
Bruno whined and rubbed his eyes, immediately seeing white things on the nightstand and reaching for them.
Giorno picked up the rice and milk, holding the sippy out to Bruno.
Bruno hummed and looked over sadly, thinking he had chalk.. He then got a bit upset and teared up, before completely breaking down in Giorno's arms.

Giorno set down the things again and comforted the little, hugging him and telling him he was okay. Bruno had fainted due to stress earlier, and Giorno, Fugo, and Leone's argument had evolved into a screaming match. Trish was the one who noticed Bruno not moving, and took him to Giorno's room. Mista and Narancia also came home, and helped Trish with Bruno while the others were in the living room. Now, Giorno had agreed to not talk to Leone or Fugo, and was given the role pf caregiver while Fugo calmed down and Leone went to process what Bruno had been doing. Turns out, he had even been eating sidewalk chalk, as Leone found a box of it under the bed.

Bruno quickly calmed down in Giorno's arms, letting himself be held like a baby. He then rubbed his eye and watched Giorno eat a bit of rice. Then, the spoon was put to his mouth. He whined and looked away.
Giorno smiled, knowing that going from chalk to rice was a big step. He was hoping to start helping Bruno by giving him foods that were the same color as the chalk, and mostly flavorless. Rice and milk were his best options right now.
It took a few more tries, but Bruno eventually accepted the rice. After he ate it, Giorno celebrated with cuddles and kisses.
"Good job!" Giorno praised, wanting to let Bruno associate eating with positive things. That was why he never stopped smiling, and never told him he was bad for not eating. Every bite of rice, and every sip of milk was a big accomplishment.


A couple days later, Bruno admitted that he had been eating chalk as a coping mechanism. Whenever he was stressed, he got cravings for things like metal, ice, and chalk, but the one that was the most filling was chalk, since ice was just water and he never swallowed any metal. He also told Leone about the cause of the stress, him. Of course, it wasn't entirely Leone's fault, he had a reason to be worried, but Bruno often mistook Leone's worry for aggression, and either reressed and stopped listening, or ran away and listened to his cravings.

He started eating chalk again after a stressful mission they all had a couple months ago, not having eaten it in a couple years, but quickly developing a need for it. He had eaten two boxes of sidewalk chalk in the past month, and two blocks of Fugo's gym chalk in the past two weeks. It had taken over his diet completely for a couple days before anyone noticed his refusal to eat and his weight loss. He'd been eating nothing but chalk and ice for the past week.

A few days after Bruno ate normal food again, Leone tried introducing a bit more.
"I got you some vanilla pudding to try." Leone smiled, making his little one giggle and clap his hands. "Are you excited?"
Bruno giggled and pushed his sippy over to Giorno, still needing a bit of help to eat or drink when he was little. His little space was when he ate the most, though, so when someone got a sippy cup or bowl pushed towards them, they were happy to help Bruno eat.
Giorno paused his conversation with Mista and held Bruno's head, giving him a few sips of milk.
Bruno hummed and drank happily, then looked back over to his daddy.

Leone opened the pudding and ate a bit, before giving his little one a spoonful.
"I doubt he'll eat it, he just started eating rice and milk two days ago." Giorno reminded Leone.
"No harm in trying." Leone ate another spoonful, showing Bruno that it was okay to eat.
Bruno sniffed the pudding whenever he was given another spoonful, and shook his head.
Leone tried a few more times, before Bruno touched his tongue to the spoon. "Good job! You're being so brave, trying something new!"
Bruno giggled and did it again, before taking the spoon into his mouth. He got a bit scared by the texture, panicked, and spit it out onto his shirt. He teared up and tried to get the rest out of his mouth with his hands.

Leone helped Bruno rinse out his mouth, and changed his shirt. That didn't stop him from crying, though. Bruno was upset almost the entire time, and even ran away from Leone once to try and find his chalk. Eventually, though, he got calmed down, and was able to finish his lunch with his daddy's help. Everyone celebrated Bruno's accomplishment, and Giorno offered to lay him down for a nap to give Leone a small break.

That evening, when Bruno was big again, he ate a cup of pudding and snuggled with his love to celebrate a new food he liked eating.


I don't have pica, nor claim to have it, but this chapter has made me crave chalk so much

That's a long link, but you CANNOT tell me that that doesn't look delicious

Chapter 55: Bruno, Giorno, Mista, and Leone


Even more Dadbacchio because I can >:)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Where's my little baby?!" Leone called playfully, looking around.
"I don't know, we haven't seen him in a while." Giorno played along.
"Hey, Giorno." Mista asked.
"Could you pass me that blanket? It's pretty cold." Mista winked.
Giorno laughed and tickled Bruno a bit, who was hiding under a fuzzy blanket. "This blanket?"
"Yeah, I'd appreciate it." Mista took a sip of water, then held out his arms.
Leone leaned over the back of the couch. "I'll get it for ya, I'm already up." He picked up Bruno and the blanket, keeping him covered. "Wow, this is an awfully giggly blanket! Are you sure you want this one?"
"Well, if it's a giggly blanket, then no!" Mista crossed his arms. "Giorno, do you want to trade blankets?"

Giorno laughed and tossed his blanket over to Mista. "Of course! I love giggly blankets!"
Leone rolled his eyes with a smile, before walking back over and gently tossing Bruno onto Giorno's lap.
Giorno made a pained sound, but still held Bruno and continued playing. "This is a pretty heavy blanket! You didn't tell me that it was heavy and giggly!"
Bruno laughed and kicked his legs a bit, absolutely loving their game.
"Wait a minute!" Mista shouted theatrically, standing up. "There are legs on that blanket!!"
Leone gasped. "I never knew this blanket had legs!" He picked Bruno up again, letting the blanket fall off of him and reveal his face. "WHAT?!" He gasped. "How'd my baby get wrapped up in that blanket?!?!"

Bruno chewed on his fingers and hugged his daddy, still giggling.
"I thought we had a heavy, giggling blanket!" Giorno said sadly, exaggerating his sigh. "Those are my favorite kinds of blankets!"
Bruno looked back, then grabbed the blanket, pulling it over himself again.
Leone gasped. "Where'd my baby go?! Oh man, he was just here!" He tossed Bruno down again.
"Oh! There's my heavy, giggly blanket!" Giorno picked Bruno up and snuggled with him.
Mista smiled and leaned forward. "Why do you like giggly blankets so much?"
"They make me happy!" Giorno hugged Bruno extra tightly.
Leone sighed dramatically from the kitchen. "Can someone help me find my baby?! I don't know where he went!"

Bruno squirmed out of Giorno's arms, then uncovered his face.
"There he is! There he is!" Giorno and Mista yelled in unison.
Bruno covered himself back up whenever his daddy looked at him.
"Where? You guys better not be messing with me!" Leone walked over.
"He was just right there! We don't know where he went!" Mista shrugged.
"If you see him, you better tell me." Leone turned around again. "Now I'll go keep looking."
Bruno uncovered himself again, laughing and giggling.
"Right here!" Giorno yelled.
Leone turned around, but still couldn't find his baby. "I told you to stop messing with me!"
Bruno kicked his legs excitedly, laughing more than he ever had.

"I'm not! He was right here!" Giorno held up the blanket. "Hmmm, I wonder if there's something going on with my giggling blanket..."
"Well, if you really find him, then you should tell me." Leone went back to the kitchen.
Mista stood up and walked over to Giorno. "I think your giggling blanket has more going on than we think..." He hummed.
"Maybe..." Giorno said slowly, before pulling the blanket off of Bruno and gasping loudly. "THERE'S LEONE'S BABY!!"
Mista picked up Bruno and ran to the kitchen. "WE FOUND YOUR BABY!!"
Leone turned around, but just saw Mista holding Giorno's giggly blanket. "I told you guys to stop messing with me!"
"Huh?" Mista looked at the blanket. "I could've sworn I picked up your baby! He was right here!" He held Bruno under his arm, turning around to look for him.

"Wait!" Leone looked at the giggly blanket. "I see him!" He grabbed Bruno's waist and pulled him out from Mista's arm. "There's my baby!"
Bruno giggled and hugged his daddy tightly.
"Well how'd you find him?" Mista asked.
"He was inside SOMEONE'S giggly blanket!!" Leone looked over to Giorno.
"So my giggly blanket was your baby all along?!" Giorno gasped, turning around. "Oh well, guess I'll just use this boring ol' normal blanket." He sighed dramatically.

"RUNNING BLANKET!!" Narancia yelled, holding a blanket over himself and running around the living room.
"CATCH THAT RUNNING BLANKET!!" Fugo ran out of the hallway, chasing Narancia.
Mista immediately ran after Narancia, leaving Bruno and Leone in the kitchen.
Bruno calmed down and snuggled with his daddy, watching Nara, Fugo, and Mista run around.


I always write the littles like they're child sized because that's how I imagine them- I didn't realize that until I wrote Mista carrying Bruno under his arm and I was like "Would that work with normal sized Bruno?" Then realized that this entire chapter would be a lot weirder if Bruno were adult sized

Chapter 56: Bruno and The Gang (part 1)


Bruno puts together a big surprise for all the littles, but it doesn't go completely to plan...

A request by LuzDouradaDRAGLUON


Luz told me about this idea and I was SO excited to start writing!! I'm also gonna split this into two parts so that if some people don't want to read the beginning/when the "kindergarten" is introduced, they don't have to :)

Warning for one bad word, some yelling, a little bit of crying, and Leone having an accident

Chapter Text

Bruno walked into the living room happily. "I have a surprise!" He smiled, barely able to contain his excitement.
"Not now." Giorno sighed, sitting at the kitchen island by a stack of papers. "Passione's lost money."
Fugo sighed frustratedly. "Almost twenty thousand bucks!"
Leone spun the barstool around. "We need to figure out who did it, and if it was someone who's gained access to our bank account." He looked at Bruno seriously. "By your jolly attitude, I assume you've done something?" He raised an eyebrow, then looked back to the paperwork in front of Giorno.
"Well..." Bruno looked down. "It'll be worth it."

Everyone, even Narancia and Mista, looked to Bruno. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SPEND TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ON?!" Fugo screamed.
"Why would you do something like that without telling anyone?!" Leone held his arms out, a bit ashamed of his love.
Bruno crossed his arms. "Enough!" He yelled, in a certain voice that everyone knew. Sometimes they forgot he was still a Capo... "Look, I know what I did seems wrong, but I did something special for all of you." He looked around sadly.
"I don't care." Leone bit in a harsh tone, turning back around and signing a paper Giorno slid to him.
"Please..." Bruno sighed, actually sounding a bit desperate. "I- I put this together for all of you.."
Fugo rolled his eyes. "You mean for yourself so you can feel better about adopting us?"

Bruno wiped his eyes and left, going back down to the basem*nt where he came from. He had spent the past couple weeks working on this... Since more and more of them had been coming out as littles, but supplies were low, he decided to make a little kindergarten for everyone. Nothing too grand, but not terrible. He had painted the walls, got new flooring, had a bit more lighting installed, and then decorated. After all of that, the most expensive items he bought were large cribs, a wall mounted TV, and a bunk bed with a couch underneath. After that, he bought a couple playsets, baby toys, floor mats, etc.. It was the place he had dreamed of for his littles....


Later that day, everyone decided to give Bruno's surprise a chance. All they were told was that they had to do one thing before they could see it. What was that one thing?


Everyone was given a shirt, a pair of shorts, and a choice between normal or grippy socks. After that, everyone got together and met Bruno by the door to the basem*nt.

"Are we being locked in there for human experiments?" Fugo asked sarcastically.
"Why do we need to dress like prisoners?" Mista groaned.
"These grippy socks feel cool." Narancia grinned, not reading the room a single bit.
Bruno shook a bit, but opened the door and flicked on the lights, smiling when he heard everyone following him. When he got to the bottom he stepped aside and waited for everyone, hopeful that they would enjoy it.

Fugo was the first to enter, immediately feeling overwhelmed with embarrassment and wanting to leave.
Giorno was second, just walking into a corner and crossing his arms.
Mista came next, followed by Narancia, who ran to the couch and jumped on it, yelling something about how cool everything was. "Bruno, you know I'm not... like that." Mista told Bruno seriously.
"You just don't know it yet." Bruno smiled. "You can regress in here." He whispered genuinely.
Mista scoffed and joined Giorno in the corner.
Last but not least, Leone. He immediately tried to back up the stairs, but was pulled back down by Bruno.
"I made us all a little kindergarten!" Bruno smiled, just getting groans in response. He quickly went back up the stairs to shut the door, then came back down.

"The last thing I need is more memories of school." Fugo rested his head on his knees, absolutely hating everything.
Bruno frowned, and went to sit on a beanbag. "I got us a TV!" He tried to lighten the mood. "Should we watch some cartoons?" He turned it on.
"We have a TV upstairs, why do we need one down here?" Narancia ran his hand along the wall.
"Well, look, I just thought we could all regress down here. It's safer than upstairs, and..." Bruno trailed off.
"The safest place to regress is my f*cking room." Fugo hit his head on the wall, clearly upset. After a couple more seconds, he stood up and went back up the stairs, closing the door behind him.
Mista huffed and sat with Giorno. "Why do you want me to regress so badly?!" He yelled.
"You've done it before!" Bruno said sadly, accidentally coming off as aggressive.

"No, I haven't!" Mista teared up a bit. He hated talking about his littlespace... He had one, but he didn't like anyone knowing. He tried his best to hide it whenever he could, or try and be a big boy until he was alone. He also didn't feel valid. As a 7 year old little, he was the oldest out of everyone. He felt like he wasn't a real little because he couldn't go into a baby space like everyone else. "I'm not a little! I'm not weird like that!" Mista insisted, standing and leaving.
Bruno looked around, noticing that only Giorno and Narancia remained. Leone must've left, too...
"You bought new trucks?!" Narancia gasped excitedly.
"Mhm." Bruno grinned sadly, leaning back into the beanbag.

Giorno sat for a little while longer, but eventually left, noticing something on his way out. He looked down when he stepped in something wet, and followed the trail to a corner. There, he saw one of the saddest things he had in years. Leone was curled up, hiding behind the toy box and a kitchen set. When he looked up, he shattered Giorno's heart. He was completely silent, but his nose was runny and eyes were teary. "Are you okay?" Giorno asked, knowing that Leone regressed easily, especially when he was stressed. Being put in a new environment and having an accident must've been terrifying... Especially when nobody noticed and helped him.
Bruno looked over, and saw Giorno picking up Leone, and heard Leone crying quietly.

"It's okay, I'll get you cleaned up." Giorno carefully walked up the stairs with Leone.
The little curled up and held onto Giorno. In just a few years, Giorno had grown quite a bit, and was one of the strongest members of their team. He made Leone feel small, and he liked that. Leone was the biggest in the gang for a long while, and Bruno always needed Sticky Fingers to help carry him. Giorno was able to pick Leone up with ease, and was Leone's favorite person whenever he wanted or needed to feel small.


An hour or so later, Bruno found himself watching a documentary after cleaning up Leone's accident. Fugo and Narancia were arguing upstairs, and from the sounds of screaming, then silence, Fugo probably hurt him. Bruno felt a bit soulless after everyone left, so he just hoped someone else would deal with it, not having the energy to care. He zoned out and enjoyed the softness of the beanbag, before hearing footsteps down the stairs and some crying.
"Brunoo!" Narancia cried, falling down a bit at the bottom of the stairs.
Bruno's motherly instincts kicked in, and he sat up. "Baby, what's wrong?!"
Narancia sat beside Bruno and showed him his arm, crying and sniffling.
Bruno looked at the large cut on the back of Narancia's hand, and tried to calm him down.

It took a long while, but Bruno eventually calmed Narancia down and wrapped up his hand with some bandages.
"Are you okay now?" Bruno kissed Narancia's hand. "Do you wanna go back upstairs?"
Nara shook his head. "I wan- I wanna paci, an' take a nap.."
Bruno smiled, having not even realized that Nara regressed. "What bed do you want?" He stood up and looked through the stuffed animal pacifier holders he'd bought.
"I wan- da-" Narancia rubbed his eyes, walking to the bunk bed. "Da couch."

Bruno smiled and brought over a couple of the paci holders. "Do you not want the bed?" He asked.
Nara shook his head. "I wan da couch cause is not big enough for da bed yet." He sat down. "Can I has my airpane blankie?" He looked up.
"Do you know where it is?" Bruno set down the stuffies and took a couple pillows from the bed above.
"In my room. Fugo in there, though, and he mad." Nara reached for the duck that was holding a pacifier and giggled. "Look how silly! He don't have his binky da right way!" He showed his mama the silly duck.
"He doesn't!" Bruno laughed. "Do you want to fix it for him while I go get your blankie?"
Nara nodded and helped the duck put his paci the right way, before laying down with him and waiting for his mama. While he was waiting, he noticed a giraffe and lion that didn't have their pacis the right way either. He helped them, then showed his mama when he got back.

"That's so nice!" Bruno smiled. "But do you have a paci?" He covered his little with his blanket.
"I don' need one!" Narancia hugged the duck close to his chest. "Is a big boy." He chewed on his fingers.
Bruno gently pulled Narancia's hands away from his mouth and smiled. "I don't think big boys chew on their fingers." He took another pacifier from the container full of them, and set it between the lion and giraffe. "There. Just in case you want it."
Nara grabbed the paci and gave his mama a few kisses, before putting it in his mouth and rolling over to go to sleep.

"Hey." Someone else spoke once Narancia was asleep.
Bruno turned around and looked to the entrance, seeing his love. "Hi." He frowned a bit, expecting to be torn into again about wasting money.
Leone picked up the other beanbag and sat beside Bruno, smiling. "I'm sorry I was mean earlier today." He held his love's hand. "I was stressed out..."
"It's okay." Bruno smiled, giving Leone a kiss on the cheek.
"And after that, when I came in here..." Leone looked down, resting his head on Bruno's shoulder. "I was really overwhelmed, and ended up regressing. I... I had an accident, then went to hide in the corner, behind the toy box."
Bruno wrapped his arms around his love. "It's okay. I love you."
"I love you too." Leone smiled and gave Bruno a few gentle kisses. "I love you so much."

Chapter 57: Bruno and The Gang (part 2)


Fluffy fluff :) If anyone skipped the first part, Bruno introduced everyone to a playplace he had made in the basem*nt. Nobody besides Narancia really liked it, since Bruno had spent around 20k on it behind everyone's back. Bruno also made them all wear "uniforms", like all the same shirts, shorts, and socks. Mista was the most opposed to that, since he insisted he wasn't a little (he was, but never admitted it or liked anyone knowing)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Mista giggled and put the puzzle together, fitting the last piece in. He looked up when he heard the door open and footsteps, quickly trying to act like a big boy again. He threw the puzzle to the side and stood up, trying to think of a lie.

Bruno shakily made his way down the stairs, having trouble with holding Leone while doing so. "Are you almost ready to see it?" He asked with a smile.
Leone shook his head, chewing on his finger. He was really scared to see the new room, but only agreed to go down because of the new beds and toys.
Bruno stopped when he saw someone else, gasping. "Oh, it's just you." He chuckled when he realized it was Mista. "What are you doing down here?" He sat down with Leone on the bottom step, letting him go explore.
Mista cleared his throat. "I was looking for something.." He lied, not knowing what he was looking for.
"What is it? The only things you brought down last time were youself and your clothes." Bruno asked, noticing Mista's nervousness and decided to stop asking questions.

"I was just looking!" Mista opened the drawer to the nightstand beside the crib. "Giorno... He wanted, uhh, a pacifier from down here." He made up his lie on the spot.
Bruno nodded. "Alright." He shrugged, deciding not to pry any more. Mista was always pretty awkward when he was found in an odd situation, so it could very well be the truth.
Leone scooched over to the couch and bed, pulling on the ladder a bit.
"Baby, be gentle!" Bruno warned, going over and moving Leone's hands away. "Don't pull on that, sweetheart."
Leone whined and reached up to be carried, thinking that his mama was upset with him. He was having a lot of trouble with words today, so all he could do was make sounds and cuddle.

"Bruno, do you have any, uhh, new, uhh, binkies? Pacifiers?" Mista asked nervously.
Bruno let Sticky Fingers hold Leone and comfort him for a moment. "Yeah, I bought some new ones." He looked in the large toy box. "They're unopened." He handed Mista the pack of red and blue pacifiers.
Mista sat down with them and giggled. "Tan-! thank you.." He tried his hardest to be big, pretending like he didn't just use his little voice.
"You're welcome, baby." Bruno smiled, noticing Mista wiggling his feet a bit and smiling.
Mista held back a giggle, forcing himself to be big. "I'm go-going to leave now." He said in his big boy voice, completely believing that he was convincing Bruno he was big.
"Okay." Bruno gave Mista a gentle kiss on the cheek. "If you need anything else, come get me."
Mista nodded and ran off to the stairs.

Bruno went back to his little and noticed him snooping around on top of the bed. "Why did you put him up there?!" Bruno turned to Sticky Fingers, who just shrugged. Bruno put his stand away and watched his baby.
Leone giggled and reached up, looking at the fake vines that decorated the ceiling.
Bruno kept his eye on Leone, then put a hand on the large rail, shaking it a bit to make extra sure it was secure. Then, a loud thud was heard from the stairs.
Mista cried out a bit, sitting down on a step. He had tripped and hit his leg quite hard on the edge of a step, but he still didn't want Bruno knowing he was little.
Bruno looked over worriedly, then heard some reassuring words.

"Don't worry! I'm big, so I didn't get hurt!"

Bruno chuckled and left Leone in the care of Sticky Fingers again, going up the stairs to check on the not little Mista. "Are you sure? I know you're a big boy, but big boys still get hurt." He sat with Mista.
The little big boy held his leg where he got hurt, and looked up. "Can you kiss it to make it feel better...?" He whispered, a bit embarrassed.
Bruno smiled and nodded, of course." He carefully pulled up the leg of Mista's sweatpants, and kissed the area he pointed to. "Do you feel any better?" He smiled warmly.
Mista nodded and giggled. "Yeah! I- I mean, yeah." Mista lowered his voice when he corrected himself.
Bruno held back his laugh and moved Mista's hair out of his face. "Okay. Do you feel okay enough to go be big upstairs?" He asked.
Mista thought for a moment. "Can I stay down here...?" He whispered, a bit scared of what his mama- err- of what Bruno would say.

Bruno smiled fondly and nodded. Narancia and Fugo had a habit of denying their littleness. Well, Fugo did it every time, sometimes even getting really upset when he realized he was small and couldn't be big. Narancia either did it to mess with people (he was actually good at pretending to be big) or did it when he was frustrated. Mista, it seemed, refused out of embarrassment. Whenever Bruno asked him about it, he'd distance himself from even the idea, even though other times Bruno noticed him sneaking a pacifier or a sip from a bottle. Giorno, Trish, and Leone never hid it. Leone was so used to being small, and the smallest one, that he didn't care, while Giorno didn't even realize he was small half the time, and Trish rarely regressed at all.

Mista picked up his pacis and hugged onto Bruno to be carried.
Bruno took a deep breath, and tried his best to make his way down the stairs with Mista in his arms.


"I'm 5." Mista held up 5 fingers. "How old are you?"
Leone shrugged, just looking down and playing with his pop tube.
"You been playin' with that for like a billion trillion minutes!" Mista complained. "Do you not wanna help with the castle?" He gestured to the tower of Mega Bloks he was building.
Leone shook his head, then looked up to his mama. He set down his pop tube and waddled over.
"Where you goin?" Mista asked, not getting a response.
"What do you need?" Bruno set down his phone, looking at his little one.
Leone hummed, trying to find the right words. "Pom- pod- potty.." He looked up.
"You need to use the potty?" Bruno asked.

Leone nodded and put his paci back in his mouth.
"Alright, let's go." Bruno stood up. "Mista, do you need the potty?" He asked. "I'm taking Leone up."
"Not right now." Mista shook his head.
"Are you sure? I don't want to have to make another trip upstairs." Bruno had Sticky Fingers take Leone upstairs.
Mista groaned and let his head fall back. "Fine!" He complained, standing and going upstairs with his mama.
Once the four (counting Sticky) reached the bathroom, Mista became a lot less talkative and hid behind Sticky Fingers while he waited.
Giorno noticed Mista and walked over. "I've been looking for you, where have you been?"

Bruno left the bathroom with Leone, and smiled at Giorno.
"My turn!" Mista quickly ran into the bathroom, not wanting Giorno to know he was little.
Bruno smiled, leaning closer to whisper to Giorno. "He's little. Five years old. He doesn't like anyone knowing, but he's warmed up to me. Act like you think he's big."
Giorno chuckled. "Is that where he's been all day?"
"He was down there before me and the little grump ball."
"He doesn't look like a grump ball right now." Giorno chuckled, giving Leone a kiss. "He looks like he's just got his last little braincell bouncing around in there." He smiled.
"He does." Bruno adjusted Leone in his arms, noticing he was zoned out. He really did look like he had no brain behind his eyes when he was zoned out. No thoughts. Head empty. Just baby.

Mista came out of the bathroom and quickly ran back to the basem*nt.
"Careful!" Bruno called, quickly apologizing to Giorno for the sudden leave and going to stop Mista from barreling down the stairs.


Once everyone was downstairs, Leone was put down for a nap, and Bruno put a pull-up on Mista so he could nap as well.
"Why I need a diaper?" Mista complained.
"It's not a diaper, it's a pull-up." Bruno helped Mista pull his pants back up.
"Why though?" Mista climbed up onto the bunk bed.
"So you don't have an accident. I know you're a big boy, but you can still have accidents." Bruno smiled, reaching up and giving Mista his sippy cup. "Make sure to put that on the shelf before you go to sleep. We don't want it spilling." He reminded, showing Mista the square shelf beside the bed.
"I was wondering why you put that there." Mista set his sippy cup on it. "It's a table!"
"Yeah." Bruno stood up on his tiptoes and gave Mista a kiss on the forehead. "Goodnight, baby."

"Night night.." Mista yawned, hugging his blankets.
"Do you need a nightlight or any noise?" Bruno stepped back, making sure Leone was still okay in his crib.
"Nuh-uh. Not if it'll wake up Abba." Mista shook his head.
"He can sleep through anything." Bruno smiled. "I bought some nightlights and a noise machine."
"Just the TV is okay.." Mista yawned again. "You can watch something and I'll watch it too. Just make sure it's quiet."
Bruno nodded. "Get to sleep, though. I don't want you staying up watching TV. Night night, I love you." He smiled.
Mista giggled. "Night night." He watched Bruno turn on the TV, then flick off the lights.

After a while, Bruno found himself asleep on a beanbag, while episodes of Pocoyo played quietly.


"Should we wake them up?" Trish looked over.
"Nah, let them sleep. They need it." Giorno smiled. "Maybe I was too harsh with how I talked to Bruno about this."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, he spent a lot of Passione's money without my permission, but... he did it for us. He made a play area for the littles, even though I doubt he'll ever get any use out of it."
"He'll get just as much use out of it as we do." Trish smiled. "We cope by acting like kids, he copes by acting like a mom."
"What do you mean by that?" Giorno looked over.
"Did he not tell you?"

"When he was a kid, he wanted to be a mom. When he got older and realized he wouldn't be able to have kids... his one dream was just crushed. I think that when you told him about your regression, that was when his dream was remembered. Now, he has a husband and a sh*t ton of kids. His dream still came true."
Giorno smiled and looked at Bruno, before going back upstairs. "Let's leave them alone, I don't want them to wake up."
"Good idea." Trish nodded and followed Giorno.


I kept resisting the urge to call Leone a piss baby this entire chapter

Chapter 58: Giorno, Bruno, and Leone💧


Giorno ends up in a deep pit of the internet, the goes to Bruno when he can't take it anymore.

A request by me :)


HEAVY warning for lots of crying, mentions of gore and self harm, and Leone yelling a bit

(Yes I requested myself. I want to write but feel bad about not writing requests so now I'm being productive and writing one)
I also imagine this is Giorno and Bruno's third or fourth interaction as baby and mama, and Leone is still pretty mean to Giorno and dislikes him until he realizes he's little

This is also a big vent so yippee

Chapter Text

Giorno looked at the text on his screen, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Guy puts hand in blender"

"Internal mammary lymph node dissection"

"gore comp v2"

"Two Japanese schoolgirls stream their double suicide"

He sighed shakily and went to the self-harm section of the site, searching for the video he typically watched.

18 seconds in, Giorno had to look away from his screen. His brain felt like it had gone cold, and his vision was blurry. Once he was calmed down enough, he resumed the video, watching as each bloody clip flashed on screen.

36 seconds in, he had to stop again. His hands and knees felt weak and his stomach was twisting and turning. 7 more seconds... 7 more seconds left in the video... He could finish it.

After the video stopped, Giorno laid and looked at his ceiling. His mind felt fuzzy and his eye's were wide with terror. He felt nauseous... so nauseous... The clips replayed in his mind over and over. He rolled over again and let out another shaky sigh, pressing the replay button.

After 2 more replays, Giorno was on the verge of throwing up and he could hardly see. He felt like any touch to his stomach or throat would result in his organs falling out. He felt fuzzy and numb all over...


Giorno held his blankie close and walked slowly down the hall. He looked behind himself to make sure nothing was there, then opened Bruno's door and closed it behind him.
"JESUS-" Leone sat up.
Bruno moved off of Leone and cleared his throat. "Look, whatever it is-" He sighed, but got cut off.
Giorno let out loud cries and held his ladybug squishmallow tightly. "I wan my mama!" He cried out.
Bruno quickly tried to get himself dressed under the blanket, then picked up Leone's clothes and shoved them on his chest.
"So you're gonna pick the sobbing freak over there over me?!" Leone snapped, gesturing to Giorno.

Bruno ran over and held Giorno close to his chest. "Mama's here, mama's got you." He whispered, able to see the horrified look in Giorno's eyes. He looked... scared... really scared...
Giorno calmed down a bit when he was held, but still wanted more. He put his arms up around his mama's neck in an attempt to communicate he wanted picked up. Thankfully, Bruno and Sticky Fingers got the message, and held him close.
Bruno shushed and comforted his little one, only now realizing that he'd put on Leone's shirt instead of his own. He shrugged it off and brought Giorno to the bed, having Sticky Fingers lay his blanket out so he could wrap up Giorno.
Giorno felt himself being put down, and panicked again. Then... He felt hands on his hips, and his shorts being removed. He screamed as much as his lungs could scream and kicked Bruno away.

Leone stood up and grabbed Bruno. "What the f*ck are you two doing?! He comes in here sobbing and you try to strip him?! I f*cking hate that c*nt, but Jesus f*cking Christ!"
Bruno slapped Leone and grabbed his wrist. "I don't like saying this, but I was the one who got you off of the streets. You have no right to speak to me like that." He said quietly but with deadly seriousness. He pushed past Leone and had Sticky get a diaper from the bathroom. They weren't the greatest for a little, but they were what they had.
Giorno felt hands on him again and kept kicking and screaming.
Tears fell from Bruno's eyes as he was kicked and scratched and hit.

It took a few minutes, but Bruno eventually got the diaper on Giorno, put his shorts back on, and wrapped him up in his blanket. He stood back up and held him close to his chest.
Giorno cried quietly as his mama walked around with him.
Bruno looked back and saw that Leone had left. God, this would be a long story to explain...


After a couple hours, it was turning 8AM, and Giorno was calming down.
Giorno held onto his mama and hummed as he was gently rocked. His chest felt fuzzy and his mind felt empty. Then, he was sat up and he saw his mama's face. The fuzzy feeling came back, and he giggled and flapped his hands.
Bruno smiled at his little one. "Does mama make you giggly?" He asked.
Giorno flapped his hands more and kicked his legs. His heart was beating faster, and his chest was feeling so tingly it almost hurt.
Bruno put his hands over his face. "Where'd mama go?" He asked playfully.
Giorno slowly stopped, looking at the backs of Bruno's hands. He didn't want his mama to leave...
Bruno moved his hands away and giggled. "Peekaboo!"
Giorno looked at Bruno sadly, having come out of his littlespace. "Thanks.." He picked up his ladybug squishmallow and blankie, standing up.

"What's wrong?" Bruno asked, standing up.
"It's fine." Giorno didn't really answer the question, just leaving without saying anything more. When he entered the living room, he was greeted with overwhelming positivity.
"WHAT THE f*ck IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Leone screamed, pushing Giorno into the wall.
Giorno looked down, too tired and mentally exhausted to even care.
Leone looked at Giorno's eyes, and... Godamnit. He hated this kid, but there was something in his eyes... He looked like a ragdoll, like he was completely passed out and empty inside. He took a deep breath, then lowered his tone. "What happened last night?" He asked.

Giorno shrugged, just enjoying Leone's company for now.
"Tell me why you came in there."
"What did Bruno do to you..?"
"Did Bruno hurt you?"
"Why were you crying?"
"Why did Bruno start stripping you?"
"Did he do anything to you...?"
Giorno hummed and let his head fall back, wanting to go to sleep.
"Kid, if Bruno hurt you, I need to know!" Leone raised his voice a bit, but not loud enough for anyone down the hall to hear.

"He didn't hurt me." Giorno closed his eyes.
"Why did he take off your pants?" Leone grabbed Giorno's shoulders, genuinely scared for the boy.
"He put a diaper on me.."
Leone stopped for a moment. "...why?"
"I wasn't able to communicate well."
"I was regressed.." Giorno blushed and looked down, ashamed of himself.
"What does that mean? How?"
Giorno teared up. "My littlespace..." He said shakily, fighting the urge to regress and just collapse into Leone's arms.
Leone backed away. He had heard of people age regressing, mostly through Twitter posts and some YouTube videos when he decided to dig deeper into it, but he never thought of it as anything more than just an old trend...

Giorno hugged his ladybug tightly, before he felt arms around him and was once again greeted by Leone's distinct wine smell. Then, after a few seconds, he heard two special words...

"Daddy's here."

Leone didn't fully know why he said it, but he did. There was something about Giorno that was just... different... He looked like his soul had been stripped of all it's color. His face looked hollow, and the blue-gray bags under his eyes greatly contrasted the redness of his eyelids. It was scary seeing someone who was usually so cheery look like this.......


Leone carried Giorno into his and Bruno's bedroom.
Bruno looked away sadly. He had just stopped crying after an hour, and he knew Leone was here to yell at him.
"Daddy's gonna go get an icepack and your bottles, okay?" Leone gently laid Giorno down with Bruno.
"Sippy!" Giorno giggled, making grabby hands.
"Okay, daddy'll get a sippy if we have one." Leone gave his little one a kiss on the forehead.
Giorno giggled more. "Uppy!" He held his arms up.
"More uppies?" Leone asked, before picking Giorno up. "Fine." He smiled, before carrying his baby out to get everything.

Bruno looked over and watched Leone leave. Neither of them acknowledged his existence... He was a terrible mother... He would never be a real mother... Leone found his bottles and sippy cups that he kept... Leone knew he was a freak. More tears fell from his eyes, but before long, he felt arms around him and a head on his shoulder.
Giorno snuggled up to his mama. He didn't know why she was crying, but he assumed it was because she remembered that joy is limited and before long they'd all die miserably and be sent to an eternal hell where their souls would be tortured and traumatized until the eventual collapse of the universe where Nothing fully consumes existence and leaves nothing but unimaginable, incomprehensible Nothing.
Bruno looked over, then up to Leone, a bit confused by Giorno's empty, expressionless face.

"Sorry we ignored you earlier." Leone grinned. "But he explained everything to me. I'm a daddy now."
Bruno smiled and looked down at Giorno, getting his attention by waving his hand in front of his eyes.
Giorno hummed and looked up, being brought out of his confused, reality-questioning state.
"I knew you wanted to be a mama, but you never told me about the bottles and sippy cups." Leone turned off his lamp and laid down.
"Sippy!" Giorno made grabby hands at Leone, who gave him his sippy full of milk.
"It's weird for a fully grown man to own baby bottles and pacifiers. Besides, I don't want anyone else to know about it." Bruno snuggled up with his little one.
Giorno set his sippy cup down on his belly and chewed on his fingers, snuggling up to his mama. "M-mbaby."
Bruno looked down and smiled. "Yes, you're mama's little baby."
"Mama!" Giorno kicked his legs happily.

Leone smiled and watched the both of them cuddle.
"So what made you start hating him so suddenly?" Bruno asked, setting the sippy cup aside.
Leone shrugged. "He's a kid."
"He's always been a kid."
"Yeah, I know, but now he's innocent. He's not an annoying, edgy teen. He doesn't even know who we are, I don't think."
"Yes he does!" Bruno laughed. "Giorno, who am I?"
Giorno looked up. "Mama.." He said quietly.
"Good job! Thank you." Bruno looked up. "See?"
Leone rolled his eyes. "Oh well. But..." He looked over seriously. "There was something in his eyes that just hurt me..."
Bruno kissed Giorno's forehead. "I saw it whenever he came in here last night. He looked mortified."
"It wasn't that, he looked dead." Leone gently brought Giorno into his arms. "He looked so sad, like an actual kid..."

Giorno hummed and curled up, enjoying being smooshed between his mama and daddy.
"Because he is." Bruno whispered, kissing Leone's forehead, then looking down and moving Giorno's short sleeve up.
Leone looked down and saw the few large scars that decorated Giorno's arm up near his shoulder.
"Him interrupting us is better than this." Bruno put Giorno's sleeve back down. "Anything he does is better."
Leone nodded and gave Giorno another couple kisses. "I'm sorry for yelling at you..." He apologized.
"I'm sorry for slapping you." Bruno smiled. "And for... sounding really manipulative.."
Leone rested his forehead on Bruno's. "It's okay."

"I love you."
"I love you, too."

Chapter 59: Rykiel and Giorno💧


Cow baby

Little cow boi

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

After Giorno found out he had siblings, he immediately tried contacting his known brothers. He even had Polnareff do some deeper digging, and found out that Dio had a relationship with a priest... huh....

Anyways, the only sibling willing to meet was one named Rykiel. Donatello thought Giorno was pulling his leg, and Ungalo...... was being Ungalo....

Rykiel agreed to fly out to Italy, and had already had a couple dinners with Giorno and the gang, and was getting to know them all fairly well. He didn't have the money to get a hotel, so he'd been staying with them, just sleeping on the couch. He was actually quite polite, more so than anyone expected. He treated their home with respect, and cleaned up after himself. He just refused to show his stand to anyone. He'd never admit it, but seeing everyone else's stands made him feel like his was dumb. Just a bunch of little bug things that steal body heat... He felt like a loser...

One night, Giorno left his room to get a snack, and heard an odd noise. He went to check on Rykiel, and saw him curled up holding a cow stuffed animal.
"Go away!" Rykiel hid under his blanket, too embarrassed to look at his brother.
"What's wrong?" Giorno asked, sitting down on the floor.
"I- I said go 'way!" Rykiel whined. He felt like he was about to have a panic attack, and had regressed to try and stop it. He was Giorno's older brother, he wasn't supposed to act like a kid. Everyone would think he was weird. He was stupid for ever coming to Italy!
Giorno pulled the blanket away when Rykiel began hyperventilating, and looked at him.
Rykiel tried to pull away, feeling his eyelids falling again. This was terrible. He'd never be able to live this down. If anyone found out he liked acting like a kid, they'd all make fun of him.

Giorno sat with his brother and noticed his eyes closed and his hands shaking. His heart was beating insanely fast, and he felt really hot, too. "You're okay." He tried to calm him down, soon bringing him into a hug.
Rykiel held onto Giorno and fought the urge to regress. It would help so much, but he couldn't let anyone know. Everone would probably still think he was a freak for having his cow stuffie.... His life was going to be ruined again... He was going to fall back down into his pit of depression and panic attacks... He was a failure....
Giorno gently rocked his brother and shushed him, after a long, long while, he heard him mumble something. "What was that?" Giorno looked down.

"I wan' m-mmy stuf-fie.." Rykiel sat up and made grabby hands.
Giorno found the cow plushie and gave it to Rykiel. "There you go."
"Tha-an-than' you." Rykiel sniffled, not crying anymore, but still shaking badly and breathing quickly.
"Do you want to take some breaths with me?" Giorno offered.
Rykiel shook his head. "I wan my paci.." He held his cow tightly, slowly calming down.
"Your what?" Giorno asked, moving his hair out of his face.
"Paci.." Rykiel gently pet his cow, leaning back into the couch cushions. "Im-my- m- my suit-case." He took breaths in between his words. He had already fully regressed, so he barely realized what he was asking Giorno to get.
Giorno smiled. "Paci? Pacifier?" He asked.
Rykiel nodded and gave his cow a few little kisses.
Giorno went to get the paci, smiling. Guess age regression just ran in the family. He gave his brother his pacifier, and watched him take it and put it in his mouth.

Rykiel leaned over onto Giorno and hugged his cow close. He didn't really have a name for her, but he knew that she was a special cow that made strawberry milk instead of normal milk.
"Do you know how old you are?" Giorno asked, kissing the top of his head.
Rykiel just hummed and continued petting his cow.
"I'll take that as a no." Giorno chuckled. "Bruno finished his cupcakes after you went to bed, do you want one?" He asked, knowing how big of a sweet tooth his brother had, especially for strawberry flavored things.
Rykiel looked up and babbled quietly.
"Can you at least say please?" Giorno asked.
"Pe-" Rykiel looked back down. "Pepe-"
"Good enough." Giorno stood up. "Strawberry, vanilla, or chocolate?"
"Sbabebby!" Rykiel giggled.
Giorno smiled and went to get the little a cupcake. "You want anything to drink?"

"Miw!" Rykiel laid down on his belly, watching Giorno and kicking his legs.
"Milk?" Giorno set the cupcake down. "Is that what you said?"
Rykiel nodded. He was little enough to have trouble speaking, but big enough to know what he wanted.
"Sippy cup or bottle?" Giorno opened a cabinet.
"Sssippy." Giorno looked back, drawing out the S sound.
"Sbibby." Rykiel held his cow over the arm of the couch.
Giorno laughed and brought his brother the cupcake and milk. "Sit up to eat, I don't want you choking." He sat beside him.
Rykiel dropped his cow and whined, reaching down to pick her up. "Moomoo!" He quickly picked up his friend again, holding her close. "Moomoo.."

"Is that his name?" Giorno asked.
"M-moomoo girl." Rykiel looked up, then set Moomoo in his lap and took the cupcake.
"Oh, okay. I'm sorry for calling her a boy, then." Giorno set down the sippy cup. "But what made you so sad earlier?"
Rykiel shrugged. He didn't remember much before he started regressing, and just knew that Giorno was the person he'd been waiting for to take care of him. Ever since he'd started regressing, he wanted someone to take care of him like the baby he was. He wanted someone to get his paci, get him milk, hold him and cuddle him, give him kisses, everything. That, paired with his negative feelings about his stand, had brought him to the edge of a panic attack, and Giorno finding him pushed him over the edge.
Giorno smiled when his brother scooched over into his arms. "I guess you don't know why you were sad?"
"Hmm-m." Rykiel hummed, shaking his head.
"That's okay." Giorno kissed his forehead. "It's okay to just be sad sometimes."

Rykiel looked up and put his cupcake to Giorno's mouth, accidentally getting frosting on his nose.
Giorno chuckled and wiped off the frosting. "I don't like strawberry." He shook his head.
Rykiel whined sadly and brought his cupcake back down, eating it himself.
"I didn't mean to make you sad." Giorno gave his brother another little kiss.
Rykiel looked up and babbled quietly. He had frosting on his fingers and a bit on his face, and didn't know what to do with his wrapper.
"Just lick it off." Giorno shrugged, putting the wrapper on the coffee table.
Rykiel put his fingers up to Giorno's mouth, still just babbling.
"I don't like strawberry, bud. I like chocolate." Giorno smiled. "And I'm not gonna lick your fingers!"

Rykiel huffed, then stood up and waddled to the fridge, snooping around and soon finding the cupcakes. He got a chocolate one, then ran back to the couch, giving Giorno the cupcake.
"Thank you!" Giorno laughed, watching his brother go close the fridge, then wash his hands and get the frosting off of his face.
Rykiel came back to the couch, worn out from being a big boy. At least he was clean now, and Giorno had his cupcake.
"Thank you so much." Giorno smiled. "Do you wanna go back to sleep soon?"
Rykiel nodded and laid curled up with Moomoo. He couldn't straighten his legs out because of Giorno, but he didn't want to kick him off the couch and be mean.
Giorno stood up and sat on the floor beside his brother, putting their foreheads together. "Goodnight." He finished his own cupcake, and licked his fingers.

Rykiel reached down and tried to find Giorno's hand, soon finding it and pulling it up.
Giorno soon felt his brother holding onto his hand, and absolutely melted. He was so adorable he could just squeeze him and never let him go!!

Then, Giorno heard the most adorable words he'd ever heard.

"Nite nite.."

Giorno gave Rykiel a few more kisses, then sat back down and tried to go to sleep.


The next day, Rykiel was packing his things to go back to Florida.

"Do you want Moomoo in your suitcase?" Giorno asked, holding Moomoo out.
"What?" Rykiel looked over, blushing when he saw Giorno holding his cow plushie. "Umm- yeah-"
"Is that not what her name is?" Giorno asked.
"Y-yeah, I just don't call.. her.. that that often." Rykiel put Moomoo in his suitcase, wanting to give her a kiss but being too embarrassed.
"There's a paci under the couch-" Bruno squatted down to pick it up. "It's not one of ours." He looked at the pink and cow patterned paci.
Rykiel felt his knees getting weak, and he sat down.
"Do you want me to wash it off and put a cover on it?" Bruno offered.
"Wh-what?" Rykiel looked up.
"It's not one of ours, and it looks like something you'd have." Bruno held the paci close.

Rykiel looked over to Giorno worriedly.
"I didn't tell anyone, we just all regress too." Giorno smiled, before kissing his brother's head and going to the kitchen.
Bruno went to clean and put a lid on the paci, making sure to hold it close to his chest for a little while after it was clean. With every paci that his littles had, he made sure to hold them and kiss them before his littles used them. A little could 100% tell the difference between a paci that was infused with pure love, and one just out of the package.


A few days later, when Rykiel got home, he put his paci in again, and felt a strong sense of relief. He laid in bed with his cow, no, with Moomoo, and his favorite paci. He felt more complete, like there was someone out there who loved him even when he was little. Like someone that would take care of him and love and cherish him...

Maybe it was that he finally got to meet one of his brothers, maybe it was because he and his gang were accepting of his little space. Whatever it was, it made him feel a lot more at ease....


I'm gonna take a break from writing for a while, since I haven't been proud of anything I write recently (besides this chapter), and feel really bad for not writing requests

Chapter 60: Josuke and Rohan💧


BIG warning for crying and mentions of an eating disorder and self-harm

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

After a couple of days, Rohan had brought himself to finally eat something. He decided on just a bowl of ramen. It was easy to cook, and didn't have many calories. He didn't have the energy to stand and cook it by the stove, so he microwaved it. When he took the bowl out of the microwave, though, he dropped it. It wasn't on himself, thankfully, but he still cried. The one thing he had wanted to eat was gone. He was finally going to be able to eat, then it was on the floor. His small cry turned into a breakdown, then a panic attack, then just screaming and crying on his floor. He had regressed sometime in there, so it all felt even worse. He felt like his heart was being ripped from his chest. His throat hurt from all his screaming, his face and neck were soaked with tears, and his hair was a mess.

Josuke looked up at Rohan's house, stopping when he heard a scream. He immediately panicked and went up onto the porch, looking around in the windows to see if he could see Rohan. Soon, he did. Rohan was sitting beside something on the floor, and crying. His eyes were red and his hands were shaking. He looked starved and miserable, like an abandoned puppy on the side of the road. He ran around the house and found the back door unlocked. Then, he ran inside and got on his knees beside Rohan. "What happe-"
Rohan saw someone near him and immediately grabbed on. He was hyperventilating and shaking, praying that whoever was here wouldn't run away. He threw his arms around the person's neck and grabbed onto their shirt, never wanting to let go.

Josuke stopped for a moment, then hugged Rohan back. For him to be so upset and so clingy, there had to be more than spilled ramen. A stand user? Was he hurt? Did he see something?
Rohan scooched closer and sat in the person's lap. Please... please, he just wanted someone to care for him... He prayed for the person to stay and hold him. He prayed that they would feed him and hold him and play with him.... That's all he wanted...
Josuke sat with Rohan and rocked him. He was crying too much to speak, so he had to be careful and observant. Two things he wasn't good at. He looked around for anything off, but couldn't find anything. If there was a stand user, he had to figure out their ability.
Rohan put his head on the person's shoulder and let his muscles relax. He was slowly calming down, and could feel little butterflies in his chest.
"Is there a stand user here?" Josuke asked, moving Rohan's hair away from his face. He'd never seen him like this.... His hair was messy and uncombed, he didn't have his earrings or headband on, and his whole body... he looked deathly skinny....

Rohan continued holding onto the person, and soon felt himself being rocked. He hummed and soon got fully calmed down. He felt little, and was hoping that this person would be his mommy or daddy, even if it was just for today. He just wanted someone, anyone, to take care of him. He wanted to drink milk from a bottle while his mama or daddy held him. He wanted to feel protected and safe.
Josuke let Rohan hold him, and slowly stood up. "You're gonna be fine, I'll find the stand user that did this." He said, assuming that whatever stand user there was had done something to Rohan to hurt him and turn him into the sobbing pile of skin and bones that he currently was. If Rohan was willing to accept Josuke's help, and even cry in his arms, then something terrible was happening, worse than any of them had seen. He slowly walked around, looking in a few cabinets and drawers. Why did Rohan have baby bottles and sippy cups? Whatever, he needed to worry about the stand user.

Rohan closed his eyes and enjoyed being carried around. He felt connected to whoever was here. He felt like he finally had someone to care for him and love him... His mama or dada was being so nice by walking around and holding him. He looked up and saw a couple little bits of hair sticking out, reaching up to touch them. His caregiver quickly turned around, and jerked his head away. Rohan whined when he heard their voice sounding frustrated. He was a bad baby. He did bad, he wasn't supposed to do that.
Josuke looked down when Rohan began crying again, shushing him and holding him close. He must've scared him when he yelled. He was too on edge, though. An enemy could be anywhere... They hadn't shown themselves yet, so it could be possible they already left.
"Daddy!" Rohan cried, looking up at a familiar face. He didn't recognize the person, but he knew now that he had a daddy.
Josuke looked down, being caught off guard. "What?"
"Daddy.." Rohan nuzzled his daddy's neck, sniffling.

Josuke sat down on the floor, and sat Rohan down in front of him. "What'd you say?"
Rohan panicked and screamed, holding onto his daddy's shirt until his knuckles were white. He didn't want his daddy to abandon him.
"Calm down-" Josuke tried pulling Rohan's hands away, only making him scream and panic more. Eventually, he let Rohan cling back onto him, and sighed.
Rohan held on tightly to his daddy. He didn't want his daddy to throw him away. Was he bad? Did his daddy not want him because he cried too much?
Josuke sighed deeply and leaned on the counter, holding Rohan in his lap. There probably wasn't a stand user, or at least one that was still nearby. He just needed to figure out what was wrong with Rohan.


A couple hours later, Rohan was fully calmed down and little. He sat in Josuke's lap happily, snuggled up in his arms and waiting for him to wake up. When he finally did, he made it clear what he wanted.

Josuke looked down when he heard Rohan say something. "Hmm, what?" He yawned.
"Bottle!" Rohan whined. "Boddle."
"Bottle, like water?" Josuke asked. "Wh-what happened to you earlier though?"
"Boddle!" Rohan sat up. "Wiff miwk!"
Josuke opened his eyes and got fully woken up. "What?" He looked at Rohan again. He still looked like a corpse, and was for whatever reason still on his lap.
"Boddle!" Rohan bounced annoyedly. "Boddle!" He pointed to the cabinet where he kept his bottles and sippy cups.
Josuke looked over, and left Rohan to look in the cabinet. He opened it, and picked up a baby bottle. "This?" He turned around.
Rohan giggled and nodded. "Boddle!"
"You.. want this..?" Josuke held the bottle out, watching Rohan take it and try to drink from it.
Rohan looked at the bottle and shook it, not knowing why milk wasn't coming out. He soon gave it back, whining a bit.
"You- uhh- You good?" Josuke asked, pretty confused and weirded out.

Rohan took the bottle back when his daddy didn't take it, still trying to figure out how to get milk out.
"Here-" Josuke gave in, taking the bottle and putting milk in it. "You look starved, anyways." He put the milk away and squatted down beside Rohan.
Rohan giggled and rolled onto his back, drinking happily.
Josuke pulled out his phone and went to Google, not sure if Rohan had been trying a new baby-fied lifestyle trend, if he was insane, or there actually was a stand user.

In My Arms - PinkFrogDoppio - ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (10)

In My Arms - PinkFrogDoppio - ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (11)

Josuke looked at his phone, then to Rohan, then back to his screen. "So you were sad? Is that why you're doing this?"
Rohan babbled and set down his bottle, sitting up to cling onto Josuke.
"How old are you?" He asked, feeling Rohan's hair and not expecting it to be so oily. "When was the last time you showered?"
Rohan sat on Josuke's lap, enjoying how warm he was.
"So you're not gonna answer me?" Josuke sighed.
Rohan babbled quietly. Soon feeling his daddy stand and pick him up.
"If you really are age regressing, I'll give you a bath, since you can't do that normally." He held Rohan close, not having meant to sound so passive aggressive.
"Boddle!" Rohan whined, reaching down for his bottle that was left on the floor.
Josuke picked up the bottle and watched Rohan take it, just holding it by his chest. "I'm glad nobody else found you, they'd make fun of you." He kissed his forehead.
Rohan giggled and held onto his daddy, wiggling his feet.


Rohan screamed and tried to get away, kicking his legs.
Josuke stepped back and sighed. Maybe a bath wasn't a good idea...
Rohan cried and moved back, not liking how cold it was.
Josuke picked up Rohan's shirt and sweatpants again, crawling onto the bed and bringing him into a hug.
Rohan held onto Josuke tightly, crying into his shoulder.
Josuke held Rohan for a moment, before standing and taking him to the bathroom.
Rohan whined when he was set down, looking over at the bathtub and watching the water.
"You look sick and you're icky, you need a bath." Josuke held Rohan's hands, not even realizing he was talking to him like a kid. "I promise I'm not gonna hurt you."
Rohan shook his head, sitting on the lid of the toilet.
Josuke looked around and found some bubble bath. "Would this make it better? That way I can't see down there." He showed Rohan the bottle.

Rohan rubbed his eyes and looked down, still embarrassed. His daddy was nice, but he was still a little scared he would touch or hurt him.
"It smells like bubblegum." Josuke put the bottle up to Rohan's nose. "Just please, baby. I'll make it quick, then we can go get some snacks and play."
Rohan whined again, but calmed down a bit when his daddy gave him a hug.
Josuke looked into Rohan's eyes, then at the dark circles around them. "Do you want to go pick out the clothes you wanna wear after?" He tilted his head.
Rohan nodded, standing up and walking to his bedroom with his daddy. There, he picked out his favorite pink onesie and some green fuzzy socks, going back to the bathroom happily.


Eventually, Josuke got Rohan into the bath, and made sure to be extra gentle and not touch anywhere he wouldn't like. He also had found... scars... Now that he was able to get a better look at Rohan, he could see dozens of small scars on his stomach and thighs... So this was what he was up to the past couple months... Everybody had assumed he was just being antisocial like usual, working extra hard on Pink Dark Boy... He was starving himself and hurting himself....
Rohan babbled and played with the bubbles, making a bridge between his knees with them.
Josuke finished washing Rohan, and was able to get him out and into a towel no problem.


Rohan giggled and played with his sleeves, absolutely loving all the attention from his daddy.
Josuke looked to the kitchen, having heard something buzzing. He set Rohan down on the couch and picked up his phone.... oh no......

"I'm at Rohan's!"
"That weird manga artist? Why are you there?! Doesn't he hate you?!"
"Mom, calm down-"
"No! You haven't answered your phone all evening! It's almost midnight and you told me you'd be home at 7! What have you been doing?!"
"He's- He's sick-" Josuke thought of a half-truth. "Rohan's sick and I had to help him with a bunch of stuff."
"Could you not have told me that?!"
"I was coming home and decided to check in on him, I left my phone in the kitchen, I didn't hear it ring."
"Jesus, Josuke- Just get your ass back here."
Josuke looked over to Rohan, then to his phone. "I can't, mom."
"Why not?"
"He's really, really sick, I don't know if he'll be okay tonight."
"Just call a doctor!"
"Mom- I can't-"
"Why not?!"

Josuke looked back over to Rohan. "Mom, he's... He's not sick like you're thinking." He said sadly.
"How else would he be sick?! Josuke, I'm your mother, stop lying to me! What are you doing that's so bad you have to lie?!"
"Mom! Listen!" Josuke raised his voice.
"Fine." Tomoko sighed.
"He's- Rohan's hurting himself. Nobody's heard from him for two months. I came in to check on him when I heard screaming and he was crying. He looks like he's starved to death, he's really really thin.."
Tomoko went quiet for a few moments. "Stay with him tonight, and call me tomorrow when you wake up." She said, knowing how serious mental health was. Josuke wouldn't lie about that to get himself out of trouble, either.
"Thanks." Josuke sighed. "I might take him to Tonio's tomorrow, he might be able to help."
"Should I call anyone tonight?"
"No, he's okay for now. I'll try to get him to eat."
Tomoko nodded. "I'll leave you be, then. I love you."
"Love you too." Josuke grinned. "Goodnight."

