West Edmonton Mall suspect added to Canada's Most Wanted list after 2023 shooting (2025)

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West Edmonton Mall suspect added to Canada's Most Wanted list after 2023 shooting (1)

Canadian Press

Published Dec 04, 20241 minute read

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EDMONTON — Police are looking for a suspect in a shooting that injured three people and caused an hours-long lockdown at West Edmonton Mall last year.

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West Edmonton Mall suspect added to Canada's Most Wanted list after 2023 shooting (2)

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Officers responded in August 2023 to an exchange of gunfire between two groups in the mall parkade, and police say it was targeted.

Three men involved in the shooting were hurt.

Police say a Canada-wide warrant was been issued for Leron Andrew John on several firearms charges.

The 24-year-old has been added to Canada’s 25 Most Wanted list compiled by BOLO, a federal program that helps police find suspects.

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West Edmonton Mall suspect added to Canada's Most Wanted list after 2023 shooting (4)


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Police say he has ties to Edmonton and the Northwest Territories, where he’s wanted on more firearms and drug charges.

“Our Firearms Investigations Unit officers are working with the BOLO program to help locate Leron John for his role in a brazen outdoor shooting that took place at one of the world’s busiest shopping malls during daylight hours,” Staff Sgt. Eric Stewart, with the Edmonton police guns and gangs unit, said in a news release.

“Numerous civilian vehicles were struck, a stray bullet travelled five blocks and struck a parked vehicle in a residential area near playgrounds and a school, and this shooting event was the catalyst for a lockdown event at West Edmonton Mall that caused people to have to shelter in place for hours while a police tactical unit cleared the facility.”

This report by The Canadian Press was first published on Dec. 4, 2024.

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