User manual Dual MXD337BT (English (2025)

Dual radios ·

7.5 · 1

PDF manual · 22 pages English

Dual MXD337BT


AM/FM Marine Receiver with Bluetooth and Fixed Face



View the manual for the Dual MXD337BT here, for free. This manual comes under the category radios and has been rated by 1 people with an average of a 7.5. This manual is available in the following languages: English. Do you have a question about the Dual MXD337BT or do you need help?Ask your question here


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User manual Dual MXD337BT (English (3)

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Mary Margaret RaySeptember 3, 2023

My Bluetooth won’t pair. What could be wrong?

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John DeVine July 15, 2023

What is the default pairing pin

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Rickey Schexnayder June 11, 2023

How do I get all my speakers working only the back is working from will not work

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User manual Dual MXD337BT (English (4)

User manual Dual MXD337BT (English (5)

Dual MXD337BT specifications

Below you will find the product specifications and the manual specifications of the Dual MXD337BT.

The Dual MXD337BT is a radio model that is commonly used in vehicles in the United States. It is designed to provide a seamless audio experience for drivers and passengers. This radio model features Bluetooth connectivity, allowing users to easily connect their smartphones and other devices to the radio for hands-free calling and audio streaming.With a user-friendly interface, the Dual MXD337BT offers easy navigation and control of various features. The radio includes a built-in microphone for improved call clarity, ensuring that drivers can communicate safely while on the road.The Dual MXD337BT radio also includes a variety of audio settings and features to optimize sound quality. Users can adjust the bass, treble, and balance settings to tailor the audio output to their preferences. The radio also includes preset equalizer settings for different music genres, providing a convenient option for enhancing the listening experience.In addition to its audio capabilities, the Dual MXD337BT radio includes a CD player and AM/FM tuner. This allows users to enjoy their favorite CDs or listen to their preferred radio stations while on the go.Overall, the Dual MXD337BT is a reliable and versatile radio model that offers a range of features for an improved in-vehicle audio experience. With its Bluetooth connectivity, user-friendly interface, and adjustable audio settings, it provides drivers and passengers with the ability to enjoy their favorite music and make hands-free calls while on the road.

FiletypeUser manual (PDF)

Frequently Asked Questions

Can't find the answer to your question in the manual? You may find the answer to your question in the FAQs about the Dual MXD337BT below.

What is the difference between FM and AM?

FM stands for Frequency Modulation and AM stands for Amplitude Modulation. The biggest difference between FM radio stations compared to AM radio stations is the sound quality.

When is my volume too loud?

A volume above 80 decibels can be harmful to hearing. When the volume exceeds 120 decibels, direct damage can even occur. The chance of hearing damage depends on the listening frequency and duration.

How can I best clean my radio?

A slightly damp cleaning cloth or soft, dust-free cloth works best to remove fingerprints. Dust in hard-to-reach places is best removed with compressed air.

What is bluetooth?

Bluetooth is a way of exchanging data wirelessly between electronic devices via radio waves. The distance between the two devices that exchange data can in most cases be no more than ten metres.

How do I change the radio station on the Dual MXD337BT?

To change the radio station on the Dual MXD337BT, simply press the "Tune" button and use the up and down arrows to scroll through the available stations. Once you've found the desired station, press the "Select" button to tune in.

How can I adjust the audio settings on the Dual MXD337BT?

To adjust the audio settings on the Dual MXD337BT, press the "Audio" button on the control panel. From there, you can access options such as bass, treble, balance, fader, and EQ settings. Use the corresponding buttons or knobs to make the desired adjustments.

Is it possible to connect my smartphone to the Dual MXD337BT via Bluetooth?

Yes, the Dual MXD337BT is equipped with Bluetooth capabilities. To connect your smartphone, go to the Bluetooth settings on your phone and search for available devices. Select the Dual MXD337BT from the list and follow the on-screen prompts to complete the pairing process.

How do I set the clock on the Dual MXD337BT?

Setting the clock on the Dual MXD337BT is straightforward. Press and hold the "Menu" button until the main menu appears. Use the up and down arrows to navigate to the "Settings" option, then press "Select." Within the settings menu, locate the "Clock" option and select it. You can then adjust the hours and minutes using the corresponding buttons or knobs.

Can I listen to CDs on the Dual MXD337BT? If so, how do I insert and play a CD?

Yes, the Dual MXD337BT has a built-in CD player. To insert and play a CD, locate the CD slot on the front of the unit and gently push the disc into it. The display will show that the CD is being loaded, and once loaded, it will automatically start playing. Use the playback controls, such as Play, Pause, Next, and Previous, to control the CD playback.

Is the manual of the Dual MXD337BT available in English?

Yes, the manual of the Dual MXD337BT is available in English .

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User manual Dual MXD337BT (English (2025)


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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Views: 5980

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (79 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

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Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.