Rohan drank his milk and giggled when his daddy came back.
Josuke turned on the TV, setting the small container of applesauce and the spoon on his lap. "Do you want some cartoons on?" He opened Netflix, looking down.
Rohan hummed and leaned on Josuke's shoulder, watching all his favorite cartoons scroll by. "Bear!" He pointed to the TV.
"Bear? This one?" Josuke clicked on The Berenstain Bears.
"Bear." Rohan curled up, looking around for a blankie.
Josuke set down the remote and picked up the container of applesauce. "You want some appysauce?" He smiled.
"Bankie-" Rohan opened and closed his hands. "Bankie."
"What?" Josuke leaned forward.
"Bankie." Rohan looked over, putting his legs down and patting them. "Blankie."
"Ohh, blankie!" Josuke smiled. "I'll go get you one." He stood up and left to get a blanket.
Rohan picked up his bottle again and saw it was almost empty, looking up at the stairs and waiting for his daddy to come back.

Josuke came downstairs and gave Rohan his blanket. Then, he refilled his bottle. Then, he got his paci for him. Then, he took him to the bathroom. Then, he had to explain to Okuyasu why he wasn't on the game. Then, Rohan was sleepy, so he had to take him to the bedroom and put cartoons on in there. Then, he realized he forgot the applesauce and his phone downstairs. Then, he had to handle a grumpy Rohan that he accidentally woke up.

It was a long night, but in the morning, Josuke convinced Rohan to see Tonio, who gave him a simple meal: a single sliced and peeled cucumber with a glass of water. Thankfully, Rohan ate, and was given back the nutrients his body lacked.

It'd take a long, long while, but Josuke was confident that he would eventually be okay again.


I googled old 90s-2000s cartoons and got hit with a HUGE blast of nostalgia. I was originally gonna have Rohan watch Bluey when they were talking about cartoons, but then I was like "no, Rohan definitely still watches old cartoons like Scooby-Doo, Sailor Moon (obviously), Franklin, and movies like Hercules and An American Tail. My first thought after Bluey was "oh! Corpse Bride! That's a good movie!" Then I realized how inappropriate it'd be with an eating disordered Rohan-

While I was looking through old movies, too, I found Pebble and the Penguin, which I absolutely loved, and remembered another movie called The Princess and the Goblin which I had on VHS and watched so many times

I'd give anything to go back to my old bedroom and watch all those cartoons on VHS and CDs again

Oh my god I found the trailer for Pebble and the Penguin, the nostalgia is absolutely unreal

Chapter 61: Bruno, Leone, Jotaro, and Kakyoin


Agere starts at the --❤️-- mark, everything before is just introduction and has some bad words

Chapter Text

"I'm seepyy..."
"I know, but we don't have a hotel room yet."

Bruno glanced over, having overheard the interaction.

"I go seepy here?"
"You can, but don't get mad when I have to wake you up."

Bruno excused himself from the table and walked over. "I overheard you guys, do you need somewhere to stay?"
Jotaro looked up, not expecting the masculine voice to belong to a milf. "Yeah." He cleared his throat to mask his surprise.
Kakyoin turned his head and reached out for the polka dots he saw. "Babab-"
Bruno looked down and smiled.
"Hey, keep your hands to yourself." Jotaro put Kakyoin's hand back.
"He's alright. You two can come stay with us for tonight. The closest hotel is pretty far." Bruno offered.
"Who's 'us'?" Jotaro set down his phone.
"Bruno! We're not inviting strangers over!" Leone yelled.
"Them." Bruno nodded to his table.
Jotaro looked over and immediately saw an oddly familiar face. He shrugged it off and declined the offer.
"If you change your mind, we're gonna be here for a while." Bruno nodded. "Sorry to bother." He walked back to his table.

Jotaro just hummed, still looking at the map on his phone and trying to find the closest hotel. No way in hell were he and Kakyoin staying in some dud- woman's? whatever, house, with 5 others. Jotaro was strong, but he wouldn't be able to fight off 6 men while trying to protect Kakyoin. Could he? The person that approached him looked thin, and there appeared to be two, maybe three other women at the table. The familiar looking guy seemed thin, but Jotaro's instincts told him he was stronger than his pink suit led people to believe. The strongest looking guys were the one dressed in red, and the emo bastard. God damn, who knew having long hair, wearing makeup, and painting your nails could still be masculine as f*ck. Those three just seemed to be the biggest threats, though. The other four looked like average women, and an average guy.

"Baba!" Kakyoin interrupted Jotaro's thoughts.
"Hmm?" Jotaro looked over.
"Is time to change my diapy." Kakyoin pointed to Jotaro's phone, which displayed 10:00PM.
Jotaro nodded. "I'll take you to the bathroom." He stood up and pushed their suitcase under the table, leaving Star Platinum there to watch over it. While he was taking Kakyoin inside, he ended up overhearing a bit of the other table's conversation.
"That's why pizza should be banned in schools! Women will get distracted because they're too much like penises!"
"I get distracted by pizza, but not because it turns me on."
"Are you sure? Have you ever really tested whether or not you're sexually attracted to pizza? I don't think so! Most women should be sexually attracted to pizza! Pizza is a penis!"
"Mista, can you not yell that out in public?"
"I'm right though! Pizza is a penis!!"
"You're going to get arrested for suspected drug use. Shut the f*ck up."

Jotaro rolled his eyes and took Kakyoin inside. Maybe he should stay with those guys, they might not be stand users, so he'd have a chance if he was attacked. He still hadn't found any nearby hotels, so they were probably his best bet.

When Jotaro came out of the bathroom with Kakyoin, he saw the group preparing to leave. He quickly grabbed the shoulder of the man in the polka dot suit. "Hey, wait a second."
Bruno turned around and saw the man he offered to take home.
"Could we stay with you guys?" Jotaro glanced to Kakyoin.
Bruno nodded. "Of course." He smiled. "We don't live far, but I can carry your things if you'd like?" He offered.
Jotaro scoffed. "No way you're stealing my sh*t. I'm only taking up your offer 'cause I'm desperate. Kakyoin needs somewhere to sleep, too."
Bruno shrugged. "We're not like that, but I know I can't make you believe me. C'mon." He began walking back to his group.
"Bruno, inviting people over isn't a good idea." Giorno warned quietly. "People aren't as good and innocent as you think."

Jotaro walked over to the two, having Star Platinum carry the suitcase while he pushed Kakyoin and carried their backpacks. "He's right, I could steal everything you guys have, wreck your sh*t, or even kill or drug you." Jotaro pulled out a cigarette.
Bruno glanced over at something purple, and was shocked to see what he assumed was a stand. "It's 14 against 3, then." He looked back over to the group and turned his back to the man he invited.
"14 against 4." Jotaro corrected, giving Kakyoin a forehead kiss and leaving the weird blonde behind. God, he needed to remember where he'd seen his face before.
Kakyoin looked up and reached for his blanket, not finding it draped over the back of his wheelchair like it usually was. He whined and tugged on Jotaro's shirt.
Jotaro looked down. "What's wrong?"
Giorno quickly ran back to the two. "Is this yours?" He held out a fuzzy, cherry-patterned blanket.
"Bankie!" Kakyoin giggled, taking his blankie and putting it over himself.
"Thanks." Jotaro looked up.
"You're welcome." Giorno didn't question the redhead's odd speech or childlike behavior, just assuming that it was how he was.

Giorno and Jotaro stayed behind the group while they were walking home. They never spoke, but they both knew that the other was familiar in some way. They couldn't tell what it was, but they both knew that they were somehow drawn together.


"Seepy!" Kakyoin whined.
"I know." Jotaro sighed, picking Kakyoin up. "You can go to sleep soon."
Kakyoin rubbed his eyes and whined.
Leone helped Bruno pull out the couch and put the sheet on.
"I have some extra pillows." Giorno stood up.
Leone looked over to the two guests. "How many blankets and stuff you need?"
"Anything that'll let him sleep." Jotaro shrugged, holding Kakyoin in his arms while the others got pillows and a couple blankets.
Kakyoin let himself be laid down, and almost immediately falling asleep, completely forgetting his dog stuffie.
"What's your name, anyways?" Leone asked, sitting in his usual recliner and sipping his wine.
"Jotaro. He's Kakyoin." Jotaro sat on the couch, a hand on his baby's head.

"Bruno Bucciarati." Bruno held out his hand.
"Thanks." Jotaro shook his hand.
"Why are you in Italy?" Mista asked. "You're obviously not a tourist."
"Scuba diving. I'm a marine biologist. I was offered a trip near here, and decided to come with Kakyoin."
Narancia ate a few more chips. "Sorry if it's-" He stopped for a moment to chew. "Sorry if it's rude, but what's wrong with him?" He asked bluntly, gesturing to Kakyoin.
"Ghirga!" Bruno scolded, sitting down with Leone.
"Don't get mad at him, he's curious." Jotaro shrugged. "He kinda got his stomach ripped out, and that messed with his spine, too. He just barely survived, but he's coped with it by now."
The entire room was left speechless, except Narancia. "Bruno and Abba got their hearts ripped out, too!"
"By who?" Jotaro looked up.
"Some stripper dude named Diavolo." Narancia shrugged.
"Not the same guy, then." Jotaro sighed, leaning back.

"We should stop talking about this." Bruno interrupted.
"Yeah." Jotaro looked down. "Is it normal for all of Italy to be buzzing with life at f*ckin' 11PM?"
Mista nodded. "Where are you from?"
"No, like, where did you grow up?"
"Where were you born?"
"Japan." Jotaro said blankly for the 3rd time.
"You don't look Japanese, that's for sure." Leone scoffed.
"Thanks for being the 112th person to notice." Jotaro sighed.
"You're welcome." Leone let Bruno sip his wine. "We can shut up of you're tired."
Trish looked over. "Woah, is that Abba being nice for once?!" She gasped.
"You're the reason I'm never nice." Leone spat.
"Lovely first impressions." Fugo hummed, glancing between the two.

"FIGHT, FIGHT-" Mista and Narancia began chanting, quickly being shut up by Bruno.
"Are you tired?" Bruno asked.
Jotaro shrugged. "Yeah, but I don't wanna make all of you shut up for me and Kak."
"Does he just like sleep through tornadoes n' stuff?" Mista asked.
Jotaro nodded. "When he's sleepy, he can sleep through anything."
"Well, I'm going to bed." Bruno stood up, looking down at Leone.
"Your eyes are giving me mixed signals." Leone smirked, reading Bruno's "f*ck me" eyes, but also his "hurry the f*ck up and get your ass out of here" eyes. It took him a moment to understand, but he eventually followed Bruno, taking his wine bottle and glass with him, of course.
"I'll go too." Giorno nodded.
Fugo stood up and followed Giorno, not really caring about their guest and just doing whatever Giorno did.
"Everyone else is leaving, so goodnight." Mista shrugged, standing up and holding his fist out to Jotaro for a fist bump.
Jotaro just looked at his fist, not knowing what to do.
"Party pooper." Mista chuckled, following the others down the hallway.
Narancia left quietly, and Trish offered food and drinks, and turned off the lights before she left.

Jotaro laid down with Kakyoin and yawned, pulling his own blanket over himself. "Goodnight, baby." He whispered, before closing his eyes.


Jotaro woke up when he heard rustling, assuming that Kakyoin had woken up. When he opened his eyes, though, he was still asleep.
"Be quiet, baby."
Jotaro sat up and looked around worriedly, before seeing Bruno and the long-haired man in the kitchen. Why was he sitting on the counter and kicking his legs, though?
"Sippy or bottle?" Bruno asked quietly.
"Sippy." Leone tried his best not to be loud, patting his hands on the counter.
"Milk or juice?"
Jotaro watched as Bruno gave the other man a sippy cup with milk, then picked him up.
"Do you want to stay in here or go back to sleepy?" Bruno asked.
"Stay here.." Leone whispered.
"Okay." Bruno smiled.

Jotaro got back into a sleeping position and used Star Platinum to watch while his eyes were closed.
Bruno sat down with Leone in the recliner and rocked him, smiling and giving him small kisses.
Leone giggled and looked around, wanting to play with his busy board.
"What're you looking for?" Bruno asked quietly.
"Abababa-" Leone rolled over onto his stomach, looking down and pulling his busy board out from the side pocket. Thankfully, it was foam, so he didn't hurt himself when he accidentally bonked his head.
Jotaro watched closely. Did this dude age regress, too? He knew Kakyoin did, since it was his main way of coping when he felt like a burden, but he never knew other people did it.
Kakyoin whined and reached over, not feeling Iggy by his chest or in his hands.
Jotaro put away Star Platinum and opened his eyes. He knew something was off, since you'd have to break a brick on his head to get him to wake up, and that's still a 50/50 chance.

"Ib-" Kakyoin pulled himself closer. "Ibby!" He whined.
Bruno held Leone close and kept him quiet, just rocking him.
Jotaro sat up and reached into Kakyoin's backpack, taking the black and white dog stuffie out. "There you go." He whispered, glancing up at Bruno and the other man. Didn't people call him Abba before? Like the band?
"Did we wake you up?" Bruno asked sadly.
Jotaro shrugged. "He realized he didn't have Iggy, and I'm a light sleeper. I haven't really slept the same since he got hurt." He said quietly, his voice even more deep than it was a few hours ago.
"Ibby!" Kakyoin giggled, hugging his stuffie close and sitting up a bit.
Leone looked over, his baby senses immediately sensing another baby. He made grabby hands and reached over, whining a bit.
Kakyoin looked over and scooched to the edge of the fold-out couch, making the same noise and making grabby hands at Leone.

Jotaro and Bruno looked at each other, not saying a word but understanding each other perfectly.
Bruno stood up and brought Leone to the fold-out couch, letting them both babble and sit together.
Kakyoin squealed and smiled, making grabby hands with Leone.
Leone giggled and held Kakyoin's hands, before opening his little busy book and holding it out for his friend. It had a few pages, so he didn't mind sharing.
Jotaro moved Kakyoin's legs and helped him sit up.
"Ibby!" Kakyoin held Iggy out to Leone.
"Ibby." Leone took the doggy, played with his ears, then set him in his lap. "Baby."
"Baby." Kakyoin repeated, reaching down for the clips and zippers on his page of the book.
Bruno smiled. "How old is he?" He asked Jotaro.
"Hmm?" Jotaro looked over.
"How old is Kakyoin?" Bruno pulled a blanket over his lap.
"29." Jotaro hugged Kakyoin's waist, still careful to not press on his stomach.

"I mean how old is he when he's little?" Bruno zipped up one of the zippers.
Jotaro shrugged. "Young enough to need my help a lot, old enough... to.." He stopped. "Nevermind."
"Hmm?" Bruno looked over. "You can talk, I won't judge."
"I was going to say he's old enough to walk.... but.." Jotaro looked down, just hugging his little one sadly.
"Do you want some food or a drink?" Bruno changed the subject, standing up to go get Leone's sippy cup.
"Sippy!" Kakyoin reached up. "Sippy!"
Leone looked up and grabbed Kakyoin's hand, holding it and playing with his fingers.
Kakyoin looked down and hummed. "Spippy."
"Sibby." Leone gave Kakyoin his hand back. "Sippy!" He reached up and was given his milk.
"Sippy!" Kakyoin reached over sadly, wanting a drink of milk too.
Leone felt his sippy being taken and whined, trying to pull it back.

Bruno quickly screwed the lid onto a sippy cup and gave it to Kakyoin. "There you go."
Leone saw that his friend had a purple sippy, and whined. His sippy was red.... His friend's hair was red.... He put the sippy on top of his friend's head to hide it, then took his purple sippy.
Kakyoin paid no attention to the weird feeling on his head, and whined when his sippy was taken. "Sbiby!!"
"My sippy!" Leone stuck out his tongue.
"No!" Kakyoin huffed, before he was given a red sippy. He took it and frustratedly sipped his milk.
Jotaro looked down at the two. "How'd you get another one so fast?"
"Almost everyone's a little." Bruno gave Leone a forehead kiss. "And I've been mothering them all for a long time you get used to making sippies and bottles at the speed of light."


After a little longer, both babies had shown each other their toys, and it was time for bed.

Jotaro picked up Kakyoin and a diaper, kissing his cheek. "I'll go change him."
"Bye bye." Kakyoin opened and closed his hand, thinking he was leaving his friend.
"Bye bye." Leone did the same.
"Bye bye."
"Bye bye."
Bruno's heart melted, and he smiled brightly.
"Bye bye."
"Bye bye."
Jotaro smiled and took Kakyoin to the bathroom.
Bruno watched Leone stare at the hallway for a bit, before sitting down sadly.
"Ibby!" Leone picked up the dog stuffie. "Ibby!" He stood up and ran to the hallway.
"Abba!" Bruno snapped his fingers. "Don't go in there!"
Leone sat down sadly in front of the door, waiting for his friend to come back and get his stuffie. He looked up when he heard crying, and saw the door open. "Ibby!" He held up the stuffie.
Jotaro grinned. "Thank you." He took Iggy and gave it to Kakyoin, since he had forgotten him and started to panic. He never changed his diapy without Iggy to make him feel better.

Leone sat and waited a bit longer, soon seeing his friend's daddy come out with him in his arms.
"Do you have any paper towels?" Jotaro asked.
Bruno panicked and turned around.
"My hands are wet, and I didn't see a hand towel."
Bruno panicked a bit more and stood up, going to the kitchen. "Why didn't you wash them?!"
Jotaro sat Kakyoin back down and let Leone come and play. "What?"
"Why didn't you wash your hands before bringing him out?!" Bruno gave Jotaro paper towels.
"I did, Kak did too. I just didn't see a hand towel."
Bruno sighed. "When you come out and ask for paper towels, I'm gonna assume the worst." He chuckled, sitting on the counter and watching the little ones play.

Jotaro threw away the paper towels and went back over, sitting with Kakyoin and giving him kisses.
Leone whined and moved his head forward, giggling when he was kissed on the cheek. "Baba!"
Bruno turned off the lights and sat with the other three. "Do we think it's bedtime yet?"
"Betime!!!" Kakyoin giggled. "Betime!!"
Jotaro laid his little down and let him get comfortable.
"Betime!" Kakyoin flapped his hands.
"Betime!" Leone copied his friend, laying down with him. "Betime." He snuggled up with him.
Bruno smiled and turned off the lamp, making the whole living room dark.
"He likes bedtime." Jotaro smiled, laying down and spooning Kakyoin.
Bruno spooned his little one as well. "I understood that." He teased.
"Shhh!" Kakyoin looked up. "Betime." He whispered, grabbing Iggy and snuggling up with him and his friend.

Bruno smiled at Jotaro, and then closed his eyes.
Jotaro looked up to the window and saw a bit of yellow peeking in. He shrugged it off and decided to sleep with his little one. Precious memories were more important than his sleep schedule.

Chapter 62: Mista and Sex Pistols (1/3)


This was another request that I didn't get around to a lot earlier, and I'm sorry.

This came with two other requests for an OCD Fugo having a breakdown, and a lil autistic Nara who loves Minecraft creepers. I'll get to those eventually, and I'll write a better chapter for Fugo since my first one was really bad and kinda stereotypical

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"I'm tired!"

"I'm hungry!"

"Shut up, he doesn't like you!"


"Guys, be nice, he's waking up!"

Mista yawned and opened his eyes.
"Hey, baby. Are you awake?" Bruno asked quietly.
"No sh*t he's awake!" Number 3 yelled.
Bruno gave 3 his disappointed mom eyes, and he didn't take long to back off and quiet down. He then looked back at Mista, and smiled at him.
Mista hummed and reached forward to stretch, accidentally bumping into a few pistols.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" 3 yelled, standing back up.
"Be nice, he's little!" 1 hit 3's arm.
"Oh, he is?" 3 realized.
Bruno looked down at them and grinned. "Mhm. You six always come out when he's little."
Mista kept his eyes closed and made grabby hands, whining for someone to pick him up.
Bruno stood up and went to pick Mista up off of the barstool. He had fallen asleep on the counter while helping Giorno with a puzzle, and at some point in his sleep he summoned his pistols, letting Bruno know he was gonna wake up little.

"Are we gonna play and stuff?!" 2 asked excitedly. "I wanna play outside!!"
"No!" 7 whined. "I'm about to starve to deathh!"
Bruno looked over. "I'll get you all some food, then we can relax for a bit, then go play."
6 kicked a puzzle piece. "That's not fair!"
"Yeah it is!" 1 tried to calm him down. "We all get what we want, we just have to be patient!"
"I don't wanna!" 6 yelled, sitting down angrily and pouting.
Bruno gently rocked Mista, letting him get woken up.
Mista let out baby noises and got used to his hands, opening and closing them.
"But like when can we go play?" 2 flew up to Bruno.
"I don't know, yet." Bruno whispered. "Go tell everyone to be quiet, he's still waking up."
2 nodded and went back to everyone else.
"But I'm gonna die if I don't eat now!" 7 groaned.

Mista whined and grabbed Bruno's shirt, his stomach grumbling.
"Look, we're gonna eat when he wakes up." Bruno whispered. "All of you be nice and wait." He said finally.
"But 3 is being meeeaaann!" 5 cried, looking up when he was picked up by Sticky Fingers.
"Why does he get to be the favorite and get picked up?!" 3 flew up to Sticky Fingers, kicking his shoulder.
Bruno sighed and walked around a bit with Mista, having Sticky Fingers put 3 in time out.
6 continued pouting, and threw a couple more puzzle pieces, soon being picked up by someone and put in a pocket. Damnit, it was Giorno. "LET ME OUT!!" He yelled, kicking and hitting the pocket and the zipper that closed it.
"Not until you calm down and be nice." Giorno stood up to pick up his puzzle pieces.
Bruno sighed. "You still do pocket time out? I told you to stop."
Giorno shrugged. "It works better than normal time out, and I only do it when I wear these pants."

Mista opened his eyes and saw Giorno, reaching out.
"No, baby, you can't sit with Giorno right now. You'll break the puzzle." Bruno moved his curly hair out of his face. God, this baby needed a bath.
Mista whined, then sneezed.
"Bless you." Bruno smiled.
Mista sneezed again.
"Bless you."
"Bless you."
"Bless you."
Mista opened his eyes worriedly, then sneezed again.
"Bless you." Bruno chuckled, kissing his baby's cheek. His sneezes always sounded like little squeaks, and it made Bruno happier than ever.
Leone walked over to the kitchen. "Five sneezes, that's a record." He kissed Mista's forehead. "Lil stinky guy. Tell your mama to give you a bath."
"I will after he eats." Bruno looked over.

"But you said we'd play after he ate!!" 6 whined, having been let out of Giorno's pocket.
"I wanna playy!" 2 groaned.
Leone grinned. "Bruno never said how you'd play. Who says you can't play in the bath?"
"Me!" 5 put his arms up. "3 is always mean and puts my head under the water!" He teared up.
Bruno looked down. "I'll make sure 3 is nice." He turned around. "Do you know not to be mean yet?" He asked.
3 looked up. He wasn't going to be mean anymore, but he was still pouty. He didn't deserve time out, Sticky Fingers probably didn't even feel his kick, it wasn't like he broke his arm.
"You can come out of time out whenever you want, but you'll go back if you keep being mean." Bruno turned back around, noticing that Leone was standing by Giorno's puzzle.
Leone quickly put his hand down and slid the puzzle a bit, acting like he was going to throw it off of the counter. "I'm not that mean."
Giorno chuckled. "I would've killed you if you flung that off."
Leone smiled and gave the blonde a little forehead kiss.
Bruno tilted his head at the two.

"Brunoo! He's cheating on you!" 2 called.
"No he's not! He's being nice!" 1 gave Giorno another puzzle piece.
7 flew up to Mista and nudged his arm. "Miiisttaaaaa! I'm dying!!"
Mista opened and closed his hands, still really sleepy.
"7, be patient." Bruno looked down.
"I DON'T WANNAA!!" 6 yelled, laying down and hitting the counter.
Leone walked over to 6, and leaned over him. "Stop being loud and pouty or I'll flick you."
"Abbacchio!" Bruno yelled, covering Mista's ears.
Leone put his thumb and middle finger together, lining up his shot.
"Try me!" 6 looked up.
5 ran over and laid on top of 6. "Noo! Don't flick him!" He cried, hyperventilating a little bit.
"I won't." Leone stood up. "Go wake up Mista so you can get fed." He walked to the fridge.

Bruno rolled his eyes, then stepped back when every pistol flew to the fridge.


Leone got himself a soda, then closed the fridge.

"Why is it so darkkk?! I'm scared!"

Mista curled up more in Bruno's arms, feeling suddenly cold.
"Leone, let them out." Bruno smiled.
"Why should I? They can eat whatever they want in there." Leone opened the can.
"We can't open the pepperoni drawer!!" 5 cried. "I want pepperoni!"
"Mista's getting cold." Bruno whispered.
Leone sighed and opened the fridge, letting all the pistols out. "If you can open the pepperoni drawer, I'll let you have some."
Mista whined and looked up, rubbing his eyes. "Pep- yy-"
Bruno smiled, then set Mista down so he could get the highchair.
Leone watched all the pistols get together to try and open the drawer.
Bruno got the highchair and set Mista in it, letting him get woken up a bit more.
Mista yawned and stretched out, then opened his eyes. He was in his highchair, which meant food. He giggled sleepily and yawned again.
"We did it!" 7 looked up.
"Yeah! I want pepperoni now!!" 3 yelled.
"You gotta get the bag out." Leone sipped his soda.


Bruno stood up and opened the drawer, taking the bag of mini pepperoni slices out and the regular bag. He also got a bit of cheese, since he decided on cheese and pepperoni crackers for a snack.
3 stuck his tongue out at Leone, then went to the highchair.
Leone gave Bruno the crackers, and Bruno opened the bag of mini pepperonis. "All of you, sit down." He ordered.
Mista looked around, and reached out for Leone.
Leone turned around and lunged toward Mista. "Boo!"
Mista giggled and hit the little tray excitedly.
Leone walked around and got to Mista's level, waiting for him to turn his head. "Boo!"
Mista giggled more and looked away again, then back, not seeing Leone there. He looked back the other way and was greeted with Leone's face again.
"Boo!" Leone smiled, before giving Mista a few kisses and leaving so Bruno could feed him.
Bruno gave each of the pistols a mini pepperoni, and made sure they were being nice and not stealing food. He then took a cracker and put a slice of pepperoni and a bit of cheese on it. "Mista."

The little looked over and picked up the cheese, deciding to eat his snack separately.
3 decided to be nice, since he knew that Mista got sad when he was mean to 5. Besides, Bruno gave them more pepperonis whenever they were nice. He wondered if Bruno would give him some cheese. "Bruno!"
Bruno looked down and smiled. "You want more?"
"Can I have cheese?" 3 made grabby hands.
"Of course." Bruno gave 3 a small bit of cheese. "If any of you want cheese, just ask. Same with crackers."
1 finished his pepperoni and walked over, taking a little bit of cheese.
"What're you doing?" Bruno looked down.
"I didn't want to make you give me this, so I got it myself." 1 waddled back and sat beside 5.
Mista finished his pepperoni and reached for the bag, babbling.
Bruno gave Mista a few more pepperonis, and a forehead kiss.


After everyone was done eating, Bruno took Mista to the bathroom to give him a bath. The pistols were mostly excited, but 5 was still a little afraid of 3.
"Here's his clothes." Leone set the clean clothes and towel down on the toilet seat.
"Thank you." Bruno smiled.
"Ta youu!" Mista reached up, making grabby hands at Leone.
Leone made grabby hands back, then gave Mista a kiss on the cheek.
"Stop being all lovey!" 7 made an exaggerated gag.
"I'm not being lovey." Leone looked down.
"Abbbaaa!" 5 called, reaching up. "I want a kiss!"
Leone got on his knees beside the bathtub and held 5 close, then gave him a forehead kiss. "Bruno, why do you never help him feel better?"
Bruno looked over. "He's always like that, he's okay."
"No I'm noottt!" 5 cried, clinging onto Leone's hand.
"I'll take him and try to calm him down, then." Leone looked down. "Or do you want to stay here?"
5 looked up, sniffling. "I wanna go somewhere else! I'm scared!"
Leone nodded and took 5 with him when he left.

Number 3 ran up to the edge of the bathtub. "I wanted to play with him!!"
Bruno stopped 3 from going any farther. "But he didn't want to play. He was scared."
3 sighed and fell back into the water, making Mista giggle.
1 reached up and rubbed a bit of soap on Mista's arm, not making that much progress.
"What're you doing?" Bruno asked, picking up the shampoo.
"I'm tryna help wash Mista." 1 rinsed off his hands, then rinsed the little soapy spot he created.
"You go play, I'll wash him." Bruno smiled, adding a bit more water to Mista's head to lather the shampoo. He'd need to wash his whole body twice. God, who let this baby get so dirty?

Giorno smiled at the two. "He always cries when I try to bathe him."
Bruno turned around, then back to Mista. "Did you feed him first?"
"Nope." Giorno sighed.
"That's what's wrong, then." Bruno put his hand over Mista's forehead and rinsed off his hair. "So you just let him get this stinky and icky?"
"He hasn't been little since we went to that restaurant last week, so it's not my doing." Giorno shrugged.
"Nobody gets this dirty in a week." Bruno poured a bit of water on Mista's shoulders, then used a washcloth to gently scrub him.
"He probably just showers with bar soap, he doesn't scrub himself." Giorno shrugged.
Bruno gave Mista a kiss on the cheek, and looked back. "Are you gonna have everyone else come watch, too? This is a huge moment in his life." He teased.
"Fine, I'll leave you alone." Giorno chuckled. "Oh, Leone has number 5, by the way." He closed the door.
Bruno nodded and continued washing his little one.

"Catch!" 2 called, throwing a little foam ball to 6 and 7.
7 caught it and threw it down into the water, making a big splash.
"That was coming towards me!" 6 shoved 7.
1 pulled 6 away. "We can throw it again, you don't have to make 7 feel bad."
"Fine." 6 picked up the foam ball again, throwing it back to 2.
Mista watched, looking around for 3 and 5. He found 3 sitting alone, and didn't see 5 at all. He reached out and picked up 3.
"Hey! Oh, hi." 3 looked up sadly.
"Mmbaby-" Mista babbled.
Bruno smiled. "Yes, you're my baby." He responded to Mista, not realizing he was talking to one of his pistols.
"I ain't no baby!" 3 huffed, crossing his arms.
"Mbaby!" Mista giggled, tickling 3's belly a little bit.
"I am not a baby!!" 3 laughed, kicking his legs and trying to get away from Mista.
Bruno looked down, watching as Mista unknowingly made 3 feel better. Why was 3 so upset about 5 being gone, though, when all he did was bully him?

Leone finally managed to calm 5 down, and held him close. "You're okay, baby." He whispered.
5 hugged Leone's finger, feeling all fuzzy inside. "Thank youu!" He cried a bit, leaning against Leone's chest when he was brought up near his heart.
"You're welcome." Leone smiled.
Bruno came out of the bathroom holding Mista on his hip, who was dressed in a tiger onesie. "Guess who's clean!" He called.
Mista giggled when everyone looked at him, being set down and having his hair ruffled by Trish.
"Look at that clean boy!" Trish teased. "Now I can give him kisses!" She kissed his cheek.
Mista giggled and leaned back, kicking his feet and playing with his tail. "Feetsie- Feetses." He looked up.
"What about your feet?" Bruno asked, leaning over the couch.
"Socky." Mista put his legs up.
"You want sockies? Can you say the magic word?" Bruno asked, kissing his forehead.
Mista giggled. "Peas!"
"Close enough." Bruno smiled. "I'll get you some sockies."

3 flew over to where 5 was, sitting down. "Hey!"
5 put his arms out, sniffling.
3 hugged him and pat his back. "I'm sorry for being a meanie."
"Is okay, jus' don't leave again." 5 held on to 3 tightly.
"But you left with the big guy." 3 looked up to Leone. "Why'd you take him?"
Leone set the two down on the arm of the couch. "5 said he wanted to come in here."
3 just stuck his tongue out at Leone, then he and 5 flew back to everyone else.
"Are you all sleepy?" 7 yawned, laying on Mista's belly.
1 looked around. "We should go to sleep, Mista looks tired."
"I wanna play more!" 2 climbed the back of the couch.
6 shrugged. "Can I go help Giorno with the puzzle some more?" He asked Bruno, who had now returned.
Bruno nodded. "Giorno's not over there, but you can go help with it." He put Mista's socks on. "There we go, now we got a tiger with sockies!" He sat down between Mista and Leone, almost sitting on 2.

"Watch it!" 2 grabbed onto Bruno's hair, having been knocked down.
Bruno hissed and put his hand under 2. "Sorry-"
"I don't want help!" 2 moved over, hanging onto Bruno's hair.
"Okay-" Bruno took a deep breath. "Tell me if you do-"
Mista babbled and rubbed his eyes, leaning on Trish.
7 flew up and grabbed onto Bruno's hair as well. "Wait for me!" He tried catching up to 2, deciding to climb on top of Bruno's head.
3 and 5 looked at each other. 1 and 6 were helping Giorno with the puzzle, and 2 and 7 were somewhere climbing something. They stayed quiet for a little bit longer, before climbing up onto Mista's onesie and deciding to go to sleep. Mista wasn't moving that much, anyways, so he was probably asleep again.

Trish looked down at the sleeping pistols in Mista's pocket, and then to his face. He looked so cute when he was asleep. She gave him a kiss on the forehead and put her arms around him. He was awfully sleepy for a tiger, but she didn't mind.


I wanted to post this on the 4th, but I had to go see fireworks with my family because y'know, America 🇺🇸 🦅🦅🔫🇺🇸🔫🍻

Chapter 64: Bruno and Leone


Baby meower

Sorry for not updating, I've just been really tired recently

I also just got half of this chapter deleted when I really liked it, so it's short as hell now because I'm sad

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Giorno slowly walked up behind the couch. He had recently found out that Gold Experience could turn people into animals, like their spirit animal. Obviously nothing stronger than the person, he couldn't turn a baby into a tiger, but still. He wanted to test his newly found ability on Leone, genuinely curious if he would live up to his name, or turn into something completely different.

Well..... He turned into something different....

"What the hell?!" Bruno looked over.
"What'd you do to him?!" Mista yelled, gesturing to the empty spot on the couch where Leone previously sat.
"What?!" Giorno looked down, not seeing anything. "I didn't mean to!" He looked around for Leone.
"Great, now what? He's just gone?" Trish stood up.
Bruno looked around under the couch and in between the cushions, pulling his hand back when he felt something fuzzy. "Nope-" He pulled out the cushion, revealing a tiny little cat.

In My Arms - PinkFrogDoppio - ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (12)

Giorno looked down, watching as Leone tried to stand, letting out little squeaks.
Bruno picked up the tiny little guy, holding him close.
"That's his spirit animal, huh?" Fugo stood up, coming to look at the little fuzz ball.
Leone wobbled a bit, but eventually was able to stand, meowing and looking around at everyone.
Bruno put the cushion back and sat Leone down. "How'd you fall down in there?" He chuckled.
Trish smiled and squatted down, reaching out to pet him.
"I WANNA SQUISH HIM!" Narancia yelled. "He's, like- I wanna throw him against my door!"
Leone enjoyed getting pet by Trish, not even comprehending Narancia's loving yet violent words.
"I feel bad for your future girlfriend." Fugo rolled his eyes.
"Nah, he's too scared of women." Mista sat down on the floor, waiting for his turn to pet Leone.
Bruno looked up. "If you throw my baby, I'm zippering you into small pieces and throwing you into a meat grinder."
"Yay!" Narancia laughed, not taking Bruno seriously.

"Hooray." Fugo cheered in a monotone voice.
"You should do that like forreal." Narancia nodded.
Leone squeaked and looked up when he wasn't being petted anymore, waddling over to Bruno and nudging his leg.

In My Arms - PinkFrogDoppio - ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (13)

Bruno picked up Leone and sat him on his lap, smiling.
Leone let out a long meow, rolling around and enjoying how warm Bruno was. He quickly sat up when he felt a hand on his belly, hissing a little bit.
Narancia pulled his hand back and huffed. "He's still an asshole as a cat."
"I don't think he wants his belly touched." Fugo stood up.
Giorno brought out Gold Experience again. "Do you guys want me to turn him back?" He asked. "What if he wants turned back but he can't tell us?"
"He's alright." Bruno looked down. "He can go piss in your plants if he wants turned back."
"He already does that." Giorno sighed.
Everyone looked to Giorno worriedly, and Giorno just shrugged.
"I'll keep him like that until Gold Experience gets tired." Giorno sighed, standing and going to the kitchen.
Bruno nodded and looked down at his baby, smiling at him.

Leone looked up and meowed, rolling into Bruno's arms so he could be held like a baby.
Bruno gently pet Leone's chest and felt him purr. "You're so cute." He whispered.
Leone rubbed his forehead and ears on Bruno's arm, purring happily.
Trish sat beside Bruno and watched. "He loves you so much." She smiled.
"I know." Bruno gave Leone a forehead kiss, laughing a bit when he meowed. "Aww, you're gonna make my heart melt!"
Leone curled up and enjoyed his pets, occasionally meowing and looking up.


A few days later, Giorno wanted to prank Leone. Now that he knew Leone's spirit animal was a little fuzzy kitten, he could use that to his advantage...

Leone opened a cabinet and got out a cup, kissing Bruno on the cheek. "Is it almost done?" He asked, looking down to the pasta and fried vegetables.
Bruno shrugged. "Not exactly su-AAA-" He screamed at the top of his lungs, seeing an entire f*cking lion in the place of Leone.
Everyone else quickly ran to see what had happened, definitely not expecting to see a lion in the kitchen.
Leone looked around, then up to Giorno, growling and pouncing up on the island.
Giorno quickly backed up and turned Leone back. "It was just a prank!" He panted.
"THAT'S NOT A PRANK!" Fugo yelled.
Leone huffed and went back to Bruno, noticing him picking hair out of the food.
"You got your mane in the food." Bruno chuckled nervously.

"I thought he'd turn into a cat again!" Giorno tried to explain.
"Why?" Trish sat down. "You expect him to be the same little and big?"
Giorno sat beside her. "What?"
Bruno turned around. "He was little the other day, did you not know?"
"No." Giorno looked down, embarrassed.
Fugo walked over. "So you wanted to prank him by turning him into a small cat by a very hot stove? Alright." He said rudely.
Leone picked the last couple golden hairs from the food, sighing. "Really appreciate that."
Giorno sat back and crossed his arms.
"I still think it would've been funny." Narancia sat in front of Giorno, trying to cheer him up.

Bruno looked back and kissed Leone's cheek. "It would've been funny." He smiled. "At least now we know your spirit animals."
Leone looked down with a grin. "Could you not already tell?" He smirked, giving Bruno certain eyes to get his point across.
Bruno hit Leone's leg, blushing.
Leone gave his love another kiss on the cheek, then nuzzled his neck.
"Stop infusing the pasta with sexual tension!" Mista groaned.
Trish fake gagged, getting herself a bottle of water from the fridge.
Fugo walked back to the kitchen. "Stop the f*ckin' PDA."
"We'll start a protest." Mista looked up from his phone.
Bruno chuckled. "No more PDA?" He looked back. "Fine." He took the pasta to the sink to strain it.
Leone leaned forward and got a few plates from the cabinet, giving them to Bruno. "No more PDA." He shrugged.


Later that night, Leone regressed and asked to be turned into a kitten again, and Giorno happily agreed. The first thing Leone did was run around for half an hour, exploring everything he previously couldn't. After that, he waddled back to the couch, but found himself in a little bit of a pickle...

"Sorry, baby, no PDA." Bruno teased, looking at Fugo. It was only the both of them in the room, since everyone else was in bed.
Leone meowed to be let up, scratching Bruno's leg a bit.
"That doesn't count!" Fugo stood up. "Pick the poor guy up." He picked Leone up and sat him on the couch, petting him a bit.
"You all were complaining about us being lovey dovey." Bruno looked up. "Why doesn't it matter when he's a cat?"
"Because." Fugo shrugged. "I was kinda just in a bad mood-"
Bruno pet Leone and held him close.
"Mista and Nara make jokes about it, but sometimes it just makes me uncomfortable." Fugo sat down.
"That's okay." Bruno scooched closer, letting Leone waddle onto Fugo's lap. "Thank you for telling me."
"It's not like I want y'all to completely stop, just sometimes the sexual stuff makes me uncomfy." Fugo smiled when Leone rolled over onto his back.

"I didn't mean to make you feel bad when I made that joke earlier." Bruno let Fugo lean on his shoulder.
"I didn't mean to make you two feel bad for just loving each other." Fugo felt Bruno's head on top of his.
"You didn't." Bruno smiled.
Fugo nodded a bit, looking down and noticing Leone was already asleep.
Bruno looked at Leone. "You should get to sleep, too." He whispered.
Fugo hummed, closing his eyes. "I don't wanna wake him up."
Bruno nodded. "Okay." He kissed Fugo's head. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight." Fugo whispered.


I rewrote the bit I lost :|

This is how I imagine Leone meowing

Chapter 65: Josuke and Rohan


Nope I'm definitely not writing his because my little pea brain rediscovered Welcome Home and now I'm hyperfixated on Wally


Rohan is just little sensitive stim baby

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Rohan giggled and wiggled his feet, looking down at his phone and putting in his earbuds.
Josuke looked over and smiled. "What?"
Rohan set down his phone and put his hands over his ears, still giggling and wiggling.
Josuke scooched over beside Rohan. "What's got you so giggly?"
Rohan flapped his hands and looked up. "Abble!"
"Apple?" Josuke tilted his head.
"Apple!" Rohan kicked his legs, absolutely loving the video he'd found on his phone.
Josuke picked up Rohan's phone and paused the video, what was he watching? Wally Darling audios? Who the hell was that? Whatever, Rohan was starting to get overwhelmed, so he knew they needed a break. Whenever Rohan regressed, it was easy for him to get too excited about something. That caused butterflies in his stomach and chest, and his emotions, even though they were happy, came out as a big breakdown. Too much happy = one big sad.

Rohan wiggled his feet and took out his earbuds, immediately throwing his arms around Josuke and knocking him down onto the bed.
Josuke laughed and hugged Rohan back. God, he loved him. He could be a bastard when he was big, but when he was little he had nothing but pure love in him.
Rohan kicked his legs and continued giggling. "Abble!"
"Apple!" Josuke looked up. "You want an apple?" He smiled.
Rohan nodded and sat up, chewing on his knuckles.
Josuke sat up as well. "We don't put our hands in our mouths." He reminded his little, gently pulling his hand away.
Rohan kept being stubborn for a bit, before replacing his fingers with his favorite little chew toy. He still sometimes chewed his knuckles when his daddy wasn't looking, though. "Apple!"

Josuke stood up and went to the door. "C'mon then! I'll go get you an apple!"
Rohan giggled and crawled off the bed, grabbing onto his daddy's hand with both of his own hands, bouncing excitedly as they walked down to the kitchen. He had recently discovered a little thing called Welcome Home, and had fallen in love with it after seeing some in-depth videos and a lot of videos from the fandom. As soon as he saw Wally, it reminded him of Josuke, and he didn't take long to start seeing him as a comfort character. Then, he found some little ASMR-like videos, just AI audios of Wally's voice, some even from different AUs. It was bizarre yet comforting, a character that reminded him of Josuke in so many ways, and had mounds of content on. Well, with Heaven's Door, Rohan had mounds of content on the real Josuke, too, but Wally had friends like Frank and Eddie, and he was a little bit cuter than Josuke... Oh screw it, Wally was infinitely cuter.

Josuke took Rohan to the kitchen, and washed and cut an apple, putting it in a little bowl for him. "Do you wanna go back upstairs to eat?"
Rohan nodded and snatched the apples, running upstairs and back to bed.
Josuke followed pretty slowly, getting a sippy cup of apple juice for Rohan, too.
"Apple! Apple!" Rohan flapped his hands and bounced on the bed. "Abble!"
Josuke set down the sippy cup, then sat with Rohan. "What's got you so excited, baby?" He asked, wiping the tears from his eyes.
Rohan giggled and put an apple slice to Josuke's mouth. "Apple."
Josuke bit the apple slice, and watched Rohan stim his little baby heart out.
Rohan flapped his arms faster than he'd ever flapped, and rocked quickly.
"What's got my little baby so happy?" Josuke asked again, giving Rohan kisses and wiping his eyes.

Rohan just squealed and hugged Josuke, patting his hands on his back.
Josuke hugged him back and smiled.
Rohan made happy noises and rocked with Josuke, absolutely loving all his attention.
Josuke looked down when Rohan pulled away, letting him feel his hair.
Rohan squished Josuke's hair a bit, but was still gentle. His chest was so fuzzy and his cheeks hurt from smiling.
Josuke smiled and kissed his baby's forehead. Seeing him so giggly and happy was rare, but he always savored these precious moments.
Rohan picked up his apple slice again and gave it to Josuke, giggling and bouncing when he ate it.
Josuke laughed and swallowed the apple. "What's so funny about me eating an apple?"
Rohan made his favorite noises and wiggled his feet. "Abble!" He giggled.

"What about abble?" Josuke asked.
"Abble!" Rohan flapped his hands, leaning forward to rest his head on Josuke's shoulder.
Josuke helped Rohan slowly calm down, rocking him and hugging him close. "You wanna keep watching your video?"
Rohan hummed and reached out for another apple slice, feeding it to his daddy and giggling when he ate it. He then picked up his phone and put his earbuds back in, finding a tiktok compilation of Welcome Home and clicking it.
Josuke watched the goofy little characters, and Rohan's reaction to them, seeing a repeated theme of the little yellow guy eating apples. Now he understood.
Rohan looked up when his daddy took out his headphones and set down his phone. "Aba-" He whispered.
"You wanna eat an apple?" Josuke held out an apple slice.
Rohan shook his head. "Sibby!"
Josuke gave Rohan his sippy cup. "There you go."

Rohan tilted his head back, then back down, spitting out the apple juice.
Josuke laughed. "What's wrong?" He quickly picked Rohan up. "Did you not want apple juice?"
Rohan threw down his sippy and whined to be put down.
"You spit your appy juice everywhere, you need clean clothes." Josuke set Rohan down and went to the bathroom to get wipes.
Rohan huffed and started whining again when he was set down. He wanted uppy!
Josuke got a clean shirt and shorts, wiping the juice off of Rohan's belly and legs.
"Ubby! Ubby!" Rohan held his arms up.
"Uppy? But you just wanted down." Josuke wiped Rohan's mouth.
Rohan stomped his feet a little. "Uppy!!"
"Ah-ah, be nice." Josuke put Rohan's clean shirt on. "Just your shorts, then uppy."
"Uppy!" Rohan whined, latching onto Josuke's neck and trying to pull himself up. "Ubby!"
Josuke stood up, holding Rohan on his hip. "There! Uppy! I guess you're just going in your underwear." He laughed.

Rohan babbled quietly and reached for his sippy again.
"You're not drinking appy juice, you spit it out." Josuke picked up the sippy, taking Rohan downstairs.
"Sibby!" Rohan reached for his sippy, not understanding why his daddy wasn't giving it to him. "Sibbyyyy!"
Josuke set Rohan down and unscrewed the lid, just drinking the apple juice then rinsing out the bottle. "What do you want to drink instead?" He wiped his mouth.
"Uppy!" Rohan pulled on Josuke's sleeve, stomping his feet.
"Ah, don't be mean." Josuke looked over. "You want milk?"
"Ubbbbyyyyy!" Rohan groaned, leaning on Josuke's shoulder.
"No uppy until you tell me what you want to drink." Josuke crossed his arms, eventually just feeling bad and picking up Rohan anyways.
Rohan giggled and reached for the milk. "Mik- miky."
"Milk?" Josuke looked up, struggling to pour the milk and screw the lid on one-handed.
Rohan was soon given his sippy and took a drink, then went back upstairs to bed with his daddy.

Josuke laid down with Rohan and kissed his forehead, looking over at Rohan's phone and reading a bit of text on the video: "POV: Wally calls you 'neighbor'". He didn't know who Wally was, but he assumed it was the yellow apple guy. He fed Rohan a couple more apple slices and then looked down, preparing himself for the embarrassment he was about to feel. "Are you calmed down now, neighbor?"
Rohan quickly looked up, his eyes sparkling like a little kid's. He then squealed and curled up into Josuke's chest, his feet wiggling.
Josuke smiled and gave Rohan a few more kisses, letting him just lay down and be happy, even if it meant Josuke had knees in his stomach and hair in his mouth. Besides, Rohan should be getting sleepy for a nap, soon...

Rohan giggled and ate his last apple slice, wiggling his feet as his daddy held him. "Aba-"
Josuke looked down. "Hmm?"
"Ababaaa." Rohan babbled.
Josuke smiled, knowing exactly what Rohan meant. "I love you too." He flicked off the lamp to make the room a bit darker, then pulled the blanket up over the both of them, letting Rohan slowly fall asleep.


I haven't updated this because I'm working on another big fic, sorry :P

Chapter 66: Bruno and Leone💧


Sorry I haven't updated in forever 👁💧👄💧👁

And I'm still so sorry to that commenter who I accidentally reported as spam, I told Ao3 support about it but haven't gotten a response

Chapter Text

Leone looked down, not wanting to interact with anyone anymore.
"What's wrong?" Bruno leaned over, noticing Leone starting to shut down. He had had a really bad day, today, and had just regressed to feel better. Bruno was hoping to minimize the chances of a breakdown by giving Leone a bath and letting him wear his favorite matching onesie and socks, but he seemed upset now.
Leone looked down, on the verge of tears. His bath with his mama was fun, and he even got a gumball after, his favorite flavor. He was sad because he accidentally swallowed it. He was so calm and happy, then he swallowed his gum. It felt terrible, like someone took away his stuffed animal.
Bruno continued looking at Leone for a bit, then spoke again. "Do you wanna talk about it?"
Leone shook his head. He knew he'd be called silly if he admitted he was about to cry over a gumball. He could easily get another one, but he didn't want to. The blue one he had a minute ago was special, it was like his best friend, then it was gone.
Bruno left Leone alone, still occasionally checking to make sure he wasn't crying.

After a few minutes, Leone felt better, but still sad. He still wanted his special gumball back..
Bruno stood up and invited Leone to come to the kitchen with him to get a drink and snack.
Leone stayed quiet, but went with his mama. He still didn't want to talk to anyone or do much, so he stayed close to his mama.
Bruno got Leone some milk in his favorite bottle, and some gummy snacks.
Leone walked to the sink, immediately feeling even worse. His favorite sockies were wet... He stepped away from the small bit of water, and looked down at his socks. He couldn't wear his favorite sockies anymore... They were ruined..
Bruno turned around when he heard a cry, bringing Leone into his arms. "You're okay, baby."
Leone fully broke down, sobbing into his mama's shoulder. His day was going bad in so many ways, and now his favorite gumball was gone and his favorite sockies were ruined. Now he couldn't wear his sockies, and he'd have to get different ones, so now his onesie and sockies wouldn't match...

Bruno gently picked Leone up, noticing how he kept moving and kicking his feet.
Leone tried his best to get his socks off, absolutely hating how they felt.
Bruno took Leone to the bedroom to give him some privacy, not knowing what he was so upset about.
"Socky!" Leone yelled, kicking his foot. The feeling of wet socks was the worst in the world.
Bruno sat down with Leone and looked at his socks, then helped him take them off. "Is that it?"
Leone cried into his mama's shoulder and held onto him tightly.
"You're okay." Bruno whispered. "You're gonna be okay."
Leone slowly calmed down, and sat up, still crying but wanting to put on new sockies.
"Do you wanna put on your fuzzy socks?" Bruno asked gently.
Leone nodded and sniffled, not at all liking how his feet felt without socks. He watched his mama stand up and go get socks, then put them on himself.

"Good job, baby." Bruno smiled, gently picking up Leone. "You wanna go back to the living room?"
Leone nodded, wiggling his feet and calming down more.
Bruno brought Leone back to the living room and sat down with him, still holding him close and giving him kisses.
Fugo looked down at the two. "Why was he so upset?"
"His socks." Bruno rested his chin on Leone's head. "I think he was just feeling bad, then when his socks got wet he just got too upset."
Leone looked up and reached for his stress ball on the coffee table.
Fugo gave it to him and smiled. "Are you feeling better?" He squatted down.
Leone looked over and held out his arms for a hug. Even though Fugo always smelled strongly of coffee, and he sometimes yelled at Narancia, Leone knew that Fugo was nice. He was in the list of his top 10 favorite people! (Well, top 6, the other 4 were stuffies)

Fugo smiled wider and let Leone hug him for as long has he needed. He didn't know why Leone liked him, but he did. It felt nice to be loved by at least one of the littles.
Leone hugged Fugo for quite a while, before sitting up and kissing his forehead.
Fugo laughed and kissed Leone back, before standing and going to the kitchen.
"Bye bye!" Leone looked up.
Fugo's heart melted. "Bye bye." He chuckled.
Bruno smiled and got comfy with his little one again. "I love you so much."
"I wuv you." Leone repeated, enjoying his cuddles.

Chapter 67: Bruno and Leone


I saw a cute cat video and got inspiration for this. More Gold Experience shenanigans!! >:)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

One of Gold Experience's abilities was to turn someone into their spirit animal. Of course, Giorno could turn anyone into anything, but if he didn't give his stand any instructions, it just did what it felt like. Aside from spirit animals, it could turn people into spirit breeds almost. If it were given vague instructions, like "Turn this pillow into a dog" for example, it would turn the pillow into a specific breed. The same applied to people, and the gang had been having a lot of fun with it recently.

Bruno stood up. "Could you turn me into a cat?" He whispered.
Giorno looked over. "Hmm?"
"Can you turn me into a cat, I want to surprise Leone." Bruno looked behind him, noticing Leone walking back down the hall.
Giorno nodded and smiled.
"Do it whenever he sits down." Bruno went and sat back down, smiling at Leone.
The older sat down and resumed the video he was watching, glancing over and having to do a double take. He quickly put his phone away and gasped.
Bruno got used to his new paws, jumping when he saw Leone. Wow, he was small.
"Look at you!" Leone smiled, petting the blue-eyed hairless cat.
Bruno blinked slowly, then went to sit on Leone's lap, rubbing his ears on his cheek.
"You're so handsome!" Leone laughed.
Giorno smiled as he watched the two. Bruno's spirit animal was a capybara, and his spirit cat was a sphynx cat. The capybara was explainable, he was cute and friendly, but was insanely strong when he needed to be. The hairless cat wasn't so clear.

Bruno meowed and rubbed against Leone's shirt, then rolled onto his back.
Leone smiled and pet Bruno's belly. "Lookit you! You're a little bingus! So skrunkly!"
Bruno meowed and closed his eyes, enjoying his belly rubs.
"You're so silly!" Leone kissed Bruno's head. "Aww, I love you!"
Giorno looked over and saw Fugo holding up his phone.
"Are you recording?" He whispered.
Fugo nodded with a grin. "I've never seen him that happy."
Leone held Bruno close. "You're so goofy and wrinkly!" He laughed. "Awwww, you're so pretty! So handsome, so squishy!"
Bruno meowed again and rolled back over, rubbing and leaning on his love.
"I've never seen anyone as handsome as you." Leone smiled, moving to lay on the couch. "Never ever."
Bruno laid down on Leone's chest and purred, turning himself into a little wrinkly loaf.
Leone pet Bruno's back and gave him kisses. "I love you so much!"

Giorno smiled. "I think he likes him." He joked.
Fugo nodded. "I'm gonna send this to Bruno later."
"Such a handsome little loaf!!" Leone scratched Bruno's ears. "Such a goofy little guy."
Bruno closed his eyes and meowed, still purring and loving all the attention. He didn't understand what Leone was saying, but he assumed it was good.
"You look so silly." Leone whispered, kissing Bruno's head. "You're so funny."
Bruno meowed again, yawning and stretching his arms and legs out. He then crawled up and licked Leone's cheek.
Leone smiled. "Little sandpaper tongue."
Bruno meowed back and became a loaf again, purring and resting on Leone.
"I wish I could marry you a thousand times." Leone closed his eyes and got comfy.
Bruno responded with a meow and rolled onto his side, not taking long to fall asleep.
"I love you, too." Leone whispered, soon falling asleep with his love.

"He's gonna kill me if he finds out I recorded that." Fugo looked over.
Giorno nodded. "It's worth it. Bruno will love it, at least. I don't think he can understand human words right now."
Fugo smiled. "They're so peaceful."
"They are." Giorno agreed.


I feel like hairless cats perfectly represent Bruno's weirdness. He's just weird in so many ways and Leone absolutely loves him for it

Chapter 68: Bruno and Leone


I'm absolutely loving my animal ideas!!

Baby Bruno and lion Leone :)

Chapter Text

Leone looked around and got used to moving fairly quickly, looking over and growling when he felt something tug his mane.
Bruno giggled and looked up at the big kitty, feeling his fur.
Giorno laughed and looked at everyone else, all of them just admiring the lion in their living room.
Leone sniffed Bruno and then licked him, making him giggle more.
Bruno pet the kitty and then crawled to get his blocks. "Baba!"
Leone laid down and moved the blocks around with his nose.
Giorno stood and went to see Leone, squatting down and petting him. He immediately got growled at, and backed away. "Sorry-"
Bruno whined when he heard the loud growl, looking around for someone.
Leone crawled over and let Bruno pet him, feeling bad for accidentally scaring him.
Narancia looked at Leone and held out a hand. "Can I pet you? You look soft."

Leone didn't understand anything Narancia was saying, just laying on his side and huffing.
"Kitty." Bruno pet his kitty's head, before crawling over him to get his toys.
Leone rolled over and sat up, just swaying his tail as he watched Bruno.
Bruno went to his kitchen set and made his baby some vegetables and a steak.
Leone stood up and sat beside the play set, watching Bruno cook.
"Go sit!" Bruno pointed behind him, before going and getting his little table and chairs and setting them up. "Sit!"
Leone licked his nose and went to investigate the table.
Giorno sat at the table and hugged his knees. "Can I have some food, too?"
Bruno nodded and set his kitty's plate to the side, getting him a cup and pretending to fill it with milk. He then crawled over and gave his baby the plate. "Nom nom!"
Leone sat down at the incredibly small table and licked the plastic food, accidentally flinging it.

"No no!" Bruno picked up the food and put it back on the plate. "Gentle!" He held the plastic steak up to the big kitty's mouth.
Leone waited a moment, then gently bit the plastic.
Bruno giggled, then went to make Gio's food.
Giorno laughed as he watched Leone hold the steak in his mouth, not knowing what to do with it.
Leone eventually just dropped the toy and licked the plate again.
Bruno came back and gave Gio his food, taking his kitty's empty dishes and pretending to go wash them.
Giorno faked eating and glanced up at Leone, noticing how heavily he was being judged.
Leone judged Giorno for acting like an idiot, then put his paw up on his plate.
Giorno yelled when the plastic table was flung up and the food was scattered everywhere.
Bruno came back and huffed. "No no kitty!" He set the table back down. "Bad!"

Leone licked his nose and looked down.
"Corner!" Bruno pointed to the corner. "Bad kitty!"
Leone stood up and went to the corner.
"Sit! Bad kitty." Bruno repeated.
Leone huffed and sat down.
Giorno picked up all the food and helped Bruno put it all away. "That's what you get for making a mess." He told the lion.
Leone growled and leaned forward, not understanding Giorno but knowing that he probably said something patronizing.
"No no!" Bruno went over and shushed Leone. "No mean! Bad kitty."
Leone huffed and leaned on the wall.
Mista smiled and looked at everyone else. "Only Bruno has the guts to touch a growling lion and actually live."
Fugo scoffed. "It's Abba, you think he would hurt Bruno?"
Mista shrugged. "Good point."

Giorno finished putting away the food and stood up. "Do you think it's time for a nap?"
Bruno yawned and shook his head. "Nuh-uh!"
Leone sat in the corner for a bit longer, still slightly mad at Giorno for getting him in trouble.
Giorno put the plastic table and chairs away. "I think kitty is pretty tired." He gestured to Leone.
Bruno looked up at Leone. "Seepy?"
Leone blinked slowly and yawned, hoping he was being freed from the corner.
"Fine." Bruno huffed.
"I told you." Giorno smiled. "Let him go lay down somewhere and you two can nap."
Bruno nodded and looked up. "Go nap." He pointed over to the empty floor space.
Leone stood and went over, laying on his side.

Bruno giggled, going and picking up his pacifier. He then came back and gave it to Leone.
The lion looked up, just keeping the pacifier in his mouth. It was Bruno giving it to him, so he didn't mind.
Trish laughed and pulled out her phone, taking a couple photos of Leone with the paci. "You two are adorable."
Bruno ran back to the hallway and into his and Leone's room, picking up the lion stuffie on the bed. He quickly ran back and gave it to the big kitty. "Baby!"
Leone rolled onto his back and let Bruno set the stuffie on him.
Bruno giggled and pet his baby, then went to get a pillow and blanket.
Mista watched, not believing that any of this was real. No way Leone was calm enough as a lion to let Bruno play with him like that.
Leone sighed when a pillow was put under his head and a blanket over his body. He rolled onto his side again and closed his eyes.

"Babyy, nite nite." Bruno pet his kitty, giving him a few little kisses.
Trish smiled. "Is your baby gonna take a nap?"
Bruno giggled and nodded, laying on the floor beside his big kitty.
Leone put his paw over Bruno's arm, letting him rest his head on his mane.
Bruno got comfy and babbled a bit, petting his baby until he fell asleep.

Chapter 69: Bruno and Leone


I have returned to feed all you littles

Also, Leone has a tiny bit of anxiety, but this chapter is mostly chill

Chapter Text

"I'm not wearing that." Leone looked up blankly.
"Why not? I got it a size bigger so it'll be baggy!" Bruno held out the lion onesie.
"That's too goofy, I wouldn't be caught dead wearing it."
"At least try it on!" Bruno begged. "You'd look absolutely adorable."
Leone huffed and agreed, taking the onesie to the bathroom to change into it. He didn't know what it was that made him even try it on, he knew that everyone would make fun of him. The inside of the onesie was shockingly soft, though, and none of the seams bothered him. Usually, he wore his onesies inside out to avoid the seams, but this one felt nicer. It was also a lot looser, and had feet! Leone smiled and flapped his hands, putting up the hood and giggling.
Bruno waited for a bit, soon deciding to go check on Leone. He knocked on the bathroom door and smiled when his love came out. "You look so cute!"
Leone looked down and fidgeted with his hands. It would be really embarrassing if Bruno knew that something as small as a lion onesie made him feel little, and if the rest of the gang saw him, he'd never hear the end of it...

Bruno tilted his head when the door closed again, but just assumed it was Leone just being over it. He wouldn't be offended if Leone didn't like the gift, since he never really wore his onesies anymore.
Leone sat on the floor and played with the fluffy mane on the onesie, feeling his anxiety getting a bit worse. He shouldn't like this, it was too ridiculous. He felt dumb for even feeling little....
Bruno immediately noticed a change in Leone's behavior when he came back dressed in his usual clothes. "What's wrong?"
Leone hummed and sat on the couch. He absolutely loved his onesie, but it was too embarrassing to even tell Bruno about... Whatever, he'd just wear it sometime he was alone.

The rest of the evening, Bruno tried figuring out why Leone had suddenly seemed so dejected, but got nowhere.


Leone laid in bed and looked up at the dresser. Bruno should be asleep by now... He sat up and rubbed his eyes, going and getting the lion onesie and doing his best to put it on in the dark. His feet and arms got tangled up a bit, but eventually he did it. He giggled and crawled to his nightstand, taking some of his toys out. There was Mr. Giraffe, there was his favorite rattle, and ooh!! Mr. Dino!! Leone giggled and shook his rattle by his ear, absolutely in love with the sound. He then turned Mr. Dino over, letting all the little pegs fall out of his back. He loved Mr. Dino, especially since he could make patterns with the different colored little pegs. Leone set Mr. Dino back down and began organizing the pegs by color, making sure he was careful with Mr. Dino so he didn't accidentally hurt him.

Bruno slowly awoke and looked up, hearing quite a bit of noise and noticing Leone was no longer beside him.
Leone looked up and quickly put all his toys back, curling up in a little ball so his mama wouldn't see him.
"Leone-?" Bruno yawned, sitting up. The bathroom light wasn't on, where was he? There was obviously noise close by, but he couldn't pinpoint where or what it was. He stood up and opened the bathroom door, not finding anything, then going to the bedroom door and looking down the hallway. Still nothing, huh. Bruno turned back around and jumped when he saw the curled up little lion by the bed. "What're you doing up, baby?" He asked, walking over.
Leone shook his head and babbled a bit, embarrassed and sad that his mama caught him.
Bruno sat down. "Are you feeling okay?" He whispered, yawning again.
Leone shook his head again.
"Are you sick or upset?" Bruno moved Leone's hair out of his face, not realizing he was little until he spoke.
"Usset..." Leone looked down, crossing his arms.

Bruno nodded. "Do you wanna talk about it?"
Leone shook his head. "Nuh-uh." He looked away.
"Okay. Are you sleepy?" Bruno grinned.
Leone nodded slightly, having been awake all night waiting to make extra extra sure Bruno was asleep.
"Let's get back to bed, then." Bruno gently picked up his little. "Even big strong lions need rest." He booped Leone's nose.
Leone grinned and yawned, being laid down and waiting for his mama to lay down, too. Once his mama got comfy, he snuggled up and enjoyed getting wrapped up tightly.
"Night night, baby." Bruno whispered, kissing Leone's forehead and yawning again.
"Nite nite..." Leone whispered.

Chapter 70: Leone and Giorno💧

Chapter Text

Bruno knew that whenever Giorno liked something, especially in a store, he never admitted it, sometimes even denied it. He knew Giorno felt quilty for asking for things, and typically only said anything after leaving. Bruno had noticed that he repeatedly went back to the item to look at it or touch it, though, so he always got it for Giorno if he wanted it.

Well, Leone didn't know that much about Giorno.

The gang had went to the mall mostly out of boredom, and Leone and Giorno ended up in some cutesy store that Giorno had found. Leone honestly preferred it to the videogame places that Mista and Narancia went to, and the lingerie store Bruno, Trish, and Fugo went to.
Giorno found himself enjoying the place, too, especially one stuffed goose. Leone was on the other side of the store, leaving Giorno alone. The goose looked so silly and cute, he was thinking about what to name him. Maybe he'd eventually find a name, like some of his other stuffies. Whatever it was, he already felt himself regressing and falling more and more in love with his new friend.
"Do you wanna get that?" Leone asked, holding a couple rings he found.
Giorno looked up. "Oh, no." He looked back down, letting go of the goose's wings.
"So you're not gonna get anything? You wanted to come in here." Leone tilted his head.
"I just wanted to look around." Giorno glanced behind Leone, not having seen half the store due to being occupied with his goose friend.

"Alright, Bruno said they were done, we should meet them outside." Leone walked to the counter to pay for his rings.
Giorno nodded and followed. Was it too late to say he wanted the goose..? Damnit, Leone already paid, he'd definitely be mad if he asked about the goose. Giorno didn't carry his own money, either, so he couldn't pay himself. Next thing he knew, he was already out of the store and walking towards Fugo, Trish, and Bruno. He sat down and zoned out, wishing he'd said something sooner. He really didn't want to leave his goose friend behind...
"Are you okay?" Bruno leaned closer.
Giorno nodded, not even bothering to look up.
"Is there something you wanted?" Bruno whispered.
Giorno shook his head again. He didn't like the word "want". It made him feel like a brat, saying that he wanted something made him feel like a kid begging for a toy.

Bruno put a hand on Giorno's arm. "Did you find a new friend?" He grinned slightly, knowing that the way a sentence or question was worded made a world of difference to Giorno.
Giorno nodded and blinked quickly, trying to get rid of the small tears in his eyes.
Bruno sighed when he noticed all the signs of an incoming breakdown. He must've gotten really attached to his best friend, how did Leone not notice he wanted it?
Giorno heard Bruno sigh and hated himself even more. Damnit, he shouldn't have said anything, he knew he'd annoy Bruno. He stood up and walked in the direction of the bathrooms, not wanting to cry in front of everyone.
Bruno frowned, deciding against chasing Giorno.
"What's wrong?" Fugo looked back.
Bruno sighed. "He just... feels bad. Leone, was there anything Giorno clung to or kept coming back to?"
Leone glanced up. "No, the only things I saw him looking at were the socks and a little stuffed goose. We stayed on opposite sides mostly."

Giorno sat in the stall and hit his head. He was just a brat, crying over not getting something he wanted. All he was was an annoyance to Bruno and everyone. Bruno had spent so much money and time on him, he was a terrible person for being so ungrateful. What was wrong with him? Why was he being such a brat over something so stupid? It was just a duck, it was stupid. He didn't even deserve half the things he had, why was he so ungrateful and crying over a duck?

Giorno hated himself.... He was a nuisance. He was a terrible person. He was ungrateful. He was a brat. He was stupid. He wasn't deserving of anything he had. He wasn't deserving of love, food, shelter. He hated himself. He deserved nothing. He was a horrible person.

Giorno's sobbing continued for a while longer, only glancing up when he heard an odd noise.
Leone slid the goose and socks under the door, hearing Giorno's crying slowly calm.
Giorno picked up his best friend and the pair of adorable pink socks he held, starting to feel tiny again. He stood up and opened the door, hugging Leone when he saw him.
Leone immediately smiled, holding Giorno close. "You're okay..."
Giorno sobbed and held onto his baba, all of his big thoughts being thrown away in favor of tinier ones.
Leone gently shushed Giorno and let him calm down. "You're alright, you'll be okay..."
Giorno sniffled and looked down at his best friend, mumbling something.
"Hmm?" Leone wiped Giorno's eyes.

"Goosey.." Giorno looked up, his eyes innocent and sad.
"Yeah! Goosey!" Leone smiled. "Good job!"
Giorno giggled and and flapped his hands, absolutely loving the positive feedback. "Goosey!"
"Goosey!" Leone repeated happily, letting Giorno get out all his excited giggles and hand flaps out.
"Goosey!" Giorno let Leone pick him up, leaning on his shoulder.
"Goosey." Leone carefully took Giorno back to the benches where the rest of the gang was sat.
"Goosey sockies." Giorno looked up, giggling when Leone smiled back at him. "Goosey socky." He looked up again.
Leone sat down with Giorno laid like a baby. "Goosey socky!" He repeated happily.
Giorno flapped his hand, using his other one to hold Goosey.


That night, Giorno had stayed little and went to bed with Leone and Goosey, wearing his new pink socks.

Chapter 71: Fugo, Narancia, and Leone💧


A slight warning for mentions of Fugo's anime backstory, but nothing explicit <3

Chapter Text

One thing that everyone knew when Fugo was little, was that tickling was a big no no. Even when he was big, being tickled or held down usually resulted in panic attacks or long breakdowns.

Today, both Fugo and Nara were little, and when they regressed, they tended to forget things...

Bruno picked up Narancia quickly, setting him aside while Leone held Fugo.
"Whas wrong?" Narancia looked up.
"Baby, you can't hold Fugo down like that-" Bruno stood up, chuckling nervously.
"Why not? I was jus' playin'!" Narancia whined.
"I know, but he didn't see it like that." Bruno looked back, his heart aching at the screams Fugo let out.
Leone gently picked Fugo up and walked to his bedroom, sitting down with him. "Daddy's here, you're okay.." He whispered.
Fugo sat up and moved back, not knowing where he was and still afraid of being hurt.
Leone leaned forward and moved Fugo's hair out of his face. "Look at me, look at me."
Fugo looked up, reaching out for Leone. "B-baba-" He whined through his gasps for air.
"I'm here, you're okay." Leone smiled. "You're gonna be okay."

"Is not my fault!" Narancia whined. "Fugo jus' don't know how to play right!" He huffed.
Bruno sighed. "Narancia! Listen!" He yelled.
Narancia looked over, knowing his mama never yelled unless he was serious.
"Fugo had bad things happen to him, okay?" Bruno held Narancia's hand. "Tickling or holding him down makes him remember that, and it doesn't feel good."
Narancia nodded slowly. "I sorry.."
"It's not your fault, you didn't know, but just don't be mean to him about it." Bruno sighed. "You don't be mean to anyone when they're upset."
Narancia nodded. "Do I go say sorry to Fugo now?"
"Not right now, he's still a bit upset. Maybe in a few minutes." Bruno stood up. "I'll make him a snack that you can take to him."

Fugo calmed down a bit, still clinging to Leone.
"Daddy's right here, baby." Leone rubbed Fugo's back.
Fugo rested his head on his baba's shoulder and gently played with his hair. Touching someone's hair when he couldn't see their face was a good reminder of who he was with... He let his eyes slowly close, then quickly pulled away. "No!"
Leone held up his hands, assuming he'd accidentally done something to scare Fugo. "Hey, it's okay."
Fugo rubbed his eyes and gently moved back into his baba's arms, keeping his eyes open so he wouldn't remember him.
"You're okay." Leone cooed, gently petting Fugo's head.
Fugo sniffled and fought against his tiredness, knowing that he would mistake his baba for him if he couldn't see him.
Leone moved his hair onto his shoulder to let Fugo play with it, smiling down at him. "Do you wanna go back out and play?"
Fugo shook his head, frowning when he remembered how he felt when Narancia was hurting him.

"Just be nice, okay? Don't be too loud, either." Bruno opened the door, smiling when he saw the two on the bed.
Fugo looked back when the door opened, panicking again when he saw Narancia. He kicked his legs and tugged on his baba's shirt, letting out a cry.
Narancia set down the plate of food and huffed, stomping out of the room.
"Nara-" Bruno grabbed his arm.
"NO!" Narancia pulled away. "Fugo being mean!"
Bruno snapped his fingers. "Go to your room!" He pointed down the hall, watching Narancia storm his way down. He then sighed and entered Fugo's room, sitting on the bed.
Leone looked up sadly, rocking Fugo and whispering to him. "I'll give Nara a few minutes."

Fugo whined and looked up when he felt himself being laid down on his side. He saw his baba's face in front of him and reached out, looking at the pretty colors in his eyes while his face was wiped clean with a tissue.
Leone smiled and let Fugo look at his face. He had seen Fugo do it with Bruno, but had never understood it. Fugo seemed to just be... looking. Leone knew he didn't like eye contact or having to look at anyone's face, but this just seemed... thoughtless. He was looking at his eyes, but it wasn't eye contact, it was something deeper...
Bruno smiled and carefully put the blanket over Fugo. He then got in position to trade spots with Leone.
Fugo whined when his baba sat up, reaching out for him.
Bruno shushed Fugo gently and held his hand, laying down in Leone's place. "Mama." He whispered.
Fugo calmed down and looked at his mama. "Mama..." He giggled when Bruno smiled at him.

Leone smiled, then left to go see Narancia. Oh boy. Narancia was always the polar opposite of Leone, finding joy in annoying him most of the time and never taking serious situations seriously. Leone sighed and knocked on his door.
"No! I not sayin' sorry!" Narancia yelled.
Leone opened the door anyways and closed it behind himself. "Well too bad."
Narancia looked down when he realized he yelled at his daddy.
"Why did you get mad just a minute ago?" Leone sat on the desk chair, looking up at the bunk bed where Nara was laying.
"Fugo was bein' mean..." Narancia hid his face in his pillow.
"How was he mean?" Leone rested his chin on his hand.
"He tried runnin' away and I jus' wanned to give him the snacks!" Narancia held his arms out for emphasis.

"Nara, he wasn't being mean, he was scared. Since he's so much young-"
"Yeah I know! He's littler so he get away with everything!" Narancia groaned.
"No, he doesn't get away with everything." Leone sighed. "He just doesn't understand things."
"Yeah so that means he get away with more!"
"Shut up." Leone said bluntly. "Listen to me."
Narancia huffed and looked down at his daddy.
"You hurt Fugo. I know you didn't mean to, it was an accident, but you still did. And because it was an accident, you're not getting punished for it. Fugo didn't understand that you were trying to play. Fugo only knew that he got hurt by you." Leone explained.
"But what hurted him?!" Narancia shrugged.
"The tickling. Whenever you were tickling him and holding him down like you were, it made him think of bad things that happened to him, and he thought it was happening again. Like I said, you didn't mean to make him think that, but he didn't understand."

Narancia nodded.
"Do you understand now?" Leone tilted his head. "That's why Fugo was upset in the first place. Now when you brought in the snacks, he didn't understand that you wanted to say sorry. He just saw you again and thought you were going to hurt him again." Leone leaned back. "He wasn't being mean, he was just scared because he didn't understand."
"Then why did mama get mad at ME if it Fugo's fault?!"
"Mama got mad because you yelled at him. You know you don't yell at me or mama. And it's not Fugo's fault if he didn't understand." Leone shook his head. "Okay? It's not your fault, it's not Fugo's fault, it was just accidents and misunderstandings."
Narancia nodded. "When can I say sorry to Fugo?"
"When he's big again, it'll take a while for him to feel okay again." Leone smiled. "Come gimmie a hug." He held out his arms.

Narancia climbed down his bunk bed and ran into Leone's arms. "I sorry for yellin' earlier.."
"It's okay." Leone squeezed Narancia tightly. "Do you understand why he's upset now?"
"Yeah." Narancia nodded, standing back up. "Imma go watch Bluey!" He ran out to the hallway.
Leone sighed and followed Nara into the living room.


That evening, both littles had made up, and Nara always remembered not to tickle Fugo.

Chapter 72: Risotto and Leone


I imagine Bruno and Risotto's parenting styles are really different, so Risotto is just gonna be so confused this whole chapter.

Also, idk why, but my gut is telling me to warn for Risotto smoking, it's nothing major, just a little scene, but I still feel like I should warn for it

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Bruno kissed his little one goodbye, then left. Recently, Fugo and Giorno had gotten badly sick, so everyone besides Bruno left to stay somewhere else. Sadly, Leone had been regressing a lot more, so Bruno had to find a temporary caregiver until Giorno and Fugo were better.

Risotto smiled and spun around with his little, excited to spend time with him.
Leone giggled and held on tightly. He was pretty sleepy, since he was up all night and hadn't gotten a nap, but he was still happy to see Risotto.
Risotto held Leone with one arm and picked up the backpack Bruno gave him. "I'm surprised all your stuff can fit into a little backpack like this." He walked to his bedroom. "Do you have anything you do before bed?"
Leone shook his head, reaching for his backpack. "Adababy-"
Risotto opened it and let Leone search around, smiling when he pulled out a weighted lion plush. "What sound does a lion make?"
"Raaawr.." Leone answered quietly, yawning.
"Good job!" Risotto kissed Leone's cheek. "Is that all you need?"
Leone nodded and got off of Risotto's lap, trying to get comfy in his bed.
"Do you need me to sleep with you? Or are you a big boy?" Risotto stood up.
"Rawr." Leone responded, a bit confused when the blanket on him wasn't heavy, looking around for another one.

"What's wrong?" Risotto tilted his head.
"Bankie!" Leone pointed to the folded blankets on the bottom of a shelf.
"You already have a blankie." Risotto showed Leone his blanket.
"Bankie!" Leone sat up.
"Fine, which one?" Risotto went and got his blankets, setting them on the bed.
Leone pulled every one on top of himself, making a heavy stack of blankets.
"Buddy, you don't need every single blanket." Risotto sighed.
Leone held an arm out for his baba to lay down with him.
Risotto pulled his curtains shut and laid down, trying to get under all the blankets. "Why did you do this? This is too heavy." He looked down.
Leone curled up and rubbed his eyes, hugging his lion close.
"Does Bruno just let you do this?" Risotto tried getting comfortable under the weight, struggling a bit.
"Nini!" Leone whined.
"Alright, fine, I'll be quiet." Risotto sighed, eventually finding a comfortable position and closing his eyes.


Risotto laid in bed, scrolling through his phone. How long had Bruno kept Leone up? They went to bed at 6PM, and it was currently 9AM. He'd never seen a little sleep like a rock for 15 hours before-
Leone whined and squirmed around, trying to cool down. All the blankies were too hot, and his pillow wasn't cool like it usually was.
Risotto looked down, then back up when his phone began buzzing. He answered Bruno's FaceTime and sighed. "We're just now waking up."
Bruno smiled. "I'm surprised he's up so early." He looked at all the blankets. "Why so many blankets?"
Risotto chuckled. "He pulled them all out and insisted on sleeping with them."
Bruno looked at his little one, who was still waking up. "Yeah, he's used to his weighted blanket. That must be hot, though, did you at least get his icepack?"
"I didn't know he had one." Risotto sat up, looking in the backpack beside the bed.
"I always put it in the freezer, then at night I put it in between his pillowcase and pillow so he's not too hot. He overheats easily." Bruno spoke gently.

"Little guy must be hot, then." Risotto looked back.
Leone sat up and whined, not liking how he was sweaty and sticky. "Mama!"
Bruno smiled when he saw his little one. "Hi, baby!"
Leone looked up. "Mama.." He rubbed his eyes.
"Are you hot?" Bruno asked sadly. "Tell Risotto to go give you a cool shower."
"Sabeeby.." Leone yawned.
Bruno grinned. "Sleepy?"
Risotto stood up. "I'll see if I can find something to cool him down, since I didn't freeze the icepack."
Bruno nodded. "Are you just leaving him in there alone?!" He asked quickly.
"Yeah? I'll be right back." Risotto shrugged.
"No! Go pick him up and carry him with you, he'll get lonely." Bruno instructed.
Risotto sighed and went back, setting down his phone and picking up the little. "Do you always spoil him like this?" He picked his phone up again.

"Showing him love isn't spoiling him." Bruno smiled.
Leone reached out for the phone, taking it and looking at his mama.
"Hi, baby." Bruno laughed, only able to see his little one's forehead and eyebrows.
"Mama!" Leone looked up to his baba, not getting a reaction.
Bruno waited a few seconds, not hearing Risotto praise his little one and deciding to do it himself. "Good job, baby!"
Leone giggled and looked around, holding the phone by his chest.
"Is a popsicle okay?" Risotto looked down, angling the phone so he could see Bruno.
"For him to eat or to use like an icepack?" Bruno asked.
"Uhh, eat." Risotto picked up an ice cream bar and a bomb pop. He set Leone down and unwrapped the bomb pop, giving it to him. "Just don't make a mess or somehow kill yourself."

Bruno watched Risotto take the phone. "Are you just giving it to him?"
"Yeah? Do I have to recite the secret chant, perform an ancient Egyptian ritual, then feed it to him while wearing a neon pink skirt and saying "oogily boogily, the worms will eat your flesh" once every 5.49 seconds?" Risotto asked sarcastically, biting into his ice cream bar.
"No, but you do have to help him." Bruno sighed. "Show me what he's doing right now."
Risotto flipped the camera and showed Bruno.
"He doesn't understand it's food, help him." Bruno said sadly but urgently.
"How? Just eat it, bud." Risotto nudged the popsicle.
Leone looked over and reached out for the ice cream bar his baba had.
"He needs to see you eat it to know it's okay. Then, you need to make sure he doesn't drop it or make a mess." Bruno instructed, only seeing the two's feet.

Risotto traded popsicles and bit off the red part of the bomb pop, showing Bruno that Leone was eating the ice cream bar now. "We traded."
Leone looked back up and reached for the other popsicle again.
Bruno smiled. "He likes eating whatever you're eating."
Risotto traded again and bit his ice cream. "I see that."
Leone hummed when he tasted the white part of the popsicle, holding it close. "Posicle."
Risotto flipped the camera again. "I guess we're gonna go back to sleep after this." He sighed.
Bruno cleared his throat pointedly.
Risotto looked down, then showed Leone again.
"He said "popsicle", tell him he did good." Bruno looked at his little one, who was waiting for a response.
"Good job." Risotto nudged the little's shoulder.
Leone looked down at his popsicle again. "Posicle." He looked back up.
Bruno smiled. "Good job, baby!"
Leone looked at the phone and giggled. "Posible! Pa-posicle!"

"Popsicle! Good job!" Bruno smiled. "Mama's gonna go, now. Say bye bye!"
"Bye bye!" Leone flapped his hand not holding the popsicle.
Risotto grinned. "I guess I'll text you when we wake up again. Bye."
Bruno nodded. "Bye."
Risotto put his phone in his pocket. "Do you have to use the bathroom?"
Leone hummed, then nodded.
"Finish that, then I'll take ya." Risotto finished his ice cream bar, throwing away the stick.
Leone stood and eventually finished his popsicle. "All done!" He held up the stick.
"Throw that away, then I'll show you the bathroom." Risotto walked down the hallway.
Leone followed, not understanding his baba.
Risotto looked back. "Go throw away your stick." He pointed to the kitchen.
Leone looked back, confused.

"Fine, just put it in the trashcan in here." Risotto opened the door.
Leone walked in and looked back when the door shut, still confused.
Risotto waited outside, opening the door after a while. "You good?"
Leone stayed standing with the popsicle stick in his hands.
Risotto sighed. "You need help with this, too?" He took the stick and threw it away. "God, kid. Uhh-" He threw his hands up. "Just- just go- I don't know what to tell you."
Leone hummed. "Baba." He looked up.
"Are you tryna say bath? I'll give you a bath tonight, just use the bathroom." Risotto left again, standing by the door. He waited a bit longer, then heard the toilet flush and water from the sink running.


Risotto sat by his window, with Leone still asleep. He blew his cigarette smoke out the window and looked down when his phone buzzed. "Hey." He answered Formaggio's call, watching the people walk by and the cars pass outside. "No, I'd rather you not." He sighed. "I'm babysitting Bucciarati's kid." He glanced up to Leone, knowing his gang would make fun of him of they knew he was a little and not an actual child. "No, Bruno would never forgive me. He'd hire me to assasinate myself if he knew I let a bunch of high bastards around his kid." He flicked his cigarette into the ashtray, rolling his eyes when Formaggio continued. "I said no. I don't care if this is the only day you all have off, go find somewhere else to smoke." He sighed, blowing his smoke out the window. "That's none of your business."

Leone sat up when he heard talking, whining at the smell of cigarette smoke.
"No! If any one of you get near this kid, I'll force knives down your throat!" Risotto yelled, hating how his gang never took "no" for an answer.
Leone flinched and whimpered, holding his lion stuffie close.
"Stay quiet about his kid, too. We don't need any rumors." Risotto sighed, before hanging up and putting out his cigarette.
"Baba.." Leone rubbed his eyes.
Risotto moved the curtain and looked up. "Hey, you ready to get up? You're probably hungry." He stood up.
"Baba yellin'..." Leone looked down, thinking his baba was upset with him.
"I'm sorry, bud." Risotto sat beside his little one. "I wasn't yelling at you."

Leone hummed and hugged his baba. "No more yell..."
"No more yell." Risotto repeated, hugging the little one.


"I wann' hewp!" Leone ran to the kitchen.
"Help with what?" Risotto set the leftovers in the microwave.
"Food!" Leone bounced excitedly.
"You can press 'start'." Risotto shrugged, pointing to the buttons on the microwave.
Leone did so happily, waiting for more instructions. He always loved helping his mama cook dinner!!
Risotto sighed when he was getting another call, answering it. "Hey, it's Nero." He leaned on the counter, watching the timer on the microwave slowly tick down. "You're gonna have to talk to Melone about that, the boss transferred that responsibility over to him."
Leone stopped the microwave when it was at one second so that it wouldn't beep, then opened it.
Risotto took the bowl out of the microwave and set another one in, pointing to the numbers Leone had to press. "Oh, yeah, that's what they do now. It's been hard adjusting." He chuckled.

Leone waited patiently. Was this all his baba was doing..? Shouldn't he preheat the oven or put water on to boil?
Risotto let the bowl of leftover takeout cool, before giving it to Leone. "Go sit and eat, I'll be there in a minute." He gestured to the living room.
Leone nodded and took his bowl to the living room, sitting down and looking around for any toys.
"Yeah, babysitting." Risotto opened the microwave and took out his own food, just now realizing he forgot to give Leone a fork. "If you don't mind, though, I gotta go." He held the phone with his shoulder.
Leone looked up and reached up for his baba, bouncing a bit.
"Oi, be careful-" Risotto took the bowl out of Leone's lap. "No, not you, sorry." He sighed. "Just call Melone and he'll be able to sort it out." He hung up, setting his phone down.
Leone giggled when his baba sat down beside him. "Baba!"
Risotto gave Leone his fork and bowl. "You wanna watch TV?"

Leone nodded and watched Risotto take the remote and turn on the TV.
"What does your mama usually watch?" Risotto scrolled through the 'continue watching' section on Netflix, clicking on Criminal Minds.
Leone tilted his head when he didn't see his usual cartoons, but watched anyway.


"You let him watch CRIMINAL MINDS?!" Bruno yelled. "That's not a kids show!"
Risotto rinsed Leone's hair. "I wanted to finish season 12!"
"Risotto, you're completely missing my point, I don't think that's a show Leone should be watching." Bruno sighed.
"It's not like the show's about gore and sex, he'll be fine." Risotto picked up the bodywash.
"Still, he's used to cartoons when he's little, that might scare him." Bruno huffed. "I can't believe he's staying with you all week."
Leone babbled and played with the bubbles, showing them to his baba. "Bab-babble!"
"Bubbles." Risotto repeated, looking up at his phone which he had propped up on the sink. "Lookit that!" He chuckled.
Bruno smiled at his little one holding the bubbles. "What'd you two eat today?"

Risotto gently ran the lufa over Leone's neck and shoulders. "He woke up late, so just leftovers from takeout I got yesterday. We might eat somethin' else, though, I dunno."
Bruno nodded. "He likes fruits and vegetables as a snack before bed."
Risotto scoffed. "Seriously?" He rinsed Leone's back.
"What's so baffling about that?" Bruno tilted his head.
"Just the general concept of wanting healthy stuff. I can eat fruit and stuff, but it's never my first choice." Risotto shrugged.
"You really need to get your life together." Bruno joked with a small chuckle.


That night, Risotto put the icepack under Leone's pillowcase, and cuddled with him until they both went to bed at around 2:30AM.


With the popsicle scene, I wrote Risotto b i t i n g the ice cream because he's the type of unhinged maniac to BITE ice cream

Chapter 73: Josuke and Rohan💧


Let's all pretend that Rohan used Heaven's Door to make Josuke child-sized because it's cuter and Rohan wouldn't be able to lift him if he wasn't

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Daddyyy!!" Josuke cried out, running into his daddy's office.
Rohan turned around and held out his arms, worried about what had happened. "What's wrong, baby?"
Josuke clung onto his daddy's neck and cried, babbling quickly.
Rohan rubbed Josuke's back. "Hey, hey, calm down-"
Josuke hopped up on his daddy's lap, getting more upset the more he tried to say what happened. "Ipi- my choccy miwk-" He pointed to the door.
Rohan gently rocked Josuke and tried calming him down. "Baby, you're okay."
"It not otay!" Josuke sat up, his crying worsening.
Rohan decided to save his questions for later and just focus on comforting his baby.
Josuke hugged his daddy and cried, calming down a little when he remembered how small he was. His favorite thing ever was being small and tiny, especially when he was with his daddy and getting hugs.

Rohan sat back and gave Josuke a few kisses, rotating from side to side in his chair. "Did you get hurt?"
Josuke nodded, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "Wen- wen I come- I- I was tryna come here and tell you what happen an' I falled down.."
Rohan tilted his head. "Well what happened before you fell?"
"I spill-" Josuke sniffled. "I spill my choccy milk-"
"Do you need me to clean it up?" Rohan offered.
"Mhm.." Josuke nodded, rubbing his cheeks with his sleeve.
Rohan got a tissue and gently wiped his nose and tears. "Be gentle around your face, baby." He reminded.
Josuke nodded and leaned on his daddy's shoulder.
Rohan stood up with his little one in his arms. "Let's go clean up the choccy milk."

Josuke held on to his daddy. "I was makin' a drawin' an' it got ruined.." He whined.
"I'm sorry, baby." Rohan set Josuke down when he got to the kitchen, grabbing the paper towels. "Do you wanna help?"
Josuke nodded and reached up, being given some paper towels to clean the floor up with.
Rohan smiled and worked on the counter, moving all the crayons and the couple drawings away. "Whenever you want something to drink, ask me and I'll get you a sippy cup. They don't spill." Rohan set the mug aside that Josuke used.
The little one nodded, going and throwing away his paper towels and reaching up for more.
Rohan gave him a few and went to throw away his own. "Do you want to help even more?" He got a wet paper towel and wiped the counter clean.
Josuke nodded, standing up.

"Throw those paper towels away, then get a few wet ones and wipe where the milk spilled. It'll help it not be so sticky until I can mop tomorrow."
Josuke nodded and did as his daddy asked, not taking long to finish and run up to hug him. "All done!"
"Thank you." Rohan grinned, gently dabbing the drawings that got wet. "What do you want to do with these?"
"Iunno... It was gonna be a surprise for you but now they all wet..."
Rohan smiled. "How about I hang them up to dry and you can finish them tomorrow?"
Josuke shook his head. "Nuh-uh.. The paper not no good anymore."
Rohan nodded sadly. "What should we do, then?"
"Frow 'em away." Josuke held his hands up, wanting to throw away the drawings. "I can make another one.."
Rohan fought his urge to argue and let Josuke throw away the papers.

Josuke went back to his daddy and hugged his waist. "I wanna go watch you draw... You're better..."
Rohan picked up his little one. "Don't make yourself feel bad, baby." He kissed his cheek, going back to his office.
Josuke sat on his daddy's lap and watched him move around a few papers.
Rohan put a manga page he wasn't happy with in front of himself, then reached back to grab a pen, "accidentally" spilling his ink on the page. "Damnit!"
Josuke set the ink up again. "I go get paper towels!" He stood up.
"Wait!" Rohan gently dabbed up the majority of the ink with a tissue. "Look at that-" He lifted Josuke back onto his lap.
Josuke looked at the paper, confused. "What?"
"It looks like an elephant, don't you think?" Rohan took a red pen and ran over the already dried paper, drawing a little elephant.
"Why is an elephant there?" Josuke giggled.
"Because I wanted it to be." Rohan picked up the ink again, dripping a bit onto the character's face and smudging it around with the tissue. "What does that look like to you?"

Josuke thought for a moment. "A lion! It looks like his big neck hair thing!"
"Mane?" Rohan looked over.
"Uh-huh!" Josuke nodded excitedly.
Rohan took his pen and doodled a lion. "Should we make the lion and elephant fight?"
"Noo!" Josuke whined. "Dat not nice!"
"Right, it's not." Rohan tilted his head, thinking for a moment. "How about you go get me your crayons so we can color the lion?"
Josuke nodded and hopped down, running out to go get his crayons from the kitchen.
Rohan smiled and waited for his little one to return, setting him back up on his lap when he got back.
Josuke set down his crayons and picked up the yellow and orange to color the lion, then getting the gray to color in the elephant.
"What else should we add? Since the lion and elephant aren't fighting, maybe they're friends." Rohan rested his cheek on Josuke's head.
Josuke nodded. "The effant givin' a flower to da lion." He pointed to the paper.

"Oh he is!" Rohan picked up the green crayon, coloring a little flower that the elephant was giving to the lion.
"An' it sunny outside!" Josuke looked up. "Wait! Because it so sunny outside, the effant givin' the lion a popsicle so he don't get too hot!"
Rohan nodded. "What flavor popsicle does the lion like?"
"Uhh, boo!" Josuke giggled. "Boo my favorite!"
"So a blue popsicle-" Rohan smiled, changing the flower to a popsicle. "And should we add a sun to show how warm it is?"
"Yeah! A smiley face sun!" Josuke pointed above the elephant. "Right there!"
Rohan picked up the yellow crayon, making a small sun. "Do you wanna draw the smiley face?"
"Yeah!!" Josuke picked up the black crayon and put a face on the sun. "They need grass too!" He grabbed the green crayon, covering the bottom half of the page with scribbled grass. "Ooh and water!!"

Rohan smiled and watched his little one draw, covering up the manga underneath with beautiful, adorable art.
"And deres a bunny by da water! And there's fishies in da water! They happy too 'cause the effant gave dem some popsicles too! Red and green flavor.." He stuck out his tongue to concentrate, drawing the fish holding popsicles.
"Why does the bunny not have a popsicle?" Rohan asked.
"'Cause bunnies don't eat popsicles! That would be silly!" Josuke giggled.
Rohan smiled. "Well what do bunnies eat?"
"Carrots! The effant gave da bunny a carrot!" Josuke gave the bunny a carrot. "All done!"
"Is there anything else you want to add?" Rohan looked down.
"Nuh-uh." Josuke shook his head.
"Well I know one more thing you need to add." Rohan picked up his red pen, holding it out to Josuke. "Your signature."
Josuke grabbed the black crayon instead of the pen and wrote his name above the water. "You gotta do yours, too! You drew da effant an da lion!"
"Oh, I did!" Rohan smiled, using his pen to sign his name in the corner.

In My Arms - PinkFrogDoppio - ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (14)


I imagine that Rohan absolutely despises all children, except for tiny Josuke. And yes, I did make the image at the very end because I wanted to.

UPDATE: The website I used to host the images just comes up with a 404 error, and none of my images are loading anymore
I'll make a new doodle at the end of this chapter eventually

Chapter 74: Kakyoin and Jotaro


Tiny little chapter :D

Chapter Text

Kakyoin giggled and watched videos of other littles on his phone, looking up when his daddy brought him his dinner. He set down his phone and looked at his cute cow plate. He was given chicken, mashed potatoes, cucumbers, and strawberries. "'Trawby!"
Jotaro smiled and sat down. "Strawberry! What color is a strawberry?"
"Boo!" Kakyoin answered confidently.
"Nope." Jotaro pointed to the strawberry. "What color is that?"
Kakyoin looked down sadly. "Wite!" He looked up.
"No." Jotaro shook his head. "It's red."
Kakyoin made a sad noise and picked up his fork.
"What animal is that?" Jotaro pointed to the cow on the plate, hoping to cheer him up with questions that he knew.

"Cow! Moo!" Kakyoin giggled.
"Yeah! Good job!" Jotaro smiled. "What color is this?" He picked up Kakyoin's carton of apple juice.
"Yewawo." Kakyoin grabbed his juice, drinking happily.
"Good job. What color is the strawberry?"
"Bloo!" Kakyoin wiggled his feet. "Bwoo!"
"No, buddy, that's red." Jotaro laughed. "Red."
"Boooo!" Kakyoin yelled.
"Reeeed!" Jotaro yelled back.
"Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Kakyoin kept going for a while, eventually stopping when he ran out of breath.
"I don't have the lungs for that-" Jotaro shook his head. "Fine. Strawberries are blue."
"Bwoo strawby!" Kakyoin giggled happily, wiggling his feet.

"Blue strawberry." Jotaro turned on the TV. "You want to watch some cartoons?"
"Bluey!" Kakyoin set his plate aside and stood up, running to his bedroom to get his Bluey blanket.
Jotaro smiled when his little returned, turning on Bluey and sitting back.
Kakyoin sat with his favorite blankie, having gotten his stuffed cherry too.
Jotaro picked up the cherries. "What color are these?" He asked excitedly.
Kakyoin ate his mashed potatoes and looked up. "Red!"
"Good job!" Jotaro kissed his cheek. "What color are these?" He pointed to the strawberries again.
"Froo!" Kakyoin looked up.
"Froo?" Jotaro tilted his head. "Fruit?"
"Froot!" Kakyoin nodded.
"Were you saying fruit this whole time?" Jotaro gave Kakyoin the cherries back.
"Froot." Kakyoin hugged his cherries, leaning on his daddy's shoulder.

"I thought you were saying blue." Jotaro looked down. "But still, they're not fruit color either."
"Bloo froot." Kakyoin held up a strawberry to his daddy.
"Red fruit." Jotaro bit the strawberry.
"Aww.." Kakyoin looked down, only having one more strawberry left now.
Jotaro gave Kakyoin a couple of his strawberries. "I was just playin'."
"Tank you!" Kakyoin ate the strawberries happily.
"Do you know what color this is?" Jotaro pointed to the cucumbers.
"Green!" Kakyoin picked up a cucumber.
"Good job, baby! You're doing so good!" Jotaro hugged his little one and peppered him with kisses.
Kakyoin giggled and wiggled his feet, before snuggling up with his daddy and watching Bluey.

Chapter 75: Fugo and Giorno

Chapter Text

While most of the littles had fairly normal favorite animals, like cats and dogs, lions, frogs, or sheep, Fugo's was a bit different. He never really had one special favorite animal, but a few that he switched between. His favoritest ones were kiwis, the little birds from New Zealand, platypuses, blobfish, Japanese spider crabs, and naked mole-rats.

A few weeks ago, Giorno decided to surprise Fugo with stuffed versions of his favorite animals, but had quite a bit of trouble finding any spider crab or mole-rat plushies. All of them had to be ordered online, too, since no place near them sold any. Sadly, the only animal he had to leave out was the naked mole-rat, but he'd make it up to Fugo some other day.

Today, all the stuffed animals were finally delivered, and Giorno went to give them to the little. Fugo was the only one little today, so thankfully there wouldn't be too much jealousy.

Fugo reached his arms up when he saw Giorno, wanting picked up.
Giorno sat down and put one of the packages on Fugo's lap.
Fugo whined when he wasn't picked up, but looked down at the package and tried to figure it out.
"What's that?" Trish loooked over.
"You'll see." Giorno smiled, helping Fugo unwrap it a bit.
Fugo looked in the bag and gasped, taking out the soft little platypus. "Papus!" He giggled, hugging his new friend.
Bruno smiled fondly. "Did you get a platypus?"
Fugo nodded and giggled, showing his mama his friend.
"He's so cute! What's his name?" Bruno felt the soft fur.
"Padapus!" Fugo held his baby happily, leaning on Giorno's shoulder.
"I've got a few more." Giorno smiled, picking up another larger package.

Fugo opened it and gasped when he saw a big spider crab, taking it out and hugging it.
Leone chuckled. "What is that?"
"'Pider crab!" Fugo held it up, insanely excited.
Giorno smiled. "It's one of his favorite animals."
"Can I see the platypus?" Trish walked over.
Fugo gave her the platypus and played with the legs of the spider crab.
"What are you gonna name him?" Bruno asked.
Fugo looked down. "'Pider crab!" He hugged his friend.
Bruno chuckled. "That's an amazing name."
Giorno waited a bit more before giving Fugo his next gift.
"How many did you get him?" Trish looked down.
"Four. They're all his favorite animals. I just couldn't find a hairless mole-rat." Giorno chuckled.
Bruno smiled. "He was upset the other day because he didn't have any of his favorite animals, and had to sleep with a sheep. I'm sure this means the world to him." Bruno nodded.

"BOBFISSHH!!" Fugo yelled, holding up his large, round, pink friend.
Trish laughed and looked up. "He's so unhappy!" She felt the soft pink material.
Fugo giggled and showed his mama his round fish. "Bobfish!"
Bruno kissed the fish's head. "What's his name?"
"Bobfish!" Fugo scooched over and gave it to Leone.
Leone smiled. "He's awfully grumpy." He held the fish.
"Just like you." Bruno kissed Leone's cheek, then looked back to Giorno.
Fugo hugged Giorno tightly. "Tank you!!"
"There's still one more." Giorno picked up the last package, giving it to Fugo.
Fugo opened it quickly and took the kiwi out of the bag it was in. "Kiwi!"
"That's a bird-" Leone tilted his head.
"Kiwi!" Fugo hugged his bird friend.

"They're called kiwis. They're from New Zealand I think." Giorno picked up all the packages and bags and went to throw them away.
"What's this one's name?" Bruno asked even though he knew the answer.
"Kiwi!" Fugo giggled, before taking all his babies back.
"If you cut it open does it have a kiwi fruit inside?" Leone asked jokingly.
"Shush!" Bruno laughed.
Trish smiled and kissed Fugo's forehead. "Are you happy you have all your friends?"
Fugo nodded and giggled. "Tank you!!" He looked up to Giorno.
"You're welcome." Giorno kissed Fugo's cheek.
Bruno picked up the platypus and looked at him. "How much did you spend on all these?"
"It doesn't matter." Giorno held the spider crab. "All that matters is that Fugo has little friends now."

Chapter 76: Giorno, Bruno, and Leone💧


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"No! Give it back!" Narancia yelled, tugging on the legs of the elephant stuffie.
"You took it!" Mista pulled harder on the head and body.
Giorno stood up and went to his mama, tears running down his cheeks. "N-nara an' Mista took my elephant..."
Bruno held out his arms. "Just come here, baby, it'll be okay."
Giorno crawled into his mama's arms and snuggled up, still afraid for his elephant but not wanting to look at or hear the argument.
Bruno covered Giorno's ears and held him close.
Leone looked over. "They're gonna tear that thing-" He whispered.
"Just let it happen." Bruno whispered.

Narancia yelled more and continued tugging on the arms, falling back when Mista let go.
Mista held the legs of the elephant, happy now that Narancia had let go.
Then, realization set in for the both of them.
"It's your fault, stupid!" Narancia stood up, holding the torn off arm of the elephant.
"Nuh uh!" Mista threw down the body, stuffing falling out.
Leone stood up and went to the two, absolutely furious.
Giorno looked up and started crying again when he saw his favorite elephant stuffie torn up, flinching when he heard yelling.
"Both of you to your rooms! Now!" Leone pointed down the hall. "I'll come get you in half an hour."
Mista huffed and went to his room, sticking his tongue out at Narancia as he went.
Nara did the same, mad that Mista got him in trouble.

Bruno held and comforted his crying little one. "Hey, you'll be okay."
"Noo! My baby gone!" Giorno cried, standing up and running to Leone, who was picking up the stuffing that fell out.
Leone looked over, setting the large stuffed animal up. "She'll be okay."
Giorno hugged his stuffie and looked down at the torn off arm. "No she not!"
Leone gently wiped Giorno's tears. "I can put her arm back on." He assured.
"How?" Giorno looked at the torn seam.
Bruno sat down, a plastic bag in his hands. "Leone knows how to sew." He put extra stuffing in the bag.
"How long is it gonna take?" Giorno looked up, wiping his nose.
"It could be up to two days." Leone held the arm, looking down at it. "I'll go get everything to fix her." He stood up, giving Bruno the arm.

Bruno kissed Giorno's forehead. "She'll be okay." He kissed the stuffed animal as well.
"Is daddy gonna make her just like she was?" Giorno asked.
"She'll be good as ever. I promise." Bruno hugged the large stuffie.
Leone returned and set his things on the coffee table. "Bring her to me and I'll start."
Giorno stood and took his baby to Leone, sitting beside him.
Bruno brought the stuffing and arm. "I'll go start dinner."
Leone nodded and took a bit more stuffing out of the arm and body, putting it in the plastic bag.
"Are you sure she'll be okay?" Giorno looked at the supplies on the coffee table.
Leone picked up his pincushion. "She'll be perfect." He grinned. He then took a few pins to keep the arm in place while he sewed.
"Does she feel any of that?" Giorno asked worriedly.
"No, baby." Leone looked down. "I put her to sleep, so she doesn't feel anything. When she wakes up she'll be all better."
"Okay.." Giorno nodded, watching Leone tie a knot in the gray thread.

Leone and Giorno stayed up late that night. Leone decided on a simple ladder stitch to avoid turning the stuffie inside out, but made extra sure it was tight and secure to handle any future abuse.
"Is she gonna need any medicine after to make sure she gets better?" Giorno asked.
Leone nodded. "A bit of medicine, and she might need help using her arm again."
Giorno nodded and rubbed his eyes, yawning.

The night eventually turned to morning, then noon.

"Is she all done?" Giorno looked up, watching Leone snip the last thread.
"Almost." Leone stood up, holding the elephant gently in his arms. "I'll go wash and dry her to make sure she's clean."
"Won't that hurt her?" Giorno followed his daddy to the laundry room.
"She's still asleep, so she won't feel anything, remember?" Leone gently set the stuffie in the washing machine, before grabbing the detergent and softener bottles. "How about you take a nap while she's getting clean?"
Giorno nodded. "You promise that she'll be okay?"
Leone looked down, kissing Giorno's head. "I promise. She's brave and strong, she'll get through this." He smiled.
Giorno hugged his daddy, then went to go to sleep.

Leone yawned and put the machine on the most gentle settings, before going to talk to Bruno.
"We didn't do it on purpose!" Narancia whined.
"It doesn't matter." Bruno shook his head.
"But Abba said if we ever did anything on accident then it wasn't our fault!" Mista pointed up to Leone.

"I did." Leone sat down. "Yes, tearing up the elephant was an accident, but the problem is how that happened. You two purposely took something that belonged to Giorno, which is your first rule broken. Second, you began arguing over that stuffie that wasn't even yours. Then, you broke it, which was an accident, but that doesn't mean that everything else is excused." He laid back and sighed.
"Mista took it first!" Narancia whined.
"Enough." Bruno sighed. "We are not arguing over this."
Mista just huffed and kicked Narancia's leg when he started complaining again. "Shut up! You're gonna make it worse for the both of us!"
"Don't yell, please." Leone sighed, looking over to Bruno. "What did you decide for consequences?"
Bruno shrugged. "Just let them calm down for now, then I'll talk to them." He looked up.
Leone nodded. "I don't like punishments, anyways."
"I never punish them, I've only provided consequences for things that need to be taught." Bruno leaned on Leone's shoulder.


"Giorno, baby, are you ready to see your stuffie again?" Leone gently shook his little one.
Giorno blinked and looked up. "Is she better..?" He stretched and yawned.
Leone nodded. "She's with mama right now, he's helping her take her medicine."
Giorno held his arms out and got picked up, a bit sad that he got woken up, but happy to see his friend again.
Bruno looked up and smiled, setting down the empty medicine cup.
Giorno was sat down by his mama, holding his arms out for his friend.
"Her arm is a little sensitive where it was sewn, so be careful." Bruno played, giving the elephant back to Giorno.
The little one nodded and gently hugged his best friend. "I'll make sure she's otay."
Leone smiled and glanced back at the other littles playing, watching Narancia and Fugo share a toy, while Mista and Trish played with a dollhouse. "What'd you talk to them about?"

"Just about empathy, I asked them how they would feel if their toys were taken or broken, and they both ended up genuinely apologizing." Bruno kissed Giorno's head.
"Good." Leone sat down, gently petting the elephant.
"When is she gonna be better?" Giorno looked up.
"In about a week or so, then everything should be healed and she'll be able to use her arm again." Leone smiled.
Bruno looked over. "You really had me go all out with the medicine and everything." He whispered.
Leone nodded. "It makes him feel better."


Like half this chapter got deleted when ao3 crashed on me so I had to rewrite it 😐🫥

I know writing directly in ao3 sucks, too, I'm just too lazy to use my notes app or anything else.

Chapter 77: Melone and Ghiaccio


A request by BearyTea

Chapter Text

Ghiaccio sat with his toys. "It don't work!" He whined.
Melone picked up the green square. "Yes it does, you just gotta match the shapes." He put the square in the square hole.
Ghia watched and huffed. "Thas no fair. Stupid dumb toy." He tried to put the pink heart in the square hole.
"Hey, be nice." Melone warned. "That goes in here." He pointed to the heart.
Ghiaccio put the heart in the hole. "Well why did the green one go in the square hole but this one go in the weird hole!" He picked up the star, trying to put it in the heart shaped hole.
"That one goes in here." Melone pointed to the star hole.
"Thas stupid!!" Ghiaccio yelled, throwing the star down and pushing over the box.
"Hey, it's alright." Melone stayed calm, picking up the toy.

"I wanna watch cartoons." Ghia huffed, laying on the floor and crossing his arms.
"We have to pick up first." Melone stood up. "I took out this, so I'll put it back. You put away everything you brought out." He put all the shapes in the wooden box, then took it back over to the toy area.
"No!" Ghiaccio yelled. "I wanna watch cartoons!"
"Pick up your toys, then we can watch cartoons. You're not getting your iPad until your room is clean." Melone stood up.
"No!" Ghiaccio stayed curled up, pouting.
"Be mad all you want, nothing's happening until you clean." Melone sat on the bed and waited.
"I don't care! I want cartoons!" Ghia rolled onto his back, kicking his legs. "Noww!"
Melone let himself get lost in his thoughts, not reacting or acknowledging his little's behavior. What would this room look like rearranged? What was the feng shui like?

"I WANT MY IPADD!" Ghiaccio yelled, kicking his toys and yelling. Throwing big tantrums always got him what he wanted with Formaggio or Prosciutto, but his daddy was different, he was more persistent in denying whatever he wanted. He'd just have to out-wait his daddy!
Melone imagined the bed moved to the far corner. If he was going to redo the room, he wanted to redo the aesthetic as well to and make it more consistent. Hmm... modern? No, something more loose.
"I WANT CARTOONS!!" Ghiacchio yelled right beside his daddy, still not getting even a flinch. His daddy was always a stubborn meanie with him. He made him always sleep and clean up and get baths. Ghia then decided to hit his daddy to see if he could get him to break. He hit his knee and thigh, only having his hands removed gently.
Melone came out of his zone and looked down. "No hitting." He reminded his little calmly. He was hit again, but he just continued removing his hands and reminding him of the two words.

Ghia continued hitting until his arms were tired. His daddy just kept putting his hands back in his lap over and over again!! Ugh, his daddy was so mean!
Melone watched as Ghia got up and kicked his toys towards the toybox.
"There! Clean!" Ghiaccio yelled, hoping his daddy would give in.
Melone stayed quiet a bit longer. He knew that Ghiaccio knew that he didn't clean properly, so he was going to continue denying him his iPad.
Ghiaccio groaned loudly and stomped his feet, before walking back over and faking a fall. Surely his daddy would feel bad and give him what he wanted! He'd be a big dumb meanie if he didn't! He was sure his fall and cry were convincing!
Melone watched the obvious fake fall, continuing to ignore his little. He never ignored Ghia when he was really hurt, but he knew that his little was trying everything he had to get him to give in.

Ghiaccio made his fake crying louder, eventually just yelling.
Prosciutto opened the door worriedly. "Are you two okay?"
Melone looked up and stayed quiet.
"Daddy's being meann!" Ghia yelled. "He won't give me my iPad!! I cleaned and everything! He won't even make my booboo feel better because he's mean and ignorin' me!" He pointed to his daddy and stomped his feet.
Prosciutto looked in the room. "Well, your toys don't look put away." He hummed. "Where's your booboo?"
"Uhh-" Ghia looked down, before holding up his hand. "Right here!" He pointed to his hand.
Prosciutto glanced back to Melone, seeing right through the little's act. "Pick up your toys." He closed the door and left.
Ghiaccio yelled and opened the door, running out to get his iPad.
Melone calmly followed and gently took his little's iPad. "Hey, go back to your room and clean." He warned. "If you keep being mean like this, I'll put you in timeout."
"RISOTTOO!!" Ghia yelled, kicking his legs and trying to take his iPad back.

Risotto came to the living room and sighed. "What?"
"Daddy bein' mean!! He took my iPad and was tryna hit me!"
Prosciutto scoffed. "When has your daddy ever hit you? And you don't need your iPad because your toys aren't picked up."
"Yes! They! Are!!" Ghia stomped his feet, emphasizing every word. "Daddy's just a big stupid meanie!!"
"Hey, language." Risotto warned. "Your daddy isn't mean, he's just following through with what he said."
Ghia huffed. "Well he hasn't said nothin' in like- twenty bajillion minutes!"
Risotto sat down. "I assume he told you earlier to pick up your toys, then you'd get your iPad. If you still haven't picked up your toys, then you don't get your iPad."
"I cleaned itt!!" Ghiaccio whined, sitting and slouching down.
Melone tilted his head. "You mean you pushed all your things to the corner? You need to organize them and put them in their places."
"How?!" The little huffed. "I need help!!"
"You've done it before, what's so hard about doing it again?" Risotto looked down. "If you just picked them up in the first place, you wouldn't be so mad right now."
"Yes I would because I'd spend a billion million minutes cleaning!" Ghiaccio held up his arms for emphasis.

Melone sighed and thought of a solution, since he knew his little wasn't going to give up. "It won't take long. How about I time you? If you clean and you take a million minutes to do it, you win, your daddy says sorry, and you get your iPad. But if everything's clean before that, then daddy wins you get your iPad like I said earlier." He suggested.
Ghia thought for a moment... Either way he would get his iPad! He just had to wait a million minutes! "Fine! But you gotta show me the timer!" He stood up.
Risotto grinned and watched the two go back to the room.
Melone used his laptop to set a timer for around 1.9 years, staying true to his promise of one million minutes.
"Now hit start!" Ghiaccio huffed, before watching the timer start and beginning to sit and wait.


It was 12 minutes before Ghiaccio got bored of sitting.

35 minutes before he got bored of playing with his toys.

44 minutes when he put away his first toy, even though it was with a lot of annoyance and exaggerated tiredness.

After 50 minutes, Melone watched his little begin to slowly pick up everything out of boredom, soon beginning to forget he was supposed to be waiting for a million minutes.

"How much longer?" Ghiaccio whined, having remembered the timer. "I been cleaning for like a hundred thousand minutes!"
"You still have 999,944 minutes and 21 seconds." Melone grinned.
Ghia whined and looked at his last toy. "I still cleaning a lot!"
"Mhm." Melone hummed. "Once you put the last toy in the toybox, you'll get your iPad." He reminded. "Then I get to win our little debate."
Ghiaccio looked at the toy and thought for a minute. He could get his iPad sooner, but he really wanted to prove his daddy wrong and make him say sorry...
Melone laid back on the bed and let himself zone out again. His little was more determined than him most of the time, and Ghia was definitely petty enough to wait two years when he was big. Thankfully, littles were impatient.

It was a whole 6 more minutes before Ghia gave up and put his last toy away.
"Good job, baby, buon lavoro." Melone paused the timer. "Thank you for cleaning."
"I get my iPad now!" Ghia ran out to the living room. "Risotto I did it!!"
Melone sighed and stood up. His little one was far too spoiled to get a punishment for the hitting or yelling earlier, in fact, he was too spoiled to ever get properly punished for anything. Whatever, at least the room was clean and his little was happy.
Ghiaccio sat on the couch with Risotto, looking up at his daddy and sticking his tongue out. "I got my iPad!" He said teasingly.
"And I got you to clean the room." Melone sat down. "You were making such a big fuss about it, but I still got you to do it anyway." He stuck out his tongue as well. "I also won!"

Ghia huffed. "Well you didn't winned nothin'! I winned my iPad back!"
"I won bragging rights." Melone crossed his arms. "That means I get to rub it in your face how much I won!"
"That no fair!" The little one kicked his legs.
"Yes it is!" Melone nudged his little. "Just be happy I let you have your iPad."
"I woulda gotten it anyway." Ghia leaned on his daddy's shoulder, clicking on a cool Minecraft video.
"Yeah you would've." Melone kissed his little's head. "You're a spoiled brat anyways."
"Nuh uh!" Ghia whined.
"Yuh huh!" Melone nodded.
"Nuh uh!"
"Yuh huh!"
"Nuh uh!"
"Yuh huh!"
"Nuh uh!"
"Yuh huh!"

Risotto sighed and put on his noise canceling headphones.

Chapter 78: Rohan and Jotaro


A request by Zakarii


This is actually version two of this chapter I wrote because the original one was a lot more serious and had a lot of crying, but this one is a bit more chill :)

Chapter Text

Rohan sat with his knees to his chest, just doodling a little sketch of Bakin. The dog was currently being taken care of by Izumi, since they traded him at every meeting. He was going to see him again in two days!! He was so excited!!
Josuke looked over to Rohan's table. "Bet you won't go spill his drink." He whispered to Okuyasu.
Okuyasu scoffed. "Can I go and pour it on him? He deserves it."
Koichi looked up. "Don't be too mean." He sipped Yukako's lemonade.
Josuke thought for a moment. "What if you just pretend to walk by and spill it on his sketchbook? That'll piss him off." He looked over to Okuyasu with a smirk.
Jotaro glanced up, letting the kids sort out their "prank".
"You're paying for my medical bills if he beats me up." Okuyasu joked, before standing.
Josuke grinned and watched, almost laughing at how obviously intentional Okuyasu looked.

Yukako burst out into laughter when Okuyasu awkwardly walked back and sat down.
Josuke laughed into his hands. "What was that, dude?!"
"What? I did it!" Okuyasu held out his arms.Koichi was the only one not laughing aside from Jotaro, and he glanced back worriedly, watching Rohan clean up the mess.
Rohan tried his best to be big and clean everything up, using quite a few napkins and glancing around for a trashcan. He went and threw the napkins away, before coming back and looking at his coffee-stained drawing. He thought for a minute about how to incorporate the dark stain into the art, then eventually thought of making the entire background dark and painting Bakin more white. He took another napkin and dabbed it into his coffee, then darkened the rest of the page.
Josuke looked over and huffed. "He's just not gonna yell or get mad?"
Jotaro looked over, watching as Rohan calmly continued his art.

Rohan let himself get lost in his thoughts again as his hands slowly worked. He had wanted to tell Izumi about his age regression for a long while, but he wasn't sure how she'd react... She still had the personality of a schoolgirl, so he wasn't sure how well his secret would be kept. Koichi was obviously not an option because of how much younger he was... He wasn't that close to anyone else...
"Whatever, dude-" Josuke rolled his eyes and stood up. "I'm going to the bathroom." He pushed his chair back in and walked towards the entrance of the cafe, shoving Rohan's head forward as he passed him.
Rohan whined a bit and stayed with his head down for a couple moments, trying not to regress. He brought his knees back up to his chest and rubbed his eyes, still thinking. Jotaro was always a good option for a caregiver, but they weren't that close, and Rohan doubted Jotaro cared about anyone that much...

Yukako watched Josuke return after a couple minutes and shove Rohan again. "Hey, stop." She said quietly. "He doesn't seem okay-"
Josuke scoffed. "He'll be fine. I'm just surprised he's not yelling at us."
Okuyasu looked down and stayed quiet, not liking how Josuke was actually being mean. Sure, he was a bit dense, but Rohan not even looking up was put of character for him...
Rohan took his white pen and carefully went over the outline of Bakin. His head hurt a bit and he felt like he was regressing even more... He didn't want to walk home all by himself...
Jotaro watched as Rohan began putting his things away, deciding to leave as well. He sat up and put his money for his drink on the table. "It's getting late." He stood up.
"It's only noon..?" Josuke glanced at his watch.
"I wanted to go look at the fish this evening." Jotaro lied, adjusting his hat.
Koichi looked up. "Can I go with you?" He asked.
Jotaro sighed. "I like you, but not enough to let you interrupt my research. Besides, you've got a girl to keep happy." He crossed his arms, before nodding goodbye to everyone and walking in the direction of his hotel.

Rohan looked down as he walked, using every bit of energy he had to stay big enough to walk.
Once Jotaro was far enough away from the group, he caught up to Rohan and nudged his arm. "Hey-"
Rohan looked up, moving away. "Sorry-" He apologized, thinking he was in Jotaro's way.
"Don't apologize. I saw you looked upset earlier." Jotaro walked with his hands in his pockets, trying his best to act like he didn't care and was just being casual.
Rohan nodded, continuing his walk. "A bit... You shouldn't worry yourself thinking about me, though." He dismissed, trying his best to not seem needy.
"Do you want me to walk you home..?" Jotaro asked quietly.
Rohan looked up, just nodding. "Well, if it wouldn't bother you-" He added quickly.
"No." Jotaro looked down. "I just want to make sure you're alright. You don't seem like yourself."
Rohan nodded, his mind wandering as they both walked in silence. Jotaro taking care of him would be nice... He was bigger and stronger...
Jotaro looked down when he felt something, realizing it was Rohan holding his arm. He stayed quiet and just continued walking.


Eventually, Rohan and Jotaro reached the house, and Rohan tried his best to figure out which key went to his front door.
Jotaro noticed Rohan was more nervous, but didn't say anything. "Are you alright here by yourself?" He asked gently.
Rohan stepped inside and thought for a moment. "I don't want you to waste your energy on me.."
Jotaro nodded and stepped back.
Rohan noticed Jotaro about to leave and panicked. "I-" He paused, not wanting to admit he wanted Jotaro here. He didn't want to be a burden, but he also felt like he needed Jotaro...
Jotaro stayed on the porch, watching as a million thoughts raced by behind Rohan's eyes. "Do you want me to stay?"
Rohan stayed looking down. He was going to regress no matter what, did he take the risk of ruining his tiny bit of a relationship with Jotaro?

Eventually, Rohan gave in and nodded, starting to feel more little when Jotaro entered.
"I'm here for you." Jotaro nodded, taking off his shoes. He didn't like showing that he cared about people, but Rohan.... Rohan seemed different. He reminded Jotaro of Kakyoin in a lot of ways, but he didn't want to try and force his way into Rohan's life.
Rohan stood in the doorway and looked down, afraid that Jotaro would leave or get mad if he let himself give in to his little wants. He wanted to take off his big clothes and put on his onesie and get his paci...
Jotaro looked back and noticed Rohan rocking a bit. "Are you alright?"
Rohan nodded, knowing that if he said anything it would just be babbles and he'd completely regress.
"If you want me to leave, I can. You just seem upset.." Jotaro walked back to the door.
Rohan shook his head quickly. "No-"
Jotaro nodded. "Do you want to talk?" He debated on whether or not to hold Rohan's cheek, not wanting to make him uncomfortable, but slightly craving affection.

Rohan reached out for Jotaro's hand again, really wanting a hug but scared Jotaro would get mad. He knew he was okay with him holding his hand, though.
Jotaro looked down. "Are you little?" He whispered, nervous about asking but knowing that they wouldn't get anywhere if he didn't. The only reason Jotaro knew about age regression was because of Kakyoin. He tended to regress and Jotaro happily cared for him. Ever since Kakyoin passed, Jotaro hoped to one day find another little, someone that he could give all his love and affection to... But today probably wasn't that day.
Rohan looked up when he heard the word, before looking back down and nodding embarrassedly. "Is wittle.." He said quietly.
Jotaro felt his heart flutter, but stayed calm. "Do you want me to be your caregiver?" He asked gently.
Rohan nodded again, squeezing his hand tightly.
Jotaro smiled brightly. "You don't have to be scared, I promise." He moved Rohan's hair out of his face.

Rohan looked up, then completely gave in, hugging his daddy tightly.
Jotaro laughed and returned the hug, still a bit unsure what things would scare or upset Rohan. He'd just have to be a bit cautious. "Do you want to change into something more comfy?"
Rohan nodded and looked up. "Onesie!" He put his arms up around Jotaro's neck. "Uppy!"
Jotaro gently picked up his little, being careful to not touch anywhere that might scare him. "Are you big enough to dress yourself?" He asked, walking upstairs to try and find Rohan's bedroom.
Rohan stayed quiet, not understanding the question. He was just so so happy to finally have a daddy!! He kicked his legs and nuzzled into his daddy's neck excitedly.
Jotaro eventually found Rohan's bedroom and sighed happily. "Where are your onesies?"Rohan dangled his feet down so he could go to his dresser and get his favorite onesie, soon being let down. He ran over and pulled out a big shark onesie, giggling.
Jotaro smiled and picked the onesie up. "Can you get into it by yourself, or do you need my help?"
"Hep!" Rohan stayed holding onto the onesie, being led back to his bed.
Jotaro sat down and pat the bed. "Sit down with me, we can get you dressed." He grinned, making sure to be extra careful and gentle when he was undressing Rohan as to not accidentally scare him. He didn't know what kind of traumas he had, so it was better to be safe than sorry.

After a couple minutes, Rohan was in his shark onesie and had his favorite paci, absolutely loving all the attention he was getting. He especially loved being carried everywhere, and loved seeing his daddy smile.
Jotaro gave his little one his paci, and walked back down to the kitchen. "Do you want something to drink?" He set him down on the counter.
Rohan nodded and listened to the small clicks his paci made when he chewed on it.
"What do you want?" Jotaro went to the fridge and looked around, not finding much.
"Amiw- a- ama-" Rohan laid down and kicked his legs, wanting juice but not knowing how to say it.
"Can you point to it?" Jotaro looked back, watching Rohan point to the koolaid. "This?" He picked up a pouch.
Rohan nodded and reached out. "Joosy-"
"I don't think you're big enough to not spill this-" Jotaro got another pouch and closed the fridge, before looking around in the cabinets for a sippy cup. He didn't take long to find one, and put two pouches of juice in it.
Rohan was given his sippy and giggled, drinking a bit of juice.

Jotaro heard his little coughing and sat him up. "Be careful, baby-"
Rohan coughed for a bit longer before he was okay, rubbing his eyes. "I otay-"
"You're okay? That's good." Jotaro smiled. "Do you want to go watch TV?"
Rohan nodded and laid back down on the counter, drinking more juice.
"You just got choked drinking like that-" Jotaro picked up his little. "Little doofus." He smiled.
Rohan babbled and let himself be carried wherever his daddy was taking him.
Jotaro sat down on the couch and turned on the TV, hugging his little close. "What do you want to watch?"
"Wader pets!" Rohan pointed to the TV excitedly. "Wader pets!"
Jotaro grinned as he clicked on Wonder Pets, remembering how much Kakyoin used to love the show.

Rohan giggled and kissed his daddy's cheek, wiggling his feet.
Jotaro kissed his little back. "I love you." He smiled, finally feeling the small hole in his heart being filled when he heard: "I wav yoo!"

Chapter 79: Leone and Mista💧


An idea given to me by LuzDouradaDRAGLUON


This chapter is mainly about big Leone because why not

Chapter Text

All the littles had said things they didn't mean before. Whether it was Mista promising to never be mean again, or Fugo saying he'd never play with Nara again, every little did it.

"Hey! Timeout! Now!" Leone snapped his fingers. "You didn't need to do that!"
Narancia groaned and stomped his feet over to the corner. "I hate you!"
Leone huffed and looked back to little Giorno, making sure he was okay.
"You're the worst daddy ever!" Mista stuck his tongue out. "Giorno started it anyway!"
Leone sighed and put Mista in another corner, away from Nara. "You don't hit anyone like that, ever."
"You're just a bad daddy! It's your fault! You didn't watch Giorno good enough!" Narancia yelled from the other side of the room.
Leone nodded and looked down at Giorno, who was still crying a bit and curled up....

He was a bad daddy anyways, Giorno didn't need him.


Bruno walked into his bedroom and saw Leone laying in bed. "Hey.." He closed the door, walking over.
"Go deal with the little sh*ts." Leone rolled over, curling up a bit more.
"Leone, why'd you leave Giorno crying? I left to give Fugo a bath and I come back to Mista and Nara wrecking everything, Giorno crying, and you nowhere to be found." Bruno sat beside his love.
"What's even the point?" Leone shrugged. "I'm a sh*tty dad anyways. I don't even get anywhere when I try, so what's trying gonna do?"
Bruno frowned and laid with his love, hugging him gently.
Leone looked at the bit of light peeking through the curtains, watching little dust particles float around.
Bruno gently moved Leone's hair out of his face. "Who told you you're a bad dad?"

Leone sighed. "Mista and Nara. I had one f*cking job, to keep them from setting the house on fire and to make sure Giorno was okay, and I f*cking failed. I was trying to pick up toys and apparently Giorno did something to make them mad and they hit him and threw stuff at him." He explained dully. "I put them both in timeout and they just told me how it was my fault and how terrible of a dad I was. Then it just clicked in me that.. y'know..."
Bruno sat up and moved to the other side of Leone so he could face him. He got under the blankets and wiped Leone's tears from his cheeks. "You're not a bad dad, Leone, I promise." He grinned sadly.
"You're only saying that to make me feel better. If you want me to go clean or anything while you look after them, I can." Leone sat up.
"No, no." Bruno gently guided Leone back down. "Stay here."

Leone sighed. "I know you just want me to feel better, I'll be fine."
"Look, do you know how many times I've had angry littles say they've hated me?" Bruno chuckled.
"Yeah, none, you're the favorite, you're a better parent, I get it." Leone rolled over.
Bruno sighed. "I can remember at least five times just off the top of my head."
"And let me guess, you made up and hugged and had a happy little ending after?" Leone asked sarcastically.
"Not exactly. One time Trish was mad at me for at least a week because I broke one of her Spice Girls records while I was cleaning. I bought her a new one, but she still gets frustrated when I go in her room to clean."
"She never said she hated you, though. It's not bad parenting that caused that." Leone scoffed.
"It was my carelessness that caused it, and she said she hated me quite a bit that whole week." Bruno looked up at the ceiling. "Another time, I was playing with a toy with Giorno, and the sound bothered Fugo. I didn't notice and he ended up yelling a lot about how often I annoyed him. He told me I was a horrible person and that he hated me."

"Yeah, but that's normal Fugo." Leone huffed. "Just admit I'm a sh*tty dad."
Bruno ignored his love. "There was another time when I made Mista pause one of his games to help me clean and he said he hated me. Another time, I took away Nara's iPad as a consequence for breaking one of Giorno's toys, and he yelled that he hated me quite a lot. He said I was a bad mommy and he'd rather be homeless than living with me."
Leone sat up. "They were just annoyed! They didn't mean any of that!" He yelled, looking at his love.
"If they didn't really mean it when they said it to me, then why would they mean it when they said it to you?" Bruno looked up.
Leone thought for a moment, then let himself fall back into the pillows. "Because they like you better."
"They love us both." Bruno smiled, sitting up and going to their dresser.
"Oh, they love us both~" Leone mocked. "They like you better." He huffed. "I'm the mean, sh*tty dad that just yells all the time, you're the one that feeds them and gives them hugs and makes them feel better."

Bruno turned on the baby monitor and connected it to his phone, then gave his phone to Leone. "Can you see me alright?" He held the camera in front of his face.
Leone looked at the phone. "Yeah, why? Do you want me to watch them from here?"
"In a way, yes." Bruno kissed his love's forehead, then left, closing the door behind him.
Leone laid down and turned up the volume so he could hear what was going on. Of course Bruno didn't care.

"Where's daddy?" Mista whined.
Bruno went to the living room and set the baby monitor on the fireplace, adjusting it a bit. "He's not here right now."
Nara ran up to the fireplace and looked at the camera. "What's that?"
"Baby monitor." Bruno stepped back. "So that if I have to do anything again, I can still watch you." He looked around. "Where's Fugo?"
"Outside." Mista pointed to the back door.
"Outside?!" Bruno ran to the door. "Where?!"
"We were playing hide and seek but couldn't find him!" Nara ran after his daddy.
"SO YOU JUST LEFT HIM?!" Bruno yelled from outside, more with shock than anger.

Leone grinned and moved to watch Mista, a bit worried when he went to Giorno's playpen.

Mista looked around to make sure nobody was there. "I sorry I throwed the blocks at you." He whispered, sitting beside the playpen.
Giorno babbled and nudged a ball over the side of the playpen, whining and not knowing how to get it back.
Mista grabbed the ball and tossed it back over. "Do you know where daddy went?"
Giorno giggled and played with his ball, gently bouncing it up and down.
Mista huffed and looked back when he heard running.
Bruno set Fugo down and picked up Mista. "Hey, you're not gonna hurt him again-"
Mista looked down. "I said sorry to him! An' I was over there to ask a question!"
"Mista, look, just don't go over there, I don't want you trying to hurt him anymore." Bruno sighed and put Mista down, before going to find Narancia for their hide and seek game.

Leone frowned when he saw Mista going to sit on the couch sadly.

"Mista! Come play hide and seek!" Fugo ran to the couch.
Mista shook his head. "I don't wanna..."
"Mama said you was gonna hurt Giorno again in here." Fugo pointed to the baby's playpen.
"Nuh uh!" Mista sat up. "I was gonna ask him a question!! And I said sorry!"
"Just come play!" Fugo groaned.
"No!" Mista laid back down on the couch, huffing.
"Fine, loser." Fugo ran back outside.

Leone sat up, wanting to go comfort Mista, before he heard a noise from near his window. He glanced out and saw Bruno getting Nara out from the bushes.
"Airplane!" Nara giggled, pointing up to the sky. "Oh! Let's play airplane!"
"Really?" Bruno tilted his head. "What's airplane?"
"Where you lift me up and I pretend I'm an airplane! We run around and do a bunch of stuff!" Narancia bounced excitedly.
Leone watched sadly. Airplane was always his and Nara's game....
"I don't think I'm strong enough to pick you up and do all that-" Bruno admitted.
"But daddy does it! Can I go get him and we play it?" Nara asked, still occasionally looking back at the real airplane in the sky.
"No, baby, he's not here." Bruno sighed, quickly looking up when a loud noise was heard from inside.

Leone looked back at the phone when he heard crying, seeing Mista near Giorno's playpen. He rewound the video and watched Giorno accidentally pull down his toybox onto himself, then Mista going to try and calm him down. Leone sighed and left his room, going out to the living room.
"I told you not to get near here!" Bruno yelled, grabbing Mista's wrist.
"I didn't do nothin'!" Mista yelled. "I hate you!!"
Leone sighed and instinctively smacked Bruno's hand away. "Enough!" He went back to Giorno and picked him up, trying to comfort him.
Nara stared at the scene in almost disbelief, not knowing what was going on.
"He just pulled that down onto Giorno!" Bruno gestured to Mista.
Leone glared at his love and tried his best to calm Giorno, who was only being scared more with all the yelling.


After a bit, Giorno was okay, and Leone began explaining.

Mista sat beside his daddy and watched the video of what happened.
Bruno watched and listened, feeling ashamed for ever not believing Mista.
"Look!" Mista pointed to Giorno in the recording. "I didn't do it!"
Bruno nodded. "I see."
Leone turned off the video when he came into the picture, laying back and sighing. "Now that we all know what happened, do you want to explain why you were upset with Mista?" He looked over, knowing why Bruno had been upset, but also knowing that Mista didn't know.
Bruno nodded. "I'm sorry, baby." He reached out for Mista's hand. "Because I knew you had hurt Giorno before, I thought you wanted to hurt him again. I was outside, so I didn't see what really happened. When he started crying and you were over there, I thought that you were the one who made the toybox fall over, so I was really upset." He explained his feelings. "I'm also sorry if you felt left out, I didn't want to upset Nara or Fugo.."

Mista nodded. "I was jus' tryna make sure Gio was okay.. I wanned to talk to him.."
Leone looked over. "We know that now, so you're not in trouble."
Bruno nodded and smiled. "Do you wanna hug it out?"
Mista crawled over Leone excitedly and hugged his mama tightly.
Leone smiled, but felt a bit left out after a few moments.
Mista quickly switched to hugging his daddy, not wanting to leave him out.
Leone laughed and hugged his little back.
"I sorry that I said I hated you and you was a bad daddy." Mista sat up. "Nara still gotta say sorry, too."
Leone nodded. "When he wakes up from his nap I'll talk to him."


And Leone did just that. He talked to Nara and made up with him, and the both of them promised to never say the word "hate" ever again.

That promise was quickly broken when Narancia remembered he hated math, though.

Chapter 80: Jotaro and Holly


I saw an adorable video and just HAD to write a chapter about it-

I'll put the video in the chapter itself so you can watch it here :D
The video isn't mine and all the credit does to the person that made it

Chapter Text

Since Jotaro returned to Japan after defeating Dio, he had a new appreciation for his mom. Of course, she'd never fully know everything that happened and everything that Jotaro went through, but she knew Jotaro was different.

A year or so later, Jotaro was diagnosed with PTSD, and Holly had made sure to give her son as much love and support as he needed.

Today, Jotaro kept thinking about one thing, age regression. He had been regressing on his own for a couple months, and it had been helping his mental health a lot. Today, he wanted to tell his mom, but he was still afraid of her getting upset or just disowning him...

Holly gave Jotaro his dinner and sat across from him.
"Thank you." Jotaro nodded, looking down at his food nervously.
Holly looked up. "You never thank me, what's gotten into you?" She teased.
Jotaro shrugged. "I.. I want to tell you something."
"Oh! Is it about your college?" Holly asked excitedly.
Jotaro shook his head. "It's uhh- You know how we talked about coping skills and stuff a few months ago..?"
Holly nodded, still excited for the news.
"I found something that works really well, it makes me feel better." Jotaro looked down embarrassedly.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Holly tilted her head. "You don't have to tell me, you can keep it to yourself if you want."
Jotaro nodded. "I just want to tell you because I feel like you could help..." He crossed his arms, slouching down. "I age regress.."

Holly tilted her head. "Hmm?"
"It's where I- uhh-" Jotaro pulled his knees up to his chest. "I just feel like a little kid again..."
Holly nodded. "Does that mean..?" She started a question, not exactly knowing how to finish it.
"I do stuff like color and use pacifiers..." Jotaro blushed. "I've been doing it for a couple months and it really helps..."
Holly smiled. "I'm glad. So, you just act like a baby again?" She tried understanding it a bit more.
Jotaro nodded. "It feels... It-it's more than acting, it's more like... I feel like I'm an actual kid, even though I'm not."
Holly nodded. "So you're just a big baby!" She teased, smiling.
Jotaro grinned. "Yeah... I wanted to tell you because.. There are some times where I cry a lot, and it's harder because I'm little..." He admitted. "Sometimes I want you there to comfort me..."
Holly nodded understandingly. "If you ever need me, I'll be there and willing to support you."
Jotaro nodded, before deciding to move over to his mom and hug her.

Holly smiled. "You'll always be my baby, no matter how big you get, or how mean you act."
Jotaro felt all his confusing emotions bubble to the surface, and slowly felt himself regressing. He pulled away from the hug and just leaned on his mama's shoulder.
Holly looked down and got a bit of rice, holding it out to her son.
Jotaro looked up and ate it, finding it easier to just be little than to shove all his big emotions away.
"Are you feeling like a kid right now?" Holly asked, kissing Jotaro's forehead.
Jotaro nodded a bit, crossing his arms.
Holly smiled. "Do you start feeling like that when you're scared or sad?" She fed her baby a bit more, watching him nod again. "Did you think I'd be upset when you told me?"
Jotaro nodded again. "Mhm.."
Holly hummed. "Well, I'm more than happy to take care of my little Joot." She kissed her baby's cheek, seeing him grin.


Jotaro had been little the rest of the evening, and he had gotten a lot more comfortable around his mama.
Holly only had a bit of trouble with her little due to how large he was, but she did her best to make him feel small and like a baby, even if it meant holding him like one until her arms gave out.

"Wa-" Jotaro reached out for his bottle, wiggling his feet when he was given it. He rested his head on his mama's shoulder and drank the milk from the bottle.
Holly smiled and kissed her baby's head. She had always dreamed of being able to care for Jotaro as a baby again, and she honestly felt like she was dreaming. Jotaro acted just like he did when he was young, and it made her heart melt. She never even knew that people age regressed to cope, but she trusted her son. He seemed happier than ever right now, and had even seemed to be doing better when he was normal.
Jotaro pulled away from the bottle and yawned, stretching out his arms and legs. "Sbeeby.."
Holly smiled when she heard Jotaro use the same word he did when he was a toddler. "Sbeeby." She held her baby close. "You can go to sleep." She whispered.
Jotaro sat on his mama's lap and leaned on her, curling up. "Mama sbeeby?" He looked up.

Holly smiled. "Yes, mama's sleepy, too."
Jotaro moved off of his mama's lap. "Beb!"
"You want bed?" Holly stood up, taking a moment. Her legs had gone numb from how heavy Jotaro was. She then helped Jotaro up and held his hand as she went to get their futons.
Jotaro reached out when he saw an oddly familiar blanket in the closet.
Holly took the futons out and gave Jotaro the blanket. "That was the weighted blanket I have to use for you. You refused any other ones." She smiled, letting Jotaro hold the blanket as she set the futons beside each other. Typically, they both slept in different rooms, but tonight she'd let Jotaro sleep with her.
Jotaro giggled and got onto the futon, trying his best to put his blanket over himself.
Holly got her own blanket and a couple pillows. "Do you need help?" She asked, getting her own area ready, then moving over to help her baby.
Jotaro whined and hugged his pillow, watching his mama help fix his blankie.

"There." Holly smiled. "I'll go turn all the lights off, then we can go to bed." She kissed Jotaro's forehead.
Joot nodded and watched his mama leave, scooting his futon closer to hers until they were touching. He then sat and waited.
Holly did everything that needed done, then came back and laid down in the dark next to her little.
Jotaro got comfy and yawned, reaching out to hold his mama's hand. "Nini.."
Holly smiled and gave Jotaro one last kiss. "Night night."
"I wav you.." Joot whispered.
"I love you, too."

Chapter 81: The Crusaders


An idea given to me by LuzDouradaDRAGLUON


A lil chapter after part 3 where everyone lives and Holly, Avdol, and Joseph take care of Joot, Kakyoin, and Polnareff

Lil tiny warning for Joot getting a bit upset, but nothing major :D

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Avdol ran to Joseph. "Mr. Joestar!"
Joseph looked back. "You don't have to keep calling me that-" He held Polnareff in his arms, having just given him a bath.
"Joseph, what is eepy?" Avdol asked urgently. "Joot needs eepy." He said with a completely straight face.
Joseph chuckled. "It means he wants to eep!" He looked over to Holly, winking.
Holly smiled. "Just go let him eep." She played along.
Avdol sighed. "Please-" He looked back to another part of the home when he heard a cry. "He's getting upset, he said he wanted eepy! How do I eep him?!"
Joseph laughed and let Polnareff go run around with Iggy again. "He's eepy! Let him eep!" He stood up.

Kakyoin looked back to Jotaro, then ran to where all the caregivers were and pointed behind himself. "Joot Joot eepy! He wanted eepy but then Avdol ran away and then he tried to follow him but he fell and I think he hurt his hand but I dunno but he eepy and I don't know how to make him not eepy or sad because I was playin' Minecraf and he was watchin' but-" Kakyoin took a deep breath, interrupting his long sentence. "-then he said he was eepy then Avdol ran away because he didn't want Joot Joot to eepy but then Joot tried to follow him and but then and he hurt his hand and now he's sad because when Avdol ran away-"
"Hey, hey, calm down." Joseph chuckled. "Let's go make sure he's okay, then let him eep."
Avdol looked down to Holly. "Please tell me what eep is."
Holly just grinned. "When Jotaro says it, it means he's eepy."
Avdol just let out a defeated sigh and followed Joseph and Kakyoin back to where Jotaro was.

Jotaro reached out for his grandpa and whined. "Eebbyyy!"
Joseph sat with his grandson and kissed his forehead. "I know, you're eepy. Can I see your hand?"
Jotaro let Joseph look at his hand, just having a small scratch on it.
Polnareff and Iggy ran through the room and back outside, having tracked in dirt and almost hitting Jotaro.
Avdol sighed and watched as Polnareff got completely dirty again after just having a bath. "Should I go get them?"
"Let em get their energy out. They'll sleep better tonight." Joseph calmed Jotaro down, as he had gotten scared when Iggy barked.
Kakyoin looked back and ran to Holly. "Pol gettin' dirty again!" He pointed behind him.
Holly smiled. "It's alright." She went to begin preparing dinner.

Kakyoin sat at the table and pat his hands on the wood. "Avdol and grandpa went and grandpa sat with Joot Joot and then they hugged but before that Joot Joot was still sad so that's why grandpa sat and hugged him but after they hugged then grandpa looked at Joot Joots hand then after that Pol and Iggy ran through and Joot Joot got sad again because he was scared but before that then the before the before that when the before Joot Joot got scared then Avdol but when before the Iggy but after after Iggy and Pol ran through then Avdol asked grandpa if he should run after him and grandpa said no." He looked up.
Holly nodded slowly, barely understanding the little but going along with it.
"I'm going to go let him eep." Joseph held Jotaro's hand as they both walked to his room.
"Why don't you help with dinner, Avdol?" Holly offered, trying to keep Avdol from following the two.

Avdol sighed and went to the kitchen. "I'd love to."
"You don't have to if you're upset." Holly tilted her head.
"Hmm?" Avdol looked over. "I'm not, I'm just still curious about eep."
Kakyoin turned around in his chair when he heard loud running.
"I WANNA HEEELLPPP!!" Polnareff yelled as he ran, Iggy in his arms.
Avdol chuckled nervously. "Well-" He looked at how dirty Pol and Iggy had gotten. "Not right now."
Kakyoin stretched his arms across the table like a cat. "You too dirty to cook! You gonna make the food icky." He said bluntly.
Holly shook her head fondly and listened, carefully cutting all the vegetables.
"I not dirty!" Polnareff huffed. "Iggy not either."
Iggy looked up and scratched behind his ear, then licked his nose.
"See!" Polnareff held the dog up.
Avdol nodded. "Still, I'd like you to get a bath before you touch any food."

Polnareff groaned and sat beside Kakyoin. "Meanie!" He set Iggy up on the table.
"Hey-" Avdol set Iggy down, getting growled at.
"Iggy no like you! He's my friend now!" Polnareff stuck out his tongue.
Avdol watched Iggy go to play with the littles, then turned back around to wash his hands and begin helping Holly.
Kakyoin gently pet Iggy, quickly pulling his hand back when Polnareff grabbed him and began playing more rough. "Be careful!"
Polnareff laughed as he played with his puppy. "He's okay!"
"Don't hurt him..." Kakyoin warned, nervous at how much Iggy was growling and how rough Polnareff was.
Avdol glanced back. "Iggy's alright, he likes playing rough. If he didn't he'd bite Pol or try to get away."
Kakyoin nodded and soon got bored of watching everyone, just tapping on the table.

After a few minutes, Pol and Iggy had ran back outside, and Avdol noticed how bored Kakyoin was. "Do you want some paper and crayons?" He offered.
Kakyoin shrugged. "Nah.." He looked around, wanting a fidget toy of some kind, or to go back to playing videogames. "Can I go play F-Mega?"
Holly glanced back. "You've played it all day, why don't you do something like go outside with Pol?"
"Outside is icky." Kakyoin whined. "And it got bugs and dirt, and I don' like how Iggy and Pol play..." He traced the wood grain with his finger.
"Do you want to help cook?" Avdol sat in front of the little.
"No, that too much thinking.." Kakyoin looked at Avdol's shirt. "Can I have one of Joot's toys?"
"One of his fidget toys?" Avdol asked, not waiting for a response. "I don't know if any are out here, they might all be in his bedroom."

"If he eepin', then we can't go in his room." Kakyoin sighed sadly.
"What does eep mean?" Avdol asked, hoping to get an answer out of a little since Holly and Joseph wouldn't tell him.
"Iunno, it's when you get really eepy then you go to eep. Like Joot Joot puts down a futon and blankie and pillow, but at my house we got those different beds that just stay in one spot." Kakyoin tried explaining. "We got a lot of western stuff, it don't look like a Japanese house. I like being over here though because is really cool. The only thing I don't like is sittin' on the floor and eepin' on futons." The little paused. "Futon sounds like a name for a food."
Avdol nodded. "I guess it does. The way you used the word eep, am I correct with saying it means the same thing as sleep?"

Kakyoin nodded. "Eep is like eep and when you eep you eepin' and eep is eep and Joot Joot eep and get eepy a lot because he don't eep good 'cause he have nightmares and the nightmares make him not eep good because they there and he have nightmares about what happened in Egypt and stuff because he got P-P-ta- PSTD, PT, PDST- It somethin' like that, but it make him remember the stuff in Egypt and he get sad and then he have scary nightmares and he don't eep good."
"PTSD." Avdol corrected. "Thank you for telling me."


An hour or so later, Joseph woke Jotaro up for dinner.
Jotaro whined and hugged his favorite dolphin plushie closer.
"Wake up, buddy. It's dinner time." Joseph sat beside Joot's futon
Jotaro held his arms up so he could be carried, whining when he wasn't picked up.
"You're gonna have to get up, I can't lift you." Joseph sighed.
Avdol quietly went to the room where Jotaro was eeping, smiling when he saw him awake. "Dinner is ready."
Jotaro reached his arms up to Avdol, making small noises when he was picked up by him and Magician's Red.
"I always feel bad not being able to lift him." Joseph kissed Joot's forehead, then gave him his dolphin back.
Avdol brought Joot to the dining room and set him down beside Kakyoin.

"Dolphin!" Kakyoin reached out for Joot's dolphin, but then put his hands back in his lap. "Can I see da dolphin?" He asked.
Joot looked down at his baby, not wanting to be mean to Kak, but not wanting his baby to get dirty or hurt... He soon decided to let Kak hold her, and waited patiently for her back.
Kakyoin giggled and hugged the dolphin tightly but gently, then gave her a little kiss and gave her back.
Joot giggled and leaned on Kak.
Holly smiled and gave everyone their dinner, even Iggy, who had a bit of beef and some vegetables.
Polnareff ate everything quickly and soon asked to go back outside, being denied as it had gotten too dark. He complained, but ate a bit more, not taking long to feel sleepy.

"Kakyoin told me what eepy means." Avdol looked over to Joseph.
Kakyoin whipped his head around. "Wat?"
"Nothing." Joseph waved his hand. "But what does eepy mean?" He asked Avdol with a grin.
"Sleepy." Avdol nodded. "Polnareff and Iggy look pretty eepy."
"They do." Holly smiled.
"I not eeby!" Polnareff whined, letting Iggy curl up on his lap. "Iggy jus' eeby."
Joseph smiled. "So you don't want to curl up in a warm little bed with a fuzzy blanket and Iggy?"
"Nuh-uh." Pol shook his head, rubbing his eyes. "I never ever been eeby.."
Kakyoin looked over. "Never ever in your whole life?"
"No!" Polnareff shook his head.
"Woah." Kakyoin looked down. "But what about when you eeped when we was in Egypt?"
"That not because I was tired, it was jus' because my body need eep." Polnareff nodded.

"Woah." Kakyoin looked at Joot Joot. "Is it bad to be eepy?" He looked back to Pol.
"Yeah! It means you not strong like me." Polnareff bragged.
"But Joot Joot strong.." Kakyoin held his friend's hand.
"Not as strong as me!"
Joseph rolled his eyes. "What about when you were crying last week because you were eepy?"
"Nuh uh!" Polnareff shook his head. "Not eepy! I was jus' mad that you thought I was eepy!"
Avdol nodded. "Just accept he's not eepy, Joseph."
"Yeah! Old man!" Polnareff stuck out his tongue.
Holly giggled and went around to take everyone's plates, stopping and making sure Joot was okay.
Jotaro opened his eyes again and held his arms out for a hug. "Eebyyy."
"Oh, you're so eepy." Holly hugged her little one. "Do you want to go back to bed?"

Kakyoin looked over. "I wanna eep too if Joot goin!"
Polnareff rubbed his eyes, not wanting to say he was eepy. "Imma go too so that Joot get good sleep!"
Avdol stood and went to wash the dishes, while Joseph and Holly took the little ones to bed.
"I wanna eep beside Joot Joot!" Kakyoin sat on the futon beside Jotaro's one.
"Nuh uh! Me!" Polnareff whined.
"You can lay over here." Holly laid Polnareff's blanket down on the other side of Jotaro.
"Fine." Polnareff huffed, laying down. "I not eepy though! I just here so that I can make sure no monsters get to Joot Joot!"
Joseph smiled and gently tucked Jotaro in, kissing his forehead, then Kakyoin's. "Since you're just here to protect Jotaro, I don't think you need a forehead kiss.
Polnareff looked up sadly. "Yeah I do!"
Joseph nodded and gave Pol a kiss too. "There."
Holly smiled and did the same, giving each little a small kiss. "Night night."

Jotaro held his dolphin close and held Kakyoin's hand. "Nini..."
"Night night.." Kakyoin closed his eyes.
Iggy came into the room and laid between Jotaro and Polnareff, sighing and stretching.
"Night night Iggy." Pol pet his friend, then closed his eyes.


It was so fun writing all of Kakyoin's nonsense rambling

Chapter 82: Bruno and Leone


They're not little, they're just bonding ☺️

Chapter Text

"What if-" Leone looked over. "We actually made cookies?"
Bruno tilted his head. "What do you mean?" He held up the cookie dough.
"We can't really say we made cookies if we just use premade dough." Leone gestured to the tub of dough.
"If we make homemade cookies and mess up, then we won't have enough time to make ones with this dough before everyone else gets home." Bruno explained. "Besides, we don't have a recipe and we don't have any chocolate chips."
"Google and Reese's." Leone picked up his phone, googling a recipe.
"Leone, I don't think we can just shove Reese's cups into cookie dough."
"Hey, this recipe does." Leone set down his phone. "Flour, eggs, vanilla, sugar-" He listed. "We have all that."
"Listen Leone, we know that Giorno likes the cookies with this dough. I don't think he'll like peanut butter and chocolate ones anyway." Bruno sighed.
"Hey." Leone got a stick of butter from the fridge. "You do yours and stick 'em in the oven, I'll do mine." He got a couple eggs.
"Fine." Bruno huffed.


After 5 minutes, Leone had gotten all his things, and Bruno was just putting his cookies in the oven.

"We only have a half cup, so like- 5 of these?" Leone looked over, getting 5 half cups of flour.
"That's gonna make a lot." Bruno chuckled at the two and a half cups.
Leone shrugged. "Wait, do we have peanut butter?"
"Yeah, barely." Bruno got the mostly empty jar from a cabinet.
Leone nodded and went to the next step, getting a smaller bowl and looking at his melted butter. "Is that 3/4 of a cup?"
"Measure it." Bruno shrugged.
"Ehh, it'll be good enough." Leone put the butter into the bowl, then measured his white sugar.
"That's not how baking works, dear." Bruno smiled.
"That's not how baking works~" Leone mocked.
"It's not like regular cooking at all." Bruno poked at the brown sugar through the bag.
"I'll make it like regular cooking." Leone began measuring his brown sugar. "Oh Jesus, this can't be right-" He hesitantly put in 3/4 of a cup.

Bruno looked in the bowl. "Some stuff you eat has much more sugar than that, I can guarantee you."
"I know, but just looking at it makes me sick-" Leone scoffed. "I don't know how you all eat chocolate so much-"
Bruno shrugged. "Mista's pistols eat ungodly amounts of pure sugar if they're ever given it."
Leone covered his mouth, almost gagging. "Stop making me imagine how gross that is."
"It's not gross!" Bruno laughed.
Leone shook his head and scraped the last of the peanut butter out of the jar. "This isn't 3/4 of a cup, but it's good enough."
"Everything's just "good enough", huh?" Bruno closed the bags of sugar and began putting them away, watching Leone fold the butter into the sugar.
"Yeah, even you." Leone bit playfully, watching as the horrific blob of pure sugar slowly mixed with the butter.
Bruno smiled and leaned on the counter. "Why are you adding more peanut butter if you're just using Reese's?"
"The recipe says more chocolate chips but ehh." Leone shrugged, looking at his phone and cracking two eggs into the sugar and butter.

"You can't just "ehh" and "good enough" your way through cookies." Bruno laughed.
"Yeah I can." Leone picked up a tablespoon and the vanilla extract, gasping when a ton came out at once. "Ooh-"
Bruno put his hand over his mouth and looked at the bowl.
"That's at least two tablespoons, right?" Leone set down the things and began mixing again.
"Baby, no-" Bruno sighed. "Please-"
"Please what?" Leone scoffed. "But yours should be getting done by now, shouldn't they?"
"Three more minutes." Bruno looked down at his phone. "But that is far too much-"
Leone shrugged and picked up his eggs. "How long did you leave 'em in for?"
"Twelve minutes." Bruno looked back at the oven. "They smell a lot better than yours."
"That's because mine aren't cooking, doofus." Leone took the small bowl to the large one filled with flour. "That's way too much flour-" He began pouring the other things in.

"You're going to make a mountain of cookies with all that." Bruno chuckled.
"Good." Leone stated flatly, beginning to mix everything and being surprised at how well it all came together. "I might use my hands and get the flour in there better."
Bruno shrugged. "I wouldn't mind them tasting like your hands, I don't know about everyone else."
"Mixing it with my hands isn't gonna make it taste like me. Besides, I washed my hands." Leone used his fingers and got everything off of his spatula, then began kneading the dough.
"I don't think it's like pasta dough." Bruno watched Leone's improvised technique. "You need to put the Reese's in, too." He walked to the oven when the timer went off, taking out his cookies.
"Can you open them and just put 'em in? I'll kinda crumble them up." Leone got all the flour off of the sides of the bowl, soon making a perfect blob of dough.
Bruno nodded and began putting all 12 Reese's cups into the dough.

Soon, Leone had everything mixed and went to his tray, making a large ball and setting it on the aluminum foil.
Bruno set all his cookies on a plate and smiled. "That's going to make an absolutely huge cookie."
Leone split the ball in half. "There." He separated both blobs, then got a few more of the same size. "I might need two trays."
"Yeah." Bruno checked the time. "They're going to be home before long."
Leone shrugged. "I just need to cook these for 10 minutes." He finished one tray and rinsed his hands so he could prepare another.
"They're just going to end up like peanut butter cookies." Bruno handed the aluminum foil to Leone, and put it back once he had gotten a sheet.
"So? They'll be better than the same boring cookies you make." Leone soon filled another tray, being left with a ball of dough too big for one cookie, but too small for another tray.
"What're you going to do with that?" Bruno watched Leone rinse his hands, then carefully place both trays in the oven.
Leone shrugged. "Maybe just a big cookie." He closed the oven door and set a timer for 10 minutes.


Mista walked in with Giorno in his arms, being greeted by the strong smell of peanut butter.
Leone took the cookies out and smiled. "Hey!" He gently used a spatula to move the them onto a plate.
Bruno walked up to Giorno and kissed his forehead. "There's my birthday boy!"
Giorno giggled and let his mama hold him, being taken to the cookies.
"I made some, and then your dada made some." Bruno let his little take a cookie.
"Mine are better because they're all warm and gooey." Leone walked over, setting his large plate beside Bruno's.
Fugo walked to the kitchen. "Are yours the usual ones?" He gestured to Bruno's plate.
Bruno nodded, watching how happy his little one was with his favorite cookies.
"I'm not being the test subject for those monstrosities." Fugo took one of Bruno's cookies, then went to change into comfier clothes.

Mista and Nara ran to Leone's plate and took a few.
Leone looked up nervously. "They're hot-"
"That's what makes 'em better-" Mista took a bite if the cookie, burning his mouth a bit. "Oh that tastes so good-"
Nara blew on his cookie a bit before getting impatient and taking a bite, enjoying the peanut butter taste and the melted chocolate.
Giorno reached for a warm cookie and watched Bruno break off a small piece and blow on it. "Ababa-"
"It's hot, baby." Bruno warned. "One minute."
Giorno whined and grabbed the cookie, shoving it into his mouth. He didn't get burnt, but he was caught off guard by the peanut butter taste.
Leone laughed when Giorno made a grossed-out expression. "Get him some water!"
"But it's your cookie!" Bruno looked up sadly.
"Let him get the taste out of his mouth-" Leone huffed, quickly filling a glass with water.
Giorno drank the water and got the icky peanut butter taste out of his mouth, reaching back down for one of Bruno's cookies.
"Don't feel bad, these are really good." Narancia nodded.
Leone shrugged. "They're way too sugary for me."
Mista summoned Sex Pistols and let them all try the cookie, receiving nothing but positive feedback.

Bruno picked up one of Leone's cookies and was genuinely surprised. "Oh- wow-"
Leone grinned. "Fugo didn't even try them-" He looked towards the hallway.
"I don't think him or Giorno like peanut butter." Mista picked up another cookie.
Leone shrugged. "Well, at least we all have more cookies now. Even though the birthday boy didn't like my gift."
"We love it! These are like the best cookies I've ever had!" Narancia hugged Leone tightly.
Leone peeled Nara off of him, then stepped back. "Thanks."
"They really are nice." Bruno held Giorno tightly.
Mista nodded. "The premade dough is really good, but you can like- you can taste the you in these."
Leone rolled his eyes.
"I told you the cookies would taste like you!" Bruno teased.
"It's not because of my hands, it's probably just the vanilla extract." Leone looked in the oven at the one large cookie.

"Woah, can I have that one?" Narancia asked.
"No way, we should have the pistols share it." Mista hit Nara's arm playfully.
Leone sighed. "It's Bruno's."
Bruno smiled and went to the living room, sitting with the special little birthday boy. "I love you."
Giorno held onto his mama, but looked behind him to his daddy. "I wav yoo.."
Leone looked at the little and smiled.

Chapter 83: Giorno and Dio


Dhampir boiii

Also warning for blood and vampire stuff

Chapter Text

Dio looked down at the child as blood dripped from his mouth.
Giorno looked up, reaching for his daddy and giggling.
"You're not even born with a stand, you're not even a vampire!" Dio yelled, shaking the crib frustratedly.
Giorno giggled and bounced around a bit. "Baba!!"
"I should've murdered that filthy woman, you don't even look like my child!" Dio picked up the baby, feeling something odd on his fingers.
Giorno held himself in vines that were wrapped around his daddy's fingers, falling into them when he was dropped.
Dio looked at how the baby protected itself, having created almost a swing of vines. "So your stand is like Hermit Purple? How will you manage to continue my legacy with that?"
Giorno babbled and looked up, letting his daddy pick him back up.
Dio held the baby and opened his mouth, seeing that two prominent fangs had already grown in.

Giorno bit and chewed on his daddy's finger with his gums.
Dio made a disgusted sound and wiped his finger on his pants. "Little filthy rat." He held Giorno on his hip and left the room, going to another one to find the jars of blood he had.
Giorno rubbed his nose and held onto his daddy, smelling something odd.
Dio sat down with Giorno and opened a jar. "Taste it, child."
Giorno looked at the fresh blood and opened his mouth.
"I won't spoon feed it to you! Drink!" Dio commanded.
Giorno whined and stuck his tongue out, tasting the blood and enjoying it, though it was a bit cold. He tried his best to get more, but didn't know how to drink it, just spilling it on himself.
Dio sighed and set the jar back down. "Don't you need a bottle or something?" He took his blood-soaked baby and went to Vanilla Ice.

Vanilla looked back and smiled. "Hello, lord Dio."
"Shut up. I need a baby bottle for this thing." Dio held out the baby, which just kicked its legs and giggled.
"If it's your child, lord Dio, then I'd suggest blood over milk." Vanilla stood up from his chair, going and looking at the baby. "It... doesn't look like yours..."
"I know that!" Dio snapped quickly. "But he's got a stand and fangs." He opened Giorno's mouth to show his fangs.
Vanilla nodded. "I see.... Wouldn't any clots in the blood get caught in the nipple of the bottle?" He tilted his head.
"What other option do I have aside from letting him suck pathetic mortals of their lifeblood?" Dio scoffed.
"Breastfeeding..?" Vanilla offered.
Dio rolled his eyes. "I'm not here to play games with you, GET ME A BOTTLE!"
Giorno giggled when his daddy yelled, being brought back into his arms and enjoying the warmth.
Vanilla nodded. "Wh-where? How?"
"They're probably sold somewhere around here, just dress normally for once and go buy some." Dio turned around and returned to his bedroom with the little sh*tstain.

Giorno was thrown onto the bed and giggled.
Dio sighed and had The World get him another onesie and some wipes. He took off the bloody onesie and wiped the blood from Giorno's face and body. He then put on the clean onesie and laid down.
Giorno sat up and crawled onto his daddy when he laid down.
Dio watched his baby sit on his chest and sighed, rolling over to toss him back onto the bed.
Giorno laughed and crawled up on his daddy's side, being pushed back down again.
Dio looked at his baby and grinned slightly, continuing to push him away until he got tired of it.
Giorno moved over to his daddy's face and gently tugged on the little bits of hair above his headband.
Dio tugged on his baby's dark hair in return, making him whine and almost cry.
Giorno held his head until he felt better, then reached back out and held his daddy's cheeks.
Dio again did the same, lightly pinching Giorno's cheeks and moving them in the same way his were moved.
Giorno giggled and pat his daddy's cheeks, laughing loudly when his were patted.

Dio smiled and sat up, letting his baby fall onto his back.
Giorno kicked his legs happily when he was lifted and tossed in the air. "Baba!"
Dio looked at his baby. "Can you say dada?" He tossed him up again, gently bonking their foreheads together when he came down.
"Muda!" Giorno giggled.
Dio stared at the baby in shock. "What?"
"Muda!" Giorno repeated, reaching down for his daddy. "Muda muda!"
Dio smiled and brought his baby into a hug. "Yes! Exactly! You're going to murder those pesky Joestars, aren't you? I can't wait for the day I can begin training you!"
Giorno giggled and hugged his daddy back. "Baba!"

Vanilla Ice opened the door to Dio's room and saw him smiling brightly at the baby. "Lord Dio."
Dio wiped the smile off his face, stood up, and threw Giorno down on the bed, going and taking the blood-filled bottles from Vanilla.
"I washed them and made a couple adjustments to the nipples, as well, so any clots won't stop it." Vanilla spoke softly. "You're welcome."
Dio nodded and went back to his bed, sitting down and giving Giorno the bottle.
Giorno lifted his head and drank the blood happily, noticing it had been warmed.
Dio picked up a book and set the other bottle on the nightstand and picked up his book, only reading a sentence or two before Giorno came and sat beside him with an empty bottle.

"My little vampire." Dio smiled fondly.

Chapter 84: Rohan and Josuke (wee snaw)


Brain: make him autistic
Me: what? Why?
Brain: make every character you write autistic
Me: what if people don't like it and think it's weird?

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Rohan loved sounds, whether it was the same song on repeat for hours, or just little babbles all the time, he loved them.

Today, he found a new favorite sound.

"Wee snaw." Rohan whispered, wiggling his feet.
"Hmm?" Josuke looked over.
"Wee snaw." Rohan repeated.
"Is that your little sound for today?" Josuke smiled, walking over to his little one who was sat at the island and giving him his food.
Rohan began eating happily, absolutely loving his favorite green plate with little separators.
Josuke got himself some food and sat in front of his little one, making sure he was eating okay.
Rohan set down his fork and flapped his hands, happy to eat his favorite food. It wasn't anything special, just mashed potatoes, mac n cheese, and seared chicken breast. He always liked the same meals every night, especially when his daddy cooked for him.
Josuke smiled and watched his little experience all his happy emotions.
Rohan giggled and bounced in his seat, happier than ever.

After a bit, Josuke went and got Rohan's large spider stuffie, noticing that he was starting to get overwhelmed with all his happiness.
Rohan reached out for his spider and hugged him tightly, feeling the little sting in his chest from all his feelings slowly go away. He liked being happy, but he liked it better when he was somewhere he could stim with his whole body. Sitting in this boring chair made it so he couldn't stretch out as much as he wanted to.
"You want to go to the bedroom and eat?" Josuke asked gently.
Rohan nodded quickly. "Wee snaw." He held up an arm.
Josuke picked up his little one bridal style and let Rohan carry his own plate. He also couldn't help but notice his little sounds.
"Wee snaw.. wee snaw.." Rohan repeated. "Wee snaw, wee snaw."
Josuke smiled and kissed his little one on the head, before gently setting him down on the bed.
"Wee snaw." Rohan set his plate to the side and put his weighted spider on his chest, holding his fuzzy legs. "Wee snaw."
Josuke sat beside his little one and let him get comfy under the weighted, heated blankies, holding both their plates.

Rohan wiggled his feet and stretched out his legs, hugging his spider. "Wee snaw.."
Josuke picked up the remote and turned on their TV, immediately having the remote grabbed.
Rohan took a bite of chicken and went to YouTube, typing "wee snaw" into the search bar.
"Baby, I don't think that exists-" Josuke watched Rohan scroll through the videos until he found a 10 hour version.
Rohan giggled and set down the remote, hugging his spider and eating.
Josuke listened to the sound as he ate his dinner, occasionally looking over to make sure Rohan was still eating.

After 45 minutes of nothing but wee snaw, Josuke could barely comprehend normal speech, and had to give Rohan headphones so he could listen to wee snaw for the rest of the day.

That night, when Rohan was big again, he had finally decided that the name for his spider (who had been unnamed for 2 years) would be Wee Snaw.


Wee snaw

Chapter 85: Jotaro, Josuke, and Rohan


Skibidi toilet

Little warning for Rohan getting scared and for him crying a little tiny bit near the end of the chapter

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Jotaro and Rohan were both autistic and littles, but they had the most differing personalities known to man.

Rohan wasn't afraid to play a song over and over for everyone to hear, and wasn't ashamed of all his loud or "annoying" stims. If he was big enough, he tended to be more whiny and more of a brat. He had insane amounts of energy, and was always making noise or moving around.

Joot Joot, though, was nonverbal. Aside from a little "love you" or "eepy" every now and then, he very rarely spoke. He also never really had any confirmed ages, since he never told anyone. There was a slightly uncommon state where he was completely baby and babbled a bit, but he didn't like people seeing him like that. Joot also had a strong dislike for loud sounds, and got easily annoyed.

And Josuke.... He had to manage both.


"It my 'pider an' his name is Wee Snaw." Rohan held up his large, weighted spider stuffie. "Does you got stuffies?"
Jotaro held the spider and looked down at it, soon getting too scared and having to give it back.
"Tank you!" Rohan giggled. "Now show me your stuffies!"
Joot Joot whined and laid down on the couch, looking for a blankie.
Josuke walked over and picked Rohan up off the couch. "Joot, do you want to take a nap?" He whispered.
Jotaro nodded. "Eepy.." He held up his arms.
"Nuh-uh! He woke up jus' a little bit ago!" Rohan whined.
Josuke used Crazy Diamond to pick up Jotaro. "It was five hours ago."
"Nuh-uh!" Rohan argued.
"Yuh-huh." Josuke nodded. "He doesn't sleep well, and he hasn't had any coffee. If you want, you can cone to bed, too." He followed Crazy Diamond upstairs.

Rohan ran ahead of everyone and waited at the top of the stairs. "I wanna see Joot stuffies though!!"
"You had hours before to talk to him, and you're just now paying attention to him?" Josuke walked to Rohan's bedroom, gently laying Jotaro down.
Joot Joot moved his toes and hummed, liking the soft blankies.
"Why he in my beddd?" Rohan whined, looking down at his spider. "I' my bed.."
"There isn't anywhere else he can sleep." Josuke gave his nephew a pillow to hug and smiled.
"But ih my bed! Ih my bed!" Rohan pointed to the bed.
"I know, baby." Josuke gently kissed Jotaro's forehead.
Joot hugged and snuggled the pillows, curling up in the fetal position.
"Ih my bed." Rohan hugged Wee Snaw. "Ih my bed."
"It's your bed, yes." Josuke stood up, looking at his other little.
"Ih my bed!" Rohan pointed to Joot Joot, not even comprehending what he was saying anymore, just liking to say it. "Ih my bed, ih my bed. Ih my bed!"
"Hey, shush. Let's go get a snack." Josuke held Rohan's hand and lead him out of the bedroom and back downstairs.

"Ih my bed.. buh ih my bed." Rohan held his daddy's hand and leaned on his shoulder. "Ih my bed."
"What kinda snackie do you want?" Josuke asked, his hand being grabbed again each time he pulled away to open the fridge or a cabinet.
"Ih my bed!" Rohan continued holding his daddy's hand, holding Wee Snaw in his other arm.
"You've gotta let go-" Josuke pulled his hand away gently. "What snack do you want?"
Rohan whined and stomped his feet, grabbing his daddy's hand again. "Ih my bed!"
"Alright, fine." Josuke sighed, taking a pack of gummies and opening them with his teeth. "Here."
Rohan took the gummies and sat on one of the barstools, still dragging his daddy along with him. He set Wee Snaw in his lap and poured them out, sorting them by their shape and color. His favorite gummies were the strawberry shaped ones, then the carrots, then apples, then grapes. Grape flavored stuff sometimes gave him a headache, so he ate those ones first. He always ate his least favorite stuff first, but not with his popsicles. He never ate the grape flavored popsicles.

Josuke stood and watched his little one bite one specific grape off of every grape gummy, then eat the whole rest of them. He then watched him bite the leaves off of the apples, then the whole apple.
Rohan wiggled his feet and excitedly moved to the carrots, biting the tops off, then the whole thing. He LOVED the carrots, but he liked the strawberries just a little better. He always ate those all at once, and he liked the color pink they were. Sadly, this pack only had two strawberries, but five carrots!
Josuke smiled when his little ate both strawberries at once. "You want something else?"
Rohan nodded and picked up his empty wrapper, then Wee Snaw. He got up and dragged his daddy to the trash can, not sure how to open the lid without dropping Wee Snaw.

"You need help?" Josuke asked, holding out a hand to take the spider.
Rohan nodded and gave Wee Snaw to his daddy, then threw away his wrapper and took his spider back. "I wan' ramen."
Josuke nodded and went to a cabinet. "Beef or chicken?" He asked, looking down.
Rohan looked down too, not liking when his daddy stared at him. "Beef." He looked at the tile floors.
Josuke nodded and got a pack of beef flavored ramen, then a bowl and fork. Rohan typically just microwaved his ramen, so he decided to do it as well. Besides, it was a lot faster than getting a pot and using the stove.
Rohan held his daddy's hand with one hand, and wiggled Wee Snaw around with his other. He liked Wee Snaw's long leggies, he could give so many hugs and do so many things with all those legs. Rohan was quickly snapped out of his thoughts when he heard loud beeping, whining and covering his ears.

Josuke quickly looked down and held Rohan's face, not having stopped the microwave in time. "Shh, shh, it's okay."
Rohan whined and wrapped his arms around his daddy's neck, being picked up.
Josuke held his little and calmed him down, having learned the hard way that things like the microwave beeping or car alarms were sounds that scared Rohan, especially when he was little.
Rohan buried his face in his daddy's neck and held his spider tightly, being rocked and slowly calming down.
"You're alright, baby." Josuke used one hand to open the microwave and stir the noodles, before starting it again. "It won't beep again, I promise."
Rohan nodded and sat up, feeling Crazy Diamond help to support his weight. "Can we go over there?" He pointed to the couch.
Josuke nodded and took his little one to the couch.
"It not loud over here." Rohan laid on his daddy's chest, covering his head with Wee Snaw and eventually hearing a muffled beep.

Josuke gently sat Rohan up. "One more time, then your noodles will be done." He stood up.
Rohan nodded and watched his daddy go to the kitchen, then come back. When he was close enough, he held his arms up again.
Josuke sat with his baby and hugged him tightly, feeling him shaking a bit.
Rohan winced when he heard the sound again, feeling the bit of pressure in his chest ease when it stopped and he was picked up again.
Josuke brought his little back to the kitchen and took the ramen out of the microwave, wrapping a few paper towels around the bowl so Rohan wouldn't burn himself holding it.
Rohan held his noodles and leaned on his daddy's shoulder, wiggling his feet happily.


After Rohan ate, Josuke checked on Jotaro and found him awake sitting in the floor. He had somehow gotten Rohan's expensive moisturizer and was playing in it.... Josuke definitely needed to invest in a baby monitor.

"Is cold in heree!!" Rohan complained, sitting on the floor of the bathroom while his daddy cleaned Joot Joot up.
"You're next to the vent, baby." Josuke smiled, giving Jotaro his large towel and having Crazy Diamond pick him up.
Joot giggled and looked up at the colorful stand, kicking his legs.
"Eww! He naked!" Rohan pointed to Joot Joot, who was wrapped up in his towel.
"You are, too. Under your clothes." Josuke opened the door and went to find clean (not covered in moisturizer) clothes.
"Eww!" Rohan whined, following his daddy.
Josuke smiled and got an extra large hoodie and a pair of underwear and socks. He had gotten the hoodie for Rohan as a gift, but it was almost four sizes too big for him. Rohan liked it sometimes, since it was soft and came down to his knees, but that was only on occasion.

Jotaro reached his arms up and played with the stand as he was dried off and dressed.
"Why don't you just put on your own clothes?" Rohan laid down in his stomach, watching Crazy Diamond and Jotaro play.
"He's too little." Josuke answered for Joot.
"I askin' him!" Rohan pointed to Jotaro. "Why don't you put on your own clothes?"
Joot Joot looked over and reached for Rohan's hair, liking the pretty green.
"Stoppit!" Rohan pulled away. "I can teach you to put on your clothes if you need to!"
"Adada-" Joot Joot made grabby hands.
Josuke smiled, knowing that Jotaro had regressed even younger, but not exactly how young. Rohan had gotten a bit bigger over the past couple hours, going from a toddler to a 5-6 year old, and Joot seemed to go down to an infant.

"Awee." Joot reached up, keeping one hand down to chew on his fingers.
Josuke smiled at the adorable tiny noise, and replaced Joot's fingers with a paci. "There you go."
Joot flapped his hands and looked around, enjoying just laying down.
"Why you need a paci for?" Rohan asked. "Thas for little babies!"
"Wawawaa-" Joot held an arm up to the wall and continued moving his hand.
Josuke went to the bathroom and quickly returned with a diaper, changing Jotaro into it. He always kinda liked it when Joot was regressed this small. He made more cute noises and stimmed a lot more. Well, his stims were more obvious, at least.
"What you need a diaper for?" Rohan tilted his head. "Thas for really really small babies!"
Josuke and Crazy Diamond picked up Jotaro. "He is a really small baby."
Jotaro hummed and flapped his hand, making happy little hums.

"Nuh-uh!" Rohan shook his head. "He big!"
"Yuh-huh." Josuke walked back downstairs with Joot, being careful on the stairs.
Rohan ran down the steps and spun around with Wee Snaw when he reached the bottom. "Nuh-uhhh!"
Josuke just smiled and watched Joot Joot look around and make little noises.
"If he a baby then why he bigger dan me? Babies is tiny!" Rohan stopped spinning, watching Joot Joot flap his hands and feeling the stimmies get transferred to him. He bounced happily and flapped his hands, giggling.
Joot Joot saw Rohan and reached his arms out. "'timmy! Stimmy!"
Josuke lead both littles to the living room and sat down.
"Stimny!" Rohan giggled, flapping his hands quickly.
Joot Joot did the same, making happy little sounds.
Rohan laughed and smiled until his cheeks hurt, eventually just hugging Joot Joot tightly.
Jotaro held his arms against his chest and slowly calmed down, his repeated hums slowing a bit.
Rohan let out his last little giggles and rocked with Joot for a little bit.

Josuke smiled as he watched the littles come down from their big happy stimmies, soon just going back to their normal selves.
Rohan got up and ran to go get his iPad, wanting to listen to his favorite song.
Jotaro laid down on his back and sucked his paci, looking around at the ceiling and walls.
Josuke listened to all of Joot's repeating sounds, holding his hand while his other one grasped at the air.
Rohan ran back and put on his headphones, turning on I Want You by Savage Garden. Ever since his daddy reminded him of the song, he had gotten attached to it, always listening to it on loop when he played games. Sometimes when he was drawing he liked to listen to his favorite playlist, though, which consisted of only 5 songs. (Messages from the Stars, Roundabout, A Horse with No Name, Knockin' On Heaven's Door, and I Want You.)
Jotaro looked up at Josuke's face and giggled, reaching up for him.
Josuke smiled and held his little's hands, moving them around.
Jotaro kicked his legs and chewed on his paci, absolutely loving the stimmies.
Rohan looked over when he was kicked. "Hey! Meanie!" He stood up.

"Hey, be nice, he didn't mean to." Josuke looked up.
"He did it on purpose!" Rohan whined, taking off his headphones.
"Inside voice." Josuke reminded. "It was an accident, baby."
Jotaro felt the negative vibes and curled up, his head on his daddy's lap.
"Nuh-uh!" Rohan crossed his arms. "He gotta say sorry!"
"He can't, baby, he's too little." Josuke looked down.
Rohan teared up and pointed to Joot Joot. "He gotta say sorry..."
Joot reached a hand up to Rohan. "A sa-"
"Aw, baby, it's alright." Josuke held a hand up.
"He say sorry..." Rohan let a couple tears fall.
Jotaro sat up and leaned on his daddy, holding his arm up to hug Rohan.
Rohan laid on his daddy's chest and didn't take long to calm down, rubbing his eyes.
Josuke held both his babies. "Do you think you're just sleepy, Rohan?"
Rohan nodded and sat up to get Wee Snaw, hugging him and laying back down.

"Atafy-" Joot Joot held both arms out, bringing Rohan close and hugging him like a stuffed animal. "A 'tuffy.."
Josuke carefully moved himself out from under the littles, placing pillows under their heads.
Rohan looked up and held his hand out. "Noo.."
"I'll be right here, baby." Josuke sat in an armchair across from the couch.
Rohan hummed and curled up a bit, liking how big and warm and snuggly Joot was.
Jotaro held Rohan and nuzzled his neck, closing his eyes and not taking long to fall asleep again.
Rohan pet Wee Snaw's fur and closed his eyes, taking a little while to fall asleep, but getting there eventually.


Wee snaw + eeper = adorable

Chapter 87: Jolyne and Anasui💧


It was hard to decide on whether this chapter should be baby Anasui or baby Jolyne, but it baby Jolyne time

It's also been a while since I've even thought about Anasui so his personality is probably a lil funky but oh well

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Jolyne and Jotaro had quite a few differences, but one of their shocking similarities was their coping mechanisms.... Jotaro didn't know that yet, and Jolyne was thankful (she found it embarrassing), but she had to tell someone.

"Could I ask something weird?" Jolyne laid back on her bed.
Anasui looked back, his mind racing with a thousand bizarre thoughts. "Y-yeah, anything, of course." He nodded, unsure how to react.
Jolyne scoffed at the weird reaction. "Just don't tell anyone. Not even Weather or Hermes."
Anasui blushed. "I promise, Jolyne, anything you say is safe with me."
"It's nothing sexual, get that out of your head." Jolyne hit his chest playfully. "It's a coping- mechanism, thing. I do it to kinda fix my childhood, since dad wasn't there."
Anasui paused for a moment, then nodded. "I understand.."
"It's not a usual coping thing, but I just really want to tell someone... Dad wouldn't get it.." Jolyne sat up and held her arms out, feeling more emotional.
Anasui gently brought Jolyne into a hug, knowing that this was a time she seriously needed comforted. "You can tell me anything..."

Jolyne nodded, resting her head on Anasui's shoulder. "It's age regression.."
Anasui looked down. "What.. does it do?" He tilted his head.
"Ever since we defeated Pucci... Any time I get really upset or hurt I kinda just shut down and act like a kid... sometimes it can be for an hour, sometimes all day.." Jolyne explained, scared that Anasui would leave and not care.
"Is there a certain.. age?" Anasui tried explaining his question.
"I don't know. I barely even remember the times I'm regressed, but I know I'm not old enough to talk in full sentences or whatever, but I don't need diapers or anything.." Jolyne explained, embarrassed to even be thinking about it.
Anasui nodded. "Your secret will always be safe with me." He assured her.
"Would you be mad if I regressed?" Jolyne made tiny grabby hands into the fabric of Anasui's shirt.

Anasui looked down. "Not at all." He grinned, happy that Jolyne was comfortable enough around him to.. cope.? That wasn't the right word...
Jolyne felt herself getting tinier and tinier, not sure why she was so scared. "Wha- wat about any-" She paused for a moment. "Anythin' else..?"
Anasui hummed, moving Jolyne onto his lap. "What do you mean?"
"How does you feel about me bein' tiny?" Jolyne rubbed her eyes, accidentally bonking their heads together and whining.
Anasui smiled. "Aww-" He gently rubbed her head where it had hit his, trying to stop thinking about Jolyne as a woman and more as a child.
"Does you not like me tiny?" Jolyne curled up, insanely embarrassed at how cringey she sounded.
"No, I love it." Anasui nodded. "You're even more adorable." He laid Jolyne down.

Jolyne panicked for a moment, feeling her heart beat faster. "Don' go!" She held her arms out.
Anasui quickly laid down beside her and held her hands. "I'm not leaving, Jolyne."
The little nodded and rubbed her eyes. "I don' wan' you to leave..."
"Did you think I was going to?" Anasui asked gently. Damnit, what was he thinking, of course Jolyne thought he was leaving, or else she wouldn't've said "don't go".
Jolyne nodded, hugging Ana.
"I'll never leave you, Jolyne." Anasui assured. "I'll be here for as long as you need me."
Jolyne nodded again, not having the energy for words.
"Do you want something to eat? You haven't eaten since I've been here." Anasui offered. "Your dad isn't here, is he..?"
Jolyne shook her head. "Wait! Gimmie Delula."
"What's that?" Anasui sat up.
Jolyne reached up and grabbed her large dolphin plushy.
"You wanted your pillow?" Anasui smiled.
"She not a pillow!" Jolyne hugged Delula, who was the same size as her. "Daddy got her for me."

Anasui nodded, feeling a bit sad that he had never gifted Jolyne anything (aside from the ring she threw at the alligator, he never forgot that).
"I hungy an' seepy.." Jolyne yawned.
Anasui nodded. "Let's get food, then you can nap." He smiled, really hoping Jotaro wouldn't mind him in his kitchen while he was gone. (He was already barely allowed in Jolyne's room, but since he was at work they could go anywhere.
"Where we goin'?" Jolyne sat up, making sure Delula was comfortable.
"Just to the kitchen." Anasui nodded, standing and waiting for Jolyne to finish talking to her stuffed animal.
"We gonna go to the kitchen, otay?" Jolyne pet Delula. "We gonna get food then be right back. You gonna be okay right here, we gonna come back." She carefully got off the bed, having had far too many accidents falling off her bed. "Bye bye." She waved to Delula, then looked up to Ana. "Say bye bye."
"Bye bye." Anasui waved to the stuffed animal, smiling when Jolyne giggled and hooked her arms around his neck.

Jolyne got picked up and waved to Delula. "Bye bye." She hummed.
Anasui smiled at how cute Jolyne sounded, going to the kitchen and setting her on a barstool.
Jolyne was set down and whined, afraid Ana would leave. "Nana!" She grabbed his shirt.
"Hey, I'm just going over there-" Anasui pointed to the fridge, gently prying Jolyne's fingers off of him.
Jolyne felt tears in her eyes. "Nana!" She begged, feeling her heart shatter.
Anasui looked back and picked Jolyne back up. "Fine, I'm here." He let her slowly calm down. Why was she so upset all of a sudden? Her change in mood was almost immediate, what would cause it? All he did was set her down... Maybe that was it. When he laid her down in the bed she did the same thing, and she talked to her stuffed animal like she was comforting it...

Jolyne held on to Anasui, looking up when she felt him move.
"I'm gonna have you sit here for a minute, okay?" Anasui asked gently, wiping Jolyne's beautiful tears.
Jolyne looked down.
"You'll sit right here." Anasui patted the chair. "And I'll walk over there." He pointed to the fridge.
Jolyne nodded and sat down, still holding Ana's hand. "Where you goin'?"
"Right over there." Anasui pointed. "Then I'll come right back, okay?"
Jolyne nodded nervously. "Otay.." She let go of Ana's hand and nervously watched him go to the fridge, getting a couple things and coming back.
Anasui smiled and gently pet Jolyne's hair. "I'm back now." He set down the container of apple sauce, knowing that Jolyne loved it. "You're okay." He wiped her tears.
Jolyne nodded. "Can we go back to Delula?" She asked worriedly.

AAnasui nodded and picked up Jolyne, having Diver Down carry the applesauce and chocolate he had gotten for her.
Jolyne smiled when she saw Delula. "We back now!" She hopped down and ran to her bed. "You otay." She hugged Delula.
Anasui sat on the bed and opened the container of applesauce, holding a small spoonful out.
Jolyne ate it and giggled. "Tank you!"
Anasui nodded and pushed away his feelings for a moment. "Jolyne, why do you not like me setting you down?" He asked bluntly.
Jolyne shrugged and pet Delula. "Is afraid you was gonna leave."
"I know, but why?" Anasui got comfortable in bed with Jolyne laying on his chest.
"Iunno." Jolyne shrugged. "It just make me afraid 'cause I know daddy left when I was really tiny..." She wrapped her arms around Ana's neck, eating all the applesauce she was given.

Anasui nodded. "I understand." He hummed, feeling the butterflies in his chest start fluttering again when Jolyne made little happy noises.


Jotaro opened Jolyne's door and saw her in bed with Anasui. "Hey!" He yelled, walking towards the bed. "What the f*ck did you do to my daughter?!" He grabbed Anasui's shoulders and shook him.
Jolyne blinked and giggled. "Daddy!" She hugged her daddy, happy that he was back home.
Jotaro looked down, confused since Jolyne rarely talked to or touched him. And she sounded.. happy?
"Look, I promise I didn't do anything with her-" Anasui sat up worriedly. "She's-"
"Tiny'!" Jolyne giggled. "I tiny!"
Jotaro stopped for a moment, looking down. "Tiny..?"
Jolyne nodded. "Is little an' Ana got me appysauce an' he carried me around an' made me feel more tiny!" She explained excitedly.
Jotaro grinned softly and hugged Jolyne, knowing that she was using the same coping mechanisms he used to.
"Please, Mr. Kujo.." Anasui held up his hands, honestly afraid if he'd live to see tomorrow.
"Shut up." Jotaro held Jolyne and rubbed her back, just enjoying the moment.


I kept procrastinating this so bad because I have a lot of stuff going on irl (not in a bad way, just a chaotic way)

Chapter 88: Josuke and Rohan💧

Chapter Text

"ROHAN!!" Josuke yelled, running and picking up the toddler laid in the pile of clothes.
Rohan whined and kicked his legs, not knowing where he was or why people were screaming his name.
"f*ck, dude, I thought you were gone." Josuke set Rohan back down and covered him with his shirt. "Look, the guy's dead, but I don't know if the stand ability is range-based or time-based." He sighed. "Sorry I picked you up, I was-"
"Who's dead..?" Rohan asked, scared and not knowing anything.
"The stand user, Akui. I don't remember his last name, but Jotaro knows it. Same with the other guy." Josuke nodded towards the end of the alley. "Anyways, we should get you back. I'll have Jotaro stay with you at your house." Josuke stood up.
Rohan looked up. "My house..? Is gramma there?"
"Hmm?" The younger looked down. "Who?"
"Gramma. She always stay at home an' take care of me." Rohan felt the soft fabric of his shirt.

"Your grandma-" Josuke paused. Didn't Rohan's grandma die a couple years ago? She was his last family member... Did.. did he not remember?
Rohan looked up and waited for the man to finish his sentence.
"Your grandma isn't.. at home right now." Josuke lied. "Do you know who I am?" He asked, assuming that the stand had affected Rohan's mental state as well.
Rohan shook his head. "Did gramma go to the store?"
Josuke nodded. "Yeah." He held out his hand. "Come on."
Rohan stood up and looked at his baggy shirt that dragged the ground, not having anything else covering him. "Why's I nakey?"
"You- umm-" Josuke moved Rohan, taking the pants, socks, and shoes. "We don't have clothes for you right now. Just settle with that and we'll find something eventually."
"Otay." Rohan held both his arms up to be carried, trusting the stranger despite what his grandma warned him about.
"Just come on, you're probably cold." Josuke sloppily folded Rohan's clothes and held them with one arm, holding his hand down for Rohan to take.

Rohan whined. "No uppy?" He tilted his head.
"No." Josuke shook his head, just assuming that Rohan had mispronounced "puppy".
"Gramma never carry me either." Rohan held the man's hand and walked with him, going to see three other men.
Josuke sighed. "Apparently the stand f*cks with your head, too. He doesn't know who I am and-" He leaned closer to Jotaro. "He thinks his grandma is still alive."
Jotaro nodded and squatted down. "Hey, kid."
Rohan looked up, biting his nails.
"Do you know who I am?" Jotaro gestured to himself.
Rohan shook his head.
"I'm Jotaro. The guy that's gonna take you home is Josuke." Jotaro pointed to the teen.
"What?! Why me?!" Josuke held out his arms, almost dropping Rohan's clothes.
"Shut it, he probably trusts you more." Jotaro sighed. "How old are you, kid?"
Rohan shrugged. "Iunno. Gramma always says I'm a baby, but I say I'm a big boy." He looked down at his feet, not liking how he was walking barefoot.

Jotaro nodded and stood up. "Just take him to his house and wait out the effects I guess. I don't know how long it takes to wear off, if it even does."
"I hope it does." Josuke looked down.
Rohan looked up and held out his arms again.
"What do you want?" Josuke tilted his head, watching Rohan make grabby hands.
"What's uppy?" Josuke asked.
"Up!" Rohan stood on his tiptoes.
"You want picked up?" Josuke sighed.
Rohan nodded and grinned, giggling when he was picked up. "Tank you!"
Okuyasu grinned at the two. "Normal Rohan would kill you if you picked him up."
Josuke laughed weakly, trying to get Rohan comfortable while also holding his pants and shoes. "Yeah.."
"Whatever, take him home, it's getting dark." Jotaro nudged his uncle.

"What about clothes?" Josuke asked, ignoring Koichi and Okuyasu's laughs when Rohan hugged him and laid his head on him.
Jotaro shrugged. "Not my problem." He adjusted his hat and began walking in the direction of his hotel.
Josuke huffed and went the other way. There was a kid's clothing store not far from here, though it was probably already closed.


"Do those feel okay?" Josuke asked through the door.
Rohan nodded. "Yeah!"
"Alright, take it off and well get it then go home." Josuke sighed, looking at the worker apologetically.
"Doesn't gramma have clothes for me?" Rohan asked, taking off the clothes he had and putting them in a neat pile.
"We're not going to grandma's house." Josuke looked down at the couple pairs of shorts and underwear he had.
"Where are we goin'?" Rohan stepped out of the changing room with his shirts and socks.
"To your house." Josuke took all the clothes to the register. It wasn't much, just three of everything, except the five pairs of underwear and single onesie. Hopefully Rohan wouldn't be like this for too long, so all this would be enough.

Josuke paid and apologized again for arriving right as the place was about to close. "Let's get you home and into these." He picked Rohan up and stepped outside, holding him close so he wouldn't get too cold.


Rohan giggled and ran around in his fuzzy green onesie. "I love it!!"
Josuke nodded tiredly. "How about we go to sleep, hmm? It's late."
Rohan looked at the clock. "What time is it? My gramma says my bedtime is 9."
"It's 8:42." Josuke sighed.
Rohan nodded. "Can I stay up for longer? It not 9 yet!"
Josuke nodded. "Yeah. Do you want a snack before bed?" He asked, checking his phone when it buzzed.
Rohan nodded. "What kinda food you got?"
"Hey, I gotta call someone, I'll be right back." Josuke put his phone to his ear and walked out to the back porch.
Rohan nodded and went to the kitchen, going and snooping around for any food.

"I'm sorry." Josuke sighed, hating when his mom was upset with him. "Yeah, I know- it-" He got cut off, giving up and letting his mom speak. Eventually he was allowed to speak again and sighed. "Okay, so there was a stand attack, and Rohan got hit by the dude with the age stand thing, and so now I have to care for a toddler version of Rohan. I don't know how long I'll be here, it could be up to a week, I could be home tomorrow, I don't know-" He tried explaining. "Yeah, it'll probably be on the news tomorrow. The Akui guy and the dude with him."

Rohan looked around for Josuke, but remembered he was still outside. Oh well, he was a big boy. Surely he could get his own cup from the cabinet.
Josuke heard a couple things fall inside and quickly wrapped up his conversation with his mom, putting his phone away. "Rohan, are you okay?" He called, shutting the door behind him.
"Yeah!" Rohan called, looking down at the broken plate on the floor.
Josuke heard the voice from the kitchen and went there. "You-" He sighed. "Get down-" He used Crazy Diamond to repair the plate and put it back.
Rohan got down off the counter and looked up at the big pink thingy. "Woah.." He reached out to touch it.
Crazy Diamond smiled and ruffled Rohan's hair, before returning to its user.
"What did you need from up here?" Josuke gestured to the cabinet.
"A cup for my milk!" Rohan pointed to the carton of milk he had set on the floor.

"Of course you do." Josuke looked down. "I don't trust you with actual cups-" He scanned the cabinets for any spill-proof cups, not finding anything but expensive looking glasses and the occasional mug. "You're gonna break every one of these." He hummed, mostly to himself.
"Nuh-uh! I only broke the plate! But that was because it falled. But hurry and gimmie the milk! It's almost 9!!" Rohan urged, tugging Josuke's shirt.
Josuke felt a grin tug at his lips. He hated normal Rohan, but this version was kinda tolerable. Only as tolerable as a normal kid though. Ah! There! A sippy cup! "I'll get your milk, what kinda food do you want?"
Rohan held onto Josuke's shirt and yawned, before rubbing his eyes with his shirt. "Iunno."
Josuke took the sippy cup and filled it with milk. Actually, why did Rohan have a green sippy cup anyway? Eh, it was none of his business. He then snooped around in Rohan's cabinets and found a box of gummies, taking a couple packs for himself. "You want gummies?"

Rohan gasped and nodded, taking a pack excitedly. "These is my favorite!! Gramma gets these all the time!!"
Josuke smiled and put everything away. "Do you wanna go to bed and eat your gummies?"
Rohan nodded and held up his arms, giggling when he was picked up. "You're like my new daddy!" He wrapped his arms around Josuke's neck.
Josuke took the cup of milk and turned off all the lights downstairs, then went upstairs to try and find Rohan's bedroom. "What do you mean your new daddy?"
"My daddy and mommy went away when I was a baby and left me with gramma." Rohan explained innocently. "Gramma lets me go see them sometimes but they never play or talk to me."
Josuke nodded, finding the bedroom and setting the milk on the nightstand. He honestly didn't know what to say, Rohan seemed so unbothered by what he was saying...
"So you're like a better daddy! My daddy never even talk to me!" Rohan flopped down onto the bed, then opened his gummies.
"I'm happy I can be a better daddy." Josuke grined sadly, sitting beside Rohan and picking up the TV remote. "Do you want to watch cartoons?"

Rohan nodded. "Gramma watches cartoons with me a lot!"
"What's your favorite cartoon?" Josuke asked happily, trying to figure out how the remote worked.
"Iunno. Gramma likes watching da Animaniacs but I like Max an' Ruby." Rohan leaned on his new daddy, eating his gummies.
Josuke eventually found Max & Ruby and clicked play, adjusting the volume a bit.
"I gotta go potty-" Rohan put his gummies beside his milk and stood up. "Where's da potty?"
Josuke paused the episode and stood up. "I don't know, but I think-" He went and opened a door in Rohan's room, shutting it when he saw it was his closet. He then moved to another door and flicked on the light. "There's one right here." He looked back.
Rohan nodded and went to the bathroom, closing the door behind himself.
Josuke went back to the bed and opened his own pack of gummies, not taking long to eat the whole thing. He also noticed something odd.. Max & Ruby was already on season 3 when he clicked on it. Didn't all the shows start from season one? Whatever, it was probably just a glitch.

"I need help!" Rohan called, reaching his hands up to the sink.
Josuke went over and put his ear to the door. "Is it okay if I come in?"
Rohan nodded. "Yeah!" He stepped out of the way when the door opened. "Is with my hands."
Josuke turned on the sink and gently lifted Rohan. "There you go."
Rohan washed his hands and dried them when he was done. "Tank you!"
"You're welcome." Josuke set Rohan down and turned off the light. "Do you need a nightlight when you sleep?" He asked, just thinking of the question randomly.
Rohan nodded. "My gramma has a pretty mushroom one that changes color."
"I don't think we have that here. Would just leaving the bathroom or hallway light on be okay?" Josuke asked, seeing Rohan nod. "Okay." He went and turned off the light, seeing the room now illuminated by the TV and... a nightlight... Rohan really had a nightlight? And it was fading through colors, and shaped just like a mushroom..

"You do got it!" Rohan exclaimed, smiling and watching the colors slowly change.
Josuke closed the doors and went back to the bed. "Is it alright if I sleep in here tonight?"
Rohan nodded and got comfortable under the blankets, finishing his gummies and watching Max & Ruby.
Josuke laid with Rohan and smiled at his cute yawn.
Rohan snuggled up against his new daddy and held his hand, slowly falling asleep. "Nini..."
"Night night, baby." Josuke whispered.


Rohan woke up and found himself somehow completely naked in Josuke's arms in his bedroom. He sighed and sat up, feeling memories rush back into his head.

He was... little..? Josuke was taking care of him like a child, and Rohan remembered being small... Josuke seemed happy....

Rohan felt himself regressing and instinctively nudged his daddy. "Daddy.. daddy.."
Josuke huffed and rubbed his eyes, looking up and taking a moment to comprehend everything. "Hey- You're back to normal-"
"I need clothes.." Rohan said in his baby voice, hoping Josuke would take care of him again.
Josuke paused and covered Rohan with the blanket, not understanding why he was back to normal but not mad and yelling. "Do you remember me?"
Rohan nodded. "You're my daddy!" He teared up, scared that Josuke was weirded out or didn't want him. "I wan' my daddy.."
Josuke wiped Rohan's eyes and hugged him gently. "I'm here, it's alright."
Rohan nodded. "I wan' you to be my daddy again." He held Josuke's hands.
Josuke nodded. "Okay. Let's get you some clothes first, then we'll figure everything out."

Eventually Rohan was clothed in his favorite onesie and was being carried around while they talked.
"Do you know what happened yesterday?" Josuke rubbed Rohan's arm, pacing around the large house.
Rohan nodded. "There was a stand user and made me baby an' but I still wanna be baby.."
"What do you mean you still want to be baby?" Josuke looked down.
"I do- I was baby yesserday but today is supposed to be big but I still wanna be baby because is still wan' you to be my daddy.." Rohan teared up again, not knowing if Josuke was understanding him.
Josuke shook his head. "I don't get it-"
Rohan huffed and used all his energy to summon Heaven's Door, writing in that Josuke understood that the effects of the stand user were gone and that Rohan was currently age regressed. He also added in a description of age regression, then closed his face. He never wrote anything that would force Josuke to take care of him, either. It was Josuke's choice, all Rohan did was give him the information in order to make his decision.

Josuke paused for a moment as a wave of understanding hit him. "Okay, so- You're normal Rohan again?" He asked. "But right now you're regressed?"
Rohan nodded, getting overwhelmed with emotions again. "I didn' know if you wanned me anymore since I not a real baby.." He began crying.
Josuke let the sudden knowledge seep into his brain for a moment. Why and how was he just now learning about age regression..? It... It was hard to make up his mind, too-
Rohan eventually felt his daddy hug him tighter and rub his back. "I be baby a lot but I never have a daddy.."
Josuke nodded and held Rohan. This wasn't a stand user, this wasn't a toddler, this was Rohan. And Rohan needed to cope...
"I- I was a bad baby!" Rohan sobbed. "Daddy don't want me!"
Josuke sat on the couch with Rohan and gently rocked him, petting his hair. "Daddy's here, Rohan."
Rohan let out choked breaths and cries, leaning on his daddy's chest.
"Daddy's right here, he's not leaving." Josuke looked down, still feeling pretty confused but just following his heart. Rohan was still in the same-ish headspace from last night. He was mentally a toddler, but with the knowledge that they used to hate each other... It was weird seeing Rohan like this, normal Rohan broke down in his arms... Not a toddler who didn't know him....

Rohan held his daddy's shirt tightly and sobbed into it, savoring every single second of his company.
Josuke looked down and hugged Rohan tighter. Right now, their past didn't matter. Right now, Rohan was sobbing in Josuke's arms and begging for him to stay. Josuke, as much as it felt weird to say, enjoyed caring for Rohan. He wasn't talking about the toddler from last night, but Rohan. Right now, even though Rohan wasn't completely okay, he enjoyed knowing that he was there. He... He wanted to be Rohan's caregiver when he was regressed.
Rohan slowly calmed down, now only letting out shaky, choked breaths. "I sorry I keep crying."
"It's okay." Josuke smiled. "I'm here, Rohan."
Rohan heard his name and felt butterflies in his chest, hugging his daddy.
"I know you're regressed, and that's okay." Josuke whispered, pulling away just barely so he could wipe Rohan's tears. "I'll be right here for you." He promised.
"But I not a real baby no more... I big mean Rohan.."
Josuke smiled. "No you're not, baby." He kissed Rohan's cheek. "Right now, you're still my baby."

"But.." Rohan looked at his daddy, not expecting him to stay. "It not the same.."
"Not the same as what?" Josuke tilted his head.
"Las' night... I was real baby then, but now is weird and cryin' and clingy.." Rohan rubbed his eyes with his sleeve.
"It is a little different than last night, but you're still a baby. Just because you look different doesn't mean you're not my baby anymore." Josuke held his little one's cheek.
"Is you still my new daddy?" Rohan asked sadly, trying not to cry again.
Josuke nodded. "I'm still your daddy." He smiled.
Rohan nodded. "Is- is you still my daddy if I cry?"
"I'll be your daddy no matter what, I promise." Josuke moved Rohan's hair out of his face.
"What if you stop wantin' me?" Rohan wiped his nose on his sleeve.
"I'll never ever stop wanting you." Josuke whispered genuinely.

"I love you." Josuke whispered, looking into his little one's eyes.
"Das a big word.." Rohan looked back, staying quiet. "But I love you too." He hugged his daddy.
Josuke held his little one in his arms and closed his eyes, feeling all his emotions start to settle.

Chapter 89: Josuke and Rohan💧(2/3)


Warning for a lil self-hatred

Also none of these chapters have been reread or edited so yippee

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Rohan opened his door, then shut it again. He hated himself after he let himself regress in front of Josuke. Ever since then he had laid awake at night, tormented by the embarrassment of being so vulnerable around that stupid teen.
Josuke frowned and just left the colorful box on his doorstep, a simple note on top that read "open this when you're regressed". He hadn't been able to stop thinking about the day after that stand attack, and wanted to encourage, but not force, Rohan to regress and cope with his family issues.
Rohan heard Josuke leave and sighed. He barely remembered the stand attack anymore, but he remembered how he felt. It was stupid that he even trusted Josuke. He never followed his grandma's warnings about strangers, and he wished he did. Now, even though Josuke kept him alive, he regretted trusting and opening up to him.

Whatever, all that could be excused as just being a child.

The day after couldn't. Rohan had always hated how he regressed. Part of him thought it was just some delusion masking pedophilia, and the other half thought he was just pretending and faking trauma as an excuse to vent and shove all his problems onto others.

When Rohan was regressed, though, everything seemed..... worse. He was more afraid of being alone in a big house. He bullied himself and told himself that the reason he didn't have a caregiver was the same reason his parents left. He viewed himself as nothing but a burden.

If Rohan was supposed to use regression to cope, then why did his normal self hate it, and his little self do nothing but cry?


Rohan sniffled and rubbed his eyes, looking over to the large colorful box he had brought into his room. It was from his daddy, but he was scared to open it. He didn't know what was inside...

Rohan eventually went and sat in front of the box, gently tearing open the wrapping paper and opening the untaped box. Woah... His daddy really got him all this? He looked around and picked up one of the toys, looking at all the foods and kitchen utensils shown on the box. He never had any toys to play with before, so he was happy to finally have some! The next thing was a medium sketchbook and crayons, colored pencils, and markers!! Now he could draw!! He always wanted to draw when he was little, but all the art supplies he had was too complicated and he didn't know how to use it. He never had any colors, either, and now he did! He set the art supplies with the food set, and picked up another box. This one was wrapped in tissue paper, and when he opened it he saw two Max and Ruby beanie babies. He quickly took them and looked at the tags. They were so adorable and soft!!

Then there was the last thing. It was wrapped in tissue paper and was as big as Rohan's palm. He gently unwrapped it and just... stared.

Inside was a green pacifier with a gold pen nib dangling from the ring, and small beads on the front that spelled out his name. Other small green rhinestones decorated the pacifier. It was so pretty.... all he ever had was his sippy cup and nightlight and Max & Ruby.....


Josuke picked up his phone and saw it was Rohan. He smiled and answered, sitting down on his bed. "Hey."
Rohan held his phone to his ear and felt tears stinging his eyes. He was nervous and could barely muster up the courage to speak.
Josuke heard shaky breathing and stayed quiet, eventually hearing Rohan speak.
"C-can you come- be- be my daddy again?" Rohan asked, holding back his tears.
"Yeah. I'll be there in a bit." Josuke smiled, a bit worried about how sad Rohan sounded, but incredibly happy that he got to spend more time with him.
Rohan nodded and let his daddy hang up, setting down his phone and rubbing his eyes.

Josuke told his mom he was going to a friend's house and quickly left, starting his walk to Rohan's house. Ever since Rohan regressed and everything started making sense, Josuke had been watching videos and reading more about age regression. It felt weird to say, but he liked the idea of being a caregiver to Rohan. Yeah, normal Rohan was a bastard, but Josuke was genuinely happy he was able to cope with his childhood, and even happier that he trusted him enough to call him. Their interaction this morning was Josuke's only interaction with big Rohan since the day after the stand attack, but Josuke didn't think much of how weird it was.


Rohan looked up when he heard the front door open, standing up from where he was sat on the kitchen floor and rubbing his eyes. He was a big boy, he didn't need to cry anymore.
Josuke closed the door and took off his shoes. "Rohan!" He called.
Rohan tried running to the front door, but fell down, feeling his big emotions all come back and tears falling again.
Josuke went to where he heard the noise and saw Rohan crying on the floor, gently picking him up. "I'm here, baby." He whispered, letting Rohan cling to him. "You're gonna be okay."
Rohan quickly calmed down when he was with his daddy, making grabby hands into his shirt and wanting his paci.
"I'm right here, Rohan." Josuke moved Rohan's hair out of his face and gently wiped away his tears.
"I wan- I wanna paci-" Rohan looked down, resting his head on his daddy's shoulder.
"The green one?" Josuke asked with a smile.
Rohan nodded.
"Where is it?" He walked around the kitchen, soon finding it on a counter. "Right here."

Rohan took his paci and put it in his mouth, feeling happy butterflies in his chest for the first time in a long time. "Tank you.." He moved it to the side to speak.
"You're welcome." Josuke smiled. "Do you like it?"
Rohan nodded quickly, looking around as his daddy walked with him.
"Did you see the other toys I got you?" Josuke carefully walked upstairs, not really knowing where he was going.
Rohan giggled and nodded. "Mhm! Dere was a buncha little foods, an' paper an' crayons an' markers, an' dere was Max an' Ruby toys!" He explained happily. "Can we go play wit it?"
Josuke's smile widened. "Of course! Where did you put your toys?"
"Dey all in my room still." Rohan pointed to his bedroom, happily letting himself be carried. He was so happy to finally be baby and have his daddy and have toys!!

Josuke set Rohan down on the floor and sat in front of him, taking the box of pretend foods and opening it. "Do you want to try and name every food in here?" He asked, watching Rohan nod quickly and lean forward. He was definitely in a better mood today, and more excited. Getting him toys and the custom pacifier was definitely a good choice.
Rohan chewed on his paci and rocked back and forth, wanting to just sit and hug and cuddle his daddy all day!!
"Ooh, what's this?" Josuke took the broccoli out of the plastic.
"Is a tree!" Rohan took the tree and set it down, then picked up the Max and Ruby beanie babies. "Dey can be goin' campin' in da woods!" He took one of the fried eggs. "Dis da sleepin bag." He set it down, laying Max on top of it. "Wait! Where's gramma?" He looked up worriedly. "Is not safe to go campin' alone!"

"It's not, you're right." Josuke set the foods aside. "Grandma is at the store, so instead of camping they have to find something else to do." He offered his idea, listening to the clicks the pacifier made when Rohan chewed on it.
Rohan thought for a moment, staying quiet. "What if they go camping inside?" He picked up the empty box that held the foods, and tore one side open, then set the cardboard up, making three walls. "Deres da house!" He looked at the foods and popped the hotdog bun out of the plastic. "Dis da couch!" He set it up against one of the walls in the house.
Josuke smiled at Rohan's creativity. "What if they make a pillow fort instead of a tent?"
"Yeah!!" Rohan took the crackers and carefully stacked them up, making a little tent for the sleeping bag to go in. "That Max's sleepy bag, but what about Ruby? She don't got one." Rohan thought for a moment, looking at all the plastic food. He then picked up one of the waffles. "She brought one of those blowup beds!" He moved the sleeping bag and put the mattress under the tent. "Now they can both share the bed! They need blankies and pillows though."

Josuke nodded. "What about these for the pillows-" He picked up two of the chicken legs. "-and this is the blanket?" He picked up one of the small plates.
"Yeah!" Rohan giggled, taking the pillows and blanket.
"What about a lantern? They need a light to tell stories." Josuke took the carrot out of the plastic.
Rohan nodded and put everything together. "Anything else?" He set Max and Ruby in the bed and put the blanket over them.
"Not unless you can think of something." Josuke smiled.
"Dey can have a-!" Rohan started, getting his sentence cut off by his phone ringing.
Josuke worriedly looked at the little, noticing him almost zoned out. "Do you want me to answer it?"
Rohan rubbed his eyes and shook his head, standing up to go down to his kitchen where his landline was. With each ring, he felt worse and worse, trying to force himself to be big.

Josuke followed and sat on a barstool while Rohan answered the phone.
Rohan hid his face with his sleeve and looked down, listening to his editor mercilessly rip apart the draft Rohan had given him.
Josuke heard yelling from the other end and got even more worried. Rohan hadn't even said a word...
"Your manga has been going consistently downhill since you created it! Nobody in their right mind would read, hell, nobody would think of this, let alone sloppily shove it onto paper!"
Rohan covered his mouth to hide his cries and rested his forehead on the wall.
"He never needed a backstory in the first place! You shoved so many ridiculous, unnecessary details into it, it's horrible both visually and story-wise. The mental gymnastics I had to perform just to try understanding this absolute dumpster fire is insane!"

Josuke stood up and walked over, placing a hand on Rohan's back.
"Your manga has gotten so ridiculously complicated and your art has evolved into nothing but hideous creatures in depressing attire! All your manga is is just people moping about their sh*tty lives and either dying for the main character or just disappearing randomly! Get your sh*t together, Kishibe. Has your fame finally gotten to you to where you'll just turn out whatever horrible, disgusting, perverted sh*t and practically steal money from your fans, who do nothing but kiss your ass?"
Rohan shoved Josuke's arm away, turning so he had his back to him.
"Look, Kishibe, I'll give you two options. Either you take this draft back and give me something readable next month, or quit."
Rohan flinched when his editor hung up, slowly putting the phone back on the hook.
Josuke moved in front of Rohan. "Hey.."
"I don't need you here." Rohan wiped his eyes. "Leave."
"It's gonna be okay, Ro." Josuke smiled. "Look, yo-"
"Shut up. I told you to leave." Rohan stepped back. "And don't call me that. We're not friends, we're not even close."

Josuke frowned. "Sorry.."
Rohan took a pen from his counter and used Heaven's Door to open up Josuke's face, harshly writing in a couple new sentences. I hate Kishibe Rohan. I find age regression disgusting and think of Kishibe Rohan as a freak.
Josuke winced at the pain, but let Rohan write whatever he wanted.
"There." Rohan closed the pages and threw the pen back down onto the counter, not even realizing that his writing had disappeared.
"What'd you write?" Josuke asked quietly.
"You should know. Do you feel any different?" Rohan asked in a venomous tone.
Josuke shook his head.
Rohan rolled his eyes. "Just get out before I make it so you can never come back."

"If you hate me so much, why didn't you already write that?" Josuke crossed his arms, not knowing why Rohan was so upset and wanting to find out why.
"Leave!" Rohan yelled, tears blurring his vision.
Josuke nodded and stepped back. "I'm sorry." He left the kitchen, going to the front door.
Rohan's emotions were starting to become too much again, but he shoved away any little thoughts. He didn't want his pacifier, he didn't want to drink juice or watch Max & Ruby, he didn't want Josuke.


Josuke quickly picked up his phone when he saw Rohan was calling. "Hello?"
Rohan bit his lip and sighed. "Thanks."
"For what?" Josuke asked worriedly.
"The gifts last week." Rohan looked down. "I've been.. regressing.. more..."
"That's great." Josuke smiled. "Have you been feeling better?"
Rohan stayed quiet for a long while. "Look, I'm- I'm sorry for being so manipulative. I know that I can't just say sorry and it's all better, but-" He trailed off.
"You weren't at all manipulative, Rohan." Josuke tilted his head.
"Yes I was. You took care of me after a stand attack and even after that I forced you to take care of me. I shoved all of my problems onto you and manipulated you so you'd care for me and fulfill my weird, freakish fantasies."
"No you didn't." Josuke sighed. "Rohan, you're not.. You're not manipulative, you just can't express your emotions."

Rohan stayed quiet for a bit. "I hate asking you to keep coming back..."
"I will." Josuke nodded. "I'll be over as soon as I can."
"Higa-" Rohan got cut off by Josuke hanging up. "Damnit."


Rohan opened the door and stepped aside to let Josuke in. "You're stupid."
"I know." Josuke nodded, taking off his shoes.
"I just f*cking told you that I'm manipulating you, why are you still coming back?"
"A manipulator wouldn't admit it, unless you're playing 4D chess."
"I'm manipulating you for my own gain, Higashikata! I'm forcing you into this caregiver position because you're so gullible and too trusting! Age regression isn't real! I've made it up to justify my disgusting feelings! I'm nothing but a freak!" Rohan yelled, hating all of his feelings.
"Dude, I don't care if I'm falling into some elaborate trap you've crafted, you've still got some pretty bad issues. Yeah, you're weird, you're unusual, but this isn't that. All I have to go off of is a really strong feeling, but I know you're not hurting me. You're just... confused."
Rohan held back his tears and nodded.
"I should've asked this earlier, but is it okay if I try and help you? I feel guilty too for kinda shoehorning my way into your personal life. So I'm just asking." Josuke crossed his arms. "Are you okay with me being here and trying to help?"

Rohan nodded again and finally cracked, letting out a couple sobs and holding out his arms.
Josuke brought Rohan into a hug and held him close.
"I'm sorry.." Rohan apologized. "I don't want to hurt you.."
"I know." Josuke rubbed Rohan's back. "We're gonna talk and figure it out, okay?" He assured, feeling Rohan nod.

"Will you stay..?"

"Of course."


Fun fact, I actually used to have Max and Ruby beanie babies but idk where they are now

Chapter 90: Diavolo and Doppio


A request by Acidboil


I've never written these babies before so I'm kinda nervous

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Diavolo picked up his paperweight and held it to his ear. "Doppio?"
"I'm scared-" Doppio whined, sounding upset and like he was crying.
"Why?" Diavolo set down his pen and stood up, going to his bed and sitting down.
"You said you were gonna go discuss stuff with the assassins and I don't want you to get hurt-" Doppio sniffled.
"I'll be fine, Doppio." Diavolo assured, his mind feeling a bit fuzzy.
"But what if they betray you or find out who you are?" Doppio asked worriedly.
"Calm down-" Diavolo sighed, glancing back at the stuffed animals on their bed and feeling his thoughts slowly dissipate until he just laid down.
Everything was quiet for a minute or so, then Doppio sat up in the bed and heard his phone ring. He quickly picked up the paperweight and rubbed his teary eyes. "Boss! Are you okay??"

Diavolo sighed. "I'm fine. I'm going to the Capo's place next week, it's not even soon."
"Yes it is!" Doppio laid down on his big teddy bear, holding its paw. "It's really really close!" He kicked his legs.
"Doppio, stop worrying."
"But what if you get hurt or you die?! Then I'll be all alone!" Doppio whined, rubbing his eyes.
"We have the most powerful Stand, Doppio, I won't die. Those idiots have no clue how to assassinate normal people, they'll never lay a finger on me." Diavolo scoffed.
"But what if something happens? I don't wanna be alone!" Doppio cried, hugging his big teddy bear and crying into it.
"YOU WON'T BE ALONE!" Diavolo yelled, hearing Doppio go completely silent. "Doppio, I'm sorry-"
Doppio hung up and just cried and hugged the bear, moving its arms so that it felt like he was being hugged.

Soon, the phone rang again, and Doppio picked it up. "Is you mad at me?" He sniffled.
"I'm not mad, Doppio, just overwhelmed. I've calmed down a bit, though."
"Otay.." Doppio sat up and pulled the blankets up over himself. "I gotta potty but is sleeby.."
"Are you little, Doppio?" Diavolo asked.
Doppio nodded, before remembering his boss couldn't see him and saying yes.
"Okay. Well you need to go potty."
"But is sleeby!" Doppio whined, rubbing his nose on his sleeve.
"Go potty first." Diavolo said more sternly. "You won't be able to sleep if you have to go. So just get it over with and come back and be comfy."
"But if I potty then I gotta get up and go to da bafroom and do all dat." Doppio complained.
"Doppio, do what I told you." Diavolo said more sternly. "It won't be good if you have an accident."
"But seeby-" Doppio got cut off.
"Now." Diavolo sighed.

Diavolo hung up and called again after a few minutes.
"I back in bed but now is hungy!" Doppio whined. "Can yous come make me food?"
Diavolo sighed. "Not now, Doppio."
"Pleeeeeeeaaseee!" Doppio begged. "Where even is you?" He felt himself regressing even tinier.
Diavolo sighed, knowing that Doppio didn't know he was just a personality. "I'm... I'm in a hotel on the opposite side of Italy. I'm staying here for the night then moving somewhere else-" He lied.
"Why you all the way over dere?" Doppio laid on his back and looked around, thinking about what he wanted to eat. Maybe candy, maybe a baked potato.. ooh a baked potato would be good, but he didn't know how to use the oven, and it was dangerous without someone else there to help.
"Doppio?" Diavolo asked.
"Huh?" The little looked to the paperweight.
"Are you there?" Diavolo asked, a bit worried.
"Yeah. I was jus' thinkin' about usin' da oven."
"NO. Do not use the oven!" Diavolo warned, panicking a bit.
"I not! I know it danangeraous." Doppio failed at pronouncing the big word.

"Good. Don't even think about using the oven or stove while I'm gone." Diavolo sighed.
"I not." Doppio kicked his legs, having to move up so he wouldn't fall off the bed.
"You can use the microwave if you need anything heated up, just be careful with what you put in there." Diavolo warned.
"I know!" Doppio yawned. "I eeby."
"You're sleepy?"
"Then I'll let you sleep."
"You suppose to talk me into gettin food! I hungy!"
"So you want me to convince you to make food?" Diavolo asked, his voice fairly cheerful.
"Yeah!" Doppio enjoyed the comfy bed, tempted to grab the blankie and snuggle with the big bear.
"Well, weigh your options." Diavolo started. "If you get food, you'll have to get up and put effort into getting it, then come back and eat, then you'll be comfy in bed and not hungry. If you don't get food, you can be as comfy as you want, but you'll still want food, and before long your stomach will start to hurt."

"So if is get food, den I uncomfy and gotta put in effort, but is big comfy after. If is don' get food, den is jus' a lil comfy..." Doppio thought. "I be lil comfy."
"Really? Later, you're just going to be sad you didn't get food. When you wake up you'll probably be grumpy, too." Diavolo spoke sadly.
"Yeah but I wanna be comfy now!" Doppio snuggled up with his big bear and his blankie.
"Alright, then."
"I wanna go nap now."
"Okay, night night."
"Nini." Doppio hung up and put the paperweight on the nightstand. He was still hungry, but it'd be fine... maybe.


A couple hours later, Doppio's tummy hurt, but he didn't want to get up since he was still comfy. He also didn't want to admit his daddy was right.

Diavolo called again to check on Doppio, receiving a quick answer.
"Hii." Doppio sighed. "I can't seep. I want foooodd.."
"I told you." Diavolo scoffed smugly.
"Nuh-uh!" Doppio whined. "You jus' don' wanna make food."
"I can't make food, I'm on the other side of Italy." Diavolo continued his tiny lie.
"What is gonna eat den?" Doppio whined. "I don' wanna spend forever in da kitchen."
"Well, you can use the air fryer and make chicken nuggets or pizza rolls or-"
"PIZZA ROLLS!!" Doppio shot up and ran to the kitchen, taking out the bag of pizza rolls from the freezer.
"Listen, Doppio, only put in as many as you'll eat."
"Uh-huh!" Doppio dumped around twenty pizza rolls into the air fryer. "How does it work?"
"Make sure they're all spread somewhat evenly."
"Now close it."
"Now set it to 400 degrees for 4 minutes."

"400 minutes-" Doppio clicked a few buttons, eventually hearing the air fryer start. "I did it!!"
"Good job!" Diavolo cheered, his smile almost audible.
"Imma get a plate and wait!" Doppio got a blue plate and watched the numbers count down.
"Alright. I'll call when they're done." Diavolo promised.
"Otay!" Doppio giggled.

A few minutes later, Doppio had his pizza rolls and was back in bed, deciding to color while he talked to his daddy.
"Are you gonna take a nap after you finish your food?" Diavolo asked, a bit worried about not getting his paperwork finished.
"Yeah!" Doppio nodded, eating his last pizza roll and drawing his daddy's pretty hair.
"Okay. Don't stay up for too long." Diavolo hummed.
"I won't." Doppio giggled. "I all done!" He put his plate in the floor beside the bed.
"Okay, goodnight." Diavolo whispered.
"Night night!" Doppio finished his milk, then hung up. He set his drawing on his daddy's desk, then snuggled up with his big teddy bear again, soon falling asleep.


Diavolo woke up and immediately checked the time, cursing himself and going to get his papers in order. He paused for a moment when he saw a special paper, though, one that Doppio had drawn.....

In My Arms - PinkFrogDoppio - ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (15)


I hope the doodle at the end makes up for the shortness of this chapter

And sorry this took so long to come out, it's been hard finding the motivation to write recently <3

I'll probably take a long break after this chapter is out

Chapter 91: Josuke and Rohan


Rohan is a stimmy boiii and Josuke is babi

A bunch of little ideas because im too lazy to write a whole cohesive chapter

Chapter Text

Rohan flapped his hands and giggled, two of his favorite stimmies.
"Is you a baby?" Josuke asked happily.
Rohan nodded and smiled, chewing his paci.
"Is I a baby?" Josuke pointed to himself.
Rohan laughed and shook his head. "No! You not baby!" He giggled.
"I not baby?" Josuke asked, tilting his head.
"You daddy!" Rohan hugged his daddy tightly, absolutely loving all the happy feelings he got.
"I not daddy!" Josuke hugged Rohan, patting his back.
"But I baby!" Rohan pulled away.
"You baby!" Josuke nodded.
"You baby!" Rohan pointed to Josuke.
"Me baby." Josuke pointed to himself.
"No!" Rohan shook his head.
"I baby!" Josuke whined.
"You baby!" Rohan whined.
"Me baby!" Josuke insisted.
"No! You baby!" Rohan shook his head.
"You baby!" Josuke pointed to Rohan.
Rohan nodded. "Me baby."


Rohan sat in the floor and repeatedly bonked his head on the side of the couch, letting out small hums.
Josuke sat beside Rohan and held his head. "Nono!"
Rohan sat up and let out an angry sound, flapping his hands. He then went back to hitting his head.
"Nono!" Josuke whined, moving Rohan's head back again.
Rohan yelled and hit his thighs, not liking when Josuke stopped him from stimming.
"Nono! No hurt!" Josuke shook his head.
"No hurt!" Rohan insisted, going back to bonking his head.
"Nono!" Josuke pulled Rohan back again. "Hurt bad!"
"Noo!" Rohan whined, tearing up.
"No hurt!" Josuke stood up, running to the kitchen and getting an ice cube from the freezer.
Rohan began crying and hit his head a bit harder, stopping and taking the ice cube when Josuke came back.
"Icey." Josuke sat back down.
Rohan shook the ice and looked at it, moving it from one hand to another. His nose was a little runny and his eyes were teary, but at least he wasn't upset or hurting himself. "Icey.."


Rohan tapped the crayon on the paper and made a bunch of tiny green dots.
Josuke huffed and took Rohan's green crayon, not liking how he was making so much noise and not letting him have the green.
Rohan tried taking the crayon back, but pulled too hard and ended up snapping it.
Josuke looked down and then back up, seeing Rohan get upset and start to cry.
Rohan let out yells and rubbed his eyes, looking up when Josuke got his attention.
Josuke grabbed Rohan's hand and put one half of the crayon in, taking the other half so he could draw the grass.
Rohan put his paci back in his mouth and sniffled, continuing to fill the page with dots.


Rohan shook his head. "Icky."
"Nummy!" Josuke pointed to Rohan's dinner.
"Nuh-uh! Icky!" Rohan pushed his plate away.
"Nummy!" Josuke pushed it back.
"No!" Rohan insisted, not liking how all his food was touching and how he didn't have his special green plate and green sippy.
"Nummy nummy." Josuke held the food up to Rohan's face.
"Icky!" Rohan pushed his chair back.
"No!" Josuke whined, not knowing how to get Rohan to eat. He liked all the food they had, why wasn't he eating?
"Sbiby!" Rohan demanded.
"Sbiby!" Josuke gave Rohan his sippy cup.
"No!" Rohan pushed away the blue and purple sippy.
"Sbabiby!" Josuke showed Rohan how to open it. "Joos."
"No!" Rohan shook his head.

"Joosy!" Josuke held the sippy closer.
"No!" Rohan shoved it away again.
Josuke huffed and set his sippy down.
"Sbiby, pate." Rohan pat his hands on the counter.
"Pate!" Josuke held Rohan's plate out to him.
"Noo!" Rohan shook his head. "Sababibebe a' pate!"
"Pate an' sibby!"
"No! Icky!"
"No icky!!"
"Adabada sibby pate nummy!"
"Nuh-uh! Nummy!"
"Iggy! Nuh-nuh."
"Munum- nummy!"
"No! Icky!"
"Nummy num!"
"Yuh-nuh! Nummy!"

"Nono!" Rohan huffed. "Sibby a' pate!" He said finally.
"Sbiby!" Josuke held out the sippy. "Pate!" He held out the plate.
"No! You pate!" Rohan pointed to Josuke's special blue plate. "Me pate!"
"You pate!" Josuke gave Rohan his special green plate.
Rohan then realized that he had his green plate and sippy this whole time, but still didn't like how there was a piece of corn in his mashed potatoes. "No!" He pointed to the potatoes.
"Debabe." Josuke took his fork and got the piece of corn out, eating it.
"Bebber." Rohan took his plate and sippy back, finally starting to eat. "Nummy."

Chapter 93: Bruno and The Gang


Happy thanksgiving you little rats

Chapter Text

"Why are you up this early?" Leone hummed, sitting down at the island.
"Narancia and Mista woke me up." Bruno checked the oven. "I'm honestly kind of glad, I forgot to make the cookies last night."
"What are they doing up this early?" Leone looked around, not hearing the typically loud duo.
"Hunting." Bruno took the cookies out of the oven.
Leone scoffed. "Since when did they hunt?"
"Since today I guess." Bruno looked back. "Wanna come get potatoes with me?" He gestured to the sliding glass door that lead out to their back yard.
"For what?"
"Mashed potatoes."
"Why are you making mashed potatoes this early?"
"It's for today."
"What's so special about today?"
"It's Thanksgiving, do you not remember?"

Leone just sighed and stood up. "It feels like it was Halloween last week."
"It won't be long until Christmas, too. Next Wednesday we're supposed to get snow."
"Damn-" Leone followed Bruno outside.
Bruno walked around the garden and to the large crate of potatoes, gently moving the cloth.
Leone looked up when he heard what sounded like a gunshot, seeing birds flying away.
Bruno smiled. "I never even knew Mista owned hunting equipment until today." He handed Leone a few potatoes, then took some himself, before covering the potatoes back.
"It's crazy that we all went from mafiosos to gardeners, hunters, and housewives." Leone joked.
Bruno shrugged, following Leone inside and setting all the potatoes in the sink.

"Actually, I forgot to ask." Bruno hummed. "How has Moody adjusted to this life?"
"What do you mean?"
"Since she used to be used for fighting almost every day, and now she barely comes out."
"I don't know-" Leone helped his love rinse the last of the dirt from the potatoes.
"I remember Sticky being almost sad. He just, didn't seem excited about anything anymore. Now he's better and he likes helping me cook, but it was scary with the sudden transition."
Leone nodded. "Moody's always been.. moody. I just think she's bored now. That's another reason I go to the gym, she likes fighting and working out."
Bruno paused for a moment. "Is that where you've been going?"
"Yeah?" Leone nodded, confused at the question.
"I thought you were going to bars- That's why I was upset the other night." Bruno looked up.

"No." Leone shook his head. "I break into the gym after it closes. I like being alone."
"Hmm." Bruno leaned on his love. "I'm sorry."
"It's alright." Leone kissed Bruno's head.
Bruno looked up, another question having popped into his head. "Can- or do you and Moody fight?"
"No, why?" Leone looked down. "Or do you mean like, hand to hand?"
"Hand to hand." Bruno nodded.
"We do, yeah. She loves it. But arguing fighting, we've never really had anything like that." Leone smiled.
"Hmm." Bruno nodded. "I should get started on the dough for the bread."
"I'm gonna go back to sleep." Leone dried the water off his hands. "Wake me up if something interesting happens."
"Alright. Love you."
"Love you."


Everyone looked over when the front door slammed open.
"WE GOT A DEER!" Narancia laughed, a large smile on his face.
Fugo sighed and looked back down at his puzzle book.
Giorno just went back to watching his YouTube video.
"Good job!" Bruno smiled, setting down a towel.
Mista walked in and shrugged off his jacket.
"You're tracking mud in." Giorno looked down.
"I'll mop later." Mista shrugged. "You got a knife we can use to skin it?" He opened the knife drawer.
"Uhh- I-" Bruno walked over to the knife block. "How big?"
"'Bout that big." Mista held up his hand to show Bruno the size.
Bruno took a knife and gave it to Mista. "Do you need a sharpener?" He held up the small sharpener.
"Prolly." Mista took it. "Thanks!" He walked back out with Narancia. "We'll be out by the big tree." He gestured in the vague direction of the tree.
Bruno nodded and smiled.
"Come onn! I'm excited!" Narancia pulled Mista outside."Fine! Fine!" Mista laughed.


"Ooh, are we gonna have macaroni and cheese too?!" Narancia asked, bouncing excitedly.
Leone glanced up, still sleepy at 1PM. "No, we're just having bread and mashed potatoes." He teased. "We're too poor to afford your fancy macaroni and cheese."
"Aw man-" Narancia sat back.
"We're having macaroni and cheese!" Bruno laughed. "We're also having turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, rolls, corn, and green beans. And I also bought a chocolate cake for dessert."
"That's a lot of food-" Fugo glanced up.
"It's thanksgiving." Bruno looked back. "Of course it's a lot of food."
Leone hummed, his head in his arms. "Where's Mista?" He looked up. "And Trish?"
Narancia shrugged. "Iunno about Trish, but Mista's out cutting up the deer."
"I'll go check on her." Leone stood up, stretching.

Leone gently knocked on Trish's door, waiting a few seconds then coming in.
"Baba!" Trish reached up to the door.
"Hey." Leone smiled. "What're you up to?"
Trish giggled when her daddy sat down, showing him her stim board. "Baby!"
"You're baby?" Leone sat beside his little and played with all the clips and strings.
"Zippy!" Trish played with the zippers, giggling.
"What color is the zipper?" Leone pointed to the red one.
"Red!" Trish looked up.
Leone smiled. "Good job! What about this one?"
"Yellow!" Trish giggled.
"Yellow!" Leone laughed. "What about this? What shape is that?"
Trish peeled off the velcro triangle. "Green!"
"No, what shape?" Leone outlined the shape.

Trish looked at the velcro part. "Yellow." She pointed to the white velcro.
"No and no-" Leone put the triangle back down. "It's a triangle."
"Green trinanagalal!" Trish looked up.
"Green triangle." Leone repeated. "What shape is this one?" He held up the yellow circle.
"Sirtle!" Trish took it and stuck it back down. "Dis one a red sware."
"Red square! Good job!" Leone smiled. "This is the hard one." He picked up the orange star. "What's this?"
"Oran- red- symem-" Trish took the star, pointing to all the tips. "Sudan-"
"Sedan or satan?" Leone looked at the little. "They're both wrong."
"Sadan!" Trish yelled happily.
"NO-" Leone took the star. "Don't say that-"
"Hey!" Leone spoke more seriously. "Don't say that."
Trish frowned and looked down, taking the star.
"Bruno will beat me if he thinks I taught you to yell satan." He sighed. "Anyways, I think dinner's gonna be ready soon." He stood up and picked Trish up.


"Then it goes around there and in there." Fugo tied the strings in Trish's toy. "You do it." He untied it, giving the toy back to Trish.
Bruno sighed and sat down beside Leone, tired and hungry.
"I'm excited for our dinner." Leone held his love, looking to the living room when he heard a thud.
Mista picked up Giorno's cat piano. "Let's put it here so it doesn't fall-" He set it on the coffee table.
Giorno giggled and played a few notes, finding the meows funny.
Bruno looked up. "The littles are making this harder-" He whispered.
Narancia gasped loudly. "MISTA!! MOMMY TALKIN BAD ABOUT US!"
Bruno chuckled tiredly. "No I wasn't!"
"Yuh huh!" Nara nodded. "You said we made it hard!"
"I said you were making it funner!" Bruno smiled. "Could you stir the potatoes for me?"
Nara nodded and went to stir the potatoes. "When we gonna mash em?"
"Hopefully soon." Bruno stood back up, taking a fork and sticking it into the potatoes. "A bit longer, then we'll mash them."

"Why does it take so loongg!!" Nara groaned.
Bruno shrugged. "It's just how it is. Everything else is almost done, though, so how about you and Fugo go outside and get a jar of green beans?"
Fugo looked up when he heard his name, having been completely distracted playing with Trish.
"Can you go get some green beans?" Bruno asked, gesturing outside.
"Oh, yeah-" Fugo moved Trish off of his lap. "I'll be right back." He kissed her cheek.
"Bye bye!" Trish opened and closed her hand, then went over to sit with her daddy.
"C'mon." Fugo gestured for Nara to follow him outside.
Narancia followed, hopping along the large rocks beside their patio. "Why do we keep the potatoes and beans outside?"
Fugo shrugged, squatting down and opening the wooden chest he and Giorno kept. "Ask Giorno when he's big, he knows more about this than me." He took a jar of green beans, then closed the chest.
"Why do you put them in jars instead of buying them?" Nara held the beans, looking at them.

"It's more fun. I wish we could grow corn, too, but Giorno made a deal that he wouldn't make the garden any bigger." Fugo ruffled the little's hair.
"Why does Giorno and you have the garden anyway?"
"To grow potatoes and green beans." Fugo opened the door.
"But Giorno can just use Gold Experience!" Nara held the jar of beans up to Bruno.
"Thank you." Bruno smiled.
"We tried that before, and everything he grows with Gold Experience tastes weird." Fugo sat back down.
"Why?" Nara sat beside Fugo.
"I don't know." Fugo shrugged.


"Everything's done!" Bruno called, setting 7 plates down.
"I wan' maccy cheese!" Narancia ran to the stove.
"Then get some." Bruno gave him his plate.
"Uughh!" Narancia got his own food, huffing.
Mista carried Giorno to the kitchen. "Are you ready for your dinner?" He asked happily.
"Why Giorno get his food got for him but I gotta do it myself?" Nara huffed.
"Because Giorno can't get it himself. You can." Bruno glanced back to Leone, pointing to the ham and receiving a nod.
Fugo looked up, finding it funny how he told Nara to get his own food but got Leone's food for him.
"Dindin!" Trish stood up, pointing to the food on the stove and counter.
"We'll get ours after everyone else." Fugo nodded.

Giorno watched his daddy get another plate of food, then was set in his chair. "Abebeba!"
Leone smiled at his love when he was given his food. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." Bruno gave Leone a kiss on the cheek.
Fugo stood and went with Trish to help her get her food.
Bruno got himself and Leone a glass of wine, apple juice for Giorno, and milk for Nara and Trish. "What do you two want?" He gestured to Fugo and Mista.
"Just water." Fugo nodded.
"Milk I guess." Mista shrugged, feeding Giorno small bites.
Bruno got everyone's drinks, and by the time he got himself his food, everyone else was eating. "I did have something to say before we started." He chuckled.
"Sorry!" Trish put down her fork.
"It's okay." Bruno looked around. "I know it's cheesy, but what are we all thankful for?"

Leone looked up when Bruno, then everyone else, looked at him. "Wine." He answered blankly.
"A genuine answer!" Bruno nudged him with a smile.
"I don't know-" Leone looked down. "The.. littles?"
Bruno nodded then looked to Mista.
"I'm thankful for this little guy!" Mista kissed Giorno's cheek, making him giggle. "What are you thankful for?"
"A baby!" Giorno babbled.
Bruno smiled and looked to Trish.
"I like uhh, pink!" Trish kicked her legs under the table.
"What about you?" Bruno looked to Fugo.
Fugo shrugged. "The garden, I guess."
"That was my thing!" Nara pointed to himself.
"You can both be thankful for the same thing." Bruno looked to the little.
"Nuh-uh! Since Fugo stole my thing, I'm thankful for.. tables. The people that make tables!" Nara looked up.
Leone held in his laugh.
"That's- good." Bruno nodded, eating a bit of turkey.
"What about you?" Mista looked to Bruno.

Bruno shrugged. "It sounds cheesy and dumb, but.. I'm thankful to have all of you here." He looked down at his plate.
"That's not dumb." Leone smiled. "It's perfect." He reached over to hold his love's hand.
"Thank you." Bruno smiled.

Chapter 94: Bruno and Leone


Inspired by the Bluey episode, The Beach

Chapter Text

"Are you all alright to stay here alone?" Bruno hummed, looking at Mista and Giorno, who were taking care of Fugo, Nara, and Leone.
"Yeah. Where are you going?" Giorno looked up.
"Just for a walk. I don't know how long it'll be." Bruno got on his knees to kiss his little one goodbye.
Leone held his arms up, wanting his mama to pick him up.
"Do you want to walk with me?" Bruno smiled, picking up his little.
"Wa-" Leone babbled, waving bye to his friends as he watched them slowly get smaller and smaller.
Bruno walked and looked at the ocean, enjoying the nostalgic smell.
Leone made tiny noises to stim, looking over his mama's shoulder.
Bruno held his baby close. He always enjoyed when he could just be with Leone, whether he was little or not. Being able to just focus on his love and not have to worry about anything else was his favorite thing...
Leone chewed on his thumb and continued his tiny sounds, feeling his chest get fuzzy. It always did that when he was with his mommy... He didn't know why, but it sometimes happened when he was big, too, and when he was little he felt it around his mommy and Gio and Fugo.... It was a good feeling, though..


"Mama.." Leone looked at his mommy.
"Hmm?" Bruno hummed.
"Mama." Leone repeated, pointing to Bruno.
"Yes, I'm mama." Bruno smiled, glancing back and noticing how they couldn't see the rest of the gang anymore.
"Mama." Leone repeated.
"Mama." Bruno looked to the rocks up ahead, seeing their path would soon come to an end.
"Baby?" Leone pointed to himself.
"Yes, you're baby." Bruno moved Leone's hair out of his face.
"Baby m- mama." Leone cooed.
"Mama and baby." Bruno turned around when they reached the rocks. "Do you want to stay here a little bit?" He asked, sitting on one.
Leone nodded and sat with his mommy.

It wasn't long until Abba was a bit cold and bored.
"Bay-" Leone pointed back to where they came from.
"You want to go back?" Bruno asked. "You can go back."
Leone stood and looked back and forth between his mommy and the path they walked.
"You can go ahead. Follow the footsteps back." Bruno smiled. "I'm gonna stay here for a while."
Leone hummed and started on his journey back, picking up a rock he saw. "Rocky!" He turned around and held it up, showing his mommy.
Bruno nodded. "That's a pretty rock!" He laughed, knowing how excited Leone got when he found rocks.
Leone flapped his hands and kept going, keeping his rock friend with him. He then found a stick, picking it up too. "Sticky sticky.." He turned back around, waving the stick up.
Bruno waved back, assuming there was a stick. It was getting harder to see his little one.

Leone saw something drawn in the sand far ahead, and ran to look at it. And that's what he did when he reached it. He just squatted down and looked at it. It was just a circle. He looked back to show his mommy but couldn't see him anymore, looking the other way and not seeing the rest of his friends. He hummed and decided to sit and wait, sitting inside the circle with his stick friend and rock friend. "Sticky sticky.. rocky.. rocky baby.. rock rock." The little babbled, liking his special circle.


Leone looked over when he saw someone walking, giggling and holding his hands up when he saw it was his mommy.
"Hi baby." Bruno picked up the stick and rock, then Leone. "Did you make a circle?"
Leone nodded, not knowing how to explain that he just found it and sat in it.
"You came pretty far, everyone else should be close." Bruno let his little hold the sandy stick and the wet rock, continuing to walk next to the water.
Leone closed his eyes and enjoyed feeling the air around him.
"I love you." Bruno hummed quietly.
"Ala-" Leone responded. "Alayy..ya.."
Bruno smiled and soon began seeing everyone in the distance. "We're almost back."
Leone hummed, slowly beginning to doze off. "Nini-"
"Night night." Bruno whispered, rubbing his little's back.

Chapter 95: Kakyoin and Jotaro


Birthday baby

Chapter Text

Kakyoin opened his eyes and looked up.
"It's time to get up." Jotaro smiled.
"Why..?" Kakyoin rubbed his eyes, hugging his blanket tighter.
"Do you not remember?" Jotaro sat on the bed.
"No? Is today a holiday or something?" Kakyoin sat up and yawned.
"It's your birthday." Jotaro nudged his love.
"Mmm." Kakyoin hummed, before realizing what Jotaro said. "My birthday?"
"July 28th." Jotaro nodded.
Kakyoin frowned. "And I still haven't been to see my parents this week... They've never missed one of my birthdays..." He sighed, looking down at his lap.
"Hey, it's okay." Jotaro tried comforting his love. "We'll go see them tomorrow."
"Why not today?" Kakyoin looked up.
"Avdol, Polnareff, and the old man are coming over." Jotaro looked up when his mom opened the door.

Holly smiled. "Avdol's here."
"Tell him it'll be a bit before he sees either of us." Jotaro stood up to get Kakyoin different clothes and a towel.
Holly nodded and left.
"I'll help you shower, it'll be faster." Jotaro held out two shirts.
Kakyoin nodded, looking at his shirts. "Is my green one clean?"
Jotaro looked in the drawer. "Just these two, your black one, and the fancy white shirt."
"Black one, I guess." Kakyoin caught the shirt when it was thrown at him.
"Pants?" Jotaro opened another drawer.
"Just sweatpants." Kakyoin caught the sweatpants, socks, underwear, and towel.


"Such a silly little baby." Jotaro smiled, holding his little one and going out to get breakfast, seeing everyone was already there.
"Look at my adorable grandson!" Joseph smiled, standing and going to see Kakyoin.
"You really are going crazy, huh, old man?" Jotaro rolled his eyes, going to the kitchen to get him and Kakyoin food.
"Kakyoin's like a better grandson. At least he enjoys my company!" Joseph sat down with Kakyoin.
"Jotaro!" Polnareff called. "Can you get me something, too? I haven't eaten all morning!"
Holly walked back to the kitchen. "There should be some miso soup and rice on the stove." She looked over to Jotaro.
"Nope." Jotaro held up an empty pot. "There's a little rice left." He looked in the rice cooker.
"Papa, I told you to save some for Jotaro and Nori!" Holly groaned.
Kakyoin's head whipped around when he heard his name, immediately reaching up. "Mama!"
Holly smiled and went to give Kakyoin a hug. "Good morning, Nori."
Joseph rolled his eyes. "It was good! And you barely made any!"
"There was enough for 6 people!" Holly laughed.
"Miso soup would'a been great." Polnareff sighed with a smile, before standing to go annoy Jotaro.

Jotaro poured more water into another cup of instant ramen. "You want some?"
"Hell yeah, I love this kind!" Polnareff looked at the three cups.
"They're on the second shelf." Jotaro nodded towards the pantry.
Polnareff grabbed two cups and gave them to Jotaro. "Do you have forks?"
Jotaro rolled his eyes. "What kind of question is that?"
"Well where are they?" Polnareff opened a drawer, then another one, not finding the silverware.
"Over here." Jotaro opened the silverware drawer. "Go ask Kakyoin if he wants a fork or chopsticks."
Polnareff nodded and ran to pick up Kakyoin, holding him in the air. "Chopsticks or fork?"
Kakyoin giggled and reached down.
"Chopsticks or fork?!" Polnareff asked again, acting like he'd die if Kakyoin didn't answer. "Please tell me! I need to know!" He shook Kakyoin playfully. "Hurry up!"
Kakyoin just laughed and let out small, happy squeals. "San-naa!" He babbled.

"Hurry please! Jotaro's gonna kill me if you don't answer!" Polnareff acted more afraid.
Avdol smiled and watched the two play, soon seeing Jotaro bring in five cups of instant noodles with two forks and a pair of chopsticks.
"I got him a fork." Jotaro sat at the table.
Polnareff sighed in relief. "He got you a fork." He set Kakyoin down beside Jotaro, then sat beside Avdol with his two cups.
"Hey, Avdol." Joseph looked over. "Didn't you bring Iggy?"
"I did." Avdol looked around, not seeing the dog anywhere.
Polnareff groaned. "You really brought him? You know he hates me!"
"Kakyoin likes him. I don't know where he wandered off to, though." Avdol stood up to go try and find Iggy.
Holly sat beside Joseph and looked at the gifts everyone had gotten for Kakyoin. "He's so sweet."
"Hmm?" Joseph looked down.
"Nori. Look at him and Joot." Holly smiled.
Jotaro smiled at his little one. "Don't talk with your mouth full, silly goose."
"Ananana!" Kakyoin babbled.

"He only ever smiles at Nori." Holly looked up.
Joseph nodded. "I'm glad they get along."
Everyone looked to the door when Avdol came back in with a grumpy, dirty Iggy.
"You do not eat the flowers!" Avdol scolded the growling dog, holding him up by his armpits and taking him to the bathroom. "You're going to get a bath now because you're dirty!"
Kakyoin watched and giggled, finding Iggy silly.
"Of course he was eating the flowers." Polnareff scoffed. "Dumb little rat dog."
"I'm gonna tell him you called him that." Jotaro looked up, moving on to his second cup of noodles.
"Please don't-" Polnareff begged quietly.


After a bit, everyone was done eating, and Avdol was holding Iggy, who was very upset and wrapped in a towel.
Jotaro picked up the gift he got for Kakyoin. "There's your first one."
Kakyoin made small sounds and gently opened the gift from his daddy, gasping and giggling when he saw it was a soft little cherry rattle.
"I was about to get one of those, I'm glad I decided not to." Polnareff laughed.
Jotaro smiled at his little one. "I doubt he'd care if he got two of the same thing."
Avdol nodded. "There are only so many cherry themed items out there."
"Did we all get him cherry things?" Polnareff looked to the other men.
"I didn't." Avdol shrugged.
"Thank god, his room is filled with cherries already." Jotaro picked up another box, seeing it was from Polnareff.

Kakyoin reached up and babbled, gently opening the next gift. "Dabebies!" He babbled, opening one of the boxes of chocolate covered cherries.
"Jesus, how many did you get him?" Joseph looked at the large boxes.
"Just three, one dark chocolate, one white chocolate, and one milk chocolate." Polnareff shrugged.
"How many are in a box, though?" Holly smiled, taking one for herself and reading the lid. "150 in one box! You got him 450!"
Kakyoin giggled and ate a cherry, happily leaning on his daddy.
"That'll last Kakyoin about two days." Joseph teased, looking at the happy little.
"Two!" Kakyoin repeated. "Three!"
Jotaro smiled and took a dark chocolate cherry, before setting the box aside. "You want to open your next one?"
Kakyoin nodded and reached for the box, excitedly opening it and then holding up a heavy blanket. "Blankie!!"
"Is this from you, gramps?" Jotaro looked at the wrapping paper, not finding a name.
"Yeah, why?" Joseph stood and helped Kakyoin wrap the blanket around himself.

"He already has that exact blanket. It's on his bed." Jotaro put the paper in a pile.
"Probably a similar one, but this one's weighted!" Joseph smiled, watching Kakyoin giggle and hug the soft blankie.
"His is also weighted. 15 pounds." Jotaro felt the fabric.
"Are- are you sure it's the same?" Joseph asked, a bit worried.
"I'll go get it." Jotaro stood up and went to Kakyoin's room, bringing back the exact same blanket.
"Oh my god.." Joseph sighed, sitting back down beside Holly.
Kakyoin gasped. "Blankie!" He reached up.
"You're gonna die if I put 30 pounds of blankets on you." Jotaro ruffled the little's hair, before taking the blanket back.
Holly laughed. "You didn't know, papa, it's okay!"
"Whatever-" Joseph watched Kakyoin begin to open Avdol's gift.
Kakyoin gasped and held up the pretty red sweater.
Polnareff smiled. "He gasps every time he sees something new."

Avdol smiled as well, watching Kakyoin feel the soft sweater.
"Where'd you get this?" Jotaro looked around for a tag, not finding one.
"I knit it." Avdol watched Kakyoin pick up the kaleidoscope.
"Showoff." Joseph mumbled.
Kakyoin looked at the weird shaped object and tried to figure it out, eventually getting Avdol's help.
"Put your eye up to there." Avdol smiled.
Kakyoin looked in and gasped at all the pretty shapes and colors, absolutely loving it. "Woah.."
"Is that one of those thingies that makes the cool shapes?" Polnareff asked.
Avdol nodded and watched Kakyoin look around.
Jotaro put the wrapping paper with everything else and saw another green box, tilting his head.
Kakyoin put the kaleidoscope down and gasped at the green box, gently opening it. Inside were a bunch of beautiful green rocks and crystals, something he'd never seen before.
Holly looked at all the beautiful rocks. "Where did you find these?"
"That's a secret." Avdol smiled.
"Rocky.." Kakyoin felt the smooth rocks, absolutely in love with the swirls and colors.


"Did you have a nice birthday?" Jotaro smiled, hugging Kakyoin close.
Kakyoin nodded. "Mhm." He cuddled up with his heavy blankies. "Are we still going to see mom and dad tomorrow?"
"Yeah." Jotaro smiled. "I'm sorry we couldn't go today."
"It's okay." Kakyoin rolled over to face his love, yawning.
Jotaro yawned as well and kissed Kakyoin on the head. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight, love you." Kakyoin smiled.

Chapter 96: Josuke, Rohan, and Jotaro💧


I was baby while writing this

Chapter Text

"A baby! Nummy nummy!" Rohan reached over to Josuke's plate.
"No! Me nummy!" Josuke took his plate away.
"Me nummy!" Rohan tried taking a chicken nugget from Josuke's plate.
"Nono!" Josuke held his plate up.
Rohan teared up and kept trying to get Josuke's food. "I wa nummy!"
"You nummy!" Josuke pointed to Rohan's plate.
Rohan shoved his plate off the counter and started crying, reaching for Josuke's plate.
Jotaro looked up and gently brought Rohan's hands down. "Hey, we don't do that. Be nice."
"Nummy!" Rohan cried, still trying to get Josuke's food.
"You had nummies, but you shoved it in the floor." Jotaro sighed.
"Nummy..." Rohan broke down even more, not having the braincells to explain what he wanted. "Daddy.."

"Daddy's here." Jotaro held Rohan's hands, unsure why he was crying.
"Uppy..." Rohan made grabby hands, watching his daddy stand up and come to pick him up.
"Meanie!" Josuke stuck out his tongue.
Rohan held onto his daddy and cried, being taken upstairs to the bedroom.
"You're alright." Jotaro rocked the little, realizing he was genuinely upset and not just being a brat.
"Nummy.." Rohan cried. "No nummy.."
"You threw your nummies in the floor." Jotaro explained.
"No nummy.." The little sobbed. "No nummy.." He repeated, not knowing enough words to say what he wanted or how he felt.
"I'm sorry." Jotaro rubbed Rohan's back and rocked back and forth.

A bit later, Rohan had calmed down, and Jotaro came back down to see Josuke had cleaned up Rohan's food and finished his own.
Rohan made grabby hands at Josuke. "Nummy.."
"I not nummy!" Josuke pointed to himself.
"Num..." Rohan spoke quietly, wanting to sit with Josuke and eat chickie nuggies together.
"Nono!" Josuke shook his head.
Rohan teared up again, getting mad he didn't have the words to say what he wanted, and upset that Josuke didn't understand him.
"What's wrong, baby?" Jotaro asked gently.
Rohan flailed his arms and yelled, trying to push away from his daddy and hitting him.
"Hey, hey!" Jotaro grabbed Rohan's hands, a bit forcefully. "You do not hit!"
Rohan whined and fought against his daddy a bit, before reaching back out for Josuke. "Nummy!"

Josuke shook his head, not wanting Rohan to hit him. "No!"
"Nummyy!" Rohan kicked his legs, starting to cry again.
Jotaro moved and set Rohan down on a step. "Hey, hey, look at me." He got his attention. "What do you want?"
"Nummy.." Rohan repeated, rubbing his eyes.
"You want food?" Jotaro asked more gently.
Rohan nodded. "Nummy too!"
"Two foods?"
"Nummy!" Rohan pointed to Josuke.
"You want Josuke?"
Rohan nodded.
"You can't eat Josuke."
"Bu- nummy! An, ann- jotay."
"Nummy and Josuke?"
Rohan nodded.
"You want to eat with Josuke?"
Rohan nodded.
"Do you want to eat chicken nuggets?"
Rohan nodded.
"Do you want to sit at the table and eat like a big boy?"
Rohan shook his head. "Catatow.." He babbled, pointing to the living room.
"You want to eat on the couch?"
Rohan nodded.

"So you want to eat chicken nuggets on the couch with Josuke?" Jotaro asked.
Rohan nodded again.
"Okay, we can do that, but can you tell me why you threw your plate?" Jotaro held his little's hands.
"Mad.." Rohan looked down.
"Were you mad that Josuke wouldn't let you have his chicken nuggets?"
Rohan nodded. "I wannedas ada, da, i wan-" He stopped and yelled, upset that he wasn't able to talk.
"Calm down, it's okay." Jotaro rubbed the back of his hands. "Take your time, it's okay."
Rohan huffed. "I wann, wanned, i wannes to, eat wih jotay onna cow-couch, buh, buh it, I didn' no, not no word big big boy word." He felt himself moving to a different state, having forced words out of himself. "And... I was just upset." Rohan fully came out of his littlespace, not liking being big. "I wanna be baby.."

"Is you turned into a big boy?" Josuke asked, having just been standing beside them not knowing what to say.
"No..." Rohan crossed his arms and looked down. "I not a big boy!" He babytalked, panicking and trying to push away his big space.
"You've got a lot of emotions, right now." Jotaro tried calming Rohan down, having never had one of the littles un-regress.
"Stop it!" Rohan held his hands up, before rubbing his eyes.
"You big boy now!" Josuke giggled.
"Nonoo!" Rohan whined, kicking his legs a bit. "I not a bi- i not big babyy! Is is big baby!" He started crying again, his emotions becoming too much. "Is a baby!"
Jotaro picked up Rohan and took him back to the bedroom, noticing Josuke following them and putting his finger to his lips to signal him to be quiet.
Josuke did the same and followed them quietly, soon being noticed by Rohan.
"Da baby.." Rohan held out his arms, looking over Jotaro's shoulder. "Han.."
Josuke held Rohan's hands.

"I baby." Rohan sniffled. "I- I baby."
Josuke nodded. "You baby."
"Ih- ih you baby?" Rohan pointed to Josuke.
Josuke nodded. "Me baby."
Rohan wiggled out of his daddy's arms and went to hug Josuke. "Bay- we- we baby."
"We baby. We big baby." Josuke hugged back.
"Nono big, we baby." Rohan rocked and held onto Josuke, sucking his thumb.

Chapter 98: Jolyne, Jotaro and Anasui


I reread my other jolyne and anasui chapter and loved it so I'm making more. It's also starting where the last one left off because yes

Also sorry I haven't posted, life's been crazy fr

Chapter Text

Jotaro sat beside Jolyne. "Do you know how old you are?"
Anasui sat up, a bit confused.
"Dis big." Jolyne put her fingers close together.
"Good enough." Jotaro nodded.
"Should I.. go?" Anasui pointed to the door.
Jotaro looked at him and thought for a moment, before deciding to leave that up to Jolyne. "Do you want Ana to stay?" He asked gently, not wanting to be rude to him in front of her.
Jolyne nodded. "I got two daddies!" She giggled, hugging her daddy.
Anasui smiled when the two hugged, small butterflies in his chest.
Jolyne held onto her daddy, soon being picked up.
"I have some toys and pacifiers if you want them." Jotaro offered. "Since I don't regress anymore."
Jolyne giggled. "Daddy not tiny!" She kicked her legs.
"Daddy used to be tiny." Jotaro took her out and to his room, where he found his old little items in his closet.
"Nuh-uh!" Jolyne laughed, finding the idea of her daddy being tiny funny.

Jotaro got a green dolphin pacifier and a large, sea creature patterned onesie.
"Onsie!!" Jolyne grabbed the onesie. "Ca' I pud id on?"
Jotaro nodded. "It might be a bit big."
"Das otay." Jolyne sat beside her daddy, trying to figure it out.
"Do you need help?" Jotaro looked over.
Jolyne nodded, and was taken to the bed.
"Let's take off your sweatpants and shirt, first." Jotaro laid the onesie beside her. "Do you need help with that?"
Jolyne shook her head, trying to be a big girl and take off her shirt all by herself.
Jotaro watched her struggle for a couple minutes, before deciding to help. "There. Now your sweatpants." He looked away, waiting until she had them off to pick up the onesie. "Put your feet in here."
Jolyne put her feet in the holes and soon had to stand up. She put her arms in the holes and her daddy zipped up the front.
"There you go." Jotaro smiled at seeing his daughter regressed in his own baggy onesie. He had grown out of regression years ago, but he knew how much it helped him to cope with the trauma caused by Dio.
Jolyne ran to the closet and took the dolphin paci, then ran back to her own room where Ana was.

Anasui smiled at how cute Jolyne was in the extra large onesie.
"Daddy got me a paci!" Jolyne jumped onto the bed. "It got Delula!" She showed Ana the pretty dolphin on the paci. "Looky!!"
Anasui nodded and looked at the pacifier, seeing small beads that spelled 'Jotaro' on the ring.
Jotaro returned and sat back down, giving Jolyne a hermit crab toy made from soft plastic.
"Mermit crab!!" Jolyne took the crab, absolutely in love with how pretty the shell was.
Anasui smiled, then showed Jolyne's dad the pacifier. "If I may ask, Mr. Kujo-"
Jotaro nodded. "I used to regress like she does. I had... well, quite a bizarre adventure when I was young, and it helped me cope. I'm glad to see she's coping as well."
"Lookit da mermy crab!" Jolyne laid beside Ana, showing him the crab.
"Mermy crab-" Anasui repeated, loving how adorable she was.

Jolyne giggled and gently pet the toy's head. "Hello widdle mermy crab."
"I have a couple hermit crabs in the tank in my office." Jotaro grinned.
Jolyne looked up, then held out her arms. "Iwa see!"
Jotaro nodded and picked her up, gesturing for Anasui to come with them.
Anasui followed, a bit nervous. Jotaro never allowed anyone in his office, so it was weird he was letting him come.
Jotaro sat down beside his large tank, holding Jolyne in his lap. "Be gentle, you don't wanna scare them."
Jolyne nodded and waved to the crabs and fishies. "Hello fishy, hello widdle mermy crab.."
Anasui sat beside Jolyne.
Jolyne held Ana's hand up to the glass. "Say hi to da fishie!"
"Don't touch the glass." Jotaro grabbed Anasui's wrist with a death grip.
"Yes sir-" Anasui held his hand back. "Hi fishies-" He chuckled nervously.
Jolyne looked closely at the hermit crab with the green and red shell, resting her fingers on the glass. "Wha his name?"
Jotaro held Jolyne gently. "His name is Nori." He smiled softly.
"Wha bout dis one?" Jolyne pointed to the one with the red and orange shell.
"Avdol." Jotaro spoke shakily.
"Ooh deres a baby! What his name?" Jolyne pointed to the small one with a black and white shell.
"Iggy." Jotaro rubbed his eyes, smiling.
"Do the fish have names?" Anasui asked, looking at the colorful fish.
"Not yet." Jotaro shook his head.

Jolyne watched the fishies, leaning on her dad.
"Uhh- Mr. Kujo-" Anasui glanced over.
Jotaro hummed, looking at the adorable childlike spark in Jolyne's eyes.
"About your daughter.." Anasui began. "Would you give me your permission to mar-"
"No." Jotaro cut off the other.
Anasui frowned.
"But," Jotaro looked over. "You are good to her."
Anasui looked over, a bit shocked. "Yeah, and-" He reached out for Jolyne. "Jolyne, how do I treat you?"
"Nana!" Jolyne pointed to Ana.
"Don't call me nana." Anasui rolled his eyes.
"Nana nice." Jolyne held out her arms.
Anasui brought Jolyne over to his lap.
"Nana gimme appysauce an choccit." Jolyne laid on Ana's chest.

"S-see Mr. Kujo?" Anasui smiled. "So if I could have your permiss-"
Jotaro stood up. "Shush. Jolyne, come here."
Jolyne crawled over and was picked up by her daddy.
Anasui stood up as well, not able to hear what they were saying.
"Go with Ana for now." Jotaro gave Jolyne back to Anasui, before grabbing his shoulder.
Anasui felt his heart beating in his throat, not liking the tight grip on his shoulder or Jotaro's death stare.
"If you dare hurt her, it will be the end of you." Jotaro spoke quietly, before going back and giving Jolyne a kiss. "If he hurts you, come get me, okay?" He whispered, only partially trusting Anasui.
Jolyne nodded and wrapped her arms around Anasui. Nana and her daddy said a few things, then she waved bye to her daddy when they left his office.
"Your daddy wanted me to give you some yogurt and fruits." Anasui started to set Jolyne down, then stopped.

Jolyne looked up, being set on a barstool and whining.
"Jolyne, baby." Anasui held her hands. "I'm gonna be right over there, okay?"
Jolyne looked down, squeezing Ana's hands. "You sure?"
Anasui nodded. "I promise."
Jolyne nodded, slowly letting go and watching Ana go get a bowl of yogurt and fruits.
Anasui got a spoon and came back. "I'm back, baby." He smiled, giving Jolyne a forehead kiss.
"Ca' we go back an' see Delula an' hab my paci?" Jolyne got picked up again, feeling Ana's soft hair.
Anasui hummed. "Mhm." He brought Jolyne back to the bedroom, sitting beside her and letting her get comfortable. "Do you want to watch any cartoons?"
"Octonauts!" Jolyne looked up excitedly.
"I've never heard of that-" Anasui picked up the remote and turned on the TV. "Is it on Netflix or Disney+ or what?"
Jolyne shrugged and ate her yogurt. "Iunno."
Anasui sighed and took a wild guess, soon finding it and smiling. "Is this it?"
Jolyne nodded, leaning on Anasui.

Anasui smiled and wrapped his arm around Jolyne. "I hope I can marry you one day... You're so perfect..." He kissed her head gently. "I'd take care of you all you needed. I'd give you the world if I could..."
Jolyne looked up, then back to Octonauts. "I love you, daddy."
Anasui smiled widely. "I love you, too, my angel." He held her a bit closer.

Chapter 99: Rohan and Josuke


Sorry I haven't updated in forever 👁👄👁

TW for mentions of an ED

Chapter Text

Josuke did everything he could to help with Rohan's recovery, and one of those things was caring for him when he was regressed. Rohan was more likely to ask for food, and eat it, when he was little, so Josuke always found or cooked the food he asked for.

Today, it was nachos and cheese, but Josuke made one big mistake...


"Can we has some nummies?" Rohan looked up.
Josuke nodded quickly. "What would you like?" He looked down and smiled.
Rohan wrapped his arms around his daddy's neck, preparing to be picked up and taken to the kitchen. "Nacho an' cheese.."
Josuke stood and picked up his little one, catching himself right before he mentioned how heavy he was. Obviously Rohan was still underweight, but he was slowly gaining it back, and Josuke sometimes struggled lifting him. Saying that would've immediately triggered a breakdown, though, so he was thankful he bit his tongue in time.
Rohan chewed on his paci and watched his daddy go to the kitchen.
"I'm gonna set you down right here, baby." Josuke gently set his little one down on the counter.
Rohan nodded and kicked his legs, watching his daddy get the bag of chips and heat up a can of nacho cheese.
"Almost ready, baby." Josuke poured a bit of the cheese into a small bowl, then a larger bowl of chips.
Rohan giggled when his daddy set down the bowl of chips, picking it up.

Josuke set the bowl of cheese beside Rohan as well, then went to the fridge to find them some drinks. He got a juice box and a soda, then helped Rohan off the counter. "You got it?" He asked, referring to the chips Rohan was holding.
Rohan nodded and watched his daddy take the cheese and drinks. He giggled and went to the couch happily.
Josuke smiled and sat beside his little one, watching him take a chip and dip it into the cheese, then eat it.
Rohan ate happily and watched his cartoons, looking over when his daddy offered him another chip.
Josuke waited for Rohan to reach for the chip, then ate it himself.


Right there was Josuke's mistake. He saw it as nothing more than a bit of teasing, nothing intended to make Rohan upset. But it did.


Rohan frowned and watched his daddy eat it, then gave him the bowl of chips. All his bad thoughts came back in full swing, and he started regretting asking for food.
"You okay?" Josuke tilted his head. "Daddy didn't mean to be mean." He smiled, holding a chip out for Rohan.
Rohan hugged his knees to his chest and stayed quiet, looking up and slowly taking it, then setting it back in the bowl.
Josuke frowned as he watched Rohan. "Oh, baby..." He sighed. "I'm sorry..." He looked up, remembering that having food taken from him brought back negative memories. "I didn't mean to, baby."
Rohan stayed quiet and hid his face.
Josuke set down the bowls on the coffee table. "I'm so sorry, baby..." He spoke gently.
Rohan hummed, staying curled up.
Josuke bit his lip and thought for a moment, unsure of how to help his little one...


The rest of the day went by slowly and sadly. Rohan remained distant, and refused to speak or eat. During bedtime, he cuddled up with his daddy, but only said "night night, love you"

The next morning, Rohan was big and talked about how it hurt his feelings but couldn't express it right. Josuke apologized, Rohan accepted it, and they both hugged it out.

Chapter 101: Cioccolata and Secco


Secco got that dawg in him, literally


I've been talking to AI bots recently and found out two things

1) my writing has become significantly more dry
2) do NOT try to make Cioccolata take care of a child

Chapter Text

Cioccolata smiled and held Secco's face. "Who's a good boy?" He asked excitedly.
Secco giggled and shoved his head into Cioccolata's chest, barely able to contain his excitement.
"You're my good boy!!" Cioccolata ruffled Secco's hair.
Secco giggled and rolled onto his side, being squeezed and hugged tightly.
"You're my good boy! You're such a good boy!!" Cioccolata held Secco tightly, absolutely in love with him.
Secco laughed, his face beginning to hurt from how much he'd been smiling. He breathed shakily and slowly calmed down, laying on Cioccolata.
"You're such a good boy." Cioccolata cooed, rubbing Secco's back and giving him small kisses. "Do you want to fulfill one of your basic needs?" He asked, his way of asking questions not unusual to Secco.
The dog nodded quickly and excitedly.
"Tell me what you want to do first." Cioccolata waited patiently for Secco's response.

"S-se-" Secco tried speaking, wanting to attempt a full sentence. "I- i wan- want-"
"Good job, baby.." Cioccolata whispered.
"F-fooood~" Secco smiled.
"Good boy!" Cioccolata congratulated his little one. "What food do you want?"
Secco thought for a moment. "Ra-vvvv- ravi- oli." He looked up.
"We have ravioli." Cioccolata nodded. "I'll go fix some." He stood and went to the kitchen, turning back around when Secco grabbed his arm.
Secco made a sad noise and held his arms up.
Cioccolata sighed. "Do you want carried?"
Secco nodded quickly.
"You're gonna have to be put in your carrier so I can have both my hands." Cioccolata picked Secco up and took him to their bedroom. "Now where is that damn thing-"

Secco laid on the bed and stretched out like a cat, before Cioccolata returned with his carrier.
"Do you want swaddled, too?" Cioccolata strapped the harness onto himself.
Secco nodded again, quite violently.
"Alright-" Cioccolata took Secco's blanket and laid him on it, before wrapping him as tight as humanly possible, then putting him in the carrier bit, making sure he was in there securely. He was honestly thankful Secco was so tiny, or else it'd be impossible to fit him into his carrier. All it was was an extra large dog carrier/backpack that Cioccolata added a couple more straps to so he could wear it and have Secco with him. It even had four holes in the front so Secco could hug or hold onto Cioccolata if he wanted. Not now, though, since he was a human bean.


Secco rested his head on Cioccolata's shoulder, enjoying being so close to him.
Cioccolata had a bit of trouble preparing the ravioli with the extra weight on his chest, but Secco was having fun, and that's all that mattered. He could always flip the carrier around and carry Secco on his back, but that came with the downside of having his hair pulled and chewed on. Speaking of chewing....
Secco made dog-like growling noises as he gnawed on Cioccolata's shoulder.
"Secco." Cioccolata looked down, his tone stern.
Secco quickly stopped and looked up.
"Good boy. These just need cooked for a bit longer, then we can eat." Cioccolata sighed.
Secco made a quiet noise then resumed his chewing.
"Secco!" Cioccolata snapped his fingers. "If I have to tell you again, you're being taken out." He gestured to the carrier.
Secco whined and just settled for licking Cioccolata's shirt, ending up with a bit of fuzz and hair on his tongue. "Mlem- mlehh- ehhh!" He whined.
"Secco-" Cioccolata got the green hairs off of Secco's tongue. "There, now behave."

Secco whimpered and looked around, watching his daddy put some ravioli in a bowl and covered them with sauce.
Cioccolata brought the large bowl to the table and sat down with Secco on his lap, feeding him and smiling. "Good boy."
Secco ate happily, absolutely loving the taste of the ravioli.
Cioccolata took bites for himself in between feeding Secco. "Is it good?"
Secco nodded quickly, nuzzling Cioccolata's shoulder.


After Secco was fed, he asked for a bath, and Cioccolata happily gave him one.

Secco chewed on the wet washcloth, enjoying the feeling of his daddy washing his scalp.
Cioccolata used a scalp massager and moved in circular motions, making sure to avoid the couple spots that brought Secco pain, like the very top of his head and near his temples.
Secco made small sounds and closed his eyes, loving the feeling.
"Good boy, Secco." Cioccolata purred, kissing his forehead. "Good boy.."
Secco yawned and soon got his hair rinsed out.
"Are you ready to get out?" Cioccolata asked.
Secco hummed and held his arms out, soon being picked up with a towel and yawning.
"Ooh, big yawns." Cioccolata smiled, gently drying Secco and letting him curl up. "We just need your teeth, then we can go to bed."

Secco looked up when his daddy got him his bubblegum toothpaste, opening his mouth.
"Good boy." Cioccolata brushed Secco's teeth gently but thoroughly.
Secco closed his eyes again and enjoyed the feeling and taste. He was thankful Cioccolata had also studied dentistry, since he loved his teeth being cleaned and worked on.
Cioccolata thoroughly brushed his teeth for a few minutes, before having him rinse his mouth a bit. "All done. Can I see?"
Secco opened his mouth wide, letting his daddy look at his teeth.
Cioccolata smiled at Secco's perfect teeth. "Good boy.." He praised, before putting Secco's clean clothes on and taking him to the bedroom.

Secco crawled onto the bed and curled up, soon being joined by his daddy who covered him up and held him close. He yawned again, stretching a bit as well.
"More big yawns." Cioccolata laid with his little one. "Night night, baby."
"N-ni-" Secco curled up, holding Cioccolata close.

Chapter 102: Leone, Giorno and Bruno💧


Heavy warning for references to Giorno's backstory/childhood, and diapers/accidents

Chapter Text

Bruno sighed and looked down.
Leone grabbed Bruno's face. "It's fine!" He assured, sounding more aggressive than he meant to.
Giorno looked over, his heart beating faster.
"I know, I just need to-" Bruno looked around. "This place is a disaster-" He sighed.
"Oi!" Leone held his love's face again. "You're doing everything you can with the littles, you're so overworked-"
Giorno teared up as he listened to his daddy yell and grab his mommy.
"Baby, I'm not!" Bruno sighed.
"No, listen to me!" Leone grabbed Bruno's shoulders and leaned closer. "You're doing so good, you're the perfect mother to-..."

Both Bruno and Leone looked over when they heard Giorno's quiet cries.
Giorno looked at his mommy and daddy fighting again, preparing to be hit for having another accident in his highchair.
Bruno quickly came to Giorno's side, his heart breaking at the way he flinched. "Shh, mommy's here." He cooed gently.
Leone got paper towels and slid them under the highchair, still not keen on cleaning up accidents.
Giorno wrapped his arms around his mommy and cried. "Mommy-" He made grabby hands into his shirt.
Leone grinned at the way Giorno clung to Bruno. "Daddy's here, too." He reached out to brush Giorno's hair behind his ear.
Giorno pulled away and yelled, panicking again and covering his head.
Bruno shushed the little and held him gently. "Shh, shh, mommy's here. Nobody's going to hurt you." He soon got Giorno back into his arms and picked him up. "Let's get you a bath and a diaper." He kissed his head gently.

Leone watched Bruno leave with Giorno, frowning. He honestly thought Giorno hated him. Maybe it was unconscious revenge for when he used to be rude to him. Maybe it... maybe it was Leone's fault. What if he wasn't fit to be a father? All the littles flocked to Bruno and completely ignored his affection. Giorno just broke down crying whenever he got close to him.... was he really that unlikable?
He just sighed and finished thoroughly cleaning the highchair, deciding to mop the floor as well.


"Our baby's all clean!" Bruno brought Giorno back into the living room, smiling brightly.
Giorno smiled and giggled, holding onto his mommy. "Mama!"
Leone frowned again, finishing cleaning the kitchen, then going to the couch where the other two were.
Bruno looked up and smiled. "Our little sweetheart is all clean..." He started his sentence more cheery, but it slowly faded as he looked back to see Giorno's fear.
Giorno shook and held onto his mommy, scared that his daddy was coming to yell and hit them again.
Leone squatted down in front of the couch, at Giorno's level. "Hey, buddy."
Giorno teared up and held onto his mommy tighter. "Mommy-"
Bruno gently held Giorno, unsure of Leone's plan, but trusting it.

"It's okay, daddy's not going to hurt you." Leone smiled, slowly bringing a hand up and offering it to Giorno.
Bruno held Leone's hand to show Giorno he was safe. "It's your daddy." He gave Leone a gentle kiss.
Giorno calmed a bit when he saw his mommy happy, but still remained cautious.
Bruno let Leone gently pick Giorno up, seeing how his face light up.
Giorno shook anxiously, but accepted the positive affection.
Leone smiled brightly, gently rocking Giorno. "Daddy's here..." He whispered, his heart melting when Giorno reached up to his face.
Giorno sucked on his paci and slowly took a hand up to his daddy's face, before gently feeling it.
"It's your daddy..." Leone whispered, tearing up a bit at Giorno's trust.

Giorno stayed quiet and brought his hand back down, nuzzling his daddy's chest. "Aba... ada.. da.."
Bruno smiled warmly.
Leone gently walked around with Giorno in his arms, savoring each moment as he felt the little one calm and yawn.
Giorno rubbed his eyes and reached out for his mommy. "Mmm- mommy.."
Bruno took Giorno back and kissed his head. "Hi, sweet baby."
Giorno yawned and nuzzled his mommy.
Leone smiled softly, giving Bruno a gentle nod before letting them go to Giorno's room for a nap.

Maybe... maybe he wasn't such a bad dad, after all.

Chapter 103: Josuke and Rohan💧


Bakin is here too because baby Rohan needs a puppy

Chapter Text

Rohan looked up when Josuke put his plate in the sink, then looked back down at his sketchbook. Everything he was making was sh*t.
Josuke noticed Rohan zoned out, and quickly figured out that he was thinking deeply and frustrated. He had memorized small things Rohan did, like gripping his pen unnecessarily hard or his eyes flicking around more frantically. Right now, Rohan was staring at his sketchbook. His mouth was slightly open and his tongue traced along his teeth. He let out a sigh, then Josuke decided to speak. "You alright?"
Rohan shot up. "No! I'm not! I'm so f*cking sick of everything!!" He hit the table. "I put so much work and effort into things I make and it all turns out horribly!"
Josuke took a step back, staying quiet.
"It's not your fault and I don't know why I'm yelling at you! I'm just mad! Not at you, at everything!" Rohan's tone became more desperate sounding as his sorrow quickly overtook his frustration.

Josuke frowned and soon stepped closer. It wasn't uncommon for Rohan's anger to be followed by periods of depression. Whether Rohan broke down sobbing or just leaned on him silently, he still knew he needed to be there for him.
Rohan felt strong guilt overtake him, and he leaned on Josuke as he hugged him. He was sad and upset, but no tears came out. All there was was an empty, guilty feeling inside.
Josuke held Rohan gently, rubbing his back and soon feeling small grabby hands on his shirt.
Rohan hugged Josuke's neck and nuzzled him. "Ab-abappy.."
Josuke knew Rohan was regressed, and smiled. He looked down to his feet when he heard familiar little taps, and saw Bakin looking up and wiggling.

"Ida puby.." Rohan looked down and made a grabby hand towards Bakin, not able to reach him.
"A puppy." Josuke squatted down and gently brought Rohan with him, still seeing that empty look in his eyes, but also the childlike glint he always had.
Bakin hopped up and got pet, his tail wagging like a helicopter blade.
Rohan grinned and held his puppy, being extra gentle even though Bakin had a couple.... "extra layers".
Josuke poked the round dog. "Look at the chubby puppy." He smiled, absolutely loving Bakin's silly litte face.
"He not chubby!" Rohan looked up, then back to his puppy. "He jus' eated a lot so he a little estra round."
Josuke nodded in agreement.


Rohan carried Bakin to bed, having just gotten out of a warm bubble bath and wearing his favorite hoodie and sweatpants. "Is a silly pubby."
Bakin smiled and looked around, before getting set down on the bed. He waited for his owners to get comfy, then waddled up to them.
Josuke smiled as Bakin walked up, his little feet leaving faint imprints in the soft bed.
"Is my pubby!" Rohan giggled sleepily, letting Bakin crawl up and lay down on top of him and Josuke. He didn't mind where his puppy laid, he was just happy he had his head on his daddy's chest.
Josuke's heart melted as Bakin laid down and sighed. He turned off the light and let his eyes slowly adjust, soon just seeing a white blob between him and Rohan.

Rohan pet Bakin gently and closed his eyes. His daddy's rhythmic breathing and heartbeat soon lulled him to sleep. Bakin fell asleep cradled between his daddies, and Josuke soon did as well, enjoying the little extra weight on his chest.

Chapter 104: Josuke and Rohan



Chapter Text

Josuke looked up when Rohan came down to the living room. "Hey, babe." He smiled, soon noticing Rohan's expression and getting worried. "Baby-"
Rohan came to the couch and curled up beside Josuke.
"Is some-" Josuke began his question, but got cut off.
"Shut up..." Rohan hid his face, hugging his daddy.
Josuke nodded and did as Rohan asked, before turning off his show and switching to another channel. He looked down and nudged Rohan, who looked up.
Rohan pointed to the TV, soon realizing that his daddy didn't know what show he was pointing to.

Josuke looked down, then selected Bluey.
Rohan shook his head.
Josuke went back and selected Hercules.
Rohan shook his head.
Josuke went back again and selected Winnie the Pooh.
Rohan shook his head.
Josuke bit the inside of his cheek, then selected Robin Hood.
Rohan nodded excitedly, looking up.
Josuke grinned and started the movie, before wrapping his arms around Rohan.
The little yawned and snuggled up with his daddy.


After the movie, Josuke gently lifted Rohan onto his lap. "Can I speak now?" He teased.
Rohan nodded and closed his eyes, leaning on his daddy.
Josuke let out a small laugh, peppering Rohan's face with kisses and petting his hair. "You're so cute."
Rohan hummed.
"My adorable little baby." Josuke smiled. "Are you feeling okay?" He asked gently. Typically Rohan would be giggling and happy, but he still seemed neutral.
Rohan hummed again, not in the mood to talk or be big.
"Can you at least tell me whether you're happy or not?" Josuke tilted his head.
"Mmmm..." Rohan yawned. "Happy.." He whispered, nuzzling his daddy's shirt.
"Okay." Josuke smiled brightly, holding Rohan and rubbing his back. "That's all that matters."

Chapter 105: Josuke and Rohan💧


Warning for mentions of trauma, accidents, an ED, and lots of crying

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Ever since the incident, Rohan hadn't regressed the same. Josuke tried everything, but his little one still stayed distant...

Rohan shook his head, looking up at him.
"You don't want to eat with daddy?" Josuke frowned, his chest tightening when his little refused food again.
Rohan shook his head again, backing up worriedly.
"Okay.." Josuke nodded. "Daddy's gonna stay here and eat, though. If you want your dinner, you can come get it, or daddy will bring it to you."
Rohan nodded quickly, then ran upstairs.
Josuke sighed and looked at Rohan's plate sadly. Even when Rohan was big, he had been refusing food or lying about eating again... it wasn't just that, either. He had been more shaky and panicked when he made a mistake or Josuke raised his voice. It broke Josuke's heart seeing how his love hadn't coped yet...


"Baby, are you in here?" Josuke opened the door slightly, peeking into the playroom.
Rohan's heart began beating faster and he teared up, pushing his toys away and crawling back into the corner.
Josuke entered, leaving the door open to show Rohan he could leave if he wanted. He then sat down on the opposite side of the room and began playing quietly with the toy cars. He had learned the hard way that approaching Rohan when he accidentally scared him made things worse, so he kept his distance and stayed quiet. He couldn't force Rohan to feel safe again, so he had to take things one step at a time.
Rohan pulled his knees up to his chest and watched him closely. He was still scared...

After a bit, Josuke noticed Rohan had slightly calmed, though he was still watching him like a hawk. He rolled one of the cars over towards Rohan, then looked up. "Could you roll that back to me, please?" He asked quietly and gently.
Rohan slowly got up and crawled towards the toy car, his hands shaking horribly. He lightly touched the car, then pulled his hand away, scared of doing something wrong. He didn't hear yelling, so he tried again, gently picking up the car, then sliding it back over.
"Thank you." Josuke smiled, taking his car and continuing to play.
Rohan moved back to the corner and curled up again.
Josuke was overjoyed that he got Rohan to interact with him in a way that was more than just nodding or shaking his head, but he stayed calm and quiet.

An hour or so later, Josuke told Rohan he was going to get a snack, and Rohan just stayed quiet, but calmed down significantly when Josuke left and closed the door.


Josuke ate some popcorn and sat on the couch. He had a blanket over his lap, and his favorite show on TV. He felt bad that Rohan was still in the playroom alone, but he couldn't do anything...
Rohan came downstairs quietly, looking around and soon seeing his daddy watching TV.
Josuke grinned when he finally saw his little one. "Hi." He turned down the TV and spoke gently.
Rohan came fully downstairs and stared at Josuke.
"Do you want some popcorn?" Josuke offered the bowl out.
Rohan felt his stomach twisting into knots. He was hungry... He slowly came closer, his shaking getting worse as he reached out for the bowl. Then, he noticed he had a blanket... oh no....
Josuke saw Rohan tear up and begin crying as he reached out for the bowl. He saw his little one was having an accident, too... he so badly wanted to just hug him and comfort him, but there was nothing he could do without worsening the situation.

Rohan cried and slowly picked up one piece of popcorn, his crying turning to full on sobbing as it entered his mouth.
Josuke's heart shattered into a thousand pieces, and he tried to hold back his own tears. "Baby, it looks like you had an accident. Do you want me to help you clean up?"
Rohan shook his head quickly and backed away, still sobbing and shaking.
"Okay. Can you clean yourself up on your own?" Josuke asked gently, setting down the popcorn bowl.
Rohan nodded and ran back upstairs, going to the play room and closing the door.
Josuke frowned and stood up to go clean the floor.


Josuke came back into the playroom, holding a coloring book and crayons. "Hi, baby."
Rohan shoved himself back into the corner, tears still running down his face from earlier.
Josuke noticed Rohan hadn't cleaned himself or changed clothes. "Baby, you still haven't changed your clothes from your accident." He bent down, still remaining a safe distance from the little.
Rohan watched him and soon saw him frown, then sit and begin to color.
Josuke knew Rohan wouldn't let him near him, and trying to change his clothes would create a thousand more problems, so he just went back to his original plan.
Rohan watched him begin coloring in a page. That... that was his coloring book.. it was his favorite one.. with all the princesses.....
Josuke heard Rohan crying and looked up. "Are you okay?"
Rohan looked at his coloring book and cried, not responding.
"Do you want to color with me?" Josuke held out a crayon.
Rohan let out a loud sob and pushed himself farther into the wall.
Josuke sighed and looked down.


Rohan awoke in bed, still feeling a bit little. He then realized he was under a blanket... with.. Josuke.......
Josuke woke up when he heard a scream and loud thud, sitting up worriedly.
Rohan crawled away from the bed, his thoughts moving faster than he could understand them.
Josuke watched in horror as Rohan screamed and sobbed, pushing himself into the corner.
Rohan screamed as loud as he could, trying to grasp at the walls in a desperate attempt to get farther away. His eyes remained locked on the bed, his body shaking violently.
Josuke could do nothing but watch, the sight of his boyfriend sobbing in the corner.... afraid of him...

Rohan had stayed regressed the rest of the night, wide awake even into the early morning. He had locked himself in the playroom, and watched the hallway through the crack on the bottom of the door. He didn't even know how long it'd been, but the sun was coming back up and he heard movement. After a long while, he saw the bedroom door open, and footsteps coming toward the playroom. He quickly backed away, shoving himself into the corner yet again.
Josuke saw the light on in the play room, deciding to check on Rohan. He gently knocked on the door, then tried opening it. It was... locked.. "Rohan?" He spoke gently.
Rohan covered his mouth, hoping that if he stayed quiet the man would leave.
Josuke got no response and tried again, worried now. "Rohan!"
Rohan heard him getting louder and tried to quiet his sobs.
Josuke knocked on the door again, a bit louder. "Rohan!"
Rohan looked at the door through his teary eyes, praying that the door could hold the man back.

Josuke continued trying, his anxiety worsening. What if Rohan was hurt? What if... no, he shouldn't think like that. Eventually, Josuke began crying, stepping away from the door and curling up.
The banging and yelling soon stopped, and Rohan had regressed even smaller, now barely understanding anything. He was crying, but he also heard crying. Who was crying? It sounded like a baby..
Josuke looked up when the door was open. God, Rohan had been crying...
Rohan rubbed his own tears away, seeing the baby crying and running back to get a pacifier and bottle.
Josuke saw Rohan return with the items, quite confused.
Rohan bent down and gave the bottle to the baby. "No cry.."
Josuke's heart broke even more, taking the plastic bottle into his mouth and watching as the little cared for him.
Rohan saw the baby still crying and took the bottle away, replacing it with the pacifier. "Ba- baby ha- blue paci!" He grinned. "Ba- attid- adiden." He ran back and got a pull-up, then placed it on the baby's lap. "No more assident! All clean!" He giggled.

Josuke understood the game and was still a bit confused, but played along. He wiped away his tears and sat up.
"Baby nee toy!" He ran back and got his baby a toy, giving it to him.
Josuke took the stuffed bunny and smiled.
Rohan giggled and went to get more.
Josuke watched Rohan return with more stuffed animals, sitting and playing with them.
"Ita da- da bear." He set the bear up, then took the bunny and baby bunny stuffies. "Da bear go raawr!" He grabbed the bear and began hitting the baby bunny. "Raawr! Waa waa!" Rohan pretended the baby bunny was crying.
Josuke teared up again, taking the pacifier out and just watching Rohan play.
Rohan brought the big bunny over and began hitting the bear. "Boom! Boom! Waa!" Rohan pushed the baby bunny farther away.
Josuke quickly understood what Rohan was re-enacting, his face dropping at what Rohan did after.
Rohan left the bear and took the big bunny back to the little one, soon making it hit the smaller bunny. "Boom!"

Josuke watched in horror at Rohan's play, his jaw hanging open as the scene continued.
Rohan continued hitting the stuffed animal, until hands stopped him.
Josuke's hands shook as he looked at the stuffed animals. "No-" He sat the bear back up, beginning to replay the scene.
Rohan watched closely, seeing the bear hitting the baby bunny again. Then, the big bunny came in and hit the bear, then the bear was moved away. After, the big bunny came back to the baby bunny and calmed his crying, being gentle and hugging him.
Rohan watched, picking the bear back up.
"No." Josuke laid the bear back down. "He doesn't come back." He shook his head, tearing up.
Rohan processed the scene for a moment, before trying to make the big bunny hit the little one again.
"Nono. No hitting." Josuke kept the small bunny safe.

Rohan looked at the scene, before crawling back to the playroom and going to play with his cars.
Josuke sighed and put all the stuffed animals back, then went downstairs.


Josuke watched Rohan come down after a couple hours.
"Daddy..." Rohan whispered, looking down embarrassedly. He had felt a bit bigger, and didn't feel as afraid of his daddy anymore...
"Hi." Josuke grinned.
"Is- is had an accident." Rohan looked up sadly.
"You did?" Josuke looked at the little, a bit shocked he mentioned it.
Rohan nodded. "Is tried to- umm, get my pull-up an'.. an' stuff, but is nee help.." He pointed upstairs.
"Okay. Do you want daddy's help?" Josuke tried his best to be as gentle as possible, afraid of accidentally scaring Rohan.
Rohan nodded.
"Okay." Josuke nodded. "That means we'll need to go upstairs and get you new clothes. Daddy is going to have to take a wipe and clean you, too."
Rohan nodded, trusting his daddy.

The two went upstairs, and Rohan was still a bit scared.
Josuke let Rohan sit on the changing table. "Do you want the pull-up with the dinosaurs on it?"
Rohan shook his head. "Princesses..." He whispered.
Josuke nodded and picked up the other ones. "Daddy's gonna help you change, okay? That means I'm going to have to get near there." He looked up, absolutely terrified of accidentally hurting Rohan.
The little nodded, still a bit shaky. "Otay.." He rubbed his eyes.
Josuke laid Rohan down, his heart aching at the sight of his little shaking and breathing heavily. "Let's try and breathe together while we do this, okay?"
Rohan nodded, looking away.
Josuke began changing Rohan, setting his wet clothes in the laundry basket. "Let's breathe in. Nice and slow." He spoke gently.
Rohan did his best to follow his directions.
"Let's slowly breathe out." Josuke sighed, putting Rohan's pull-up on. "All done." He stepped back.

Rohan quickly sat up and held onto his daddy tightly.
Josuke was shocked for a moment, but quickly realized what was happening. "Shh, shh.. all done." He rubbed Rohan's back. "We're all done."


Rohan had begun to warm up to Josuke more when he was little, but when he was big, he had become more distant. They both knew that Rohan couldn't handle his trauma, and neither could Josuke. They began going to therapy, and everything began falling back into place. It was a slow process, and it never fully left Rohan, but Josuke was just glad Rohan could trust and love him again.


I've had this for a long while and been incredibly iffy about posting it but here we go

Chapter 107: Tonio and Okuyasu


Okuyasu lil silly dum dum baby

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Tonio opened the door, immediately greeted by Okuyasu.
Okuyasu giggled and held onto his daddy, bouncing excitedly.
Tonio smiled at the little. "I haven't even been home for a minute." He chuckled, hanging up his keys and closing the door behind him.
"Id ededit!" Okuyasu babbled. "Itadada kitchen! Iwa pay!" He pointed to his toys.
"I get that you're excited to play, but I need to get showered and make us dinner, then give you a bath!" Tonio booped Okuyasu's nose. "Because you always make a mess with dinner!" He smiled.
Okuyasu giggled, not understanding half of what he said.
"After that, we can play. Does 9 sound good?" Tonio asked.
Okuyasu heard "play" and nodded quickly.
"Okay. Now, I need to go shower and get into more comfy clothes. I'll be 5 minutes, can you survive another 5 minutes without me?" Tonio asked, looking down.
Okuyasu stared at him for a moment, not understanding him but agreeing anyways.

"Okay." Tonio nodded, then went to get himself clean clothes.
Okuyasu followed, confused when his daddy went to the bathroom.
Tonio set down his clothes, then turned around, a bit shocked to see Okuyasu standing there. "You- you can't be in here, baby." He tried explaining. "I'm going to shower." He gestured to the shower.
Okuyasu nodded quickly, assuming he meant it was bathtime. He giggled and went to the shower excitedly.
"Baby, your bathtime is after dinner." Tonio pointed out the door. "I need you to go play by yourself for just five minutes, then I'll be out."
Okuyasu stared, then slowly understood. He walked out of the bathroom sadly, then went to play.
Tonio frowned and made sure to shower extra quick.

Okuyasu smiled when his daddy came back, dressed in a soft sweater and sweatpants.
Tonio laughed when Okuyasu ran into his arms. "Hey, baby! Are you ready for dinner?"
Okuyasu nodded and pulled his daddy over to the kitchen.
"I know! I know!" Tonio laughed. "What do you want to eat tonight? I laid out chicken this morning, but never thought about how I'd fix it." He sat Okuyasu down on the counter, listening to him as he babbled nonsensically and made hand motions. ".....Okay." He nodded. "Yeah, I can do that." He agreed, though he had no clue what Okuyasu wanted. "I'll make some mashed potatoes and macaroni and cheese, too."


Once Tonio had cooked, and they both ate, Okuyasu had (as always) made a mess. How did he even manage to get cheese in his hair?
Okuyasu giggled as he was carried and put in the bathtub. "Baba!"
Tonio smiled, pouring a bit of bubblebath into the water. "You ready?" He asked excitedly, knowing that Okuyasu absolutely loved bubbles.
Okuyasu giggled and nodded quickly.
"Swish swish swish!" Tonio swished and splashed the water around, creating quite a lot of bubbles.
"Swi swi swi!" Okuyasu splashed around happily.
Tonio soon stopped, getting the shampoo and laughing. "So silly!"
Okuyasu played in the bubbles as his daddy began washing his hair. "So siwwy!" He repeated.
Tonio kissed his little's cheek, and continued gently washing him. He made sure to scrub out the cheese he had somehow gotten in there, and not get any soap in his face or eyes.

After a bit of scrubbing, it was time to rinse, and Okuyasu tilted his head back.
Tonio held his hand over Oku's forehead and rinsed out his hair thoroughly. He then took the washcloth and bodywash.
Okuyasu picked up a handful of bubbles and put them in his mouth, immediately regretting it and whining.
Tonio went to the sink and got a cup of water, letting Okuyasu rinse his mouth out, a bit taken aback when Okuyasu spat the water back into the bath and not the cup. "Oh- okay- you just spat back into your bath water-" He mumbled, slightly annoyed.
"Too siwwy!" Okuyasu looked over.
Tonio's annoyance immediately left him. "You were too silly?" He laughed.
Okuyasu nodded.
Tonio smiled fondly. "I could never stay mad at you." He tossed the paper cup in the trash and resumed cleaning his little.


After bathtime, Okuyasu ran back out to his toys, and showed his daddy his kitchen playset.
Tonio smiled. "You want to play restaurant again?" He sat down on the foam mat.
Okuyasu nodded and got a couple blocks, making a table and sitting at it.
Tonio got Okuyasu's dry erase pad and marker, sliding the menu paper into it. Typically, kids wanted to be the ones waiting tables or cooking, but Okuyasu seemed oddly content with being the customer.
Okuyasu giggled when his daddy came to his table.
"Good evening, sir. Do you know what you would like to drink?" He gave him the menu and dry erase marker.
Okuyasu nodded. "Iwa milk!" He circled the milk on the menu.
Tonio nodded. "Okay, and do you know what food you'd like, or should I give you a minute?"
"Umm...." Okuyasu looked at the menu. "Broggy!" He circled the broccoli.
"Alright, your order will be out shortly." Tonio took the menu and nodded, placing pretend bread on the table. "Here are your rolls."

Okuyasu giggled and set up another table, placing one of his stuffies behind it.
Tonio walked up to the next table. "Good evening, ma'am, here is your menu." He rubbed off Oku's circles and handed the menu to the stuffed animal.
Okuyasu sat behind the stuffie and moved her arms. "Hmm, I wan' da soda!" He picked up the marker and circled the soda.
"Alright, and do you need a moment for your dish?" Tonio asked, pretending to hold a notepad.
"Is wan' da umm... punkin!" Okuyasu circled the pumpkin.
"Alright, ma'am, your order will be ready shortly." Tonio bowed and took the menu back, before going to the kitchen playset.
Okuyasu giggled and went back to his own table, watching his daddy cook.

Tonio prepared the fake food, but took much care in it. He made a makeshift steamer by placing the collander in a pan. He got a cup of water from the sink, and even made water noises. He took the plastic knife and cut up the broccoli, before placing it in the steamer. He gently seasoned it, placed a lid on it, then moved on to the pumpkin. There was no toy pumpkin, so he used an orange instead. He microwaved the pumpkin to slightly soften it, then cut it in half. He used a large spoon to scoop out the seeds and pulp, then cut it into quarters. He used a peeler to peel off the skin, then cut them into cubes. He set them in a bowl and tossed them with olive oil and spices. After that, he moved the pumpkins to a baking tray lined with parchment paper, and turned on the oven. He made beeps as he pressed the buttons, then carefully slid the pumpkins in.

Okuyasu watched and giggled, then watched his daddy move over to the fridge. He got milk and a soda, pouring the milk into a cup, then placing the soda on a plate. He put the milk back in the fridge, then got a couple more plates for the food. He drained any excess water out of the broccoli over the sink, then slid them onto a plate. "Ding!" He turned back to the oven, using the oven mitts to slide the roasted pumpkin out. He then placed them on a plate, then shuffled back to the tables with the dishes on a tray.
"Here you go, sir." Tonio gave him the milk and broccoli. "Is there anything else I can get for you?"
"No fanks!" Okuyasu shook his head.
Tonio nodded, then gave the stuffed animal her food. "And here you are, ma'am." He nodded.
Okuyasu giggled, before eating his food and handing his plate back.
Tonio looked down, a bit in shock at how fast he ate. "Would you like to pay with cash or card?" He took the plate.

Okuyasu stared for a moment, before going to find fake money.
Tonio rolled his eyes fondly, then chuckled when Okuyasu brought back his actual wallet.
Okuyasu gave his daddy the wallet and smiled.
Tonio nodded and tried to hold in his laughter. "Thank you, sir. Have a lovely day." He went back and placed the plate in the sink, beginning to wash it.
Okuyasu crawled over to the stuffie and pretended to eat the food.
Tonio finished washing the plate and put it away, before going to check on his other customer. "Is everything alright, ma'am?"
The stuffie nodded and gave him the plate.
"Will that be cash or card?" Tonio asked, watching Okuyasu grab his wallet again and hand it back to him.
"Lovely! Thank you, have a nice day." Tonio took the plate back to the kitchen.


Okuyasu yawned and snuggled up with his daddy. "Is- is beepy.."
"You're beepy?" Tonio asked quietly, knowing that Okuyasu meant "sleepy". "Let's go beep, then." He kissed his forehead.
Okuyasu pulled the blankets closer and nuzzled his daddy's shoulder. "N-nini..."
"Night night." Tonio held his little gently, kissing the top of his head.


I imagined their play as like, in a kid sized playset, so Tonio is just on his knees shuffling around playing with the plastic food

Chapter 108: Rohan and Josuke


The opps coming for me when Josuke is regressed this time: 🚓💨

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Baby, I have something for you!" Rohan picked up his delivery, smiling brightly.
Josuke ran over and picked up the bag, feeling how squishy it was. "Swissy!" He giggled.
"Let's go open it." Rohan held Josuke's hand and lead him to the kitchen, picking up the scissors.
Josuke sat down and pushed the bag over to his daddy, staying out of his way while he carefully cut it. Ooh, it looked like there was something green inside!
Rohan smiled when he peeked in the bag, before carefully bringing out the turtle stuffie. "It's a turtle!"
Josuke whined and scooted the chair back. "No!"
Rohan tilted his head. "There's a little card-" He picked up the info card that came with the stuffie, showing Josuke. "Her name is Athena."
Josuke shook his head and stood back up, quickly running upstairs and to the bedroom.

Rohan frowned, before reading about Athena. He knew Josuke wasn't fond of turtles, but he didn't know he was that scared of them....


Rohan entered the bedroom after around half an hour. "I'm sorry, baby."
Josuke looked up from the bed, before whining.
"I thought you'd like Athena." Rohan came and sat on the bed, holding the card. "She was really excited to get to know you."
Josuke sat up. "She was..?" He rubbed his nose on his sleeve.
Rohan nodded. "She sent us this card, too, so we can know her better." He held it up.
Josuke whimpered at the image of the turtle on the front.
"It's okay if you don't want to read it, or see Athena anymore." Rohan assured him. "She can go stay with Jotaro." He smiled.
Josuke shook his head. "Ib.. ib brave!" He scooched closer to his daddy. "An is- is wanna be frens wit Atena.."
"You do?" Rohan held Josuke's hand, receiving a brave nod. "Do you think we should read her card, then make one for her?"

Josuke nodded happily.
Rohan looked down and opened the card. "Let's read hers first." He began reading. "Hi, my name is Athena! I'm a southern map turtle, and I come all the way from Arkansas, in the United States. I like eating a lot of green leaves and vegetables, and my favorite are carrots! My favorite things to do are to lay on rocks in the sun, and walk around near sandy rivers and lakes. When I'm at home, though, I like playing in my sandbox! I hope we can be friends and have a lot of fun times together!! Love, Athena."
Josuke listened and smiled, before running out to the playroom to get his paper and crayons.
Rohan smiled widely and stood up, following Josuke.
"I gonna make Atena a card!" Josuke giggled, sitting down and beginning to write.

"Helo! My nam is Josuke and I am frum Japan!!! Te unided stas is rely far away so I hop u lik it hear. My daddy is Rohan ad he lik to draw! My favrit food is gumy worms. I am rely rely scard of turtls but u ar nice so I wana be brav!!! I am sory I run away becus I was scard. I want to be frends!! Luve, Josuke."

Rohan watched Josuke write, trying his best to understand his messy writing. Soon, he finished, then drew a simple picture on the front of the card.
"Is done!" Josuke gave his daddy the card, then pulled him out to the stairs. "Les go!!"
Rohan followed his little back to where the turtle was, sitting down at the counter with him.
"Hello Atena!" Josuke waved.
"Josuke made you a card." Rohan spoke to the stuffie, before turning to Josuke. "Do you want to read it?"
Josuke took it back and began reading, taking a little while to finish but eventually getting there.
Rohan smiled. "I think Athena accepted your apology. She didn't mean to be scary."
Josuke nodded, then held out a hand to pet her. "Otay! Tank you Atena!"


Josuke played outside with his new turtle stuffie for hours, and still stayed with her when they had to come inside. That night, he helped her brush her teeth, gave her her bedtime snack, then snuggled up with her and fell asleep.
Rohan was happy that Josuke was so willing to get over his fear, and after playing with her for a while, he was comfortable enough to hug the stuffie. He really was brave...


Definitely not named after Athena from 9-1-1

Chapter 109: Kars and Esidisi


For that one mf

You know who you are

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Esidisi gently moved the hanging beads out of the way as he entered Kars's room, smiling at his little.
Kars giggled and reached up, having just gotten out of the bath.
Wamuu turned around and smiled, before coming back to the bed to brush the little's hair.
"Was your bath fun?" Esidisi sat in front of him.
Kars nodded and held his hand up to his mouth.
Wamuu gently held his head back. "Keep your head still, sweetheart."
"I can brush his hair if you want." Esidisi offered, holding his hand out.
Wamuu nodded and gave him the dark purple brush. "I need to check on Santana anyways."
"I just came from his room, he's still asleep." Esi moved behind Kars, gently brushing out his long, wavy hair.
Kars listened to his daddies talk. "'Tana!" He made grabby hands.

"Santana is asleep." Esi explained.
"Aww.." Kars frowned, watching Wamuu leave.
"You two can play tomorrow. It's almost your bedtime, as well." Esidisi set the brush aside and picked up his hair oil, placing a few drops in then gently massaging it in.
Kars let out a purr-like sound as his head was massaged, leaning back.
"Do you want to have a snack before bed?" Esi moved his hands slowly in circlular motions, knowing how well his little loved this.
Kars let out an approving sound, his eyes closed.
"Okay." Esidisi ran his fingers through his hair a few times, then stood to get his hair wrap.
Kars looked over and gasped when the drawer opened. "Bat!!" He pointed to the bat patterned one.
"This one?" Esi held it up, receiving a nod. He closed the drawer and sat back down with Kars, gently wrapping his hair in the bat patterned wrap. "There you go." He secured it a bit better, then made sure he didn't miss any of his baby hairs.
Kars giggled and threw his arms around Esi, waiting to be taken to get his snack.

Esidisi carefully picked his little up, then walked out to their kitchen, getting some of the beef jerky.
Kars quickly snatched a piece and began eating, gnawing on it like a dog chewing a bone.
Esi smiled and ate a bit himself, before going back to Kars's bedroom with a large handful.
Kars reached out for his bed, leaning a bit too far and falling out of Esi's arms. He landed face first on his bed and giggled, rolling over.
Esidisi paused for a moment to comprehend that his little was safe, then just set the rest of the jerky on his chest.
Kars picked up another piece and ate it happily, kicking his legs as he looked around.
Esi sat with his little until he finished his snack, smiling when he ate the last few crumbs.
"All done!" Kars held his arms up.
Esi sat by his head and held his hands. "Are you ready for bed?"

Kars shook his head. "I wanna-" He paused to yawn. "-stay up an' play!"
"How about we play one game, then bed?" Esi lifted Kars up to the pillows.
Kars nodded and rested his head on his large, fluffy silk pillows.
"You think of what we can play while I tuck you in." Esidisi brought the dark purple sheets up and over his little, watching him yawn.
"Can we just watch da bats..?" Kars asked.
"Of course." Esi stood and went to his window, opening it and watching as a couple bats flew in.
Kars laughed and watched the bats fly around. Sometimes Esi or Wamuu would let him keep his window open so bats could come in and out. He loved watching them!
Esi returned to the bed and watched, holding Kars's hand.

After a while, Kars had fallen asleep, and Esidisi gently kissed his knuckles, before leaving the bedroom.


Idk where these mfs live so like 💀
I always imagine them living in like an old castle or mansion like Dio, but they also need a kitchen because how else am I gonna give baby Kars a snacc

Chapter 111: Josuke, Reimi and Rohan💧

Chapter Text

After Rohan had completed Pink Dark Boy, he had fallen into quite the mess. Josuke tried his best to help, but Rohan just couldn't do much. He cried to Josuke almost every night, and every day he had been regressed and unable to move from his bed. The house had become a mess, Rohan neglected basic things like cooking meals or brushing his teeth, and it was sad.....

Josuke came back upstairs and gently opened the bedroom door. "Rohan..."
Rohan looked up, rubbing his eyes. "Hi..."
Josuke frowned, seeing Rohan still in bed with Bakin and surrounded by dishes and trash.
Bakin whined and looked up to his daddy, leaning on him.
"What all have you eaten today?" Josuke came and sat on the bed.
"I eated a popsicle..." Rohan sniffled. "And umm..."
Josuke waited, soon accepting that that was all he ate. "Do you want something else?" He offered sadly.
"No fanks..." Rohan pet his puppy, who was just laying on him. "We can go see Tonio."
Josuke teared up, remembering how upset Tonio had been when he admitted he wouldn't be able to help Rohan's mental state.

It had been affecting more than Rohan and Josuke. It seemed as if the entire town was down. Josuke had been accidentally dragging his worry and anxiety to his friends and mom. Koichi was worried about Rohan, too, and that in turn upset Yukako. Izumi had been out of work and struggling due to Rohan's incredibly long break. Tonio felt immensely guilty for not being able to help, and even Bakin knew something was wrong with his daddy.


"I have a surprise." Josuke smiled as he and Rohan walked down the street.
"Is the surprise the embarrassment I get from being outside?" Rohan bit, looking down since the sun hurt his eyes.
"It's in here." Josuke stopped before a map of the town, looking down and smiling.
Rohan picked up Bakin and looked up, immediately running across the street and into the alley. He smiled and soon saw Reimi.
Josuke followed and smiled.
Rohan felt himself regressing and giggled. "Reimi!!"
Reimi sat down with Rohan and let Arnold sniff Bakin. "Hello, baby." She moved Rohan's messy hair out of the way, seeing the dark circles under his eyes.
Rohan giggled and leaned on Reimi, excited beyond belief.
"Josuke said you haven't been doing good.." Reimi gently pet his head.
Josuke sat nearby and let the dogs sniff and lick him.
Rohan shook his head.
"Aww.. why is that?" Reimi kissed his forehead.
"Iunno-" Rohan rubbed his eyes.

"Do you wanna talk about how you've been feeling?" She asked, rubbing his back and smiling at Josuke.
Rohan shrugged. "Is jus' been a lil usset.. is hard to get outta bed." He held Reimi and watched Bakin waddle back over.
Bakin sat between his daddy and Reimi, looking up and wagging his tail.
"Is got a pubby!" Rohan giggled, showing Reimi his puppy.
"He's so cute!" Reimi pet Bakin, before Arnold came back and licked him.
Bakin struggled to stay upright due to how strong Arnold's lick was, but he did it.
"Arnie, behave." Reimi giggled, petting her dog. "But what were you saying?" She looked back to the little.
"Is just not been outta bed an' is been sad." Rohan pet Arnold, then let Bakin hop back onto his lap.
Reimi nodded, although she already knew everything. She was Morioh's guardian angel, after all. "Have you hurt yourself?" She asked sadly.
Rohan stuttered a bit, then looked over to Josuke, then nodded.

Reimi held him gently and rocked him. "Rohan." She whispered.
The little looked up.
"Can you make a promise to me?" She asked softly.
Rohan nodded, staying quiet and waiting for her to continue.
"I want you to promise me that you'll get better." She whispered.
Rohan made a sad noise. "Iunno... is hard."
"All you have to do is say it. I don't care if you break the promise, I just want you to make it." Reimi nodded, holding her pinky out to the little.
Rohan nodded and locked pinkies with her. "I promise... I promise to get better.." He leaned on her.
Josuke smiled, watching as a faint glow emanated from them both.
"Thank you." Reimi kissed Rohan's forehead. "It's almost time for me to go now, okay?" She held his face.
Rohan made a sad sound. "Bye bye.." He hugged her tightly again.
Reimi stood and lead Arnold farther down the alley, then Josuke came to pick Rohan up.
Rohan held Bakin and let his daddy pick him up. "Why did Reimi have to go?"

"Someone else in Morioh needed her help." Josuke smiled.


Things slowly got better and Reimi helped and watched over Rohan. Everyone in Morioh returned to their usual selves, especially Rohan, who had found a new idea for a manga.

Their promise was kept.

Chapter 112: Leone and Fugo


Leone and Fugo make up after what happened

A request by LuzDuoradaDRAGLUON


I was working on this thing for a little while right after you requested it, but kinda just forgot about it-

Today is also Leone's birthday and International Waffle Day! :)

Chapter Text

After Fugo's outburst, it took a long while for everyone to forgive him.

It took two months, and even then, tension was still there.

Everyone wasn't just mad because of what he had said and done to Leone, they were mad that he killed around twenty five staff members and three patients in the hospital. Fugo knew how deadly his stand was, but used it anyways. Twice. With the deaths and the damage to the front entrances, the hospital was forced to shut down temporarily.

All because Fugo was unstable.

It took a long time to forgive the man for what he did, even though he had made it more than clear that he was sorry. In Mista's words: "Sorry doesn't bring back those people."

It took even longer for Leone to forgive him. It was four months until he could stand to be in the same room with him, and five until he was able to regress around him.

The first month, any time that Leone was regressed and saw Fugo, he would have an anxiety or panic attack. Two months was a few hours of crying and screaming. Three, just crying for a few hours. Four, he would hide under a blanket or walk out of the room if he was big enough. Now, he could just barely stand him being in the same room. With his mommy close beside him, and a blankie and stuffie, he could handle Fugo being there. Any attempt that Fugo made to interact with him resulted in crying, though.

Now it had been half a year. Leone was still scared of Fugo, but he hadn't been mean or yelled any more.


"Baby, I don't wanna hurt you." Fugo said gently, almost crying. He had been through six months of pain. He regretted everything he did, and absolutely hated himself for making Leone feel how he did. All he wanted to do was hold Leone and tell him how sorry he was.
Leone whined and hugged his mama, looking down at the hand Fugo held out. He didn't want to touch Fugo. He was mean and yelled at him a lot, and called him bad names.
"Please.." Fugo felt a tear roll down his cheek, his lip quivering. He hated himself so much. He hated how much fear was in the little's eyes. He hated what he'd done, and he don't know how to say sorry right.
Leone watched the tear and his muscles relaxed. Fugo was crying. That meant he felt bad. He didn't want Fugo to feel bad.

Leone gently sat up and wrapped his arms around Fugo.
The blonde's eyes widened and his mouth hung open. He gasped slightly, before hugging him back and crying into his shoulder. He felt the pressure in his chest lighten, holding onto the little tightly.
Leone closed his eyes and nuzzled into Fugo's neck and shoulder, feeling him rub his back. Yeah, Fugo had been mean, but he didn't deserve to cry and not have anybody to comfort him.
Fugo gently rocked the little, wanting so badly to sit and hold him. His place on the floor was uncomfortable as hell, anyways.
Bruno moved the blanket off his legs and grinned, gently moving Fugo's hair aside to press a kiss to his forehead. He then moved and pulled Leone away. "Baby, let's let Fugo sit up here." He said gently, smiling down to the blonde.

Fugo smiled as well. How did Bruno always manage to read people's minds? Whatever, all he was focused on now was sitting on the couch and getting comfortable. He pulled the blanket up and held out his arms, laughing when Leone got snuggled up and wrapped in the blanket. God, he was so happy. He absolutely loved all the little ones, and finally being forgiven by the one he hurt was a feeling like none he had ever felt.
Leone snuggled up, being tightly burritoed in the blankie. He liked this. Fugo was sad, and he made him feel better.

"I never wanted to hurt you, baby.." Fugo whispered, holding Leone close like a baby.
Leone babbled quietly and yawned, knowing that his yawns always made Bruno smile. And thankfully, he made Fugo smile, too.
The blond looked down to his baby boy, smiling widely. He then looked up to Bruno, who was looking at the two fondly.
"I'm glad you've made up." Bruno stood, walking over to give Fugo a gentle kiss on the forehead. "I'm going to bed." He whispered.
"M-mama-" Leone reached up for his mama.
Fugo smiled. "I think he wants to go with you."
Bruno leaned down and gave his little one a few kisses. "Are you sure you don't want to sleep with Fugo?" He asked.

"Mama.." Leone yawned again, reaching an arm up but keeping his other one around Fugo. "Panna.."
"Mama or Panna?" Fugo laughed.
"Baby, you can sleep with Panna." Bruno gave his little one another kiss.
"M-mama!" Leone teared up a bit, not knowing who to choose.
Fugo looked up. "He wants you."
Bruno sighed with a smile and picked up his baby.
Leone whined loudly when he was picked up, looking back and reaching for Fugo.
Bruno panicked a bit and set him back down, thinking for a moment.
Fugo comforted Leone as best he could, giving him soft kisses and rocking him while Bruno thought of a plan. It was never said, but them all sleeping together was ruled out already.

Eventually, Bruno just sighed and sat down on the floor.
"That's uncomfortable." Fugo let his head fall back as he looked down at Bruno.
"If I sit right, it's not." Bruno leaned forward, holding Leone's hand as he rested his chin on Fugo's thigh.
"C-could you-" Fugo looked away.
"Hmm?" Bruno hummed. "Oh, sorry-" He laughed, moving his head.
Leone laid on Fugo and held his mama's hand, happy now that he knew both of them were going to stay.
"Thank you." Fugo moved a bit, letting Bruno and Leone get comfortable.
"Goodnight." Bruno chuckled quietly, before closing his eyes.

Fugo sighed with a smile. "Are you sure you're comfortable?" He asked.
Bruno looked up and put a finger to his lips. "He's asleep." He whispered. "But yes." He smiled.
Fugo looked down and nodded. "Okay." He whispered, just barely audible.
Bruno gave Leone another gentle kiss, before letting his head rest on the couch.
The blond let his eyes slowly close, unconsciously putting a hand on Bruno's head as they both fell asleep.

Chapter 114: Giorno, Bruno, and Leone💧


After a lil stand attack, the gang has to take care of baby Gio


Big warnings for violence, mentions of severe abuse, and swearing

Chapter Text

Bruno followed Leone down the dark alley, his mouth going dry when he saw the horrific amounts of blood that had been splattered everywhere, and the pile of bloody pink clothes.
"I told you not to chase him! You idiot!" Leone ran to Giorno's clothes, shaking the toddler that sat inside. "What's wrong with you?!"
Bruno slowly approached the body, hearing the gargling and almost gagging. He had seen horrific things, but Giorno absolutely mutilated this man...
Giorno's sobbing became worse when he was grabbed and yelled at. He didn't know where he was, and his body was sore and hurting. Not to mention all the blood that he was covered in...
Bruno looked down and pushed Leone away, his heart shattering when he heard Giorno's pained cries. He gently picked him up and held him close.
Giorno held onto the person when he realized they weren't going to hurt him. He was still scared about them getting mad that he was getting blood on their shirt, though... it was a white shirt....

Leone picked up Giorno's other clothes, since only his shirt had stayed on. Thank god the shirt covered him, though.
Bruno looked back down at the body, then went back to the rest of the gang.
"Are you okay?" Fugo ran up to Bruno, before looking down at his Don. "sh*t..."
Leone made sure to kick the head of the freak into the brick until it wasn't even recognizable anymore, then followed Bruno. "Dumbass got himself turned into a kid." He gestured to Giorno, then went to the van.
Mista stepped out, frowning when he saw Bruno holding a crying toddler.
Bruno followed Leone to the van and held Giorno close. "We're not gonna hurt you, I promise." He whispered.
Giorno looked up and then back down, seeing he was in a big, pink shirt. "Is gonna get it all dirty.." He bunched up some of the fabric and held it up to the person that was holding him.

Fugo sat beside Leone in the van. "Giorno really did that to him?" He asked, having just seen the body of the stand user.
"Yeah. I kicked his head, too. The bastard deserves to die a thousand times for what he did." Leone scoffed. "We don't even know if his stand's effects are reversible. Usually it goes away once the user dies, but not now."
Fugo nodded sadly, stepping back to let Nara in with the other three. "Me and Mista are gonna be up front."
"Aight." Leone sighed.
Giorno looked around nervously. "Did you all kill my daddy?"
Bruno paused at the odd question, and everyone looked to the child. "No, we didn't."
Giorno remembered the dead body he saw in front of him. "Why was there a dead person?"
"You don't need to know." Bruno pet Giorno's black hair, deciding not to question how it wasn't blonde. "We're gonna take you somewhere safe and clean you up."
Giorno nodded. "Are you my new mommy?"
Bruno blushed and stuttered for a bit, before nodding. "I'm- Yeah.."
"Do I have a new daddy?" Giorno looked around, pausing at the man with long, white hair.

"You got a staring problem?" Leone scoffed. "I'm not your "daddy", kid. Grow the f*ck up."
Bruno looked back down. "You don't have a new daddy, but your old daddy isn't here anymore."
Giorno nodded. "Did he go to jail?" He looked up, a bit hopeful.
"I don't know." Bruno shook his head.
"Well then why do you have me? Did mommy give me away?" Giorno looked around, watching a couple people get in the front of the van.
Bruno felt his heart break again. "No, we're just your new family."
Giorno looked down at his pink shirt. "Did you take me away because daddy got sick of me?" He asked, really curious about why he was here with his new mommy.
"No, baby, we're just here to take care of you." Bruno explained, wiping a bit of blood off of Giorno's face with his shirt.
"Are you the people daddy warned me about? He'll be angry if-"

"Shut up!" Leone yelled. "I wouldn't be surprised if your parents gave you away considering how f*cking annoying you are!"
"LEONE!" Bruno shouted, covering Giorno's ears. "Zitto!"
"Digli di stare zitto! E' fastidioso!" Leone bit back.
Giorno curled up and tried to listen to the muffled yelling, not understanding what they were saying.
Bruno gently uncovered Giorno's ears and quieted his tone. "È un bambino spaventato. Spero che possiate tollerarlo almeno per un giorno."
Giorno looked up when he heard his new name. His parents always called him Haruno, but the people at school called him Giorno, and he liked that better than Haruno. How did his new family know his new name? The way his new mommy was speaking was really nice, too...
"Whatever." Leone scoffed, looking out the back window.
"Are you speaking another language?" Giorno asked.
Bruno looked down and nodded. "Do you not know Italian?"

Giorno shook his head. "No. My mommy is Japanese and my real daddy is I think British. My other daddy is from here, though."
"What do you mean by real daddy and other daddy?" Bruno tilted his head.
"My real daddy is the one that had me with my mommy, but then my mommy ran away and married my other daddy." Giorno played with the gold pieces on his shirt.
Leone drank from the fast food cup on the floor. "He seems like a stepdad kid."
"And what is that supposed to mean?" Bruno sighed.
"You know how kids with stepdads always have that vibe?" Leone opened the cup and swished the mostly melted ice around.
"No." Bruno shook his head. "Anyways-" He looked back down.
"Is that what it's called?" Giorno looked up.
"Yes." Bruno nodded. "You have a stepdad."
"Ohh." Giorno hummed. "He says a lot of stuff about my real daddy. He even makes me put dye and stuff in my hair so it's not blond like my real daddy's hair."

Fugo tightened his grip on the steering wheel. "Is your other daddy ever mean to you?" He glanced back.
Giorno looked around and eventually figured out where the man was. He then paused and looked up to Bruno. "Promise not to tell him..?" He whispered.
"Tell who what?" Bruno asked, keeping his voice low.
"Tell my other daddy.." Giorno looked down, deciding not to say anything more since they would probably tell his daddy, which meant more beatings.
"Giorno, baby." Bruno gently held the child's face. "Does your daddy hurt you?"
Giorno shook his head, hoping they wouldn't ask any more questions.
Fugo sighed.
"What's your daddy's name?" Mista asked, sounding a bit more aggressive than he'd intended.
Giorno looked up to the man sitting in the passenger seat. "An-Antonio Shiobana.."

Leone paused for a moment, but didn't speak.
Fugo let out a long sigh, quickly pulling over. "You drive." He got out, slamming the door and going to sit in the back with everyone else.
"Can I sit up front now?" Narancia pointed to the passenger seat.
"Sure." Fugo rubbed his eyes.
"What's wrong?" Giorno looked over.
"Nothing.." Fugo bounced his leg, clearly lying.
Giorno looked at the man in green and the one with long hair. "Do you two know my daddy?"
Leone scoffed. "Of f*cking course I know him. I had the suspicion whenever you mentioned your last name being Shiobana." He growled.
"Just let them be for now-" Bruno reached out to stop Giorno from touching Fugo.
"Why?" Giorno tilted his head.
"They're upset." Bruno held the toddler close. "Just try and sleep until we get home."


Giorno woke up in a big fluffy blankie, cuddling into whatever was beside him.
Leone scrunched his face in disgust and shoved Giorno off of him. "Why did you even let this freak sleep in here?" He stood up, looking over to Bruno.
Giorno whined when the warmth went away, sleepily reaching up.
"Don't leave him there-" Bruno stood up from their mini fridge and walked over to comfort Giorno. "He was scared last night so I let him sleep with us."
"Could you not have gone out to the living room and slept with him?" Leone rolled his eyes.
"I offered him that choice, but he said he wanted to sleep in here with you." Bruno held the sleepy baby close, gently rocking him.
"You should've told him to f*ck off." Leone sat down and continued putting everything back into their mini fridge.
"Zitto." Bruno glared at his love, then down to Giorno. "Do you want to wake up yet?" He whispered.
Giorno gently opened his eyes again, immediately reaching for Leone. "Da-"
Bruno redirected Giorno's gaze to him. "Daddy's not in a good mood right now.." He hummed.

"Daddy?" Leone looked back. "That freak is not calling me daddy." He threw away the few empty bags and kicked the door closed.
Giorno whined and held onto his mommy. He wanted to be with his new daddy...
"Leone, just calm down-" Bruno sighed.
"No." Leone scoffed. "I'm going to harass the rats."
Bruno watched Leone leave and then looked to his little one. "I'm sorry, baby."
Giorno whined again. "Is he gonna be like my stepdaddy?"
"I don't know how your stepdad is, so I don't know." Bruno frowned.
Giorno hummed. "Well.. Well he don't hurt me!" He lied, still afraid this was all some big plan by his daddy.
"That's good." Bruno smiled. "What about your mommy?"

"She nice too. She give me hugs and kisses a lot!" Giorno nodded, trying his best to give an answer his daddy would like.
"That's amazing!" Bruno smiled, disregarding the odd questions and behavior Giorno had in the van yesterday. "I'm sorry we had to take you away from your mommy and daddy like that."
Giorno paused and looked down. "Why do you have me?" He tilted his head.
"It's best that you don't know right now, it's hard to explain." Bruno gave two answers, before standing with Giorno in his arms. "Do you want some food?"
Giorno shook his head. "I full." He lied. His daddy never liked him eating too much, especially out in restaurants where he wasn't allowed to eat anything.
"You're full?" Bruno laughed. "Silly goose. Let's get you breakfast."
Giorno tried thinking of another excuse, not able to think of anything.

"Oh look, the little fa*g." Leone rolled his eyes.
"Leone! Language!" Bruno scolded him.
"I was talking about these mini cigarettes I saw." Leone held up his phone, obviously joking.
"You're so funny I can't contain my laughter." Fugo hummed sarcastically, not looking up from his newspaper.
Giorno looked around, seeing two other men in the living room. "Who's dat?" He pointed to the two in the living room, then the one sitting at the island.
"That's Fugo." Bruno pointed to Fugo. "And the one in blue pajamas is Mista, and the one in the black shirt is Narancia."
Giorno nodded and reached out for his daddy, who was stood at the fridge. "Dad-"
"Stop calling me that." Leone hissed.
"Mommy said-"
"I don't care. I'm not your daddy." Leone took a soda and went to the living room.
Giorno sighed and just held onto his mommy. "Fugo-" He pointed to Fugo.

Fugo looked up, having zoned out and just heard his name. "What?" He looked at Bruno.
"Do you two want to sit together for a bit?" Bruno asked, walking to the island.
Giorno nodded, and Fugo did as well.
"Where do you wanna sit?" Fugo slid his phone away.
"Here-" Giorno reached out and grabbed the back of a chair.
Bruno gently set the little one down in the chair beside Fugo's.
"There." Fugo smiled. "I was doing the word search right here." He pointed to a small part of the newspaper.
"Can I help?!" Giorno asked excitedly, watching Fugo nod and going ahead and trying to crawl onto his lap to be higher up.
"Hey-" Fugo held Giorno back. "Please don't-"
"Huh?" Giorno looked up.
"Can you try not to touch my lap? I assume you were trying to sit there-" Fugo chuckled nervously.
Giorno nodded. "Sorry."
"It's okay, just- ask if it's okay before you do something like that-" Fugo folded the newspaper and gave Giorno the pencil.
"Like what?" Giorno looked at the pretty green color.
"Doing something like sitting on someone's lap or hugging them." Fugo tried to explain. "Some people don't like it."

Giorno nodded and sat on his knees, looking around the word search and finding a couple words.
"You're good at this." Fugo watched Giorno circle a few words.
Giorno hummed, only taking a couple minutes to find the last words. "Thank you."
"You're welcome, I guess." Fugo unfolded the paper and scanned for more little activities.
Giorno pointed to the headline. "Das the dead man!"
Everyone went quiet, even Nara and Mista.
"Dead man?" Fugo looked to where Giorno was pointing, reading the headline.
"Antuan Baletti, former criminal, found dead and mutilated near 13 Ward St."
Bruno stood behind the two and read. "That's the guy."
"The dead man I saw yesterday." Giorno quickly read through the rest of the report, deciding to hold back a remark.
"Former criminal?" Fugo scoffed. "The police really suck."
Leone walked back to the kitchen and stood beside his love. "You just now finding that out?"

Giorno pointed to one of the last sentences. "He probably knowed the mafia- Passione."
Fugo read the last paragraph. "You read all of that that fast?"
Bruno looked down. "Did you say-"
"Passione?" Mista leaned forward, laying down the newspaper so they could all read it.
"Passione is a mafia thingy. The mafia kills bad people. They like the police but secret." Giorno looked around.
Bruno looked down. "Not quite." He leaned down to look at Giorno. "What all do you know about Passione?"
Giorno shrugged. "There was this guy and I helped him now he protect me. I know he's from Passione. They..." He stopped, deciding against saying what he was about to say.
"They what?" Nara looked at the mini Gio.
"Nothin'." Giorno shook his head.
Leone looked down at Giorno, not trusting the little rat.

"What's the man's name? The one that protects you?" Bruno held Giorno's hands.
"I don't know. He didn't tell me. He make sure that.." Giorno stopped again, not wanting to tell them.
"That what?" Narancia pried.
"Shut it." Mista nudged Nara.
"Nothin'." Giorno looked down.
"You can tell us if you know anything." Bruno spoke softly. "We're from Passione, too."
"Is all of you protectin' me?" Giorno whispered.
Bruno nodded. "Yeah." He looked to the little one's eyes.
Giorno looked to his daddy, then back down. "I don't know nothin' else." He told the truth, really not knowing much about Passione.
Fugo looked down. "Is your other daddy in the mafia?"
Giorno shook his head. "He don't know about it."
"What about your real daddy and mommy?" Fugo tapped his pencil.
"My mommy don't know either. She told me that my real daddy was a vampire, so I don't think he knows either."
Leone rolled his eyes. "Your real dad's a vampire, ha-" He mocked the kid.
"Shut it." Bruno glared at his love.

"Why you askin' so many questions?" Giorno looked around.
Bruno stood back up. "Just.. curiosity. We're not gonna ask anymore now, though." He looked around.
Narancia sat in front of Fugo, while Mista and Leone went back to the living room.
Giorno's stomach growled, and he chewed his lip.
"I completely forgot about your breakfast!" Bruno laughed at himself. "What do you want?"
Giorno shrugged. "Iunno..."


Leone groaned and slowly opened his eyes. "What-"
Giorno stopped shaking his daddy and looked at him. "I wanna talk.."
Leone realized Giorno had woken him up and sighed. "Talk to Bruno-"
"Who dat?" Giorno sat on the floor, his head on the cushion.
"Your new mom, I guess." Leone stretched. "Go. Shoo."
"But is a secret!" Giorno whisper-yelled, really wanting to tell someone, but only trusting his daddy.
"Did you piss the bed or something?" Leone looked at the kid.
"Is about my daddy.." Giorno looked up. "You gotta promise not to tell noone."
"Your real daddy? The vampire?" Leone rolled his eyes.
Giorno shook his head. "My stepdaddy.."
Leone slowly began taking the kid more seriously.
"Please.." Giorno held out his pinky. "Promise that you won't tell nobody."
"I.. promise." Leone locked pinkies with the kid.
"You sure?" Giorno felt his chest getting a bit tight.
"Yeah." Leone nodded.

"Nobody else can know or else-" Giorno stopped himself. "Or else my daddy will hurt me.." He whispered.
Leone began taking the kid seriously. "Okay." He sat up. "Come up here." He pat the couch cushion next to him.
Giorno sat beside his daddy and got under the blanket. "The secret is that my daddy hurts me." He whispered.
Leone nodded. "We.. won't hurt you." He tried comforting the child.
"I's scared because mommy said she was gonna give me a bath tomorrow and I don't want her to see it.." Giorno teared up.
"See what?" Leone asked worriedly.
"The scars from where my daddy hits me.." Giorno put his hand on his shoulder. "If you give me a bath tomorrow, then it'll still be our secret."
Leone nodded sadly. "Why.. why can't you tell anyone else?"

Giorno leaned on his daddy. "I just don't want mommy to know... She'll be mad at me.."
"Why do you think she'll be mad?"
"'Cause I didn't say it earlier.. My old mommy knew that my stepdaddy hit me, though, and she didn't care. She just got mad when I cried too much..."
Leone looked down and slowly brought Giorno into a hug. "I'll keep it between us." He promised, not knowing whether to really keep it a secret or not.
Giorno nodded. "Can you make it so you give me a bath and not mommy tomorrow?" He asked nervously. "Don't tell mommy I asked you to, though."
Leone nodded. "I will."


"I'll give him a bath." Leone put an arm in front of Bruno.
"I don't trust you not to drown him." Bruno teased, turning the doorknob.
"Just let me-" Leone grabbed the towel and clothes, forcing Bruno back and quickly closing and locking the door behind him.
"Leone!" Bruno called, more confused than anything. He knew Leone wouldn't actually hurt Giorno, but he was a tiny bit worried.
Giorno looked up, sitting with his back to the bathtub and his underwear still on.
Leone approached the kid. "It's safe." He looked at the small bits of scars he could see on his shoulders.
"You promise?" Giorno hugged himself.
Leone nodded and stood back up, setting the clothes on the shelf and folding the towel. "How'd you keep Bruno from seeing your scars when he changed you?" He asked quietly.
Giorno looked at the warm water with lavender scented bubblebath in it. "Mommy used wipes to get all the blood off me, since it was too late for a bath. She forgot to give me one yesterday, too. I just said I could wipe off and change myself."
Leone nodded. "Smart."

Giorno swayed back and forth a little bit.
"You can get in, I won't look." Leone turned his back to the kid. "Tell me when you're ready."
Giorno set his underwear with his other dirty clothes and got in, enjoying the warm water. "Ready." He looked down at the bubbles.
Leone turned around and got on his knees beside the bathtub. "I'll wash your hair first." He took the cup Bruno had brought in and gently wet Giorno's hair. "Will you be able to wash your body by yourself?"
Giorno just shrugged, keeping his head back so water wouldn't get in his eyes.
Leone stayed quiet, not wanting to mention the small amount of black dye coming out of his hair. Didn't he say his stepdad made him dye it?
Giorno soon felt his daddy's hands gently rub shampoo into his hair. Feeling him scrub his scalp was so nice....
Leone grinned when the kid began to relax, taking his time and being gentle. Soon, it was time to rinse, and Leone held a washcloth over Giorno's eyes to make extra sure no soap got in them. "I'm gonna wash it again just to make extra sure it's clean, okay?"
Giorno nodded, keeping his eyes closed even though he didn't have to.

After Giorno's hair was washed, Leone moved on to his body.
"We can use a luffa, a washcloth, or one of the softer washcloths." Leone pointed to Giorno's options.
"Can I have a soft one?" Giorno asked, still nervous asking for things.
Leone nodded and dipped the soft cloth into the water. "Are there any spots you don't want touched, or any I need to be careful around?"
Giorno shook his head. "I guess just my private stuff, I can do that myself."
Leone nodded and got a bit of bodywash, lathering the washcloth and starting at Giorno's neck. "Mommy got you your pink onesie to wear once you get out." He grinned.
Giorno nodded. "What's your favorite color?"
Leone thought for a moment, not expecting the question. "I guess... dark purple. Really dark purple."
"I like pink and green. Just not really bright pink or any of the weird looking greens." Giorno closed his eyes and let himself relax.
"Do you like pastel colors?" Leone asked.
Giorno nodded. "I like all the pastel colors, like orange, blue, pink, yellow, all that. My favorite is pastel pink, though."
Leone nodded. "They're pretty." He ran the soft cloth over Giorno's scars.


Leone sat and held Giorno, who was wrapped up in the soft towel. "Do you need my help getting dressed?"
Giorno shook his head, standing and keeping himself covered with the towel.
Leone stood up as well. "You have underwear, socks, and your onesie. Just come out when you're ready." He left the bathroom, closing the door.
Giorno put his clothes on, but struggled with the zipper on his onesie, opening the door to ask for help.
Leone turned around and smiled.
"Hep.." Giorno whined.
Leone got on one knee and zipped up the onesie, putting his hood up, too. "Little pink dragon." He smiled.
"Huh?" Giorno looked up, not realizing his onesie made him look like a dragon.
"Nothing." Leone picked up the kid and took him to the living room.

Mista grinned when he saw Giorno in the pink dragon onesie. "Lookit you!" He laughed.
Giorno held on to his daddy and sat on his lap when he sat down.
"Why the sudden change of heart?" Bruno took the half-empty wine bottle back into the kitchen.
Leone shrugged. "I don't know." He looked at Giorno, then to the TV.
"You wanna watch a show or somethin'?" Narancia asked, giving Giorno the remote.
Giorno looked down at it, then gave it back. "No." He shook his head, before laying on his daddy's chest. "Where's Fugo?"
Mista caught the remote that Nara threw at him. "He went out to a meeting."
"What kinda meeting?" Giorno asked.
"One where he talks about money, basically. He's in charge of all of Passione's funds." Mista turned on a cartoon, something with a little purple dog.
"Why the mafia need money?? Do they sell flowers and stuff? I seen people selling stuffed animals and sweaters before."
Leone grinned. "Yeah. The mafia sells flowers." He ruffled the kid's hair.

"Hey, question." Narancia looked over, then scooted closer. "Can you use Gold Experience yet?"
"Whas dat?"
"Show him Moody-" Nara nudged Leone.
Leone rolled his eyes and summoned Moody Blues, watching how Giorno's eyes lit up.
"You have imaginary friends too?" Giorno summoned his friend.
Bruno walked back to the living room and smiled when he saw the tiny Gold Experience.
"Is it a girl?" Giorno looked at his daddy's imaginary friend.
Leone nodded. "I guess. Yeah."
"She really pretty." He held her hand.
Bruno stood behind the couch and watched the small Gold Experience interact with Moody Blues.
"Does yours have a name yet?" Leone asked.
Giorno shook his head. "No, does yours?"
Leone nodded. "Moody Blues."

--The next morning--

"Daddy!" Giorno held up his arms, wanting to be picked up.
Leone grinned and gently picked Giorno up, letting him get comfortable in his arms.
Mista looked up. "I thought you hated him, why are you so lovey now?"
Giorno looked back, then up to his daddy. "You hate me?" He whispered.
"No, no I don't." Leone shook his head.
"But Mi-" Giorno pointed to Mista.
Bruno came to try and de-escalate the situation. "That's not what he meant, baby."
"He said daddy hated me!" Giorno teared up.
Mista awkwardly stood up and left, not knowing how to deal with kids.
Leone set Giorno down and got on his knees. "Baby, look at me." He whispered gently.
Giorno rubbed his eyes, then held his daddy's hands when they were held out.
"Daddy loves you. I promise." Leone smiled.
Giorno pointed to Mista again. "But- but he-"
"It doesn't matter what he said, okay?" Leone gently put Giorno's hand down. "Daddy will never hate you."
Giorno slowly calmed down. "Otay.."
"I love you so much." Leone smiled, feeling his heart light up when Giorno hugged him. "I love you so so so much."

Everyone else stared at the two, shocked that Leone was being so caring to a child version of Giorno. Even Bruno was a bit shocked, having never seen Leone so genuinely caring.
"Did the stand f*ck with Abba, too?" Mista looked to the other three, then back to Leone, being glared at and flipped off behind Giorno's back.
Fugo gestured to the two. "There's your answer."
Narancia stayed quiet, finding the sight of Abba's smile somewhat eerie.
Leone pulled away and gently wiped Giorno's tears. "Do you want to go out and do something with me and mommy today?"
Giorno nodded quickly, smiling when his mommy squatted down.
"What do you want to do?" Bruno asked with a smile.
"Sit!" Giorno said happily.
"Sit?" Bruno asked. "Like, sit down?"
Giorno nodded. "Sit." He held his arms up so his daddy could pick him up.

"Tell us what you mean by "sit"." Leone looked to his love, then to Giorno, standing up.
"It where we all go somewhere alone and sit. We sit and look at stuff." Giorno kicked his legs, putting his hand to his mouth to chew his fingers.
"Well where do you want to go?" Bruno asked.
Giorno shrugged. "Maybe outside."
"What about we sit on the porch?" Leone gestured to the back door.
Giorno nodded quickly.
Bruno smiled and lead the two outside onto the porch. "We have a big daybed, do you want to sit here?" Bruno uncovered the outdoor bed, making sure it was clean and dry.
Giorno nodded and felt more comfortable when his mommy and daddy sat with him.

Then, they all sat.

No conversation, no noise aside from the sounds of birds and trees, and no bad emotions.

Leone looked down and watched vines slowly creep through the cracks in the patio. He then looked to Giorno, who was curled up with his eyes closed.
Bruno smiled as butterflies, caterpillars, and frogs emerged from different places, all living calmly.
Leone laid his head on Bruno's shoulder, and reached over to hold his hand.

They were all just sitting. Together.


That evening, Bruno pulled Leone aside after dinner to talk to him.
"Hey." Bruno sighed. "I'm happy you and Giorno are getting along, but-"
"The sudden change? How I went from hating him to being his dad?" Leone crossed his arms.
"Yes. It's bizarre to me how you refused even the idea of being called daddy, now you're- well, like you are." Bruno shrugged.
Leone thought for a moment, deciding to lie about his reason. "It was just a realization, I guess. He's not normal Giorno right now, and he needs a stable dad. I'm not exactly stable but I'm better than his other dads."
"He said his parents were nice to him and treated him well." Bruno shrugged, deciding to believe Giorno's words over his body language, speaking patterns, and habits, all of which were small, yet important, signs of a traumatized child. He could excuse all of that as just being in a new place with new people and not knowing why.
"I meant right now." Leone looked down. "And it's just- it's hard to hate a kid like him."
"I've known you for years and you've always expressed distaste for children." Bruno grinned.

"He's different. He's never been a bitch, never acted out, never yelled. He's like if you removed all the worst things about a child and were just left with a little rat that loves you."
Bruno nodded. "Me and Fugo have been- sort of analyzing him for a while. Fugo's mentioned how he has a lot of mannerisms of a child that's been through trauma. Especially because of how quiet he is, he's got me worried."
"If you want answers, don't "analyze" him, ask him." Leone bit, a bit annoyed that the two were drawing conclusions without even talking to Giorno (even though their conclusions were correct). "Talk to him or something. Just don't force him to say anything and be nice."
Bruno nodded. "That would be a lot better." He smiled. "And how ironic that you of all people, are telling me to be nice."
Leone rolled his eyes and left, going back to the living room where Giorno was.


That night, after Giorno's bath, Leone went to put him to bed.
Giorno looked up when he was set on the bed. "Did you tell mommy our secret..?"
Leone glanced up, doing his best to dress him. "No, why do you think that?"
"You and mommy talked earlier, after dinner." Giorno held his arms up so his shirt could be put on.
"I didn't tell mommy, I promise." Leone kissed Giorno's forehead. "I won't tell anyone."
"Otay." Giorno hugged his daddy. "All the other adults I told told my daddy or the police." He whispered.
Leone nodded. "I won't." He frowned, knowing that telling Bruno or someone else was the right thing to do for a child, but.. he didn't want anyone else to know when Giorno was normal again. Giorno trusted Leone, and only Leone, to know what happened to him, and it wouldn't be right to break his Don's trust.
"Is you otay?" Giorno asked, looking at how sad his daddy looked.
Leone nodded. "Yeah." He smiled. "Let's get you to bed."

Giorno happily snuggled up with his daddy, savoring each second of warmth and love. This bedroom was a big contrast to his room at home. At home, he had a dirty little room with a crib, barely washed mattress, and tiny blanket. Here, it was big, clean, warm, the bed was fluffy and had soft sheets, and he always had someone with him. Not to mention the connected bathroom and large closet.

Here, he felt like he had a purpose. Here, he wanted to keep living to see each new day. Here... he was loved...


Leone rubbed Giorno's back, not having opened his eyes yet.
Giorno slowly awoke and felt someone with him, sitting up and almost screaming. "sh*t..." He looked down, realizing how he was completely naked and waking up in bed with Leone. Bruno was here, too, oh god...
"Language-" Leone rubbed his eyes and looked up, not expecting to see a fully grown, messy haired, (and.. naked?) Giorno.
"What the f*ck happened last night?" Giorno stayed covered by the blanket.
Bruno was stirred awake and rolled over. "Are you getting up?" He asked quietly.
Leone grabbed Bruno's face and made him look up at Giorno.
Giorno watched as Bruno's face was one of confusion, horror, then slowly became calm. "What did you two do to me last night? Just- How much did I drink? Or did you freaks drug me?"
"We didn't do that-" Leone sat up. "Look, what's the last thing you remember?"
Giorno thought for a moment. "I remember yesterday evening we beat the sh*t out of that stand user, and now I'm here."
Bruno nodded. "That wasn't yesterday. It was around three days ago."

Giorno looked at the two. "So you..? You-?" He asked, confused.
"Look, remember how that dude's stand turned people into kids so he could do creepy sh*t?" Leone asked. "You got turned into a little sh*tstain for three days. Maybe four, I don't remember."
"I-" Giorno paused. "So why am I naked? In your bed?"
"We were the ones that had to take care of you." Bruno looked around for where the child clothes were, finding the torn shirt and holding it up.
"How young was I?" Giorno asked, now worried that they saw his scars.
"Maybe four or five?" Bruno estimated. "Black hair, around this size." He held the torn seam of the shirt together, showing the original size.
"D-did you like.. see any umm-" Giorno tried explaining, not wanting to give it away if they hadn't.
"I bathed you, of course I saw your dick." Leone rolled his eyes, standing up.
"You- you... You bathed me? YOU?!" Giorno pointed to the older, almost laughing.

Bruno smiled, unsure whether to tell Giorno how close he and Leone were.
"Yeah! You asked me to! You wanted me over Bruno!" Leone took a chocolate bar from their mini fridge, offering a bit to Bruno and a bit to the blonde. "You called me daddy and everything."
Giorno blushed deeply, having the chocolate slapped out of his hand when he went to eat it.
"Bruno was mommy." Leone continued slapping the chocolate out of Giorno's hands each time he picked it up.
Giorno laughed and eventually gave up. "Dear god, I'm sorry you had to deal with that-"
"Bruno's always been mommy, it was harder for me to get used to daddy." Leone put a piece of the chocolate to his mouth, getting it slapped out of his hands. "You little sh*t." Leone resisted the urge to slap the f*ck out of Giorno.
"Oops you dropped it." Giorno teased. "And please never say the words "mommy, daddy, Bruno" and "hard" in the same sentence ever again."
"Why do you have a problem with the word "hard"?" Leone asked. "Is it because of how hard your step-" He stopped himself, noticing how Giorno's expression changed.

"N-no." Giorno shook his head, still understanding what Leone was going to say.
"Do you just not like the words mommy and daddy?" Bruno asked, looking past Leone's remark.
Giorno nodded. "Yeah. Especially when talking about you two." He chuckled awkwardly.
Leone held back an extremely inappropriate comment, just breathing out his nose.
"Can I have clothes now?" Giorno adjusted the blanket. "It's cold."
Leone gave the rest of the chocolate to Bruno and stood up, chucking a pair of sweatpants and a band tshirt to Giorno.
"Thanks." Giorno took the clothes.
"I'll leave so you can put those on." Bruno sat up and went to the bathroom.
Leone went back to the bed. "Look, kid."
Giorno turned around, hiding his back.
"You told me about what your stepdad did, and I made a promise not to tell anyone else." Leone whispered.
Giorno paused for a moment. "So you want something from me or else you'll tell everyone?"
Leone shook his head. "I just wanted you to know. Nobody else knows but me."
Giorno nodded. "Okay.."
Leone waited for a moment, before bringing Giorno into a hug.
As soon as Giorno realized what was happening, and started to hug back, Leone pulled away and went to the bathroom with Bruno.


"Giorno! You're back!" Mista hugged Giorno tightly.
"Why are you wearing Abbacchio's clothes?" Fugo looked at the shirt.
"Weird story." Giorno pulled away from Mista. "And don't hold me accountable for anything I did, I don't remember sh*t."
"You don't even remember calling Abba daddy?" Narancia teased. "Or giving him a bunch of hugs and kisses? Or all those times he said he loves you?"
Giorno blushed. "Stop-" He went to the kitchen to find food.
Mista chuckled. "You did it though! Bruno was established as mommy within the first thirty minutes of getting you!"
"I'm more interested in what made the stand effects stop." Fugo laid back on the couch.
The couple entered the living room and sat together.
"There's mommy and daddy." Mista teased.

Bruno smiled and sleepily leaned on Leone.
"Go f*ck yourself in the mouth with a taser." Leone bit at Mista.
"And we're back to normal Abba." Fugo sighed.

Chapter 116: Josuke and Rohan💧


TW for gender dysphoria

Chapter Text

Josuke looked up when Rohan came outside. "Hey-"
Rohan looked at his daddy and held out his arms. "Da-"
Josuke saw Rohan's tears and went to pick him up, his crying getting worse.
Rohan held his daddy and sobbed into his shoulder. "I wanna be a boy!" He cried.
Josuke sat Rohan on his lap and moved his wet hair out of the way. He was still in his robe he put on after his showers. "You are a boy, baby." He rubbed the fluffy green fabric.
Rohan shook his head. "No! I not made like a boy!" He curled up with his daddy, hyperventilating a tiny bit.
"You're gonna be okay-" Josuke hummed, rocking his little one.
Rohan sobbed and tried his best to explain what he wanted. "I wan- wa- I wa go- one-" He pointed to the house, making tiny sounds in between his breaths and cries.
"You want to go inside?" Josuke asked.
Rohan nodded. "Wa go- one, ones-"

Josuke took his little one inside, giving him gentle kisses. "Just point to what you want, okay?"
Rohan nodded and pointed to the stairs, being taken up. He then pointed to his little room.
Josuke took Rohan into his favorite room, noticing how much he calmed down. "Do you want to turn on some lights?"
Rohan made grabby hands for the fairy lights, watching when Josuke turned them on. "Blue.."
"Yes, they're blue! Good job!" Josuke smiled, wiping Rohan's tears.
Rohan flapped his hand and stayed with his daddy, pointing to the tent they'd made in the corner.
Josuke took his little into the tent and smiled, watching Rohan look around.
"Blue.." Rohan looked at the blanket above them, before being laid down on the light blue pillows. "Daddy-"
"Daddy's gonna stay right here." Josuke held his little's hand. "Daddy's gonna stay with his baby boy."
Rohan felt butterflies when he was called a boy. "Baby, baby."
"Yes, you're my baby boy." Josuke smiled, hugging Rohan when he sat up.
"Baby!" Rohan smiled, his nose still a little runny. "I baby."
"You're baby, yes you are." Josuke let Rohan sit on his lap and look at all the blue decorations. Rohan had designed this room himself, making almost everything blue and boyish. Breakdowns about his body weren't common, but when they were, this room was so much more important. Just being surrounded by blue, and toys like cars and dinosaurs helped Rohan feel so much better.
"You wanna play with your toys?" Josuke asked, fixing Rohan's robe a bit.
Rohan nodded. "Ones, one onesie." He played with the strings of his robe.
Josuke panicked a tiny bit, knowing how upset Rohan got when he was little and had to change clothes. "Okay, let's go get you a onesie." He got out of the tent and went to the dresser where they kept Rohan's little clothes, like onesies.
"Ten'!" Rohan reached for the tent, whining.
"We'll go back to the tent once we get your onesie, okay?" Josuke opened a drawer.
Rohan nodded and looked down, picking up a onesie with dinosaurs on it. "Rawr!"
Josuke smiled, getting a pair of underwear and socks as well. "Is that the sound dinosaurs make?"
Rohan nodded. "Dino!" He gave his daddy the onesie, being set down on the dresser. "Dino dino." He looked around.
Josuke prepared himself for another breakdown. "I'm gonna take off your robe and put these on, okay?" He held up the underwear.
Rohan nodded and covered his eyes, whining when Josuke had to move his hands to take his arms out. "Noo-"
Josuke put on the underwear and then started getting Rohan into his onesie. "I need your arms, baby." He frowned, knowing that this was the worst part.
Rohan held his hands over his eyes, not wanting to have to move his hands and see himself. "No!"
"You're alright, baby. Do you wanna look up at the ceiling while I put your arms in?" Josuke asked.
Rohan nodded, looking up and letting his daddy put his arms in his onesie, then zip it up.
"You can look back, now." Josuke picked up the socks. "You're such a brave boy." He smiled.
Rohan hummed, immediately hugging his daddy once his socks were on.
"You're such a brave boy." Josuke repeated, before gently picking his little up.
"Car." Rohan pointed to one of his toy boxes, the one that held all his cars.
Josuke took Rohan to his toy box, letting him pick out his favorite cars.
"Go-" Rohan pointed to the tent, then looked up at his daddy.
"You wanna go back there?" Josuke stood up with Rohan again.
"No! Toy!" Rohan made grabby hands, being put back down.
Josuke sat down beside his little one. "You want to take your cars to the tent?"
"No." Rohan shook his head. "Daddy go!" He pointed to the tent.
Josuke went to the tent and watched Rohan play, driving all his cars around the little mat they had.

Rohan drove his cars to the tent with his daddy. "Baby?" He looked up.
"Yes, you're my baby boy." Josuke smiled, happy at how he'd avoided a changing breakdown and how fast Rohan had gotten over his first one.
"Baby.." Rohan put down his cars. "Baby.." He went to his daddy's lap, curling up and being held.
"You're daddy's baby boy." Josuke moved Rohan's hair out of the way. "You're a strong, brave boy."

Chapter 117: Josuke and Rohan💧

Chapter Text

Rohan stuck out his tongue.
"Rohan." Josuke said seriously. "You know you're not supposed to be in the flour."
Rohan yelled and threw a handful of flour at his daddy.
"Rohan Kishibe!" Josuke looked down at his shirt, covered in flour. "You have three seconds before I have Crazy Diamond come put you in time out."
Rohan stuck out his tongue again. "Nuh!" He grabbed more flour and threw it.
Rohan laughed and kept going.
The little fully dumped the bag of flour.
"Three." Josuke sighed, having Crazy Diamond go put Rohan in the corner.
Rohan paused, not realizing his daddy would actually punish him. "NOO!" He yelled, trying to get away.
Josuke cleaned the flour, while Crazy Diamond calmly put Rohan back every time he ran away.


Josuke went back to Rohan once it had been five minutes. "Hey, baby."
Rohan looked up, his hands still with flour on them.
"Baby, do you know why you got put in timeout?" Josuke took a wipe and wiped Rohan's hands.
Rohan huffed and looked down, not wanting to talk.
"Honey, look." Josuke lifted Rohan's head gently. "I told you twice before to stop playing in the flour, and you knew that." Josuke explained. "This was the third time you got into the flour, and you got it everywhere and even threw it at me."
Rohan nodded sadly.
"I warned you that you would go to time out when I counted to three."
Rohan nodded. "I din' tin' you was gon' count to free..."
"Why not? I told you, did you not hear me?"
"Gramma neber counded to free.." Rohan looked up.

Josuke hummed, knowing Rohan was talking about his grandmother, who he had grown up with. "Well daddy does. Whenever daddy says he'll count to three, then that means you have three seconds to stop whatever you're doing before you get timeout."
Rohan nodded.
"Now do you want to tell me why you decided to be mean?"
Rohan shrugged. "I wa' jus' mean.." He looked up.
Josuke nodded. "I get it. Now, do you wanna go color?"
Rohan nodded quickly and stood up, running to get his crayons.

Chapter 118: Abbacchio and Giorno


What do we want? WHOLESOME ABBAGIO!!

When do we want it? NOW!!
(I'm sorry the link is so long idk why)

Also my mum got my neice one of these, but I've been playing with it for a couple hours because it's so fun

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Leone sat with a little one in his arms. Of course it had to be Giorno.

Giorno babbled and laid on Leone's chest, enjoying the feeling of warmth and safety. He closed his eyes and snuggled even closer. The older sighed and looked over to Bruno, who was looking over with a sweet but mischievous smile. "He loves you. Just pull him up closer to your chest and hold him." He said softly.

Leone rolled his eyes, thinking for a bit, before doing as Bruno instructed. The rest of the gang smiled or laughed, as Giorno was the only one regressed. "Abababa.." Giorno babbled. "Look at you two, getting along so well." Fugo teased. "Stop. He's little, he can't help it." Leone moved to hold the little tighter.

"Whatever you say, mommy." Fugo grinned, looking back down to his sudoku. "Mamababa.." Giorno reached down to grab Leone's hand, pulling it up to his body. "You two are so sweet together." Trish added. "Shut up.." Leone turned his head away, letting his cheek rest on Giorno's head.


The jokes weren't meant to be mean, but they frustrated Leone. After Mista and Narancia said stuff too, he went to Giorno's bedroom to get away. Leone liked caring for Giorno, and them making jokes made him feel like he shouldn't like the little. He was about to cry, but seeing the look of happiness on his little's face when they went to his bedroom made him feel better.

Leone smiled and sat Giorno down, flapping his hands a little to stim. The little watched and giggled, doing it as well. Giorno doing it made Leone happier, and he rocked a bit. He wanted so badly to just be small and stim his heart out and let Giorno take care of him, but right now he had to be a daddy.

Giorno giggled and babbled, leaning forward to hold his daddy's hands. Leone smiled and moved his baby onto his lap, hugging him close. "I love you." He whispered, smiling when he felt Giorno's hands around him. "Abababaaa.." Giorno giggled, playing with Leone's hair. He jumped a bit and looked up when he heard a knock on the door.

Leone pulled Giorno away and looked back. "What?" He called, watching Bruno open the door. Bruno smiled, but Leone huffed and turned away. "I just wanted to make sure you two were okay." Bruno closed the door, walking to the bed. "You think I can't take care of a little one by myself?" Leone looked back, letting Giorno gently fall onto his back.

"No, I wanted to make sure you were okay." Bruno repeated, sitting beside the older. "You looked upset when you left." He watched Leone play with the little, wrapping him up in the blanket and playing peekaboo. "Where's my baby?" Leone playfully asked, ignoring Bruno, before moving the blanket from over Giorno's face.

"There's my baby!" He smiled, giving Giorno a few kisses, before waiting for his giggling to stop and re-covering his face. Bruno just smiled, watching the two play for a bit. After a few more rounds, Giorno wasn't giggling as much, and Leone noticed. So he found a solution.

Leone uncovered Giorno's face, then picked him up and rolled onto his back, holding the little close. "There's my baby!" He called, smiling and laughing with Giorno. He quickly sat up, though, as doing that hurt his back. Bruno stood up as Leone rocked the little, able to tell he was getting Giorno ready for a nap.


"Aww, look at that!" Trish whispered, standing in the doorway of Giorno's bedroom with the rest of the gang. Leone and Giorno had fallen asleep together, Leone with his arms tightly around his little. "Abba's gonna regret everything when Gio wakes up-" Mista laughed. "Why?" Fugo looked over. "He hates Giorno when he's big. I'm sure he'd hate being that close to him even more." Mista looked back to the two.

Leone was half awake, able to tell that there were people talking nearby, but not caring enough to listen. He moved closer to Giorno and grinned, just now realizing how sweet he smelled. His bed was soft, too. Giorno felt movement and shifted a little, but didn't wake up for another couple hours.


Giorno and Leone came out of the bedroom oddly calm. The whole gang either smiled or looked at them, waiting for something. Leone stopped and stared back. "What?" He shrugged. "I'm only fine with him because his skin and bed are soft, and he smells nice." He followed Giorno to the kitchen, not realizing how close he stood, or how he'd put his head on Giorno's shoulder.

Everyone else just smiled and went back to their days, but they all had thoughts about what happened for Leone to change his mind about Giorno, besides the things he listed.


My friend also officially has an AO3 account now!! I asked her and she said it was okay to mention her. Her username is SimplyLuxurious and she uses she/her pronouns! She doesn't have many works yet but I know she has some amazing ideas! <3

Chapter 119: Risotto


I got some jingle bells because I'm gonna make Risotto's hat and want to make the bells jingle and got this idea

Also in this chapter, Risotto is the only little in la squadra and is in the closet about it (pun intended)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Risotto babbled, sitting in his large closet. It was decorated with all the things he loved, like fake vines and fairy lights. It was his favorite place to be alone. He picked up his pink crayon and colored in his favorite coloring book. He was almost done with this page, and after he colored it in, he wanted to watch his favorite cartoon.

The closet he was in didn't have many clothes, though. It was more of a secret room he could regress in, and that nobody would know about. He rarely let anybody in his bedroom, so the chances of anyone getting in his closet were close to none. But if someone did, it would be hard to explain..

Risotto's room was decorated with electric guitars and records from his favorite bands. Almost everything was black or white, and looked like it came from a Hot Topic or Spencers. But his closet... was a different story. He decorated it with mostly pastel pink and light colors. He had a light pink play tent, a collection of coloring books, crayons, and colored pencils, his pacis, his bottles, stuffies, and of course his clothes.

He had some diapers and pull-ups, light colored baggy hoodies, and knee high socks. They were his favorite clothes to wear, even when he was big sometimes. Although, Formaggio and Illuso made fun of him for wearing his pastel pink, yellow and blue hoodie.

Risotto sucked on his paci and finished coloring in the dog and butterly on the page. He smiled and giggled, looking up and expecting to see a mommy or daddy there to tell him he did a good job, but nobody was there. He got a little sad, but picked up his iPad to watch cartoons like he wanted to. He clicked on YouTube and saw an agere compilation in his recommended.

He grinned and clicked on that instead of looking for his cartoon. Seeing other people being little helped him feel more valid, especially since he didn't have a daddy or mommy. He really wanted one, though. The video played and showed clips of other little ones, making Risotto smile and hold his bunny stuffie close.

(Also Formaggio is a little mean, says a couple bad words, and Risotto uses his stand, so just skip to 💖 if you don't want that)

The baby had fallen asleep in his closet, snuggled under his little tent with his favorite blankies and stuffies. He was awoken by rough knocking on his bedroom door. He rubbed his eyes and stood up, leaving his closet. "Oi, boss!" One of his men shouted. Risotto rolled his eyes and tucked his paci away in his pocket, before walking to the door.

He opened it and saw Formaggio, obviously annoyed. But his Capo's atire caught him off guard. Formaggio looked Risotto up and down, not expecting all the pastel pink and the fuzzy blanket. "Uhh, yeah. Ghia won't shut up. Melo also went to the bar and now his kids are running around wreaking havoc." He leaned on the doorframe and crossed his arms, letting out a sigh.

Risotto shrugged. "You're lucky I'm too tired to kill you for waking me up from my nap." He said in a lower tone than usual. "You a f*ckin' two year old? Still need to take naps in your pretty little pink castle?" Formaggio scoffed. "But seriously, Melo lost control o- OW-!" He stopped, looking down and noticing a pin had poked through the top of his hand.

"Figure it out yourself." Risotto tilted his head upwards. "Now if you don't mind I need to get back to my pretty little pink castle." He closed and locked the door. "What the f*ck?!" Formaggio yelled, before groaning and walking away.


Risotto went back to his closet and yawned, closing the door and going to snuggle back into his blankies and stuffies. But after he did that, he realized he forgot to get himself a bottle of water and turn off his lights. He huffed and squeezed his stuffie tighter, getting comfy and warm in his blankies. He didn't wanna get back up, but he had to.

He laid and thought for a bit. Once he did the things, he'd be back in his tent before he knew it. Doing the things was easy, it was just getting up that was hard. All he had to do was get up, then do the things, then get back to bed. Okay, he was ready.

Risotto sat up, putting down his stuffie and reaching over for his bottle. He then grabbed one of the bottles of water he kept, and filled up the baby bottle. And after a bit, he was done! Now he just had to go and turn off his lights. He stood up and went to unplug his fairy lights and LED's, before jumping back into his blankies.

He pulled his blankie over himself and grabbed his stuffie. He did it!! That barely took any time, and now he was back in bed! He babbled and giggled, holding onto his pillow. He really wished he had a mommy or daddy to tell him goodnight.. It was okay, though. All his stuffies told him goodnight, and they were just as good as a caregiver, he thought.


I usually only mention daddys and mommys in these, but remember that non-binary and agender caregivers exist too, and are perfectly valid!! <3

My friend also now has an AO3 account! Her username is SimplyLuxurious and her pronouns are she/her! I would definitely recommend reading some of her OC works because they're amazing!

Chapter 120: Giorno and Leone


This was a draft chapter that I'm coming back to and I absolutely LOVE!!!

It was at first too big to be a mini, so it's just it's own chapter.


Even more caregiver!Leone because... yes

I feel like he'd make an amazing dad, even as his canon self. He acts rude, but he's afraid to show that he cares about people because of what happened to him :( I feel like deep down he cares about Giorno, but hides it under a ton of anger and sarcasm.

As a dad tho, he'd be a total dilf, and shower his baby with love and kisses as much as possible. Around the gang tho, he'd try to act cool and chill to keep his reputation as the oldest and most mature.

Idk, Dadbacchio and Brumama just- 👌
If nobody could tell, they're my comfort ship

^ og notes, I forgot about this chapter but I love it
I started writing at "Leone walked to the door, leaving it cracked open."

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Leone had woken early in the morning, around 4. There was no mission, he just needed to get an extra head start on his and Bruno's paperwork. He heard a voice that sounded like it came from the TV, and sighed a bit. "Morning." He greeted whoever was awake, setting his papers down on the kitchen island. It was already fairly light outside, so the kitchen window gave him light to see. He pulled back a chair and sat down, taking the frog paperweight off the stack of work.
Giorno watched and chewed on his slinky, having not brought out any fidget toys but that one. He stood up and ran to Leone, bringing him into a hug.

Leone felt arms around him and flinched, looking down at the slightly smudged pen ink and wrinkled corner of the paper. "f*ck- Be careful!" He yelled annoyedly, looking over and shoving Giorno off of him. Wait, Giorno? Why the hell did he hug him like that? Either he was drunk, horny, or both, it was hard to tell this early in the morning.
Giorno heard yelling and backed away. "I sorry-" He played with his plastic slinky a bit more, chewing at his lip.
Leone looked over at the odd apology. "You good?" He looked at the boy's clothes, taking a second to figure out why there was a pacifier clipped to the sleeve of his nightgown. "You're not good." Leone sighed, putting the paper and paperweight back onto the stack and standing up.

"I sorry.." Giorno apologized again, his slinky finding it's way back to his mouth.
Leone walked down the hall and opened the door to Giorno's bedroom. He knew he didn't wear anything under his nightgowns, and needed something for Giorno to chew on that was meant to be chewed on.
Giorno followed and waited at the door, not knowing what Abba was doing.
"Baby, put these on." Leone held out a pair of pink boxers, looking at the little.
Giorno still stood by the doorway, looking at Abba.
Leone shook the boxers in his hand passive aggressively. "I want you to wear these under your nightgown, I know you don't have anything under it."
Giorno nodded and walked up to take the underwear, holding it in his hand as he chewed on his slinky.

Leone sighed and walked to the small bins near the closet. He opened them one at a time, before finding the one with Giorno's pacifiers and chew toys. He picked up a frog shaped necklace and a little fidget slug from another bin.
Giorno made whiny sounds and reached his hands out, keeping the slinky in his mouth.
"Chew on that instead of this." Leone took the slightly wet slinky from the boy, just making a sound of disgust and throwing it down.
Giorno yelled and got down to pick it up. "No throw!" He crawled over to his bins, putting the slinky away where it belonged. He also didn't like chewing on his froggy, since he didn't want to hurt it. He switched it out for a silicone crystal, immediately putting it in his mouth.

Leone rolled his eyes and walked back to the kitchen. He loved all the littles, but he needed this paperwork done. He set the frog paperweight down and took the top paper, clicking his pen.
"Dada.." Giorno whispered from the hallway.
Leone sighed heavily and looked back. "What?" He asked annoyedly, slamming down his pen.
Giorno flinched, holding his large axolotl squishmallow tightly. "N-nuthin.." He looked down.
"No, what do you need?" Leone stood up, walking to the boy and noticing he was holding the pink boxers he gave him.
"It nuthin..." Giorno hid his face and turned around, walking back to his room.
Leone sighed softly. "Baby, c'mere." He followed Giorno into his room.

The blonde sat on his bed and looked up.
"Hey, I don't mean to be angry." Leone got on his knees in front of Giorno. "Daddy's just got a lot of paperwork to do, and he's frustrated with it." He gently placed his hands over Giorno's.
The little nodded, letting out a soft sound.
"Daddy doesn't want to be mean, he's just a little frustrated, okay?" Leone grinned softly. "Now what did you need help with?"
Giorno set his squishmallow down and held out the pink boxers. "I can' get 'em on..."
Leone sighed and nodded. "Do you need a pull-up?" He took the boxers.
"I dunno.." Giorno looked down.
Leone moved to sit up on the bed beside his little. "Can you go to the bathroom by yourself?"
"I dunno.." The boy rubbed his eyes.

Leone bit his lip. "Let's put a pull-up on just in case, okay?" He stood up, tossing the boxers behind him.
"M'kay." Giorno stood and grabbed Archie the Axolotl, grinning and hugging him close. Archie was a gift from Fugo for his birthday, and was the biggest Squishmallow Giorno had.
Leone lead his little to the main bathroom, one that wasn't attached to any bedrooms. That's where they kept things like diapers and pull-ups, in a few different sizes, too. He kneeled down and got one of the smaller sizes, since Giorno was the smallest guy there. He stood with a lightly colored pull-up and held it out. "You know how to put this on?"
Giorno looked up and shook his head.
"Okay, you'll have to set down your stuffie and sit down."
The blonde whined, but did as he was asked, sitting on the edge of the bathtub.

Leone kneeled down and guided Giorno's legs into the holes. He soon stood him up and pulled the pull-up the rest of the way up. "There. You need to.. adjust yourself, or anything?" He stepped back.
Giorno whined a bit and nodded.
"I'll leave you to it, I'm going back out to the kitchen." Leone walked to the door, leaving it cracked open.
When Giorno was done, he picked up his squishmallow again and ran back to the kitchen. "Ada!"
Leone hummed, looking over.
"A-dun!" Giorno giggled.
"All done? Did you turn the light off?" Leone looked back down, trying to forge Bruno's signature.
Giorno ran back and turned off the light and closed the door, then came back and sat baside his daddy. "A-dun." He turned around in his seat to watch Pocoyo on the TV.

"Go get your iPad." Leone suggested.
"Ooooh!" Giorno set down his huge squishmallow and went to get his iPad, bringing it back to the kitchen.
"Turn off the TV." Leone glanced over.
Giorno ran back and turned off the TV, then came back to watch cartoons.
"Do you want a snack or drink?" He asked, knowing damn well that Giorno would make him get up and get him a snack in 5 minutes.
Giorno stood up again and opened the fridge, taking out the chocolate milk.
"Can you pour it yourself?" Leone flipped to another page.
Giorno made a little confused noise, opening the cabinet and getting a glass.
"Ah ah, put that back." Leone snapped his fingers.
Giorno whined and put it back, getting a sippy cup.
"Can you open it?" Leone looked up.
Giorno shook his head, giving his daddy the chocolate milk and sippy.
Leone helped Giorno fill his sippy cup, then put it by his iPad.

Giorno put the milk back, then went to pick up his iPad.
"Do you want some fruit? Veggies?" Leone moved the chocolate milk and iPad away from the edge, bringing a paper closer so he could read it.
Giorno groaned and went back to the fridge, getting himself the bowl of cucumbers. "Aww dun!" He took it back to where his other things were.
"You need a fork to eat your cucumbers." Leone forged Bruno's signature next to Fugo's.
Giorno quickly ran back and got a fork, putting it on the lid of the bowl.
"You want salt?"
Giorno opened the spice cabinet and got the salt shaker, giving it to his daddy when he saw it was empty.
"What do you want me to do about it? Go get the big salt and fill it up."
Giorno whined and got the big container of salt, then opened the salt shaker.
"Be careful." Leone watched Giorno pour the salt, slowly taking the axolotl squishmallow off the counter. "Don't spill any-" He slowly put the squishmallow under the barstool between the legs.
Giorno stuck out his tongue to concentrate, then set down the big container of salt and put it away, then screwed the lid back on to the salt shaker. "Aw! Done!"

Leone grinned. "Then come sit back down." He watched Giorno bring the salt shaker over, then put it back where it was when he was looking somewhere else. "You forgot your salt!"
Giorno groaned and ran back, getting his salt again.
"Wait!" Leone put an arm in front of Giorno, moving all his things back a bit more. "Where's Archie?"
Giorno looked around, then sat down and tried getting Archie out from under his daddy's barstool. "Achie!"
Leone flipped through his papers and read another one, marking and circling a few words.
Giorno groaned loudly when he finally got Archie back, setting him up on the counter. "AW! DONE!"
Leone grinned, knowing that Giorno was just annoyed and not actually upset.
Giorno sat on his barstool and put Archie in his lap, huffing when all of his stuff had been moved to the opposite side of the island. He stood up again and pushed it all back, then went to sit down and finally enjoy his-

"Don't you think you and Archie need a blanket so you don't get cold?" Leone asked, signing one of his last papers.
"No!!" Giorno yelled.
Leone looked over. "Why not?"
"I don' wanna!" He crossed his arms, pouting.
"If you don't want a blanket, then just watch your cartoons."
Giorno huffed. He wanted a blankie, but he was annoyed with having to get everything himself.
Leone let Giorno pout, and eventually saw him get up and go get his blankie. He signed his last paper and looked over. "Do you want a backup snack?" He whispered.
Giorno thought for a second, then nodded, standing up and getting some crackers in case he didn't want his cucumbers anymore. "A-dun." He pulled his blanket up to his lap and opened his iPad case, turning on Pocoyo. He then opened the bowl of cucumbers and salted them, taking a sip of chocolate milk after.

"All done." Leone kissed Giorno's cheek, listening to Pocoyo as he went back through all the papers to double check them.


I mentioned Giorno watching Pocoyo early on, because when I was younger I absolutely LOVED Pocoyo

My favorites were the duck and the sleepy bird, and they still are <33

^ og notes, and I still love Pocoyo. This is also probably one of my favorite chapters I've written, like ever

Chapter 124: Rohan and Josuke💧


A vent because I cant stop hurting myself

Warning for the f slur and some other not great words

Chapter Text

Rohan sobbed into his daddy's chest, his cries becoming more like screams occasionally.
Josuke just held him, knowing that it was all he could do.


Rohan had been severely down recently. Neglecting his creative projects, cleaning, basic hygiene, everything. Josuke noticed how he had been much more irritable, and occasionally violent. He'd heard some of Rohan's screaming breakdowns in his office but never interfered due to.. fear....

Rohan would get frustrated when Josuke didnt have his attention on him. Whether it be pulling attention-seeking stunts, or downright demanding Josuke's eyes on him, Rohan needed Josuke to acknowledge him. Rohan knew his mental state was bad, and that his constant need for validation and attention was a sign of a bigger problem, yet he never took action. He feared rejection and abandonment severely, often getting upset when Josuke would take longer than a couple minutes to reply to his texts. He was becoming obsessive over Josuke. He was jealous when he saw Josuke having a conversation with anyone else. He felt ignored and betrayed when he saw Josuke happy with anyone else.

He did nothing to cope. He had no coping skills, refused help, and only worsened his condition, both intentionally and unintentionally. His internet habits were concerning. He checked every platform for any notifications and almost constantly texted Josuke, even when they were in the same house. Checking and refreshing the notification pages made him feel so ignored and isolated. No posts were receiving attention. He could scream his lungs out and nobody would respond or like it or even see it.


Rohan grabbed Josuke's cheeks roughly. "Stop ignoring me!!"
Josuke looked over, a bit confused. "Baby-" He gently moved Rohan's hands away.
Rohan grabbed both their phones and threw them across the room, before forcing Josuke to lay down.
Josuke took a moment to process everything, incredibly confused.
Rohan laid on Josuke's chest and pulled their blankets up. "Just be with me. Just look at me. I don't want you to think about anyone else. I don't want you ignoring me.." Rohan's words became harsher, being hissed out through gritted teeth. "You're not going to betray me. You're going to stay here and give me attention and not think about anyone else and not ignore me!" He got a bit louder, squeezing Josuke's arms.
Josuke stayed and listened, placing a hand on his love's back.
"You're going to lay with me and love me and give me your attention and not ignore me." Rohan felt his throat tighten and his words become shaky. "Because I'm yours and you never think of anyone else because it's just me and nobody else and you're not going to leave me again." He spoke firmly, looking up.
"Leave..?" Josuke tilted his head.

"You left for work but I know damn well you just talk about me to your friends." Rohan sat up and looked down. "I know you call me stupid and worthless and obsessive." He grabbed Josuke's cheeks. "You tell them how you really feel about me. You call me a fa*ggot. You call me fat. You call-" Rohan had to pause. "You think I'm a whor*. You think I'm ugly." He moved to grab Josuke's shoulders. "You call me a repulsive whor*!" He yelled, shaking Josuke's shoulders a bit. "You know I'm a stupid bitch! I'm hideous! I'm disgusting!! I'm nothing but a stupid fa*ggot to you!!" He screamed at his love as tears began running down his face.
Josuke looked up in utter shock, Rohan's tears and screams breaking his heart. He knew it was bad but... he was just acting delusional....
Rohan screamed and hit his head on Josuke's chest roughly, bringing a pained noise from him.
Josuke sat up and held Rohan tightly, afraid of Rohan hurting himself or Rohan hurting him.

"I'm such a stupid bitch to you." Rohan began calming down as he was held tightly, still sobbing and weakly hitting Josuke's back and chest. "I know you hate me. Everybody hates me.." He cried into Josuke's shirt. "I'm so stupid. I'm a stupid whor*. I'm worth nothing to you. I'm nothing." He wrapped his arms around his neck gently.
Josuke closed his eyes and rocked Rohan, unable to understand how Rohan's delusions had come to be. "Daddy loves you." He pet his hair gently, praying he'd regress.
The words made Rohan let out a desperate scream, his chest tight and his head fuzzy and wet with tears and snot. Rohan sobbed into his daddy's chest, his cries becoming more like screams occasionally.
Josuke just held him, knowing that it was all he could do. "Daddy loves you."
The words forced down all Rohan's negative thoughts, bringing him back to his safe space where everything was more simple and his only want was his daddy's love.
"Daddy loves you." Josuke looked down and kissed Rohan's forehead. "You're safe with daddy."

Rohan let the words sit and melt into his skin, his cries soon becoming quick breaths and coughs.
Josuke pet Rohan's hair and felt him slowly calming. He was thankful he got him to regress. It was the only way he knew how to calm Rohan... That was probably a bad sign, but he genuinely had no clue. Rohan had never been like this before. His chest still hurt from when Rohan hit his head on it, and if he was being honest, he was just glad he got Rohan to a nonviolent state. "You're safe with daddy, sweetheart."
Rohan calmed down as best he could, soon laying down with his daddy. He felt his warmth and listened to his heartbeat. His chest was rising and falling slowly. It was calm...

Chapter 126: Yukako and Koichi💧

Chapter Text

Yukako smiled when Koichi entered her room. "Hi baby!" She set down her journal and ran to hug him.
Koichi looked up sadly, not hugging her back.
"What's wrong..?" Yukako noticed he was upset and looked down, seeing his eyes teary.
Koichi took off his backpack and handed Yukako a paper, beginning to cry softly.
Yukako took it and saw it was a test paper. 24/50..... "Oh, I'm sorry, baby." She set down the paper and gently picked him up.
"Mommy u-upset..?" Koichi rubbed his eyes and held onto his mommy.
Yukako grinned when she realized he was regressed. "Mama's not upset with you, baby." She gently wiped his eyes, taking him to the bed and sitting with him.

Koichi sniffled and just hugged his mama, receiving gentle kisses on his head.
"Mommy knows how hard you tried on that test. I'm not upset." Yukako looked over and set her diary and pen in the floor. "Let's get your paci and a snack." She gently pet his hair.
Koichi nodded and held onto his mommy as she carried him to the kitchen. "S-sis-" He reached out for his sister.
Ayana smiled at her little brother and his caregiver. "Hi." She whispered gently, holding his hand. "I'm going to give Police some more food." She gestured to the dog bowls.
"Byebye.." Koichi waved, rubbing his eyes.
Yukako smiled at her and then set Koichi on the counter. "What snack do you want?"
Koichi just hummed, gasping when Police waddled into the kitchen. "Peese!!"
Yukako laughed and set Koichi down so he could play with the dog, before getting him some applesauce and water. She then went back to set the things in the bedroom.

Koichi giggled and gently pet his old puppy, then gave him a gentle hug and a few kisses. "Bye bye Peese! Bye sissy!" He waved to Police and Ayana as he ran back to the bedroom.
Yukako smiled as Koichi entered and closed the door. "Thank you." She sat on the bed and held her arms out, giggling when Koichi ran up to hug her.
Koichi climbed in bed with Yukako and reached for his applesauce.
"Let me." Yukako sat beside her little and opened the container for him, then got a spoonful for him.
Koichi leaned on his mommy and ate his applesauce contently. "Thank you.."
"You're welcome, my sweet boy." Yukako smiled and kissed his cheek.

Chapter 128: Giorno and Leone💧


I dont even think i know how to write anymore

Chapter Text

"There's not really a point.." Giorno looked down. "Sure you can accomplish cool things or get money or have relationships but there's not much use. Maybe you'll get put in a history textbook a hundred years later if you're really good at something, but that's it."
Leone looked over at the child, not expecting him to say anything like that.
Mista looked up. "That's the point! You just.. live! You live and do everything you can and be as happy as you can, while you can."
"Yeah but then you just die. What even happens after death? Heaven? Hell? Reincarnation? Nothing?" Giorno shrugged, looking down at his plate and moving his food around a bit.
"It depends on your personal beliefs." Fugo picked up a napkin. "Whatever you think is there, is there." He shrugged.
"That's just another interpretation. What is there?" Giorno stared more intensely.

"I like to think we're reincarnated." Bruno glanced up, picking up his glass.
"Dude it would be so cool to be reincarnated as like a dragon or something-" Narancia thought with a smile.
"Dragons aren't real." Fugo shot down his dream.
Giorno tuned out their conversation as it transitioned to one of mythical creatures. He wanted to talk about death. He had been thinking about it a lot and was having thoughts that would land him in a hospital if ever spoken. He wished he could have an answer, the ability to know for sure if he wanted the afterlife or not. If there even was one.


Bruno looked up at the odd question. "I'm not fond of it-"
Mista sighed and slouched down. "Do you only talk about death?" He looked to Giorno.
"Why would that even be a question you'd ask?" Leone looked at him as well, a bit concerned as to why a 15-year-old would so openly ask about suicide.
Giorno shrugged. "I just don't understand why.. we're alive." He looked down.
The other three looked at each other knowingly, then didn't respond, the room going quiet for the rest of the night.


Leone knocked gently on Giorno's door.
"Yeah?" Giorno asked, the sound of moving stuff around apparent.
"Can I come in?" Leone asked, his hand on the doorknob.
"Yeah." Giorno repeated with a different tone, sitting up in his bed.
Leone opened the door and closed it behind himself as he went to sit on the chair by Giorno's desk. "Are you suicidal?" He asked plainly, not fond of wasting time.
Giorno shook his head. "No."
"You've been talking about it a lot and sounding awfully hopeless." Leone looked over, feeling genuine concern for the kid he was so frequently tough on.
"I'm not an active threat to myself or anything, I'm not actually gonna do it. I just wouldn't really be upset if something happened or I randomly died." Giorno leaned back, not having looked towards Leone even once.

"It's a relief to know you dont have a plan or anything, but not wanting to exist can turn into that." Leone looked over sadly. "Has anyone else talked to you about it? Not wanting to exist?"
Giorno shook his head. "I would talk to Bucciarati but I don't want to be sent to a hospital. Talking about it just seems really.. guilt-trippy, too."
"How?" Leone looked around a bit.
"I mean, telling someone you don't want to be alive is just.. a guilt trip. Making them feel bad for you." Giorno looked over, moving a couple water bottles so they could see each other better.
"If it's a cry for help it's not a guilt trip. Guilt trips are when you say that with the intent to manipulate people."
Giorno scoffed a bit. "I'd rather just keep it all inside. I've ended up manipulating people more times than I can count. I think I'm doing it to you, too."

"You think?" Leone grinned a bit. "Either you are or you aren't. How'd you "end up" manipulating people?" He crossed his arms, a incredibly curious.
"I don't know... I just.." Giorno went quiet and looked back down. "I did something wrong and they just.... One thing and it snowballs and then I say sorry over and over and over and then I'm manipulating them. I'm pretending to cry and begging them to stay and.. it just....."
Leone stayed quiet for a moment, knowing Giorno was getting a bit upset.
"I'm doing it with you, too. I'm just gonna get close, then get too attached and then f*ck up and do everything I can to keep you but I'm just pretending to care and acting like a terrible person...."
Leone stood up and was immediately met with an apology from Giorno.
"I'm sorry!" Giorno looked up, having begun to tear up. "I'm doing it again-" He held his head in his hands and made a frustrated sound.

Leone sat on the bed. "You're not doing anything wrong." He spoke gently.
"I'm literally manipulating you, I'm getting you to feel bad so I can just- emotionally abuse you or something-" Giorno held his hands up.
"Do you want to manipulate me?" Leone asked, receiving a head shake. "Are you faking your emotions and stories for pity?" He got another one. "Then you're not manipulating me."
Giorno stared up at him. "But you don't- you don't know that."
"You're not manipulating me, you're just having emotions." Leone shrugged. "Besides, people your age are terrible at lying. Even if you were trying to manipulate me it'd be painfully obvious."
Giorno sighed shakily and looked down.
Leone stayed quiet for a moment, before speaking again. "You said something about getting attached then f*cking up?" He looked at the dark carpet.

"It's happened a lot." Giorno admitted. "I just.. become.. reliant on them. Then they just get distant and I get desperate and they leave with a huge bang." He hugged his knees and hid his face.
"Your parents weren't there for you as a kid, were they?" Leone looked over, not getting a response for a bit.
Giorno eventually shook his head. "No, they were there."
"They were there, but were they really there?" Leone asked, soon seeing Giorno shake his head. "That was me with my dad. I remember as a teenager and even when I was older, getting attached and being dependent on certain people."
Giorno looked up, interested that someone else had gone through what he had.
"I don't know if this would help you, but.." He shrugged, looking away. "Bruno.. introduced me to age regression. You kinda just... let yourself act like a baby, toddler, kid, whatever, and it just.. helps. He would take care of me when I did-" He felt his lip twitch a bit, trying not to cry.

"That's... weird." Giorno looked up, thinking for a bit.
"I know, but I just thought I'd mention it and see if it would maybe help you." Leone shrugged. "It's like living your childhood again, but better and healthier. Where my dad wasn't, Bruno was... I-I don't know if he'd still be up for caring for you or not, I haven't asked- It's been a few years." Leone sighed deeply.
Giorno nodded. "Could you? Maybe? You're just the oldest and I don't think anyone else would be open to it..."
"Me? Do what?" Leone looked over.
"Do what Bruno did with you..? And you can teach me how to age regress.." Giorno looked up to him.
Leone shrugged. "I don't know. I don't know if I'm stable enough or- or I don't know if it would help with your hopelessness or not wanting to live..."
"If it makes me feel loved and cared for then it might just completely fix me." Giorno chuckled. "If you're not up for that then I can ask Bucciarati-"
Leone nodded. "I want to at least try, but I think it would be good to ask Bruno. Just in case I can't."
Giorno nodded in agreement.

The two stayed quiet for a bit, before Giorno spoke again. "So.. how do I do it?"
Leone thought for a bit. "I.. don't know. Maybe uhh..." He thought, looking around. "What kind of toys or clothes or food do you like? Anything you love but don't get because it's too "childish" or whatever."
"I like those little applesauce packets." Giorno made a gesture with his hand. "Narancia usually tells me I'm like a toddler when I eat them, though..."
Leone nodded. "We can get one of those. What about an age? Do you think you'd like being more like a baby or toddler or older?"
"Umm-" Giorno looked away.
"If you don't know, that's okay. You can change ages and figure out what's comfortable." Leone moved a bit closer and held Giorno's hand. "There aren't any rules or anything, I just think a starting point would be good." He grinned. "All that matters is that you feel safe. Safe and loved."

Giorno nodded, but stayed quiet.
"If you want to try another time, it's okay. Just know I'll be here." Leone stood up, not wanting to pressure the kid or make things worse.
Giorno looked up, wanting Leone to stay but not wanting to seem annoying or needy.
Leone looked down, waiting for a response. "Do you want to try another day?"
Giorno shook his head.
Leone nodded, sitting back down. "I really don't know how to help you regress. You just have to let yourself... be needy. Just try expressing your wants and needs as they come. A big thing for me was my fear of annoying Bruno, or the fear of him abandoning me because I was "too much". That kind of stuff goes away with time when you get more comfortable with it and the other person."

"I think I'm afraid of that, too." Giorno chuckled nervously.
"I wouldn't dare hurt or abandon you." Leone spoke firmly. "I know I can't make you believe that immediately, but..." He shrugged. "I guess for now, just think of something you want or need, and ask me for it."
Giorno looked down and thought, feeling an empty hole in his chest. He then looked up and spoke quietly. "Hug..?"
Leone stood and bent down to give Giorno a tight yet gentle hug. "Do you want to go get a snack or drink?"
Giorno held onto Leone and nodded.
Leone smiled, letting Giorno hold him. "Do you need carried or can you walk?"
"I can walk.." Giorno pulled away, a bit embarrassed.
Leone nodded and let Giorno stand up, before holding his hand and going to the kitchen with him.

Giorno oddly enjoyed the hand holding, soon being given an applesauce pouch from the fridge.
"Do you need a drink or something else?" Leone asked, honestly excited to be caring for a little.
"Umm..." Giorno looked down, feeling it a bit harder than usual to speak.
Leone waited patiently, still holding one of Giorno's hands.
Giorno shook his head, then moved his arms a bit to ask for a hug.
"Are we okay to back to your room now?" Leone didn't notice his gesture.
Giorno nodded and held his arms up, just wanting carried. He was feeling beyond guilty for bothering Leone so much, but he just trusted that it would help.
"You want carried?" Leone asked, receiving another nod and gently picking up the small 15-year-old.

Giorno made a soft sound, before accidentally dropping his applesauce pouch and panicking. He f*cked up. He was in the most unsafe position, right by Leone in such an easy spot to hit...
Leone noticed the fallen pouch and heard Giorno begin crying. He sat on the floor and gave Giorno the applesauce back, noticing how he was panicking more than crying. "It's okay." He spoke gently and softly, petting his hair like Bruno always did with him.
Giorno shook and closed his eyes, his guilt forcing its way back up and his fear of being hit or abandoned sending off loud alarms in his head.
"Shh, shh, it's okay baby." Leone cooed, giving Giorno gentle kisses until he realized he was okay.
Giorno slowly calmed as his mistake was met with gentleness and understanding, rather than yelling and hitting.

"There's my baby." Leone smiled, cupping Giorno's cheek gently.
Giorno made a couple nonsensical sounds and babbles, feeling oddly safe.
Leone picked Giorno back up and got a tissue to wipe his nose and eyes. "There we go." He held him so his head was on his shoulder, rubbing his back. "You're alright, sweet baby."
Giorno calmed down fairly quickly compared to his usual breakdowns, holding onto Leone and letting himself be carried back to his room.
Leone set Giorno back down on his bed and smiled. "Do you need me to open your applesauce?"
Giorno nodded and held up the pouch, before pulling his blankets up and taking it back when it was open.
Leone smiled and pet Giorno's hair as he ate. "I'll ask Bruno about being your other caregiver tomorrow." He glanced at the clock, seeing it was almost 5AM. "You can finish your snack, then go to sleep, okay?"

Giorno hummed and yawned, not taking long to eat all of his applesauce and be given a goodnight kiss. He wanted Leone to stay with him, though, so Leone just sat by the bed and held his hand.

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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

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Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.